Post a Poem... (yeah really)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 8, 2018
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I hate Christmas!

So, it may not be popular, many may think that it's not right,
But I hate Christmas, yes, I hate with all my might,
And no, it isn't because I'm tight,
People get so excited knowing that its near,
Whilst I truly hate this time of year,
Quietly hoping that i can run from it and to disappear,
Fed up with people expecting all this false Christmas cheer,
Acting like idiots out on the beer,
Because Christmas is overrated and seems to go on forever,
November hits and it seems to start, until the month of never,
Tv full of Christmas ads, of shops competing to sell,
Bright eyed kids saying i was that this and that as well,
Parents struggling to financially, which for many is hell,
Rushing and stressing to get out and buy,
Materialistic Christmas i hate and its clear why,
Everything is expensive, it's all got a price,
Then people say it's about family and festivities it's meant to be nice,
Many using it as an excuse, to overeat or drink,
When they can eat and drink whatever they like all year round, come on think,
Sadly, many many people spend it all alone,
Many homeless on the street, longing for just a home,
Having to see family, you might not what to see,
Arguing and bickering the joys of family.
With many of missing loved ones who've passed away,
I hate it all, yes, it's true more than a financial price to pay,
Goes on forever when it's meant to be just one day,
It's meant to be religious to but that side no one seems to see,
All it seems to be about is what's under the tree,
Joyous people forgetting how for many it causes loneliness, stress and misery,
Then people moan come on its Christmas like you should be full of glee,
Christmas songs playing everywhere repeatedly,
So, I hate Christmas and it won't change even if you don't agree!
I Do like Santa :D


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 8, 2018
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There ones was a Chatter,
who wrote me a letter.
About life,
without his wife.
I am free he said,
a better wife in my bed.
One that gives me everything,
that you not find on Bing.
Now I am Happy,
and I will cook Flappy...
With Xmas :D


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Words for frederick douglass by Dell MacTaighain

When I was young
I had the voice of a boy
But the heart of a man

Now I am old
I have the voice of a man
But the heart of a boy


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Let’s fuuuuck! By Hugh Ristic

Ill be with you till death ends

All of heaven in our eyes and dreams

Circling dances with mortality forgotten

Beds shaped like desire with Closed eyes

Motion entwined symmetry

With drug induced soundtracks

Until the fat lady groans and kums

And the skinny guy goes outside

for a ciggie and never returns

This is all love and its worth

In a child’s eyes

Echoed vision of past aspects

Leaning forward with histrionic corollary

And they will love you


And decorate your grave

once a year for their own sake
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UKChat Familiar
Jan 8, 2018
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This site lacks voice, it oftens gets hijacked by trolls who like their own name on screen, so how about this...? post your shittiest poem, your best poem, the worst thing you've ever imagined read by another idiot who had electricity? Well here's your platform. No one can stop you, its your time, post your poem. No one cares that much anyway but just to get it out of your head is a thing right? I'll even start - hang on... brb, i'll go write one and post it to start it off okay? brb.. okay took a few minutes but here we go... this is how easy it is:

Walk a mile...

I ditched everyone I knew
Because they were holding...
Mm back
Like fences...
they held me in
And it's hard
to be this civilised
so dismissive
but they were breathing their own way
not my way
Entertaining as it seemed
They were wearing shoes
that didn't fit me
I tried
Feck I tried!
I got all messed up
in every direction but my own
Not their fault
Just ill-fitting shoes
I walk bare foot now
till i reach the shoe shop

okay, that took me a few minutes but you get the idea, say what the feck you want - you have a trillion breathes - make them count

There was a old man from China he wasn't a very good climber he slipped on a rock broke his cock now he got a vagina


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Existence is exhausting
Tiresome but awesome
twins in the same head
One wants the other dead
Both killed
Murdered by suicide
death by experience
side by side
One was invisible
You saw the other
walking down the street
did you see his shadow?

Im not letting you in on this journey
Its not about you
you fuckwit
I'm fighting internally
I'm losing and winning
punching and healing
Then getting back up
We all have rugs and brooms and sweeping skills

Swinging like a boxer
ducking and weaving
between the voices on your shoulders
feeling all these things
left duck
right hook
this is a war of breathing

Heaven is easy
try dreaming
Only in life
there's a glass ceiling

You're a joke
stupid beyond what is spoke
everyone around you thinks
you dont

You're not alone
I typed this
As well as you did but didn't
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UKChat Expert
Mar 29, 2019
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I came to this life from somewhere, I am sure I will return
I arrived on this planet, not to hate, but ultimately to learn
And when I die, like a diary, my experience will be read
As part of the universal consciousness , that lives outside our head
A piece of the eternal mind that so wants to understand
And made a plan of doing this through the suffering of man.


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Crystal tips by Dell MacTaighain

You're never late
You're never on the wrong bus
Going to the
wrong destination
With the
wrong person
Wearing the wrong clothes
Eating the wrong food
At the
wrong time
In the wrong way
With the
wrong cutlery

You are here
In Life
And Its taking notes
Not that It cares either way

The shadows we cast upon ourselves
That collective whisper of self doubt
Is always behind us - no matter how fast we run
From the sun



part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Just Saying by Dell MacTaighain

Those who go down to the river
Are never as brave as those that go down to the sea
The waves that will come whilst blinking
will tear them down
to the ground
Strip them bare
For all to see
I'm a person
I'm so simple and effective
I'll never need to meet you
Or haunt you
Listen to the words
I'm not a shadow I'm a force
Reflections don't drown
And shadows cant divorce
John discovered spectacles
Sue found her knickers
What does this prose contain in ryhme or reason?
You tell me


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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The Human Condition by Dell Mactaighain

If we're human and I hope we are
We're unplugged crazy
You're posting cake pics whilst
Politicians post legislate
Who's the moron?

Entertainers? Go do one
You're not worth the money
With your frankenstein art
You are the monster

Educators? Rarely went to lessons
Wasn't learning much
Never learnt how to learn
just to remembered how to cope

Trade? Kill me kill you - I have your wallet
I've gravestoned read arguments between
civilisations and how they trieddied - its called history
You've killed more people than suicide and apathy

Health? For all?
We're the only species that charges to help
Underpaid, overworked, pay footballers more
Rich people are morons that live forever - Score!

Organisation? Groups in charge from
religion to politics in everchanging t-shirts
it's a dance of both retards and geniuses
Demons and Anglels ordering pizza whilst the world burns

Science? We love to predict the future
Where's the sense or science in a selfcleaning plate
Philosophy is eulogy
for all great grand children

I saw it coming and i apologise
I couldn't stop it


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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When things meant something by Dell MacTaighain

We break from the arms of the lord so young these days
forgetting the rules and making up our own
not that thats a bad thing
just different and more dangerous
without a lens to see
There's so much depth to the sound of life
yet so shallow
the voices we hear
The promise of currency
a crowd of malarkey
limbs and lives everywhere like a horror film
wallpaper music phone pad pizza
the level of calm an beauty i feel
she gets me
this beautiful moment that isnt winter
despite the snow
lets make snowballs and
Snowangels in the middle of the street
break break traffic coming
lets hold hands and giggle and run clear
what is religion and politics
that big people say and dictate
and be 16 again
just for once more


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Stuff about breaking up by Dell MacTaighain

Look, I know this is wrong but it's life
You are you and i'm not me quite yet
Perhaps I'll never be
but you'll be better
without me
I'm a sunstroked mess
I'm letting it cannon
my heart
From my chest
You were a break in the storm
that i was never in
There was no Eye
It wasn't you
It was'nt me
It was a state of being
We were a masterpiece unnamed
in that time
shamed by our own recollection
of memories captured by music of the time
Both of us
with jagged teeth


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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I've come to realise over the past years that I'm the only person that usually posts anything here. That's great for me! I can use this space as a note book... heres the latest...

A childs voice by Dell MacTaighain

You know that voice?

That voice that’s within you?

Course you know it…

It tells you what to do

That you’re sh**

You’re a vulnerable and weak ***

That voice? You know it

Don’t do that moron, do this ffs!

That voice

We all have it

Well that voice started a long time ago

Hello teacher

I’m here for me – those big people said so

Tell me who I am, please?

Don’t worry, I have time and you get paid

Don’t fold your arms – I can do that… look

Is that important?

My parents cant tell me

They keep secrets

Bit busy

Okay I’ll shush but why?

No – why are you sending me out?

Now I’ve failed

Voice no. 1: parents tell me I’m wrong

Why? I was just asking who I am?

Voice no.2: teachers tell me I’m wrong

Why? I was just asking who I am?

Voice no.3: friends tell me I’m wrong

Why? I was just asking who I am?

(The dissonance of reality sets in by 16)

Voice no:4: work tells me I’m wrong

Why? I was just asking who I am?

(The Dissonance of reality REALLY kicks in)

I’m unemployed and struggling

Can’t afford a pizza let alone a home

And all voices collect and tell me I’m worthless

Like a group of hyenas

Circling hungry


Almost dancing to Van Morrison’s Moon Dance

In anticipation of my demise

Hang on…

**** off

‘The first to attack me dies’

You cry in desperation

‘I’ll focus all my life on killing them

– so… which one of you hairy motherfuckers is first?’

They’ll back away singing ABBA Waterloo

The intimacy of life is quite extraordinary


Do not listen to the devil

Do not listen to the angel

Just do what comes natural to you

Let them voices worry about the details

They’ll tell you often enough

Feck, hug and kiss the demon

And kick that feckin’ angel off your shoulder

They’re both a pair of selfrighteous cunts

… Over to You


UKChat Familiar
Feb 25, 2023
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The scent of heaven between a horses ears
Not been in the saddle for years and years
How good it feels feels riding free
The wind and the horse guiding me
Over fields and tracks
Breathing in peace on our hack.

Never thought I'd get back on
Didn't trust my leg was strong
But thanks to such a brilliant horse
My riding is now back on course.
Synergy between horse and rider
My horsey aims will be getting higher.

In the saddle I am confident and alive
Enjoying the tempo of his stride
Over a log or over a fence
My fear is gone from this day hence
Thank you Ross, my new found friend
I never want our rides to end.

(I used to ride, work with horses, gave up (for good I thought) a few years ago after breaking my leg and needing surgery.
Found Ian Starks Equestrian Centre and fell in love with one of their horses. Ross, a 15.2 coloured cob, who is an absolute dream to ride. Rediscovered my passion for horses.)


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
The scent of heaven between a horses ears
Not been in the saddle for years and years
How good it feels feels riding free
The wind and the horse guiding me
Over fields and tracks
Breathing in peace on our hack.

Never thought I'd get back on
Didn't trust my leg was strong
But thanks to such a brilliant horse
My riding is now back on course.
Synergy between horse and rider
My horsey aims will be getting higher.

In the saddle I am confident and alive
Enjoying the tempo of his stride
Over a log or over a fence
My fear is gone from this day hence
Thank you Ross, my new found friend
I never want our rides to end.

(I used to ride, work with horses, gave up (for good I thought) a few years ago after breaking my leg and needing surgery.
Found Ian Starks Equestrian Centre and fell in love with one of their horses. Ross, a 15.2 coloured cob, who is an absolute dream to ride. Rediscovered my passion for horses.)
go for it!


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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The Meaning of Breathing

23,040 times a day

8,409,600 a year

Vanilla lifespan 69.8 years for men and 74.9 years for women

That’s 588,672,000 for men and 629,879,040 for women

This, all the time you might have

Each breath is measured by time

Statistical and logical and with forced physical

Do fish use calculators

Pandas use diets

one shouldn’t belittle the breath

one should understand each vital memory

as a treasured gift, but Live it

for we will be encumbered by none of it at all

in what moment becomes I am no more

a dice trick with loaded dice

will not stop heaven coming

Create good

Create memories

Create meaning to each breath

Because in essence, each breath is meaningless

but a blank canvas for memory
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Here's a few I threw together a little while ago.

Ye of Little Faith

There was a little lady
Faith, that was her name.
She moved herself to China,
and made her way to fame.

Soon she had a daugher;
here’s what the people saith
“Here’s Ye, Faiths daughter,
Our Ye, of little Faith.”

The Environment

It used to take me twenty skins to make a warm fur coat,
but wasn’t long ‘til lobby groups arose and rocked the boat.
They claimed that all my coats I made were damaging the earth,
for they claimed that I robbed the ground of those that came to birth.

So now I own a mine for oil and coal to make my plastic
The land is raped, the animals die, but the profits are fantastic!!!
I make 400 dollars a minute from just my little hole
It’s more than I could make from how I used to feed my soul.

And then I bought a cotton farm, you oughta see the land
Not a plant lies on it, like a desert without sand.
But when the seasons right we till the ground and plant the crop,
then pour out chemicals and water like a river that won’t stop.

They say it won’t repair itself, the dirt, when I move on,
but do they think I really care about what others want done.
See plastic caused cancer, yes, but also keeps us warm,
polyester jackets, then there’s many an other form.

The cotton fields will make those feel they’re doing what they should
by not buying my plastic clothes, yet cotton ones they would.
So either way now I can win, my mighty business empire,
but no more are there any skins, at the lobbyist’s desire.

And because of being a primary industry, the governments on my side,
whether there’s a drought or flood, I’ll get a grant from them besides.
They’ll help maintain my empire, while I sit here at my desk,
laughing at society and my enemy lobbyist pest.

Actually, come to think of it, I should get me one of those.
A legal team of lobbyists for if the need ever arose,
to show how my existence is most needy for the earth,
and my corporations existence has rights like any birth.


As I look out with my tired eye,
horizon joins the sea and sky.
I ask a word of Him up high,
the days we suffer, tell me why.

He answers with the passing time,
I’ll write it here, now, in this rhyme.
I sleep, then wake, and now I’m fine.
Sometimes we miss the things divine.

The Poet Breaker

I want you to write a poem
about something you don’t believe,
about something you don’t feel;
of a subject you dislike,
but show it from the angle that you love it,
with not a hint of sarcasm.

Or maybe write a song
with a tune that you can’t stand
of a subject you dislike,
but make it sound joyous.

Write for me things
that break your spirit,
things that I want to hear
and not things you want to write about,
until all your joy is lost from pouring out your heart
while no-one’s listening,
and where your emotions no longer dominate
the way the pen marks the page,
but robotically attempts to please unsympathetic ears.

I don’t care how you feel.
I just want to see you waste time
writing this piece
to see how much more you can.

We all have our limits.

And when you’ve reached your end
like a burnt out wick of a candle
snuffed out and relit over the passage of time,
yet now at it’s end
with nothing more to give
no longer enjoying it
but looking back, and considering it a drudge,
then I’ll know.

Then I’ll know, as the untrained expert that I am,
that you may truly be a poet,
and I, the critic, know who I am.
Crushing the feelings out of you
stealing your feelings
leaving you hollow
until to your box you go
allowing me to exist,
a troll
feeling powerful
in my imagination.