Conspiracy Theory Addiction Is Real


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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No reply... But a Smiley Face. I'm happy to wait for a proper reply. :)


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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That's NOT going to happen....So as you were folks...Back to the spam and smiley faces.

Check out the MUSIC section of this site...Some great Posts from Me and like minded people. ;)


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Just a constant barrage of meaningless links.... no one wants to know about.
Would you be less of a complainer if we take this on over to the debate side of this place? Actually, if anyone on this thread has stated a mis fact, and you would like to challenge it, you could do that right now.

What would you like most to discuss?

Or maybe you'd like to check out the MUSIC section of this site...Some great Posts from you and likeminded people.
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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COVID-19 anti-vaxxers use the same arguments from 135 years agocovid conspiracy 2.jpeg

A renewed push of disinformation and vocal resistance from the anti-vaccination movement over the past year, seemingly endless conspiracy theories and misinformation campaigns have gained traction online.

Looking at the history of these Covid-19 conspiracy theorist movements can help us understand why they attempt to con those willing to believe the antivax lie.

Although modern arguments have focused on the false claim that vaccines cause autism for example, historic arguments were much more varied in their allegations of infections from the smallpox vaccine.

The anti-vaccinationists of the past claimed that vaccination caused a full spectrum of diseases, from smallpox itself to syphilis, typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera, “blood-poisoning and long suffering deaths.”

Today, 135 years later the antivaxxer promotes the final lie that everyone vaccinated will die/are dying from the vaccine. They push all 'sudden deaths' as a result of the covid vaccine.

Such is their dangerous aged stupidity.

And, no thanks to the uselessness of smallpox antivaxxers, their pathetic rhetoric and disgraceful actions, the global eradication of smallpox finally happened in 1980 due to the herculean efforts of health professionals and scientists worldwide.

covid conspiracy 5.jpg



UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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A renewed push of disinformation and vocal resistance from the anti-vaccination movement over the past year, seemingly endless conspiracy theories and misinformation campaigns have gained traction online.
For some reason you can't speak for yourself, but when you finally figure out that you've been lied to concerning the experimental injection, will you call those human sellouts who lied to you liars?

Well hell, let's get you started on the path right now. Consider this: The experimental injection doesn't prevent infection or transmission. So, in your own words, why do you still think it does? Did the manufacturer tell you that it does? Can't be that because the manufacturer has never claimed that their experimental injection prevents infection or transmission. Do you know why they didn't make that claim? It's because their experimental injection DOES NOT prevent infection or transmission.

You must be privy to some information that's way beyond what the common folk are privy to. So what is it that continues to make you believe that something that doesn't work will work anyway?

I would suggest that the reason you can't drop your disproven beliefs about this is because you don't like being wrong. Therefore, you can't answer any questions or you'll find yourself out. Still think you're protecting anyone by believing lies?

Actually, you can pull yourself out of this hole you're in if only you'll admit to yourself that an experimental injection that doesn't prevent infection or transmission ain't gonna protect your loved ones. HOW COULD IT?
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Doomscrolling is the act of spending an excessive amount of time reading or watching large quantities of negative news online.

Studies show that seeing upsetting news leads conspiracy theorists to seek out more information on the topic, creating a self-perpetuating cycle.

Doomscrolling can be linked to a decline in mental and physical health and is the number one activity and action taken up by conspiracy theorists.

By frequently monitoring events surrounding negative headlines, staying informed may grant the feeling of being better prepared; however, prolonged scrolling also leads to worsened mood and mental health as personal fears are heightened.

Doomscrolling became widespread among conspiracy theorists, Twitter/YouTube and fake news website users during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The act of Doomscrolling can be attributed to the natural negativity bias people have when consuming information.

Negativity bias is the idea that negative events have a larger impact on one's mental well-being than good ones.

Doomscrolling, the compulsion to engross oneself in negative news, may be the result of an evolutionary mechanism where humans are "wired to screen for and anticipate danger".

Increased Doomscrolling exposes the brain to greater quantities of unfavorable news and may restrict the brain's ability to embrace good news and discount bad news; this can result in negative emotions that make one feel anxious, depressed, and isolated.

Individuals who suffer with cognitive distortion can experience an increase in ruminative thinking and panic attacks due to Doomscrolling.

Studies also show a connection between consumption of bad news with higher levels of anxiety, depression, stress, and even symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly suggested that for most conspiracy theorists Doomscrolling is addictive, it creates in them a feeling of safety and security during uncertain times.

Experts also say Doomscrolling can disrupt sleep patterns, lower attentiveness, and cause overeating, drinking and drug taking.

Clinicians found that fear-based media can also weaken a person's ability to process trauma.

During encapsulation, a person "attempts to enclose or seal off representations of the trauma", resulting in denial or disavowal.

Experts describe the phenomenon similar to the act of "shutting out", and can result in breakdown of relationships, anger, fatigue, flat speech, cognitive decline and in many cases hallucinations.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Doomscrolling is the act of spending an excessive amount of time reading or watching large quantities of negative news online.
Exactly! That's what happened to you. You listened to fauci tell you that we must reach herd immunity, and you believed it because you kept listening to him and the rest of his crew nonstop. Makes me wonder how you reconcile that with his later statement where he makes clear that if the virus can escape your immune system, what chance do "vaccines" have. What happened is that, once you chose a savior, you didn't know how to unchoose him even when confronted with his lies.

It's also why you believe that the experimental injection will protect those around you even though you know it doesn't prevent infection or transmission. You must have some explanation for believing that something that doesn't prevent infection or transmission will nevertheless prevent infection and transmission. Unfortunately, the only explanation for your refusal to acknowledge this fact is that you spend an excessive amount of time reading and watching known liars spewing bullshyt online.

Or maybe you have a legitimate reason for choosing to remain in the dark about the lies you've been told.

So now we know it’s safe. We know that it is effective. So, my message and my final message is that: Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated COVID-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family, and your community. - Dr Anthony Fauci 22 Nov 2022

It's impossible for something that doesn't prevent infection or transmission to protect you or your loved ones, and he knew it.

Don't you feel betrayed by him?? And if not, why not??
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Do you believe coronavirus is part of some impossibly complicated conspiracy?

Take the test and find out if your brains have fallen out.

What do you believe caused the coronavirus crisis?

) It seems to have started in a Wuhan food market.

B) A shadowy cabal of secret rulers who wish to both enslave and depopulate the globe using the deadliest weapon of mass extermination known to mankind – the 5G phone network.

How do you keep up-to-date about the crisis?

) Reasonably trustworthy media such as the BBC, Guardian and FT.

B) A Twitter page belonging to 'TheKingIsASpaceLizard'', full of people obsessed with paedophile conspiracies, flat earth theorists, anti-vaxxers, libertarians, UFO fans, idiots who think the CIA did 9/11, a YouTube channel belonging to ‘Freeman Barry’ where Covid conspiracy theorists, free energy buffs, common purpose bell-ends and a woman called Sue who believes there are ‘shadow people’ living in her loft, all meet to complain about face masks.

Do you go on anti-lockdown demos?

) No. That seems quite stupid, given this thing called ‘coronavirus’.

B) Yes. I was there in the middle of a big crowd in Hyde Park at the weekend, carrying an amateurish placard that read: “NOT a SHEEPLE!!! Give me ‘DEATH’ or give me ‘LIBORTY’!!!”

Who is in on the coronavirus conspiracy?

) No one. It’s just a silly story made up to make weirdos feel knowledgeable and important.

B) Worldwide, Fauci, Gates, all doctors, nurses and police officers, the ‘lamestream’ media, the army, scientists, civil servants, local councils and everyone who works for the tourist board. They’ve all kept quiet about it. Also every world government, except for the trustworthy, truthful ones like Trump and Putin.


Mostly As: You are not a barking mad conspiracy twat.

Mostly Bs: You’ve gone down the rabbit hole. Maybe do a course in critical thinking, although this may prove difficult if you’re currently on amphetamine to keep you awake while you scroll the internet 24/7 looking for bias to support your stupid beliefs.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Do you believe that the Covid-test will tell you whether or not you have Covid?
If you do, then you need to ask someone who can read to explain to you what this means:

Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.” — The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention

Do you believe that the experimental injection prevents you from infecting others?

If you do, then you need to ask someone what "DOESN'T PREVENT INFECTION OR TRANSMISSION" means. I wondered whether or not you can read. I guess when you substitute old copy and paste stuff for your own words, I should have known you can't read. How insensitive of me . . .


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.” — The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention

Others are wondering why you ignore this statement from the CDC. I don't wonder at all. If you acknowledge what they're saying, then you'd have to admit that you were lied to. And that's why you utterly refuse to look at it; it confirms that you're a fool.

Oh hey, as long as I have you on the horn, why do you still believe the experimental injection provides protection from infection and transmission when it clearly doesn't? You forgot to provide a rationale for taking something that doesn't work when we last spoke.

Are you going to forget to offer your rationale yet again? Of course you are. That's how denial works. :)

To sum up, you took a test that doesn't tell you what you need to know, and you took an experimental injection that doesn't work against the virus that the test doesn't tell you you have. That's just frickin' genius, dude!
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Helped to build up a natural immunity to jokes

Conspiracy theorists have today been told not to be so precious when people mock their ridiculous positions, and to treat the people laughing at them as nothing more than an opportunity to build up their natural immunity to jokes.

As people who enjoy doing medical research while sitting on the toilet looking at memes become increasingly irate at their illogical positions being widely ridiculed, experts have said they should embrace the piss-taking and let their immune system do the rest.

Psychologists state, “Conspiracy idiots are really big on letting your immune system do all the heavy lifting, so we’re just getting them to lean a bit harder into that way of thinking.

“Try not to think about it in terms of ‘being made to look very silly on the Internet’, think of it as being ‘exposed to another humour variant’, that will ultimately make you stronger next time you encounter it.

“Over time, you will think nothing of people laughing at you on the Internet, and that’s when you’ll know your immune system has done its job.

“Of course, if you find yourself irrationally defending your illogical position in the comment threads of social media articles mocking you, then maybe your immune system needs a little help after all?

“Unfortunately, there is no vaccine to help boost your fragile little ego when it comes face to face with jokes that could damage it.

“So in cases where conspiracy theorists are particularly vulnerable to jokes, we would recommend they self-isolate at home, stay off the Internet, and let the rest of us go about our lives as normal.”


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Helped to build up a natural immunity to jokes

“Unfortunately, there is no vaccine to help boost your fragile little ego when it comes face to face with jokes that could damage it.
Excellent! Now we're getting into how you deal with facts that go against your world view? I'm just kidding. Everyone knows you don't deal with that at all. For example, despite being told by the CDC that the covid-test won't tell you what you need to know, you mindlessly pretend that it will anyway. And if anyone points out to you that it won't according to the CDC, you accuse them of being a conspiracy theorist. By the way, there's no vaccine for that, so you're kinda on yer own.

This is your opportunity to demonstrate that you have at least half the sense that god gave a goose and acknowledge what you've read. Or, you could prove that you lack even that much sense by continuing to pretend you don't understand what the CDC said.

Surely you can't enjoy making yourself look so lost for thoughts and words. Nope, that can't sit well with you at all, but that's your lot. Now go ahead and post some more stuff that can easily be turned on you.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Bullying, abuse, power and control.

Why people believe in conspiracy theories


Being bullied or abused increases the risk of believing in a conspiracy theory.

Recent research focused on bullying, and links conspiracy theorising and people’s sense they are being victimised.

Unlike collective discrimination, bullying is personal, with a power imbalance between the bully and the victim.

Bullied victims report increased feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

Studies of these victims are taking place.

One study recruited British participants online, all who had faced bullying.

Measuring participants past experiences of workplace bullying by asking them to report whether they experienced a range of incidents, such a colleague withholding information which affected their performance, or a managers constant negative attitude towards their work.

The more negative acts a participant has suffered, the stronger their tendency to engage in conspiracy theorising.

Participants who experienced workplace bullying were more likely to report increased paranoia – to wonder what hidden reason another person may have for doing something nice for them.

Following on from these studies, work is needed to provide counselling and psychological help for conspiracists, especially those who come into contact with medical professionals or the courts.

All of those study participants who had or are facing abuse at home or in general, stated they believed in conspiracies.



UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Being bullied or abused increases the risk of believing in a conspiracy theory.
Now we're getting somewhere!

Okay, so who bullied you in the past; I mean besides me? You have a reverse version of this condition. You were bullied, and now you are incapable of recognizing when you're being conned.

Let me make that clear in no uncertain terms:

You take a test that won't tell you what you need to know. How much bullying did it take to make you believe that it will?

You take an experimental injection that doesn't prevent infection or transmission. How much bullying did it take for you to take something that doesn't work?


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Are you weirdly furious about masks or are you a normal person?

Does the mere suggestion that wearing a mask might stop the spread of illness send you into apoplectic paranoid fury, or are you normal?

Take the quiz.

Do you use terms like ‘face nappy’ and ‘muzzle’ without feeling embarrassed?

A) Absolutely not. Because I’m a grown adult who understands public health issues and not a conspiracy-addled idiot perpetually plugged into the internet.

B) Of course. I also think the phrase ‘sheeple’, or 'I warned you' are excellent demonstrations of my towering intellect.

Do you enjoy freaking out about things that aren’t actually happening?

No, there’s an awful lot of real stuff to freak out about at the moment without making up some extra nonsense conspiracy.

B) Just because they haven’t forced us to wear masks again, it doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen any second. Who are ‘they’? Do some research, sheeple!

Do you spend too much time on social media?

No, it mainly seems to be full of grifters and conspiracy theorists.

B) How much is too much? Because it’s the only place you can discover the truth about everything from vaccines murdering everyone in the universe, chemtrails to ‘the Great Reset’. All those conspiracy theories take time to digest.

Do you think the government is secretly trying to control you?

I know the government encourage us to behave a certain way as a population but do I think they have a particular interest in me? No! Because I’m not a massive uneducated narcissistic moron.

B) Yes, the UK government is a puppet of shadowy forces that want to subjugate me personally, which would definitely happen if I wore a mask for five minutes while popping to Tesco.

Would you tut at someone you saw wearing a mask on the street?

No. They could have anything going on, like a seriously ill relative. Also, I’ve got other things to think about than being a judgemental twat.

B) Yes. They are willingly wearing the shackles of slavery. We must rise up against the Deep State, the World Economic Forum, George Soros, WHO, Shergar and whatever other bollocks I’ve got obsessed with on Reddit this week.


Mostly As
: You would consider wearing a mask again if health professionals recommended it.

Mostly Bs: You say ‘paranoid’, I say ‘awake’. And of course I’m in an apoplectic fury. As a conspiracist, I spend several hours a day on Twitter, YouTube, InfoWars, Reddit. Say NO to face nappies!


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Whereas me, myself and I, I'll sit on my fat lazy arse all day and night, watching conspiracy theories on YouTube videos and "reading the forum", fighting da man from behind the safety of my computer screen. Maybe one day I might actually get off my fat lazy arse and make a YouTube channel or something. Contact a local MP or politician, ask for pandemic information via the FOI, do something useful like attend or arrange a protest march. In the meantime, I'll leave that to other people, all the real work, and instead I will sit spamming "experimental drug you sheepies" on a random chat site and doing sweet FA about it at all. :D