Conspiracy Theory Addiction Is Real


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Mummy all the EXPERTS from REAL sources that disagree with me are in a global conspiracy with Bill Gates, big tech mummy, big tech, all their content is corrupt I tell you mummy.

Mummy, will you pay my subscription to Substack? :D


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Mummy ALL scientists are corrupt, ALL politicians are corrupt and mummy, ALL doctors are corrupt. I told you all this three years ago, mummy. Don't you feel embarrassed now that the scam site Substack has proven me right and you wrong mummy?

Mummy, not the cellar again... pleaseeeeee mummmmmmmmmmmmy noooooo. :D


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Cabbage, who repeatedly types "you attack the site, not the source" after spending three years + telling us everyone else is corrupt on the entire planet except for him.


Edited to say not only him, but also Infowars and Substack.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Unfortunately, it thinks . . .
Yup. That was when you realized you were licked, huh?

Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.” — The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention

Your whole silly show falls apart if you acknowledge what the CDC said there, won't it? And that's why you'll remain silent. But everyone sees you dodging this, so . . .


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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After countless forum postings the bullshit you’ve read on Infowars/substack
Unfortunately it thinks it is a smart arse, but this one is now dredging the very bottom of the swamp, and there really is nowhere else for it to go from here. From the white supremacist conspiracy theory site Infowars to the scam conspiracy theory site Substack. Substack describes itself as "a tool for publishing newsletters". It's the Uber of online publication websites, just as Uber claim drivers are not the core of its business model, Substack claims writers are not core to theirs and just like Uber it also claims that it's only an 'App'.

The same exploitative and corrupt "corporatism" the OP has whined about for 3 years and counting in over 10,000 posts. Substack lures in hungry 'Joe Blogg' who wants to put food on the table for his children, claiming that he will make a very good living from subscriptions on the platform. But, when in fact it already has employed a "secret" cartel of anonymous "newsletter writers" and who are already earning large six figure sums from advances based on potential future subscriptions.

It is in fact an editorial policy to choose who gets advances or not, anonymous, sly, and clearly not an App. 'Joe Blogg' continuously feeds Substack with the bulk of its content for a pittance because he is hoping to climb the Ponzi scheme to the big bucks and when in fact the odds are already heavily stacked against him due to the pre-existing secret cartel and ethical journalism means transparency should be at all levels in an organisation.

This site is not worth a dime, well except the hundreds of millions of dollars it is raking in on the back of Joe Bloggs endeavours and the conspiracy theorist ravenous for their next conspiracy fix. The company is worth an estimated $650 million, up $600 million since the pandemic, and the top 'newsletter writers' earn $1,000,000 + annually. :rolleyes:


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Here he is, the gigantic man child, throwing his toys out the pram again. I have never previously discussed the Ukraine conflict on this website, and this bozo has not got an inking what my views are or what my views are not.

It's pretty much how he gleans all his information.

But let's get back onto Infowars and Substack. This donut truly believes that he is independently researching "science" when he types "pandemic conspiracy theory" into a search engine. When in fact the algorithms are already set up and predetermined to feed his conspiracy theory addiction. Which is exactly why he made the school boy error of posting a link that is behind a Substack paywall. The algorithm is manipulating and designed to manipulate him because more clicks and subscriptions = more revenue for the site and the writers. They can write any old bollocks they like because it is not actually about science, it is actually only about clickbait.

It really is that simple. :D


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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The funniest part though, is that while shouting ‘racist’ or ‘white supremacist’ at all and sundry, the stand with Ukraine, whose army proudly fly Nazi flags and give the Nazi salute while sitting in their tanks. :D
Some people have been conditioned to believe that only the network news is legitimate. However, eventually they come to see that the evening news narrative stands in stark contrast to reality. But sometimes people choose the familiar over the truth because it's more comfortable than admitting you were duped. And that's where our good friend kev is at.

This can only be good for him . . .

Don't know how I could have missed it, but it's possible he believes that the quote from the CDC I posted was fabricated. Is that too wild?
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Unfortunately it thinks it is a smart arse, but this one is now dredging the very bottom of the swamp, and there really is nowhere else for it to go from here. From the white supremacist conspiracy theory site Infowars to the scam conspiracy theory site Substack. Substack describes itself as "a tool for publishing newsletters". It's the Uber of online publication websites, just as Uber claim drivers are not the core of its business model, Substack claims writers are not core to theirs and just like Uber it also claims that it's only an 'App'.

The same exploitative and corrupt "corporatism" the OP has whined about for 3 years and counting in over 10,000 posts. Substack lures in hungry 'Joe Blogg' who wants to put food on the table for his children, claiming that he will make a very good living from subscriptions on the platform. But, when in fact it already has employed a "secret" cartel of anonymous "newsletter writers" and who are already earning large six figure sums from advances based on potential future subscriptions.

It is in fact an editorial policy to choose who gets advances or not, anonymous, sly, and clearly not an App. 'Joe Blogg' continuously feeds Substack with the bulk of its content for a pittance because he is hoping to climb the Ponzi scheme to the big bucks and when in fact the odds are already heavily stacked against him due to the pre-existing secret cartel and ethical journalism means transparency should be at all levels in an organisation.

This site is not worth a dime, well except the hundreds of millions of dollars it is raking in on the back of Joe Bloggs endeavours and the conspiracy theorist ravenous for their next conspiracy fix. The company is worth an estimated $650 million, up $600 million since the pandemic, and the top 'newsletter writers' earn $1,000,000 + annually. :rolleyes:
hand clap.gif


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Conspiracy theorists lose their sh1t

Brains belonging to conspiracy theorist UKIP members have been hacked causing them to go mental.

Dismissing this week’s accusation of jaw-dropping racism, the party insisted that anonymous Covid vaccine taking hackers had broken into their minds and then tampered with them.

A spokesman said: “None of our members would ever have thoughts like this on their own.

“If a UKIP member suggests the Covid was a ‘Big Pharma Bill Gates conspiracy’ you can be sure it was placed there by an external force. Probably a lizard. Maybe a rock."

“As was that one. And that one.” *staring*

A UKIP member, from a bunker in his parents garden, said: “It seems that lately I don’t where my thoughts are coming from.

“One minute there’s nothing in my brain whatsoever and then all of a sudden – boom! – it’s ‘thought time’.

“But at no point did I think about this thought. It’s as if someone has inserted one of those immigrant foreign-made flash drive thingy's into my ear and downloaded an opinion about everything.

“Before I know what’s happening the thought has bounced around the inside of my skull and then out through my mouth and into the world.

“Where it is then no doubt criticised by some creepy mask wearing vaccine taking sheeple.”

"It makes me so angry I cry''

He added: "See! Where on earth did that come from?”


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Why didn't you say you use sign language. That explains a lot . . .

You only have to poke these conspiracy theory drones with a sharp stick a few times to reveal who they really are and what they really think, such as their misconceptions around issues such as disability.

Just imagine what they are like in private? :rolleyes: