Another woman murdered on our streets.

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Yet more accusations which you can`t substantiate . I know that I am not as eleqant as some with my writing ,hence i try to make simple comments . You try to patronise everyone who you can beat with fancy words . Yet another reason where "equality" fails to make inroads.
Try to talk decently to other people and not rely on battering them down with your posh talk .Snobbery never impressed me and never will.
Thankfully my goal in life is not to impress you.
You're a hypocrite and pathetically, you're a public one. You call others names- myself included and attempt to ridicule others for having an opinion and then whinge when anyone says anything to you.

Go and play with yourself, hells- it'll be the only area in life that you'll be successful.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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The proposed legislation will tackle adults, so-called grown-ups, who are too f*cking stupid, or set in their prehistoric views, to learn anything about what a modern, equal society looks like.

An example please ?


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Thankfully my goal in life is not to impress you.
You're a hypocrite and pathetically, you're a public one. You call others names- myself included and attempt to ridicule others for having an opinion and then whinge when anyone says anything to you.

Go and play with yourself, hells- it'll be the only area in life that you'll be successful.

Do ,please ,shut your filthy mouth if all you are capable of is "typical" female abuse of males .


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Do ,please ,shut your filthy mouth if all you are capable of is "typical" female abuse of males .
What you have to understand is that THIS is a chat site on the's NOT real life experiences.

Folks very often say things ON-LINE that they NEVER would Face to Face.

Sometimes you just have to take a step back and realise it's not a REAL conversation.

Words on a screen are very easily typed. Standing in front of someone saying those words is a very different thing.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Speak for yourself big boy.

If the misogynist piggy hasn't gathered that by now, in all his years online, he really should just log off.

I would 100% say anything I have typed on this particular site, or online in general, to someone's face.


In fact, I restrain myself due to site rules.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Speak for yourself big boy.

If the misogynist piggy hasn't gathered that by now, in all his years online, he really should just log off.

I would 100% say anything I have typed on this particular site, or online in general, to someone's face.


In fact, I restrain myself due to site rules.
I'ts so easy to say that.

How do we meet?...Where when...?...

So we can BOTH talk in person.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
Reaction score
I'ts so easy to say that.

How do we meet?...Where when...?...

So you we can both talk in person.

You wouldn't utter a sound if you met anyone from the online world big boy. Not a sound, not a peep.

Now off you toddle. Go and relax by shouting at your neighbours to "come outside and say it"



Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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You wouldn't utter a sound if you met anyone from the online world big boy. Not a sound, not a peep.

Now off you toddle. Go and relax by shouting at your neighbours to "come outside and say it"

Iv'e met plenty of people from the Online world. So far all good.

I live in a secluded location in a Detached property.. My nearest neighbour is over 100 meters away.

ME shouting at them would be pointless.

Now off YOU toddle.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Iv'e met plenty of people from the Online world. So far all good.

I live in a secluded location in a Detached property.. My nearest neighbour is over 100 meters away.

ME shouting at them would be pointless.

Now off YOU toddle.

Yes, you do have that air about you. A recluse, a hermit, someone who arranges his baked bean tins in a nice neat row before settling down to Coronation Street with a nice cup of Horlicks.

Now off you toddle old bean.



Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Good call...Almost.

A Recluse...A Hermit.. Fair comment.

I don't arrange anything apart from contracts to kill folks here.

I have succeeded twice in a row.

You are in MY sights.

You would have to leave your allotment first to have anyone in your "sights" Mr Hermit and I suspect that hasn't happened for some time.

There are a few clues. Typing like a lone wolf Rambo online is a sure sign you may well have had a breakdown of sorts when slugs got at your lettuce and runner beans.



Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I will be sure to keep my eye out for a chubby 15 stone pensioner wearing slippers.


What you have to understand is that THIS is a chat site on the's NOT real life experiences.

Folks very often say things ON-LINE that they NEVER would Face to Face.

Sometimes you just have to take a step back and realise it's not a REAL conversation.

Words on a screen are very easily typed. Standing in front of someone saying those words is a very different thing.
Oh no, what I say on here, I'd most definitely say in real life, except you'd all hear a lot more laughing.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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Right ,back to topic...whilst being forced to offer woman equality in all things . Lets take some samples .
Firstly ,ahh yesss ;Maggie the schoolkids free milk thief ! then ,by luck to her ,sends the signal for one of our subs to sink a troop ship with 400 souls to the bottom of the Ocean.It wasn`t even in our territorial waters ! and was actually sailing away from them at the time . Well done Maggie ,the Females Hero ! Ohh lets not forget the Happy Poll tax ! How many people still owe money for that wonderful idea /decision ?. Her own team had to plot to remover her from office ,she was such a bully, sadistic too. The Nations women loved her ! An ALki hubby ( can`t blame him though) ; a waste of space son who got lost attempting to be a famous Rally Car Ace (lolol what a t******er. Daughter not to bad though .
Ten years of Womens power and she almost destroyed the Nation.
Theresa May: hmmmm did she actually do anything for the Nation ? if so i can`t remember it. Not a bad stick but she had to go too.
Now we have the most important of all ..That woman Dick ! Under her reign so many bad coppers ,including Cuzens.commited atrocious crimes against women ,culminating with the murder of that poor girl. She should be gone ...NOW!

You may have already guessed that i`m really trying to suggest that women are not the best sex to have equal "power" to men in some areas .If that is the case then there can never be total Equality of the sexes eh?.
As inscrupulous as some men in power are /were they do have many years of experience to moderate their actions.( in UK at least)


What you have to understand is that THIS is a chat site on the's NOT real life experiences.

Folks very often say things ON-LINE that they NEVER would Face to Face.

Sometimes you just have to take a step back and realise it's not a REAL conversation.

Words on a screen are very easily typed. Standing in front of someone saying those words is a very different thing.
I don't think I have ever said anything online that I wouldn't be prepared to say face to face.

People who do that, are imo, cowards.


Right ,back to topic...whilst being forced to offer woman equality in all things . Lets take some samples .
Firstly ,ahh yesss ;Maggie the schoolkids free milk thief ! then ,by luck to her ,sends the signal for one of our subs to sink a troop ship with 400 souls to the bottom of the Ocean.It wasn`t even in our territorial waters ! and was actually sailing away from them at the time . Well done Maggie ,the Females Hero ! Ohh lets not forget the Happy Poll tax ! How many people still owe money for that wonderful idea /decision ?. Her own team had to plot to remover her from office ,she was such a bully, sadistic too. The Nations women loved her ! An ALki hubby ( can`t blame him though) ; a waste of space son who got lost attempting to be a famous Rally Car Ace (lolol what a t******er. Daughter not to bad though .
Ten years of Womens power and she almost destroyed the Nation.
Theresa May: hmmmm did she actually do anything for the Nation ? if so i can`t remember it. Not a bad stick but she had to go too.
Now we have the most important of all ..That woman Dick ! Under her reign so many bad coppers ,including Cuzens.commited atrocious crimes against women ,culminating with the murder of that poor girl. She should be gone ...NOW!

You may have already guessed that i`m really trying to suggest that women are not the best sex to have equal "power" to men in some areas .If that is the case then there can never be total Equality of the sexes eh?.
As inscrupulous as some men in power are /were they do have many years of experience to moderate their actions.( in UK at least)
And now we have Boris.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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And now we have Boris.

Yep ! i can`t disagree with that !. One of the many males who are rubbish at the job.
Point is we had 2 females and one split the whole Community ;the other didn`t seem to do anything !
While i`m at it ,Boris at least makes us laugh :D

a tiny plus ! from what i read Boris is strongly influenced by his pretty young Lady (female !)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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OK, I am confused, equity in the sense you have used the word surely does equate to equality between the sexes...How can they be equal if the rulings are not fair and balanced between them.
SO can you explain what you meant when you said..."It wont work" and "after all to have Equity one cannot have Freedom".

Ok, you are right, I didn't express that very well.

Women tend to co-operate better than men in many circumstances, especially where forming coalitions and concensus with goals are concerned, men tend to be more singular in thier arguments as in "My way is the right way".

In our current government system, argument and then compromise is the sole purpose of parliament.

So far, parliament has been an aggressive environment, with 2 sides fighting to say "This is how we solve the problem" given thier own political bent.
Until a compromise is reached.

What we see from studies with womens commitees is that they tend to be more of the mindset "We have a problem how do we solve it?"

Idea's are then debated until a consensus is reached.
Which on paper sounds far superior and in small scale systems may very well be.

Women are also more "People" focused, men more "Thing" focused, hence the disparity in Nursing/Engineering etc and Government is all about people, so surely women should be even better suited to it than men.

The problem is, while government is indeed all about people, it's also a massive system, a thing.

It's a thing where most problems government have to make policy on are incredibly complicated, where many intersectional factors have a bearing on the central problem they are trying to fix.

Take the wish for concensus to it's logical conclusion and we will have ever wider sweeping changes to policy and hence law as this intersectional web spreads broader and wider to encompass more and more aspects of life.

This is why the simple, direct approach to government of 2 sides arguing a point has been used for so successfully in all Democratic nations throughout history.
Concensus is to be avoided as it takes to long and detracts from the initial goal.

It's better to sort things out now, to play "Whack a Mole" with societies problems as they appear, whilst also keeping a watchful eye on the future policy changes needed to improve society as a whole.

So whilst our system of government is a broken mess it miraculously functions, treats us fairly, keeps the lights on, keeps us fed, warm and safe most of the time when compared to the majority of other countries.

However, having a more "Feminine" co-operative approach to government may well turn out to be far superior to the current combative "Masculine" approach.
We just don't know, it hasn't been tried in such complex societies as we live in now.

This is only my opinion, I could very well be wrong, I hope I am.

As for the "to have Equity one cannot have Freedom".
Equity by it very nature will subject those more capable in certain aspects to limits imposed by the state.
Affirmative action is a simple example of this.
Equality does not do this, instead it gives everyone the same opportunities to do with what they can and choose to.

Pretty sure someone could accuse me of using stereotypes in this argument, of saying "All men be like" or "All women be like", that is not the case, there are some very capable women who do well in the current government system we have, I dare say no one would accuse Jess Phillips or Priti Patel of avoiding a good argument, just to name two.
Nor am I saying that because Society is very complex that women are to stupid to understand it. :)

All I'm saying is, that given what we know about male/female differences psychologically, I think a more feminine style of government would be, in it's wish to be "Fair" and "Equitable", actually be more controlling and oppressive as the desire for concensus requires more and more voices be heard.

But, as I have said, I could very easily be wrong, I am a lot. :)
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