Another woman murdered on our streets.

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UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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I predict that given another 30 years of women pushing to get power over men ,we may see ( i wont) The Taliban ruling this country ! Let them show you what controlling sexual violence crimes will get for women.At a price !


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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And that has to be the most ridiculous misogynistic post I have read on here since I joined.:rolleyes:
It`s people like you who invented the word . Try using common sense ,it sometimes works better than fancy words.


It`s people like you who invented the word . Try using common sense ,it sometimes works better than fancy words.
'People like me'?

I am just an ordinary woman who is appalled at the way women are still treated in a supposedly civilised country.
I have debated with you so far in a reasonable manner, but I am honestly thinking you are a lost cause.
You have a habit of twisting what others say, add to that you are pretty childish talking of 'cliques' when others disagree with you.

In short, you are coming across as a bit of a mardarse now.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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'People like me'?

I am just an ordinary woman who is appalled at the way women are still treated in a supposedly civilised country.
I have debated with you so far in a reasonable manner, but I am honestly thinking you are a lost cause.
You have a habit of twisting what others say, add to that you are pretty childish talking of 'cliques' when others disagree with you.

In short, you are coming across as a bit of a mardarse now.

You are beginning to come across as a female who can only absorb writings from other women ?.
The cliques do exist on here . If you were to stop posting for a while and just read the variety of abuse i have gotten from two particular females plus maybe one male then you might see what i mean by a "clique"
Lost cause ...if i ever thought that Capital Punishment was being brought back for male abusers then i would be sad .

Take another long look at what you and others are posting on here .
Do you know how long and how many regulations ,laws etc have been brought in by various Governments to shift the balance of power from males ? and what has happened ? The sexual abuse has gotten far worse !! Doesn`t that suggest something.?

I`m tired ,had 2 jabs today and need to rest .Stay safe all .
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Only a turd of the creepiest nature would turn a thread about the murder of a young women into a b1tch fest whine about how badly he has been treated in posts and the 'names' that he has been called. That is him in a nutshell.



Here is a good example of victim blaming.

When the police should be investigating how and why a man like Couzens was allowed to stay in his job, in spite of his known sexual offences against women, North Yorkshire's police and crime commissioner Philip Allot decided to publicly blame the victim for 'submitting' and allowing herself to be handcuffed and falsely arrested.

Words fail.

"A Tory police boss was forced to apologise for "disgraceful victim-blaming" after he said murdered Sarah Everard should never have "submitted" to her fake arrest.

North Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Allott drew widespread fury after he said women should be "streetwise" in an alarming interview with the BBC on Friday.

Sarah Everard, described as "beautiful" and "caring" by her grieving mum Susan, was raped and murdered by serving Met Police officer Wayne Couzens."



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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More whataboutery shittery from you. All noise and no substance. This is why I do NOT want to get into any serious debate with you.

I have told you in no uncertain terms to stop typing to me, you creepy bastard.

So why is it do you think that you don't understand when I made that clear, you leg humping male misfit, who just does not seem to understand that no means no?

To be honest Sam, you dont seem to be able to get into a serious debate with anyone.

Just revert to name calling, as usual.

Cant remember reading anywhere you wanted me to stop replying to your threads, but if thats what you want, no problem I wont in future :D


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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And that has to be the most ridiculous misogynistic post I have read on here since I joined.:rolleyes:

To be fair Saphire we have seen a shift in politics over the recent years.

For a long time government was primarily male, so the model was more male dominated, aggressive, argumentative, thats the way parliment is set up with an opposition.
Now we are seeing a shift, with more and more females getting involved in politics and that "May" lead to a more co-operative style of government, it has in local councils.

One where Equity becomes more important.

It wont work, the political pendulum will swing to far into a "Nanny State" thats far to controlling under the guise of "Protecting" the population, after all to have Equity one cannot have Freedom.

What we need to do is find a happy medium where men and women can co-exist with regards to Power.

The old system of Man having the power outside the home and women having the power within it has fallen away with the reduction of the "Family" as a unit.

We have never faced a situation like this in Human history. so we will see what happens, but it should be interesting. :)


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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To be fair Saphire we have seen a shift in politics over the recent years.

For a long time government was primarily male, so the model was more male dominated, aggressive, argumentative, thats the way parliment is set up with an opposition.
Now we are seeing a shift, with more and more females getting involved in politics and that "May" lead to a more co-operative style of government, it has in local councils.

One where Equity becomes more important.

It wont work, the political pendulum will swing to far into a "Nanny State" thats far to controlling under the guise of "Protecting" the population, after all to have Equity one cannot have Freedom.

What we need to do is find a happy medium where men and women can co-exist with regards to Power.

The old system of Man having the power outside the home and women having the power within it has fallen away with the reduction of the "Family" as a unit.

We have never faced a situation like this in Human history. so we will see what happens, but it should be interesting. :)

You may get an idea of what the future holds by watching the stages of childhood in todays kids. They can be lovely but many (most?) of them have been reared by someone other than a parent .Maybe a G.parent or more ?.
Their "childhood " starts at age 12 months and doesn`t end until 19/20 years age. Even then they are still regarded as "children" and are probably dependant on their parents /g.parents to survive. The whole of our society now is to the entertainment business and that in turn is dependant on the alcohol and drugs business which requires a lot of money and also ends up with drunken Fathers beating their kids and wives .Catch 22 eh ?.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Here is a good example of victim blaming.

When the police should be investigating how and why a man like Couzens was allowed to stay in his job, in spite of his known sexual offences against women, North Yorkshire's police and crime commissioner Philip Allot decided to publicly blame the victim for 'submitting' and allowing herself to be handcuffed and falsely arrested.

Words fail.

"A Tory police boss was forced to apologise for "disgraceful victim-blaming" after he said murdered Sarah Everard should never have "submitted" to her fake arrest.

North Yorkshire's Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Allott drew widespread fury after he said women should be "streetwise" in an alarming interview with the BBC on Friday.

Sarah Everard, described as "beautiful" and "caring" by her grieving mum Susan, was raped and murdered by serving Met Police officer Wayne Couzens."

An isolated incident .Back in the 20th century we had series murders and police were not blamed for them ?
Just what is hoped to be gained by blaming the police ? you want Anarchy ? Yeah i bet you do !


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Only a turd of the creepiest nature would turn a thread about the murder of a young women into a b1tch fest whine about how badly he has been treated in posts and the 'names' that he has been called. That is him in a nutshell.




UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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I have debated with you so far in a reasonable manner, but I am honestly thinking you are a lost cause.

Yet you still won`t answer 2 simple questions which i put to you ! Don`t be such a jerk.


An isolated incident .Back in the 20th century we had series murders and police were not blamed for them ?
Just what is hoped to be gained by blaming the police ? you want Anarchy ? Yeah i bet you do !
Have you followed this thread at all?

It developed into the discussion of a young girl who was recently kidnapped, raped and murdered by a serving police officer.
This has been in the news all week because he has been sentenced to a full life term in prison.

Now we have the chief crime commisioner of the N Yorkshire police force blaming the girl who has been murdered for allowing this plain clothed officer to arrest her.

Who, in your opinion, IS to blame here?


Miss Angelic ;)
Jul 27, 2020
Reaction score
Have you followed this thread at all?

It developed into the discussion of a young girl who was recently kidnapped, raped and murdered by a serving police officer.
This has been in the news all week because he has been sentenced to a full life term in prison.

Now we have the chief crime commisioner of the N Yorkshire police force blaming the girl who has been murdered for allowing this plain clothed officer to arrest her.

Who, in your opinion, IS to blame here?

I'm glad he's locked up he needs to be strung up by his balls and let the animals in there do to him what he did to that poor girl that was horrendous burning her body thats just awful I feel for her parents


To be fair Saphire we have seen a shift in politics over the recent years.

For a long time government was primarily male, so the model was more male dominated, aggressive, argumentative, thats the way parliment is set up with an opposition.
Now we are seeing a shift, with more and more females getting involved in politics and that "May" lead to a more co-operative style of government, it has in local councils.

One where Equity becomes more important.

It wont work, the political pendulum will swing to far into a "Nanny State" thats far to controlling under the guise of "Protecting" the population, after all to have Equity one cannot have Freedom.

What we need to do is find a happy medium where men and women can co-exist with regards to Power.

The old system of Man having the power outside the home and women having the power within it has fallen away with the reduction of the "Family" as a unit.

We have never faced a situation like this in Human history. so we will see what happens, but it should be interesting. :)
So do you not believe equality can be possible in a civilised country like ours?
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