Conspiracy Theory Addiction Is Real


UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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Speaking of Covid jabs, a popular consp-theory is that the Dark Controlling Powers know it's dangerous, but they want to wipe out as much as the human race as possible.
Problem with that theory is that if the DCP's succeeded in drastically reducing world population, what'd be in it for them?
I mean, there'd be less people to tax and less people to buy consumer products from their companies etc..:)


UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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Maybe you need to start at the beginning. Google, or preferably some other search engine, and look up the WEF, start there.

I was hoping for a brief reply from you or anybody else in your own words, rather than be shunted off to google to do your talking for you, take it as a compliment..:)


UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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Regarding Covid jabs, another consp-theory is that it turns people into easily-controlled wacko puppets.
That could explain why half of America went nuts and voted for sleepy Joe Biden instead of iron man Trump..:)
How about it Norm?



UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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Dunno bout the White House, but sleepy Joe would be more at home in this one..:)-



UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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Another consp-theory doing the rounds is that Jesus never delivered the sermon on the mount and that it was somebody else.
Huh, I suppose they think Mary Poppins delivered it..:)
Oh wait, this startling image has just emerged!-



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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A man who thinks COVID-19 is a hoax and that masks are completely pointless and nothing more than a badge for the gullible, still believes the CIA is reading his thoughts and only his tinfoil hat can protect him.

Stu Pidkhunt, a full-time conspiracy theorist from Swindon, maintains that Coronavirus does not, in fact, exist and was simultaneously created in a lab by a shadowy cabal of billionaires to control world markets.

Speaking from his sound-proofed ‘information centre’ in his back bedroom, Mr Pidkhnut blogged, “I mean sure, you can make anything look convincing if you use scientific methodology confirmed by multiple independent research bodies.

“But remember this; that’s what they want you to think. As an experienced conspiriologist, I would remind you that you can use that maxim to counter any rational or considered argument.

“Covid-19 is a completely fictitious disease invented, to boost pharmaceutical sales and as such any true patriot would
refuse to wear a mask like the mindless sheep following the MSM narrative. Well, unless the mask was a Guy Fawkes one, maybe.

“On the other hand, the risk of having your brain ‘hacked’ by one of the many three-letter agencies that has perfected brain-hacking technology is a very real threat. Microwaves were invented by the CIA in the 1940s to read people’s brain waves, I’m sure you all know that already.

“The foil in my headgear blocks the beams, it’s the only thing that can. That’s why in all these years the CIA has never successfully read the mind of a Chinese takeaway.”



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Let's understand that being a 'conspiracy theorist' simply means you have keen observation and pattern-recognition skills, allowing you to easily detect untruths and inconsistencies. On the other hand, the those who blindly accept mainstream media narrative tend to be of lower intelligence, and are lacking in these traits ('imbeciles' is the proper term for these people).

100% agree, just like those bloody annoying PhD educated scientists, who have spent decade upon decade, learning their craft and refining it, through lifelong learning and specialists in their chosen field.

What would they know, huh?

Then you have the average conspiracy theorist, a single grain of sand on a beach, and who recently googled "I accidentally turned my smartphone off yesterday, and today I can't get it to work, should I turn it back on?" :rolleyes:


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Believe it or not, I still believe that the COVID-19 test is going to tell me whether or not I have covid even though the CDC has stated that it will not. What's wrong with me?
Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.” — The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention

Why don't you believe them? Did they do something to justify your mistrust of them?

Or, have you decided that, since you don't like what they said there, you'll simply refuse to acknowledge it in hopes that it will go away. But it won't go away. You might as well come clean with the real reason you take a test that doesn't work. Maybe you have a friend who can come to your rescue with proof that the CDC didn't say what they said.

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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Woman who believes thing above her bed catches bad dreams also believes vaccines don't work.

Krayze Beech, 35, insisted that having done lots of research based on 20 minutes of reading posts by supposed health professional @flikmybean69 on Twitter. Has decided that the Covid-19 jab is too much of a risk for her own children.

Krayze has defended her decision not to vaccinate her children due to made-up fears, and insists she sleeps ‘fine at night thank you very much’ due to the anti-virus dream catcher which she hangs above her bed.

This sound non-scientific reasoning is also behind her decision to hang a dream catcher above her bed.

Despite criticism of her position, which is based on roundly debunked science and mystical woo-woo, she told us, “Well, you might disagree, but my kids aren’t going to catch any disease because of the power of the dream catcher and I haven’t had a nightmare in months. So checkmate scientists.''

''The dream catcher has sparkly mirrors so it reflects all badshit and viruses into space''. simpered Krayze.

“Why would I make big-pharma even richer? When I can make richer those who sell dream catchers, sage sticks and other new-age rubbish. You gullible people make me laugh.”

Facebook friends of Fiona admitted she’s actually quite normal if you meet her in real life, but once on the Internet, she turns into a gullible simpleton who’ll believe anything if you put it in a meme and imply the truth is being hidden from you because of some deep conspiracy by the globalist elites.

“That’s when it all goes a bit wrong,” one told us.

“You’d never guess from a conversation at the school gates about the weather that she secretly believes David Icke is the second coming and that chemtrails are a plot to give us all mind-control drugs.

“And no, none of us invite her kids to our birthday parties.”

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UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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PART FORTY--The poster who believes that an experimental injection catches bad virus also believes that a test that the CDC has said won't tell you what you want to know will nevertheless tell you what you want to know.

Let's put your perspective into the proper light. You believe that the experimental injection reflects viruses to . . . somewhere even though they do no such thing. The only difference between you and the woman you talk about in your post is that you believe that your dreamcatcher is injectable.

On a related note, why don't you believe the CDC when they said that the test won't tell you whether or not you have covid? What's up with that?
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