British Birds

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wren
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Are house sparrows on a decline in numbers, because gardens are lacking food supply's ?

  • Yes, there should be more garden feeders.

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • No, its because of other reasons.

    Votes: 11 47.8%

  • Total voters


Judging from what I've read, this thread has run its course and might as well be concluded.
What I have posted is relevant to the topic. What you have posted is not.
Ironically, you are the one treating it like a chat room. You are certainly fluent in 'pidgin English'. :rolleyes:

Umm, got a bad feeling about you and what u think is ok.
So relevant or not stop it.
tweets only thanks
Or nthn is fine also

Culling birds , yea great reading , take a doughnut and relax more
Appreciate all birds.


Read my Profile status: it describes you to a 't'. All the P's.
Try to think independently of others. It might, just might, gain you more respect.
REMOVE! What's relevent here.. I will block you now , no don't be expecting a response anytime soon
Tweet or not ...u are mean!


And I never once said the word pigeon is easy to spell. But maybe Ur attempt to shame me will help embed the wobble
Much preferred term rock dove\feral pigeon or stock dove or collard dove or turtle dove
Or eurasian dove.
Stock,rock, and woodpigeon all look similar

Non need killing


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 4, 2018
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REMOVE! What's relevent here.. I will block you now , no don't be expecting a response anytime soon
Tweet or not ...u are mean!
Wren whomever this is i must have block . so i advice you do same. not worth getting your blood pressure raised over.

also the birds were in bed early due to rain never saw my chaff finch.


Wren whomever this is i must have block . so i advice you do same. not worth getting your blood pressure raised over.

also the birds were in bed early due to rain never saw my chaff finch.
Thanks megs I blocked him on Chat but for some reason can still see his types on. Forums.
I've spoken to admin About his negitive ways and for some reason he is following me ,, what a odd un
Will look for block on forums also , sure hope he keeps his beak shut from now on tho
Real kinda vermin.
(Defence call over, .... Lifts tune with a high sweet tweet.)
Feeling super tired today , was attempting to not sleep , but eyes need, will visit my bird haunt later this evening , it's recent damage has stopped the flux of birds showing up. But I've hope they will return :) have a lovely day megs and thanks for the heads up with muting my eyes of WickedP. Nut with out a bolt. Contempt he said he likes to treat ppl with , what's with that! Odd.

Ah moves towards a bright sight xx


UKChat Expert
Dec 22, 2019
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Have a family of long tailed tits at our bird table, we think three young tits plus mum and dad. First time ever.
We are short of goldfinches this year...hope they are OK!


Have a family of long tailed tits at our bird table, we think three young tits plus mum and dad. First time ever.
We are short of goldfinches this year...hope they are OK!
Oh my days what lovely news how lucky u are they are the so super cute. I so wish u had a random off the chance stop off fly over by the long tailed.(shelly birds) I love that idea feeding in gardens :) Ty also I have been seeing lots of goldfinch on the front of the house , but still haven't tempted them into the back garden. They I notice are very fussy about Thier trees.
Thanks for sharing


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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I'm definitely seeing more tits around these days but that hardly surprises me in the current circumstances.

Also, seagulls have been getting a bad press in recent years particularly because they seek 'a free meal' away from the coast, courtesy of unsuspecting tourists. I would put them on my culling shortlist too. There are enough pests around in society as it is! :eek:

I'll let you know of any others I might add in due course.


Harder times are coming for the little tweets,

Will assist in setting up a day\night cam for this winter. It will be very exciting to see the results.

Fill the food tables , supply the food stations :)

Enjoy the autumn sounds.

Spot the spotted woodpeckers :) good luck.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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There are generations of seagulls that have never caught a fish in their lives. Many were born and live in the high street, they depend on tourists for food, I wonder how they're coping during lockdown? We used to feed a one-legged seagull at the beach car park, we haven't been down their since March. Strange, and i know I'm soft, but I often think of that seagull, knowing that it can't compete for food. :(


Take these times safe.Help others.
Jul 14, 2019
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I see a White owl on my walks,always at dawn and visit this guy now and then.20190413_213320.jpg


I see a White owl on my walks,always at dawn and visit this guy now and then.View attachment 2246
Aaaaaah! So beautiful... These bird kinda give give me the Willie's tho
Nice from a distance let's not hear the hiss..:)

Owl , daily!! Wishing I have this kinda walk in my life
Thanks for sharing


There are generations of seagulls that have never caught a fish in their lives. Many were born and live in the high street, they depend on tourists for food, I wonder how they're coping during lockdown? We used to feed a one-legged seagull at the beach car park, we haven't been down their since March. Strange, and i know I'm soft, but I often think of that seagull, knowing that it can't compete for food. :(
I've just been reading about this article and the sorry effects caused to the full.
Herring gulls ..:( endangered

I did watch the sweet Tern this year and later discover isn't not gull :)
Close up view sat on the river bank ,,, swift like and sharp on drop. Most enjoyable


Take these times safe.Help others.
Jul 14, 2019
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Not so much as Daily,but often.lovely to see.
Aaaaaah! So beautiful... These bird kinda give give me the Willie's tho
Nice from a distance let's not hear the hiss..:)

Owl , daily!! Wishing I have this kinda walk in my life
Thanks for sharing
The swan ive known for 6 years ,he can be a little bit of a handfull for others never me lol.I just hiss back at him tell him to shut up then hes fine.hehe.nice to sit with him his mrs and young.


Not so much as Daily,but often.lovely to see.

The swan ive known for 6 years ,he can be a little bit of a handfull for others never me lol.I just hiss back at him tell him to shut up then hes fine.hehe.nice to sit with him his mrs and young.
I see <3 birds do please them geese tho always near the swans here and they walk fast after food
Geese too ...can back off
Really nice swan sanctuary Southwell

Garden center too nice place to visit , unsure open time now: we enter another lockdown.


Take these times safe.Help others.
Jul 14, 2019
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There are generations of seagulls that have never caught a fish in their lives. Many were born and live in the high street, they depend on tourists for food, I wonder how they're coping during lockdown? We used to feed a one-legged seagull at the beach car park, we haven't been down their since March. Strange, and i know I'm soft, but I often think of that seagull, knowing that it can't compete for food. :(
Had my thought myself.We have foxes comeing back here from the city,hopefully they will all be ok.


Oct 23, 2020
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What's the best bird you have seen so far this year?
I've looked everywhere for a bird forum and didn't find much,

Have you seen any rare birds?

What birds visit your garden/home?

Yeah I am hoping to spark some conversation about our beautiful birds and what you have seen.

Thanks, in advance for you view.


Ive kept a record of the birds that visit my garden over the past 10 years. And ive had the regular birds like sparrows. Blue tits blackbirds etc. but over years i get a few more colorful like jays and goldfinches. I recently spotted a woodpecker which was a nice looking bird. Never seen one before that.