The racist underbelly of the patriot hard-right.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Black lives matters history.

Dorothy Counts, one of the first black students admitted to the Harry Harding High School. She wanted to learn, get an education.

After four days of harassment that threatened her safety, her parents withdrew her from the school, but the images of Dorothy being verbally assaulted by her white classmates were seen around the world.

Dorothy was dropped off on her first day of school by her father, along with their family friend Edwin Thompkins. As their car was blocked from going closer to the front entrance, Edwin offered to escort Counts-Scoggins to the front of the school while her father parked the car. As she got out of the car to head down the hill, her father told her, "Hold your head high. You are inferior to no one."

There were roughly 200 to 300 people in the crowd mostly students. The harassment started when Emma Marie Taylor Warlick, the wife of John Z. Warlick, an officer of the White Citizens Council, urged the boys to "keep her out" and at the same time, implored the girls to spit on her, saying: "Spit on her, girls, spit on her."

1957, Dorothy on her first day, walking to school with family friend Edwin Thompkins.
dorothy couts.jpg
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Black lives matters history, UK.

The scum of the British Isles, racists together. They haven't changed much from the 1960s.

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UKChat Familiar
Oct 1, 2021
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Elizabeth Eckford ignored the hostile screams of fellow students on her first day of school in 1957. She was one of the nine African-American students whose integration into Little Rock's Central High School was ordered by a federal court. Governor Orval Faubus defied the court, calling the Arkansas National Guard to prevent the students from entering the building, according to the U.S. Department of the Interior. President Eisenhower ordered the National Guard to protect the teenagers ten days later, but Faubus dismissed the troops, leaving the students exposed to an angry mob.

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I hate that photo. Look at the hatred on those women's faces. Where the hell did it ever come from?


I hate that photo. Look at the hatred on those women's faces. Where the hell did it ever come from?

Many many years of learned racism, my gran was racist she was born in 1919, I grew up with her being actively racist because it was all they were taught from the day they were born, that's sadly just how it was back then, they didn't even get the chance to think differently and whilst yes it was absolutely abhorrent it was a product of the times and history.

I live in London and I have done all my life so I have grown up with a lot of different races and cultures and so have my kids, I've never been actively racist, some of the language I used as a young teen would likely be seen as racist now but to us, back then, it was just what everyone called the local shop etc and not specifically set in a racist mindset if you see what I mean (I have since corrected this and never used it since). My eldest is 19 and I haven't witnessed any form of racism between her and her white counterparts, I think it's being eradicated as the years go by, however it clearly does still exist in places, between ALL races these days, my daughter has been racially abused by someone at secondary school and she is white, I feel like the issue now is that everyone is angry at everyone for whatever reasons and they really really need to tackle this underlying feeling of anger from all races. I honestly don't believe racism is something that will EVER go away sadly, it can only be managed and needs to be tackled in every single living race, not just one or two.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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When I was a child, and I did anything she thought was wrong, mother would come out with her favourite saying 'Play the white man'. I never knew what she meant by it, just that I shouldn't be doing whatever it was I was doing. Was she racist by saying that? No, she just didn't know any
different. You certainly wouldn't say it these days. Thankfully, a lot of discriminatory language is dying out... How some people refer to the Asian corner shop, the Chinese take-away etc...


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Racism is alive and well, flourishing and increasing. I would patiently explain what structural racism is, with demonstrable facts, but it will just be whiteplained away.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Racists always have the hardest time accepting they are or have been racist.

Whitesplaining is the classic example.

If you have been racist in your past, then you have been racist in your past. No excuses.

Plus, same goes for family and friends that have been racist.

Accept it. But, hopefully these days, you/ them are no longer racist.

I won't hold my breath on that one though.
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Well my gran is dead so she can no longer be racist, i wouldn't say I'm a racist person, I don't use racist language, I'd always treat everyone equally, I know many different races of people, including my own family members so I have a good understanding of how they feel about stuff.

There is a massive divide these days, it needs a good strong government to help, which we don't and probably won't have.

You, TwoWhalesInAPool are incredibly assumptive, people being able to admit they have previously used racist language in a time where it was considered the norm is surely an excellent step forward? I have never been intentionally racist to anyone, and I never will be, its not in my nature. I don't believe for one second you have never said a racist or xenophobic word or statement though so don't lord it over others.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Well my gran is dead so she can no longer be racist, i wouldn't say I'm a racist person, I don't use racist language, I'd always treat everyone equally, I know many different races of people, including my own family members so I have a good understanding of how they feel about stuff.

There is a massive divide these days, it needs a good strong government to help, which we don't and probably won't have.

You, TwoWhalesInAPool are incredibly assumptive, people being able to admit they have previously used racist language in a time where it was considered the norm is surely an excellent step forward? I have never been intentionally racist to anyone, and I never will be, its not in my nature. I don't believe for one second you have never said a racist or xenophobic word or statement though so don't lord it over others.
side eye.jpg


The dignity on the black girls face, and the nastiness on the white faces, in both photos...what a contract.

I don't use the sort of language I used to, not because I am now not racist, but I was then...simply because times change and language evolves.
Did I find some outdated TV programmes racist and sexist back in the day, or did I laugh at them because they were funny?
I laughed, because they were funny....would they be funny now, obviously not.
Times change, and attitudes change with them.


But would you demand they were cancelled?
I wouldn't put the likes of Till death us do part, Love thy neighbour ...or the Black and white minstrels ..(though that was always dire) on TV nowadays. They are just outdated, and actually insulting....though the insults were usually aimed at the white man.... which most people overlook.
I certainly wouldn't ban films, books and music of the time.
They are part of social and cultural history.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I did notice as well and I always do. it is clearly ludicrous to argue it is only language that is racist and that if they claim they no longer use that choice of language it miraculously cures the racist beliefs that gave them permission to use that kind of racist language in the first place. They then argue or similar "I might have been racist once but so are 'they' racist..."

Same old bullshit isn't it... "I am not racist but..."

They are out in force switching the focus away from the patriot hard-right and whitesplaining thick and hard to switch the focus of the patriot hard-right.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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I did notice as well and I always do. it is clearly ludicrous to argue it is only language that is racist and that if they claim they no longer use that choice of language it miraculously cures the racist beliefs that gave them permission to use that kind of racist language in the first place. They then argue or similar "I might have been racist once but so are 'they' racist..."

Same old bullshit isn't it... "I am not racist but..."

They are out in force switching the focus away from the patriot hard-right and whitesplaining thick and hard to switch the focus of the patriot hard-right.


The classic 'I've got friends/family/ who are black/Indian/brown/Chinese....'

and the entertaining 'I don't believe you haven't been racist'.


Don't project your life onto me.

and always, the making excuses and never accepting they have been racist, albeit years ago.

As if its okay to pretend that time has gone by and it's not like that today,



it really f.ucking is.

But of course, excuses, excuses, excuses.

Never learning, or sorry or teaching it differently.

Just denial.
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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Of course and that's the whole point and that is why the SAME racism still thrives today. Because some claim not to use that language and so argue things are better and the world is a better place and that anyone who suggests differently is "woke" or a "snowflake".

That's how they shut down any debate on the issue and shut down any attempt to expose their ignorance. This is why they try and steer the direction of any debate away from the issue 100% of the time and all while they whitesplain to people they deem inferior.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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'Leaked chats of the US white supremacist group Patriot Front have revealed the day-to-day organizing of a far-right gang desperate for new members as it seeks a higher profile in the US with provocative public marches.

More than 400 gigabytes of private communications from chat logs on RocketChat, an alt-tech platform favored by far-right groups, were obtained and published by Unicorn Riot, a left-wing nonprofit media organization that reports on social movements.

The chat logs reveal a group of men struggling to expand membership and being harangued by their leadership to maintain physical fitness, show up to events and contribute financially to the cause of white supremacy – all with limited success. It also shows how the group uses social media to make itself seem larger than it is.

Chats indicate the white supremacist group has about 200 members. The messages show a coordinated effort to commit vandalism and intimidate people of color nationwide. The group requires members to deface racial justice murals and monuments to Black Lives Matter in their communities, much like a street gang that requires initiates to “tag” buildings as a form of vandalism and intimidation.'


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Some more patriot hard-right SCUMBAGS much closer to home.

Combat 18 (a.k.a. C18, 318, nicknamed “Terror Machine”) is a neo-Nazi group that seeks to create white-only countries through violence. The group was established in the United Kingdom and is now present in at least 18 countries worldwide.

The English Defence League (EDL) believes that British society is under attack by Muslim extremists. Since 2009, the group has held what British media has routinely referred to as “aggressive rallies” across England.* The EDL claims to stand for English rights, democracy, and rule of law. Concurrently, the group believes it is a leader in “the struggle against global Islamification.”


But literally nobody said "I'm not racist, but..."

Nobody said that because derogatory language is used a lot less that racism doesn't still exist. Nobody at all. Of course it does.

What people including myself have said was that a lot of derogatory language was used as a norm years ago, no matter how abhorrent it was, especially by children who didn't know any different and who were raised hearing it and therefore adopted it as normal without realizing the racist tone. It was simply explained that the more its talked about the more people are realizing that things needed to/need to change and they have and are changing, albeit slower than is needed, but the point was if I'm an 80s baby who grew up in the 90s and everyone was still using these phrases in the late 90s early 2000's then it does show how much progress has been made since. Social conditioning will never be changed overnight it will take many many many years, and that's what it is, hundreds of years of biased hateful propaganda embedded into society, passed down via generations of people.

Those who are willing to stand up and say, ok yes I was raised thinking X Y and Z were okay, but now I'm a free thinking adult with access to the internet and many other things, I have been able to realize my errors and correct my language and/or possible ways of thinking. That is where it all starts, because less racist people having less racist kids will eventually mostly eradicate those deep seated generational views.

Surely this is all common sense? or do you all just love jumping to conclusions and having a b**** fit without looking at deeper reasoning's and the ways to come out out of it all?

And I still don't believe you TWIAP.