Another woman murdered on our streets.

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UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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You think a thread titled another women murdered on our streets should be persuaded to get women to understand men?
Unlike you and a few others ,male & female , i happen to consider that in order to stop males from beating up females they need to learn a bit more about males ! A simple diagnosis might reveal the type of male a woman decides to shack up with before he gets really violent towards her .
Do you honestly think there is a better way to prevent males from being violent to their female partner?.
I know plenty of females ,over the years ,who are really nice ,decent girls but they seem to prefer a mate who is "brutish" anyway .Enjoys a good scrap , beats up other men . Eventually ,as their relationship ages ,they start to beat up the female partner ! My advice ,don`t choose your male partner for his muscles :)


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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So you're saying only single women wear revealing clothes dear god you aren't reet in the head if you think that I'm sure alot of women do not just married ones you're just not reet in the head !

Younger women look more attractive in revealing clothes than older women ,fact i should think ?. If you`re a Geordie then i can see where your comments come from.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Unlike you and a few others ,male & female , i happen to consider that in order to stop males from beating up females they need to learn a bit more about males ! A simple diagnosis might reveal the type of male a woman decides to shack up with before he gets really violent towards her .
Do you honestly think there is a better way to prevent males from being violent to their female partner?.
I know plenty of females ,over the years ,who are really nice ,decent girls but they seem to prefer a mate who is "brutish" anyway .Enjoys a good scrap , beats up other men . Eventually ,as their relationship ages ,they start to beat up the female partner ! My advice ,don`t choose your male partner for his muscles :)
Hell's. I live on 15 Acres of land. You can come and camp in one of my fields. |For free.|

Let's see.


UKChat Expert
Sep 8, 2020
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Oh my f***ing god! I don't even know where to start ranting- what one do I reply to first?!?!
You better be ready, Hells- once I've done what I have to do for the evening, you're getting both barrels.....

I just don’t have the energy - please throw in NAMALT xxxx


Although its right to say that women who go out at night to party /get drunk etc and are wearing scanty clothes are not "asking" to be raped or murdered it`s obvious ,from all the assaults taking place now ,that the way they dress ,in some mad mans eyes ,is an invite .
Out of interest ,did that latest victim in the park get raped ?. If so then no need to look for a reason .If not then why were they murdered ?.Security cameras in all parks might help a little bit if they cover the whole park area.
Something definitely needs to be done to stop this attacks on women . Throw more money at a cure imo.
So, what you're saying is that while a woman is not vocally asking to be raped, she implies she wants to be violated by choosing to wear certain clothes? Is that right, Hells? CLOTHES ARE NOT AN INVITATION TO BE RAPED, TOUCHED OR VIOLATED- let's get that straight. In fact, nakedness or lack of clothes is also NOT an invitation to be raped, touched or violated.
Clothes are pieces of fabric- they are NOT 'invitations' or subliminal messages by any means and any man who views them in that way needs to check himself.

The actions of the individual belong to the individual. If a man uses the 'her clothes were an invite' excuse for rape, he possesses less humanity than an unevolved animal.


I have found ,over time ,that there are just some families who pass on the "gang fight " to their children and cousins etc ,maybe it`s a genetic thing. If so then this should have been found out in prisons by Pyschologists and something done to stop them from producing any more thugs !

Heaven help this poor man! How on earth did you get this far in life, Hells? Really- this age in your life and you know nothing about humans!

You need to read up a little on the Nature vs Nurture theories of psychology; however, beware of frying those few brain cells you have there.

I began to try and formulate an argument for this, but the phrase that keeps popping into my mind is 'You can't argue with stupid' and that fits perfectly here.
Nevertheless, fyi, Hells- they do have psychologists in prisons.


Do you want to explain why most women ( who have the shape) dress in scanty clothing ,when they go out ? You must think it`s just to make themselves feel good ? fek off !! they dress to kill cause they want to hook some male who is just like me ! attracted to a pretty face or pretty legs or something . It`s this which persuaded the Taliban and other religions in that region to make women cover up !!
You poor suckers.
When the women in chatrooms do not reply to me "hello" then i may have to rethink my theory.
Young women today are no different to young women of my day .Only thing is they wear less !! Look around and tell me i`m wrong .
Cretin inded ! hahaha foolish woman .

You seem to have the idea that the aim of a woman's actions is to please or attract attention from men. Perhaps this is because you have a hard time comprehending that we don't have sex or the regularity of it as the number one achievement in our lives.
Don't judge others on how you perceive the world or how you feel. Just because your focus in life is getting your rocks off and getting off on female attention, it doesn't mean that everyone else thinks that way.

Women dress up to feel good- it's an art. Yes- to be appreciated, but not by men- by everyone, men and women alike. Women dress up to suit the occasion, to fit in, to feel present the situation/event (e.g. a certain suit for a professional meeting). We choose our clothes to show off our individuality- show a part of our personality. Sometimes, we dress up because we feel good about our body- WE FEEL- not for you to feel.

We DO NOT dress up in the hope that a bloke will want to rape us.


I think this thread should be persuaded to get women to understand men ,not the other way ! My words are not aimed at the women who are already tied( married ,partnered) but the ones who are still on "the lookout". It`s about time us real males were treated as equals ,females already have 50 years of laws behind them to give them a better life
How about some of you "females" who have been illtreated by husbands /b.friends write in here exactly what happened to get them treated that way ?.

Oh dear f***ing god, what planet do you live on?!

About time men were treated as equals? Are you kidding? You must be! I'm repeating old rambles replying to this!

Men have controlled and dominated, not only through the law but in every other aspect of life for thousands of years; Women finally get equal rights, etc, after nearly a century of fighting for them and you're now moaning that you want equal rights? MEN STILL RULE THE BLOODY WORLD, STILL BELIEVE THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONTROL WOMEN AND YOU'RE MOANING ABOUT MEN BEING TREATED AS EQUAL?
Please crawl back under the rock in which you crawled from under- the scum under there is missing you.

Again, I will repeat- women have better things to do than 'be on the lookout' for a man to supposedly save them. Is that what you lot are p!ssed about now-a-days? Rise of the incell because the penis' are feeling a bit useless?
I mean, we can earn our own money, own property, put up our own shelves, drive AND we can order Ann Summers, if we're wondering what uses a relationship has. But you lot- poor old chaps- you lose all your mental faculties at the sight of flesh.

I can see why you would want to be equal to us- women are pretty great- but it's a high ladder to climb and until you lot start taking responsibility for your actions, you'll never get there.

And for your last question- so what in your small-minded, inexperienced world warrants a man to mistreat a woman? Not do everything he tells her to? Dress in a way he didn't like? I repeat- the actions of the individual are the responsibility of the individual. If he was a c**t, he was a c**nt- no woman's interference necessary.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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So, what you're saying is that while a woman is not vocally asking to be raped, she implies she wants to be violated by choosing to wear certain clothes? Is that right, Hells? CLOTHES ARE NOT AN INVITATION TO BE RAPED, TOUCHED OR VIOLATED- let's get that straight. In fact, nakedness or lack of clothes is also NOT an invitation to be raped, touched or violated.
Clothes are pieces of fabric- they are NOT 'invitations' or subliminal messages by any means and any man who views them in that way needs to check himself.

The actions of the individual belong to the individual. If a man uses the 'her clothes were an invite' excuse for rape, he possesses less humanity than an unevolved animal.

What a pathetic statement to make from one who pertains to be "intelligent ".You have not read where i suggest that men find women attractive by looks alone initially ,you think i mean what you said i do ?.
Barking up the wrong tree mate . You OBVIOSLY have no concept as to how the male brain works or you wouldn`t write as you do.
Let me try to simplify things for you ...
Man ( looking at a female ) " sex !" ...not " oooer cook " or "Ohhyes ,a cleaner" or "woman ,a chauffeur" .
Are you any wiser or are my words confusing you ? This thread is titled about a woman who has been "murdered " as yet nobody seems to know if she was subjected to a beating or raped or even sexually assaulted .
Learn on .


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Oh dear f***ing god, what planet do you live on?!

About time men were treated as equals? Are you kidding? You must be! I'm repeating old rambles replying to this!

Men have controlled and dominated, not only through the law but in every other aspect of life for thousands of years; Women finally get equal rights, etc, after nearly a century of fighting for them and you're now moaning that you want equal rights? MEN STILL RULE THE BLOODY WORLD, STILL BELIEVE THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CONTROL WOMEN AND YOU'RE MOANING ABOUT MEN BEING TREATED AS EQUAL?
Please crawl back under the rock in which you crawled from under- the scum under there is missing you.

Again, I will repeat- women have better things to do than 'be on the lookout' for a man to supposedly save them. Is that what you lot are p!ssed about now-a-days? Rise of the incell because the penis' are feeling a bit useless?
I mean, we can earn our own money, own property, put up our own shelves, drive AND we can order Ann Summers, if we're wondering what uses a relationship has. But you lot- poor old chaps- you lose all your mental faculties at the sight of flesh.

I can see why you would want to be equal to us- women are pretty great- but it's a high ladder to climb and until you lot start taking responsibility for your actions, you'll never get there.

And for your last question- so what in your small-minded, inexperienced world warrants a man to mistreat a woman? Not do everything he tells her to? Dress in a way he didn't like? I repeat- the actions of the individual are the responsibility of the individual. If he was a c**t, he was a c**nt- no woman's interference necessary.

Many thanks for that load of utter bollox lady !!


❤️chat b1tch❤️
Mar 16, 2020
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I wonder how many more men agree with pervys opinions


What a pathetic statement to make from one who pertains to be "intelligent ".You have not read where i suggest that men find women attractive by looks alone initially ,you think i mean what you said i do ?.
Barking up the wrong tree mate . You OBVIOSLY have no concept as to how the male brain works or you wouldn`t write as you do.
Let me try to simplify things for you ...
Man ( looking at a female ) " sex !" ...not " oooer cook " or "Ohhyes ,a cleaner" or "woman ,a chauffeur" .
Are you any wiser or are my words confusing you ? This thread is titled about a woman who has been "murdered " as yet nobody seems to know if she was subjected to a beating or raped or even sexually assaulted .
Learn on .
Firstly, you were the one obsessed earlier on in the thread about whether she raped or sexually assaulted. YOU were the one obsessed with that and I was replying to YOUR posts.

Secondly, against you, I AM intelligent- that's evident. You write as if you barely made it out of high school and have the attitudes of someone who hasn't matured past his late 20's. Intelligence is about attitude and yours towards women is juvenile.

Thirdly, if all a man thinks of is sex when he looks at woman, perhaps he should not be allowed out in public, without supervision. If you are saying that men cannot control their own thoughts, then there's something wrong with the male brain. Either it hasn't evolved past a primal human stage or it is innately, mentally ill. So, which is it?


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Firstly, you were the one obsessed earlier on in the thread about whether she raped or sexually assaulted. YOU were the one obsessed with that and I was replying to YOUR posts.

Secondly, against you, I AM intelligent- that's evident. You write as if you barely made it out of high school and have the attitudes of someone who hasn't matured past his late 20's. Intelligence is about attitude and yours towards women is juvenile.

Thirdly, if all a man thinks of is sex when he looks at woman, perhaps he should not be allowed out in public, without supervision. If you are saying that men cannot control their own thoughts, then there's something wrong with the male brain. Either it hasn't evolved past a primal human stage or it is innately, mentally ill. So, which is it?
Are you prepared ,as a woman (?) to state that any mature female should be able to walk down a modern street naked and that no males should even glance her way without sexual feelings ?
if so then your words on this thread are totally useless and you must have been raised in a Nunnery !


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Firstly, you were the one obsessed earlier on in the thread about whether she raped or sexually assaulted. YOU were the one obsessed with that and I was replying to YOUR posts.

Secondly, against you, I AM intelligent- that's evident. You write as if you barely made it out of high school and have the attitudes of someone who hasn't matured past his late 20's. Intelligence is about attitude and yours towards women is juvenile.

Thirdly, if all a man thinks of is sex when he looks at woman, perhaps he should not be allowed out in public, without supervision. If you are saying that men cannot control their own thoughts, then there's something wrong with the male brain. Either it hasn't evolved past a primal human stage or it is innately, mentally ill. So, which is it?

You stupid stupid woman ( or excuse for one !). Why do you think men and women were put on the earth ? I`ll wait to see if you know the answer !
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