Right-wing driven myth that the BBC is "left" wing.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Boris is sinking in the polls as well he should, a disastrous PM, responsible for countless Covid deaths.

Boris's approval ratings have fallen sharply, with his positive figure dropping by 1.5% and his negatives rising by 4.7%. In what is effectively a two-party state many would argue a one-party state with two rosette colours such a fall would be expected to almost automatically be matched by a corresponding rise in the fortunes of the leader of the opposition.

20% ahead in the polls anyone but Corbyn Labour’s knight of the realm Sir Keir has managed the perversely impressive feat of not only matching, but exceeding, Johnson’s plunge, falling only slightly less in positive ratings but by a substantially bigger margin in negatives.



UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Ministry of Education insists there is nothing sinister about lovely torchlit rallies praising Boris


Kracist Mowrun, Minister for Youth Patriotism, has been doing the press rounds to defend his department’s latest initiative to have elementary school children write songs expressing their gratitude to “Uncle Boris” and sing them out loud while battalions of tanks drive past.

He explained, “Far too long have elitist schoolteachers poisoned the minds of our youth with facts and critical thinking methods that allow kids to detect blatant lies by Etonian charlatans.

“All we want to do is to give the children a welcome break from studying and have a nice outdoor event with arts, music and a 9-hour address by our beloved leader.

“Laurence Fox will play some of his songs and the class swots will have a speech contest where they explain why we are better than foreigners.

“But we like a bit of whacky fun too, so we plan to have an old-fashioned game where kids can throw coconuts at painted cartoon baddies with zany names like Eugene Eurocrat or Subhuman Migrant.”

Mr Mowrun insisted that the event was not a one-off media stunt, but would instead leave the children with lasting memories.

“Before they leave, all kids will be asked to pen down their thoughts into a letter to their future selves and especially talk about adults in their lives that say mean things about the country or the PM. Letters that we will hold for safekeeping, of course.

“And everybody will get a badge and a spiffy armband. Perhaps even a shirt if the budget allows it but I think we can only afford one colour.

“Yes, brown. How did you guess?”



Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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He is grotesque, a caricature of a politician, and even more sh** than Cameron and May if that is even possible. On a positive note at least we didn't get wonky, Michael Gove who looks like he has a small alien stuffed inside his face fighting to escape.

Back to Boris though, sprouting sprogs here there, and everywhere. No doubt his rabid right-wing supporters are pointing the finger at the "poor" and blaming them for Boris not being capable of behaving like a grown-up and keeping his block and tackle firmly zipped.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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He is grotesque, a caricature of a politician, and even more sh** than Cameron and May if that is even possible. On a positive note at least we didn't get wonky, Michael Gove who looks like he has a small alien stuffed inside his face fighting to escape.

Back to Boris though, sprouting sprogs here there, and everywhere. No doubt his rabid right-wing supporters are pointing the finger at the "poor" and blaming them for Boris not being capable of behaving like a grown-up and keeping his block and tackle firmly zipped.

So your in favor of forcibly neutering Boris for the good of humanity?

Sounds like a typically left wing position to me.

Perhaps you would also like to usher in another socialist idea, like the T4 program.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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You can NOT debate with far-righters who comes out with nuggets like this-

10% of recruits fail the USA IQ test for the military.


10% of the British (world) population is a "burden" on society.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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You can NOT debate with far-righters who comes out with nuggets like this-

10% of recruits fail the USA IQ test for the military.


10% of the British (world) population is a "burden" on society.

1. Not right wing.
2. Is what i said lol..(edited this bit because sams right I did say that)

I said that the US army found that anyone with an IQ of under 85 cannot have a position which is not actually detrimental to the armies collective effort as a whole.

Hence 10% of any given population are actually detrimental to society as a whole.

Given the army is a multivariable job market, with hundreds of possible disciplines to make up a functioning self contained society can we not extrapolate that into the wider world?

Lets break this down.
The left instists there is a job for everyone, the right insists that you can train anyone to do anything.

The left is closer to the truth, however, to make this a reality one must balance a countries economy to account for less capable individuals.
So we have to retain industries which require less educated/capable individuals.

However, since engineering, manufacturing and textiles, are now mostly done overseas we have a lack of low skilled jobs.
Now add the rights view that you can train anyone to do a worthwhile job.
We have univercity placements not based on ability or competence but on universality that anyone is accepted.

So we end up with kids who are now in sh** tons of debt, with a poor education in a subject that will never get them work.

So, by attempting to prop up society we actually bring it down to it's lowest common denominator.

Like most things in life, it's complicated, yet people attempt to rationalise it to fit an ideology.

We dont have an answer to the IQ question, even worse, to talk about it is seen as a taboo.

Without talking about it, we cant understand and debate what to do about it.
Last edited:


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Total fabrication by an online charlatan who claims he is educated to master's level.

Not what you wrote at all.

Conveniently steering clear of your ludicrous claim "10% are a burden on society if they have an IQ lower than a fail in an American Military IQ test." All that coming from a far-righter who claims "science" is not to be trusted" yet quotes a silly IQ test that means nothing in the broader world outside the military.

A typical broad statement that has no basis whatsoever in social science (or reality).

Typical far-righter.

No evidence.

Alongside its other ludicrous allegation.

According to this master's educated social scientist, the entire world's population of scientists, doctors, and politicians are all involved in the Covid conspiracy.

We never did find out what the actual conspiracy is.

Because it disappears when it gets asked difficult questions.

Clearly glugging booze yet again hence the initial aggressive approach. Of course, it wouldn't say boo to a goose sober.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Total fabrication by an online charlatan who claims he is educated to master's level.

Not what you wrote at all.

Conveniently steering clear of your ludicrous claim "10% are a burden on society if they have an IQ lower than a fail in an American Military IQ test." All that coming from a far-righter who claims "science" is not to be trusted" yet quotes a silly IQ test that means nothing in the broader world outside the military.

A typical broad statement that has no basis whatsoever in social science (or reality).

Typical far-righter.

No evidence.

Alongside its other ludicrous allegation.

According to this master's educated social scientist, the entire world's population of scientists, doctors, and politicians are all involved in the Covid conspiracy.

We never did find out what the actual conspiracy is.

Because it disappears when it gets asked difficult questions.

Clearly glugging booze yet again hence the initial aggressive approach. Of course, it wouldn't say boo to a goose sober.

I do love talking to you Sam :)

It warms my heart to see you so animated :)

Now if you could put that effort into actually providing evidence to refute anything I have said it would be great :D

Then we could explore the topics and find some common ground :)

I know I'm wrong on a lot of things, I only have passing knowledge on so many subjects, so please educate me if you know better, I would welcome it.

One can only learn by questioning, especially my own biases :)


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I am not "animated" at all Mr Fake Masters Educated Charlatan. Why do you assume some random nobody (that's you) can provoke an emotional response from other users after they expose your ignorance?

I did forget though, you also claim to be a "psychologist" and although you can't communicate effectively for toffee.


I quote-

Anyone with a lower IQ than "average" is a burden on society according to you based solely on an American IQ test for the military.

In the UK that would mean 7 million people.

You don't even understand the basics of social science as I have previously said.

Positive and negative externalities for example.

Far too complex and intricate a subject for someone like you who bases all their opinions on broad assumptions and not on any evidence at all (from a social science stance).

Have a great night.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I am not "animated" at all Mr Fake Masters Educated Charlatan. Why do you assume some random nobody (that's you) can provoke an emotional response from other users after they expose your ignorance?

I did forget though, you also claim to be a "psychologist" and although you can't communicate effectively for toffee.


I quote-

Anyone with a lower IQ than "average" is a burden on society according to you based solely on an American IQ test for the military.

In the UK that would mean 7 million people.

You don't even understand the basics of social science as I have previously said.

Positive and negative externalities for example.

Far too complex and intricate a subject for someone like you who bases all their opinions on broad assumptions and not on any evidence at all (from a social science stance).

Have a great night.

You really should get a job in Politics Sam, you are pretty good at "Spinning"

"Anyone with a lower IQ than "average" is a burden on society according to you based solely on an American IQ test for the military."

You do know the average IQ is 100.
Not 85.

And yes, 6.5 to 7 Million people.

"You don't even understand the basics of social science as I have previously said.".

You obviously know more than me, so please, educate me.

"Positive and negative externalities"
Economics, really?
Thats kinda the point.

To be honest I have no idea why you have a problem with me having a degree in anything.
The only degree's that matter are those of stupidity or ignorance.
A univercity education wont cure that :)


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Oh, and just in case my fantastic communication is not translating.

What this nugget is claiming is, simply, that an Amazon driver with an IQ 2 points above the average IQ is an asset to society and that an Amazon driver with an IQ 2 points lower is a "burden".

That is even without questioning the initial IQ test. A-Z that's how social science works.

BTW "burden" is the charlatan's choice of word and not mine.

According to the charlatan and his far-right rhetoric, the disabled and the most vulnerable people in our society are a "burden" on that society. People who have worked their entire lives are also a "burden" on society" because the 10% he bleats on about includes all kinds of people from all walks of life.

Based solely on an IQ test that decides what is IQ and what isn't.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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