Right-wing driven myth that the BBC is "left" wing.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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This research project provides a sound and theoretically informed analysis of the various (or unison) media representations of the rise of Jeremy Corbyn as a candidate for the Labour leadership and of him as the new leader of the largest opposition party in the UK. Furthermore, this project also aims to make a contribution to the ongoing public debate regarding the role of mainstream media and of journalists in a media-saturated democracy.

We set out to recognise and acknowledge the legitimate role of the press to critique and challenge the powers that be, which is often encapsulated by the metaphor of the watchdog. Our systematic content analysis of a representative sample of newspaper articles published in 8 national newspapers between 1 September and 1 November 2015, however, shows that the press reacted in a highly transgressive manner to the new leader of the opposition, hence our reference to the attackdog metaphor.

Our analysis shows that Corbyn was thoroughly delegitimised as a political actor from the moment he became a prominent candidate and even more so after he was elected as party leader, with a strong mandate. This process of delegitimisation occurred in several ways: 1) through lack of or distortion of voice; 2) through ridicule, scorn and personal attacks; and 3) through association, mainly with terrorism.

All this raises, in our view, a number of pressing ethical questions regarding the role of the media in a democracy. Certainly, democracies need their media to challenge power and offer robust debate, but when this transgresses into an antagonism that undermines legitimate political voices that dare to contest the current status quo, then it is not democracy that is served.

LSE. London School of Economics and Political Science (respected the world over).


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Democracy campaigners are calling for electoral reform amid a ‘toxic’ general election campaign that has seen ‘lies and misinformation sanctioned from the top’.

Compassion In Politics is one of several groups who are calling to overhaul the UK’s first-past-the-post voting system to address a ‘crisis’ in British politics.

The last six weeks have seen a number of underhand tactics employed by parties to smear their opposition from the Tories creating a fake labour manifesto to the Lib Dems sending out election leafletsdesigned to look like local newspapers.

Writing in the Guardian on what they have dubbed ‘Democracy Day’ – the UK’s leading democracy organisations have said debate about electoral reform has been ‘dangerously absent’ from the leadership contest.

Speaking to Metro.co.uk about what she described as a ‘crisis’ in democracy, Jennifer Nadel, co-director of Compassion In Politics, said: ‘I think what’s really troubling about this campaign is that misinformation and lies are being sanctioned straight from the top.

‘We have seen the Conservative Party launch a fake website and change its twitter handle [to factcheckUk]. This is not an individual rouge party member, it’s the whole party and the party that is ahead in the polls’.

Ms Nadel said it was a ‘scandal of dishonesty and deception’ that the Tories could get away with spreading misinformation in this way.

The Tories were accused of more nasty tricks this week after buying up a website address in the name of a Labour candidate to tell people not to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.

Mary Fitzgerald, editor of Open Democracy, said it was the dirtiest UK election on record.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Thoreau got it right:

‘Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.’ (Thoreau, ‘Walden’, Penguin, 1983, p.68)

The same is certainly true of propaganda. We can laugh now at McCarthyite paranoia warning of Soviet tentacles threatening every aspect of Western life during the Cold War. In the 1940s and 1950s, Hollywood produced dozens of anti-communist films with titles like ‘I Married A Communist’ and ‘I Was A Communist For The FBI’. Large-circulation magazines were titled, ‘Communists Are After Your Child.’ Even children’s comics declared:

‘Beware, commies, spies, traitors, and foreign agents! Captain America, with all loyal, free men behind him, is looking for you.’ (Quoted, Howard Zinn, ‘A People’s History of the United States,’ Harper Colophon, 1990, p.428).

For the UK’s right-wing coup took place a long time ago. The successful postwar mixed economy/welfare state with collective bargaining, demand management and nationalised industries, at its most developed under the Conservative Macmillan, was replaced without popular consent about the time that the American government under Nixon ran out of money over Vietnam and could not honour its international settlement commitments to other countries “through the gold window” in 1971, leading to international currencies being made to float, with the US instituting austerity policies to curb inflation.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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I can't say whether the press were biased against Corbyn or not... But the British public made their feelings clear of what they thought of him at the last election. Or were we too stupid to know what we were voting for? How the Labour elite must hate the uneducated working-class.


I can't say whether the press were biased against Corbyn or not... But the British public made their feelings clear of what they thought of him at the last election. Or were we too stupid to know what we were voting for? How the Labour elite must hate the uneducated working-class.
His being an antisemite and hanging out of the back of Diane Abbot didn’t help his cause. :D :D


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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The British rabid right wing, along with right-wing members of the British Labour Party, have launched a full-scale attack on Jeremy Corbyn, the left-wing leader of the Labour Party, charging that he is anti-Semite. This is was an obvious attempt to remove Corbyn from the leadership of the party, which he first won in 2015 with mass support from the Labour Party rank and file against the all-out opposition of the party establishment, including the most Labour members of parliament. Since then, Corbyn and Momentum, the organization that supports him, won a second leadership election and came very close to upsetting the ruling Conservative Party government in a general election in 2017.

Corbyn has long supported Palestinians and their struggle for liberation from Israeli occupation. The ignorant rabid right wing want to equate his opposition to Israel as anti-Semitic. Their campaign against Corbyn is a threat not only to his leadership of Labour, but also sets a dangerous precedent by equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. As such, it is an attack directed at the entire left in Britain and internationally, and particularly the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I can't say whether the press were biased against Corbyn or not... But the British public made their feelings clear of what they thought of him at the last election. Or were we too stupid to know what we were voting for? How the Labour elite must hate the uneducated working-class.

I am surprised you are allowed to vote.


UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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His being an antisemite and hanging out of the back of Diane Abbot didn’t help his cause. :D :D
Promoting his ex to shadow home secretary... Who sent her own child to be privately educated (shakes head and rolls eye) :rolleyes: One rule for them and another rule for us working-class.
I am surprised you are allowed to vote.
Precisely. And if it was up to the Labour elite, people like me wouldn't be allowed to vote, because we're too thick, too bloody stupid to know what's best for us.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Let's look at the EVIDENCE.

Lurky the Troll disrupts most threads by both myself and others.

According to the list on the right his last post was 3.30 am this morning.

The moment Lurky the Troll woke up at 11 am he tried disrupting this factual and much more superior thread.

Lurky the Troll is a no lifer. This is his life. His entire being. His safe space.

Don't be like Lurky the Troll, who speaks for his sleazy sidekicks as if they are as stupid as he is.


Promoting his ex to shadow home secretary... Who sent her own child to be privately educated (shakes head and rolls eye) :rolleyes: One rule for them and another rule for us working-class.

Precisely. And if it was up to the Labour elite, people like me wouldn't be allowed to vote, because we're too thick, too bloody stupid to know what's best for us.
He appeals to ppl like Shouty Man simply because his has always been a bigot.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Promoting his ex to shadow home secretary... Who sent her own child to be privately educated (shakes head and rolls eye) :rolleyes: One rule for them and another rule for us working-class.

Precisely. And if it was up to the Labour elite, people like me wouldn't be allowed to vote, because we're too thick, too bloody stupid to know what's best for us.

You don't vote. Lurky the Troll doesn't vote.

All you do is sit online slyly sniping (snidy) at other people's threads who are not in your ghastly clique.

If you had anything about you, which you don't, you would remain objective and not get involved emotionally.

Try and control yourself.


Let's look at the EVIDENCE.

Lurky the Troll disrupts most threads by both myself and others.

According to the list on the right his last post was 3.30 am this morning.

The moment Lurky the Troll woke up at 11 am he tried disrupting this factual and much more superior thread.

Lurky the Troll is a no lifer. This is his life. His entire being. His safe space.

Don't be like Lurky the Troll, who speaks for his sleazy sidekicks as if they are as stupid as he is.
Ahhh thank you. You say the sweetest things.


You don't vote. Lurky the Troll doesn't vote.

All you do is sit online slyly sniping (snidy) at other people's threads who are not in your ghastly clique.

If you had anything about you, which you don't, you would remain objective and not get involved emotionally.

Try and control yourself.
Did your keyboard survive that little tantrum?


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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What sort of idiot, a so called grown up, would sit back passively and tolerate the extremely abusive and controlling Lurky the Troll typing on their behalf.

I wonder.....


What sort of idiot, a so called grown up, would sit back passively and tolerate the extremely abusive and controlling Lurky the Troll typing on their behalf.

I wonder.....
You’re welcome.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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"Covid passports" how dare you they squeal and while they voted in this cesspit of a government and support photo ID for voting.

LABOUR’s shadow minister for democracy, Cat Smith, has slammed the UK government’s Elections Bill, brought before parliament on Monday (5), saying that the proposal to make photo identification mandatory for voting will make it harder for Asian and minority ethnic Britons to vote and will lock them out of democracy, media reports said.

Calling the changes proposed in the bill “a Trumpian tactic”, Smith claimed that the need for voter ID is a “total waste of taxpayers’ money” and the Conservatives are engaging in a “blatant voter suppression”.

“It doesn’t matter how the government tries to dress it up, these plans will make it harder for working-class, older and black, Asian and minority ethnic Britons to vote,” The Guardian quoted Smith in a report. “They know this is the case because their own research shows that millions of our fellow citizens lack photo ID in this country.”

One rule for them....