Right-wing driven myth that the BBC is "left" wing.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Experts reportedly feel that a requirement of all voters to carry identification might cost the taxpayer about £40 million over the next decade, pointing to a cabinet office-commissioned study released in May which claimed that more than two million voters might lack the necessary ID to take part in future elections.

Meanwhile, prime minister Boris Johnson has been warned by a survey that he might “accidentally disenfranchise” some of the Tory voters from the north of England if he chooses to push ahead with the plans of making photo id mandatory to cast votes.

According to a recent poll by YouGov, the impact of the proposed new rules regarding mandatory use of voter id during the polls will be felt greatest in the north of England – where one in 14 people are without any suitable form of photographic identification.

Pointing out that the northern voters- who otherwise have not voted Conservative in the past- had a contribution in Johnson’s 2019 and 2021 victories, head of international politics at YouGov, Marcus Roberts, warned No. 10 to be careful that “they don’t accidentally disenfranchise the very voters their recent wins owe so much to”.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Ooo do these educashated people fink they are. Showing off parsting fings like facts on 1 of those internet fings. Why dunt they go to a library 10 miles away like I did as a kid, wearing nuffin but a pair of obnail boots and my da's olde gherkins that hoong like a tent.

Born in a barn me, doors you had effing doors?

Working-class I am and proud and so effing authentic working-class I never show off and now I am off to my "writing desk" to mone and wine about ow working class I am.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Ooo do these educashated people fink they are. Showing off parsting fings like facts on 1 of those internet fings. Why dunt they go to a library 10 miles away like I did as a kid, wearing nuffin but a pair of obnail boots and my da's olde gherkins that hoong like a tent.

Born in a barn me, doors you had effing doors?

Working-class I am and proud and so effing authentic working-class I never show off and now I am off to my "writing desk" to mone and wine about ow working class I am.

Fvcking brilliant! I adore your writing. Always makes such an intelligent, well thought out and refreshing change, to the hate filled witterings of the usual suspect and his moronic, unscientific, pro disease tirades.



Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I find it slightly bizarre, that because the likes of Labours Jess Phillips are often paraded on the BBC (including this morning) as their token leftie, some people assume she is actually left-wing, actually, a lot of people think she is left-wing.

There is not a left-wing bone in her entire body.

Speaking with a regional accent does NOT make her left-wing.

To clarify (IMO), a socialist or socialist democrat is left-wing on the political spectrum, and anything to the right of that ideology is right-wing. Thatcher took that spectrum so far to the right some people even think the Lib Dems are left-wing.

Does Labour in its present guise represent the "working class"? No. Nu Labour and Blair and his continuation Thatcher (yes I am looking at you Kinnock) did NOT represent the working class.

The BBC is NOT left-wing and does NOT represent the working-class.

"Centrism" is not a thing, it doesn't exist in a rapidly changing political landscape.

Edited to state: All you liberals out there are IMPOSTERS and wolves in sheep's clothing when you present your ideology as "left-wing".

Have a great day.
Last edited:


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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One thing you won`t answer is why ,very suddenly ,you stopped using the chatrooms here yet leave a certain lady to watch events on your behalf :::)


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I find it slightly bizarre, that because the likes of Labours Jess Phillips are often paraded on the BBC (including this morning) as their token leftie, some people assume she is actually left-wing, actually, a lot of people think she is left-wing.

There is not a left-wing bone in her entire body.

Speaking with a regional accent does NOT make her left-wing.

To clarify (IMO), a socialist or socialist democrat is left-wing on the political spectrum, and anything to the right of that ideology is right-wing. Thatcher took that spectrum so far to the right some people even think the Lib Dems are left-wing.

Does Labour in its present guise represent the "working class"? No. Nu Labour and Blair and his continuation Thatcher (yes I am looking at you Kinnock) did NOT represent the working class.

The BBC is NOT left-wing and does NOT represent the working-class.

"Centrism" is not a thing, it doesn't exist in a rapidly changing political landscape.

Edited to state: All you liberals out there are IMPOSTERS and wolves in sheep's clothing when you present your ideology as "left-wing".

Have a great day.


I find it slightly bizarre, that because the likes of Labours Jess Phillips are often paraded on the BBC (including this morning) as their token leftie, some people assume she is actually left-wing, actually, a lot of people think she is left-wing.

There is not a left-wing bone in her entire body.

Speaking with a regional accent does NOT make her left-wing.

To clarify (IMO), a socialist or socialist democrat is left-wing on the political spectrum, and anything to the right of that ideology is right-wing. Thatcher took that spectrum so far to the right some people even think the Lib Dems are left-wing.

Does Labour in its present guise represent the "working class"? No. Nu Labour and Blair and his continuation Thatcher (yes I am looking at you Kinnock) did NOT represent the working class.

The BBC is NOT left-wing and does NOT represent the working-class.

"Centrism" is not a thing, it doesn't exist in a rapidly changing political landscape.

Edited to state: All you liberals out there are IMPOSTERS and wolves in sheep's clothing when you present your ideology as "left-wing".

Have a great day.


As I said last night, from now on I shall only respond to Sam, Tiddles, and Hells with :rolleyes:. Their nonsense is tiresome.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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refreshing change, to the hate filled witterings of the usual suspect and his moronic, unscientific, pro disease tirades.

Yes, now it has to resort to spamming me me me me me me me me me on threads it stated it would NOT be commenting on in the future. Making a noise, like the irritant it is, is far more important than honoring his own word.


Yes, now it has to resort to spamming me me me me me me me me me on threads it stated it would NOT be commenting on. Making a noise, like the irritant it is, is far more important than FACTS.

An extremely needy man.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Couldn't agree more about Jess Phillips, her attention seeking stunts are too numerous to mention.
Whether you're on the left or the right, and like it or not, you have to appeal to the centre, simply because that's where most of the votes are.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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The EU referendum (and the 2019 election victory for Boris) has (for now) changed the political landscape in relation to the EU supporting "centrist" voting class (predominantly middle class). That politics has solely pandered to for the past arguably 40 years and a dynamic that I would argue is no more.

The silent voices have spoken, the casualties of de-industrialization, the people who often didn't vote because there was nothing to vote for. The same voices the political class has pissed on from a great height for decades and certainly since Thatcher.

The seismic shock of the EU referendum shook the entire liberal establishment to the core and which is why they fought so hard to overturn it and both Labour and Tory are now scrabbling about trying to convince and call it what you like, the Brexit voting working-class, to vote for them. The centre has also shifted leftwards following Corbyn almost winning the election in 2017 and although he was not popular his policies were (which is why Boris stole a chunk of them).

Boris however will almost certainly renege on his "levelling up" promise to the Brexit voting red wall northern heartlands who previously voted Labour and Sir Keir appears to have taken Labour to the right (compared to Corbyn) that there is currently no discernable difference between the two main parties. Both would be at home in either party from an ideological viewpoint.

Appealing solely to "centrists" won't win elections anymore (with a large majority) and that f@cks up both parties, who adapts first (and it's usually Tory) will reap the reward.


The EU referendum (and the 2019 election victory for Boris) has (for now) changed the political landscape in relation to the EU supporting "centrist" voting class (predominantly middle class). That politics has solely pandered to for the past arguably 40 years and a dynamic that I would argue is no more.

The silent voices have spoken, the casualties of de-industrialization, the people who often didn't vote because there was nothing to vote for. The same voices the political class has pissed on from a great height for decades and certainly since Thatcher.

The seismic shock of the EU referendum shook the entire liberal establishment to the core and which is why they fought so hard to overturn it and both Labour and Tory are now scrabbling about trying to convince and call it what you like, the Brexit voting working-class, to vote for them. The centre has also shifted leftwards following Corbyn almost winning the election in 2017 and although he was not popular his policies were (which is why Boris stole a chunk of them).

Boris however will almost certainly renege on his "levelling up" promise to the Brexit voting red wall northern heartlands who previously voted Labour and Sir Keir appears to have taken Labour to the right (compared to Corbyn) that there is currently no discernable difference between the two main parties. Both would be at home in either party from an ideological viewpoint.

Appealing solely to "centrists" won't win elections anymore (with a large majority) and that f@cks up both parties, who adapts first (and it's usually Tory) will reap the reward.