The racist underbelly of the patriot hard-right.



I wanted to ask a few comments up; but honestly don’t want to get caught in cross fire. I enjoy reading all of you, I don’t agree with all comments but I’m always interested in learning from others perspectives.

So my question:
How do you know on a forum someones race/colour/sex?
The voice of reason.
I can't be bothered to debate in this thread anymore, I will be interested to hear your comments though.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Remain calm, racist apologist.

Your hurty will go away.

Literally, two or three days ago she said and I quote she really 'enjoys' our posts. In less than a few weeks, she has fallen out with FOUR other people and still hasn't worked out why.

Poor little mite and of course everyone else's fault.



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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no colour.jpg

White people have declared how pleased they are that racism is now sorted out and the Black Lives Matter protests can stop and everything will get back to normal.

“Thank heaven that’s all dealt with now,” said Simon Williams, a white person.

“I must confess, seeing all those Black Lives Matter protests forced me to think about how inequality is present in our society and I didn’t really like having to do that.”

Last night, a US trial declared a man guilty of killing a man after he was seen on video killing the man.

“Racism sorted,” marvelled Mr Williams, “Well done everyone.

“I hope that black people, and the white people who helped organise all the protests and everything, I hope they’re proud of what they’ve achieved and now they can stop all the protesting and we can get back to normal.”

Whilst broadly supportive of the protests, Mr Williams echoed the thoughts of many as he told of how they were sometimes an inconvenience.

“Well, not for me so much as for Mum – sometimes she’d want to go shopping but there’d be a protest with lots of angry black people shouting. Which is quite intimidating for a 67-year-old lady.

“Still, now we’ve sorted racism, she won’t have to worry about being intimidated by black people like that anymore.”

via ~ Daily White Fragility



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Literally, two or three days ago she said and I quote she really 'enjoys' our posts. In less than a few weeks, she has fallen out with FOUR other people and still hasn't worked out why.

Poor little mite and of course everyone else's fault.



Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Here we go. :rolleyes:

You are barking mad.

In your other ID, Bad_Influence you point-blank denied 20,000+ OAPs had died from Covid-19 in care homes because, and I quote "no one you knew had died of Covid-19 and no one died of Covid-19 in any of the homes your PREVIOUS employer deals with."

Now you have just written a two thousand word essay that REPEATS word for work what myself and TwoWhales stated at the time contradicting what you wrote in response.

Mad as a March Hare.

Edited: That should read plagiarized a 2,000-word essay from other sources online. Thieved other people's thoughts and ideas.
Last edited:


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I can see why 'Saphire' was drawn towards you and subsequently attacked all your online enemies one by one.

Birds of a feather...


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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The white person’s guide to pretending you're a victim of racism

go back.jpg

Are you a right-wing bellend who thinks racism against white people is a genuine problem?

Here’s how to enjoy a pleasing sense of victimhood.

Claim your culture is under threat

Vehemently claim ‘your culture’ is under threat, then when pressed for examples only manage to come up with random things like cricket, tea and the royal family that are about as threatened as Tyson Fury in a fight with Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Use an incredibly strange definition of racism
Basically: ‘people disagreeing with you’, even though you constantly spout bonkers patriotic nonsense any sane person would balk at, especially when you seem to think it’s still 1941.

On a practical level, what you call ‘racism’ is usually someone arguing with you on the internet. This is good, because real racism like job discrimination and people shouting abuse would take all the fun out of being a victim.

Don’t forget Brexit
Criticising Brexit is racial prejudice against white Britons because they all support it, except they don’t, and the EU hates Britain, except that’s clearly bollocks. Apart from those minor points the logic is fine.

Feel aggrieved by extremely hypothetical situations
For example, convince yourself you could never be a BBC newsreader because you’re not an ethnic minority. Ignore the fact that you’re in no way qualified, have never shown any interest in a career in journalism and think the BBC should be blown up anyway.

Make up your own reality
Is the roughly 82% ‘white British’ population of Britain likely to die out? Yes. Are the ‘thought police’ likely to boot in your door at 3am? Yes. With a bit of imagination you can enjoy being the victim of racism every day!

Use the 'I'm not racist but' saying
Pretending that because black people use the 'n' word, white people using it means its no longer racist. Don't forget to say you know lots of different races and that your best friend's mothers cousins hairdressers dog walker is black.

via ~ Daily Entitlement



Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Breaking News - Tommy Robinson spends his first night in prison and converts to Islam!​

Tommy Robinson converts to islam

Muslim fundamentalists have radicalised former EDL leader Tommy Robinson after he spent his first night in prison.

Robinson was sentenced to 9 months in prison for contempt of court and breaking the terms of a previously suspended sentence, also for contempt of court. Robinson’s staunch anti-Islam stance softened dramatically after a lengthy conversation with his cellmate Manzoor, who explained why his worldview had ‘a number of troubling aspects’.

His conversion to Islam was revealed at breakfast this morning when he greeted the kitchen staff with “As-Salaam-Alaikum”. A prison guard who works at the facility explained the incident, telling us, “I’ve seen it many times, these radicals seek out the weak-minded, those with a feeble intellect, and before you know it they’re reciting the Koran all day long, calling themselves Mustafa, and growing a beard.

“Tommy’s only got a day’s worth of stubble, but the beard has clearly started. It’ll be coming along nicely by the time he gets out in the autumn. Remember, you’re always much easier to convert if you’re a radical fundamentalist before you get into prison.”

Prison authorities have expressed concerns about the speed with which Robinson was radicalised.
Governor Simon Williams told reporters, “Tommy Robinson was clearly radicalised before lights out last night. Yes, it was a surprise to some people, but others said he’d convert the moment there were no cameras around to promote him."

“The smart money was on him lasting at least a week before capitulating to the Islamic fundamentalists in here. I’m fifty quid down to Dave on C-Block, but I’ve gone double or quits on him choosing the name Muhamed Ali.”


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Black Britons jubilant after white Daily Mail columnists kindly tell them how to react to racism!​

Man happy for Daily Mail columnists

BAME people all over the nation have been celebrating following the decision of several posh white media types to explain the various ways black people can protest racism with nice, non-confrontational methods that don’t make anyone feel uncomfortable.

In Bristol, Jamaican-born Simon Williams interrupted his passionate dance of gratitude so he could express his deepest thanks to middle-aged pasty men in the press and in politics who told him how he should respond when discriminated against, or abused by racists.

He told us, “Most of my life, I’ve been flailing about trying to find my own ways to assert my dignity as a human in the face of repugnant hatred. But it’s always been so difficult as my other priority in life is not to disturb right-wing retired suburbanites who think they’re civil rights heroes because they went to a Lenny Henry show in 1988.

“But now, thanks to people who have been condemning BLM and vocal black people for years, I can see how all I need to do the next time drunk yobs hurl racial slurs at me, is write a letter to the editor. I’ve been freed from my own blindness.”

Although they were not taking questions on their brilliant initiatives to instruct black people about anti-racist activism, several social media posts from fonts of wisdom such as Daily Mail columnist Andrew Hodges were still online for all to marvel at. He wrote, “Why not form a choir and insert No To Racism in the lyrics of family favourites? Or perhaps a Diversity Day in the park with traditional English fun like a Maypole and Morris Dancers wearing the customary face….. ah.

“Just the Maypole then.”


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I can't be bothered to debate in this thread anymore
I don't blame you. I bet you're thinking a few weeks can be a long time on this forum. :)
I never get into an argument/debate on here, it's not like I'm going to get anyone to change their views is it? It's why I tend to just make my point and leave it at that, and people can make what they want of it. Any flak fired in my direction gets ignored.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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So many busybodies sticking their oar in. Actually, I wasn't even going to comment today until MY name was mentioned on 3 separate occasions.

I can't even have a day off in peace. (lol)

I am sick to the back teeth of adults dishing it out then wailing about being a victim and especially when some other cretin reinforces their victim status adding fuel to the fire.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I hate to be a pedant but where was you’re name mentioned in this thread today prior to your first post?
Unless I’m missing something nobody mentioned your name on this thread today?

You dance to my tune little doggy. I don't dance to yours. So, fukc off weirdo. Go and pretend you are now concerned about the barbaric slaughter of 20,000+ OAPs after you outright called those statistics a lie.