Post a Poem... (yeah really)



What a little sh**!
Have faith- he's had his heart broken since ;)
I have a slew of heartbreak poetry....none any younger than about a decade though! Lol Much prefer writing the angry stuff; the rap inspired type poetry, with lots of F's a C's. o_O It's very cathartic. Lol
It is vert cathartic.
Nowadays I just tend to swear a lot then move on.....I do love reading others poetry though. x:cool:


UKChat Initiate
Jan 30, 2018
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I'm trying hard to be strong
Be the adult I'm meant to be
But deep inside, crying out
Is the little girl in me
She doesn't want to be strong
Doesn't understand
She wants someone to comfort her
To take her by the hand
The adult in me understands
There's more to life than pain
The adult in my also knows
She will smile naturally again
But that doesn't help the child inside
It doesn't ease her tears
It doesn't stop her feeling alone
It doesn't calm her fears
So next time you feel like telling me
To have faith and believe
Remember the little girl inside
Give her time to grieve


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Thank you :) BDSM= Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism. It's a sexual pleasure out of either being dominated or dominating the partner/s and for many, can be a lifestyle not just a sexual preference.
so... its like sex with boris with a peppa pig lunchbox cellotaped to his forehead- i get it now. great poem, you have a voice


Staff member
Jan 30, 2018
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He brings me such desires, way deep inside.
The excitement is just too palpable to hide.

The thought of him sends my head into a spin,
Knowing the pleasure, that he is about to bring.

My throat tightens up, my mouth it goes dry.
Trembling anticipation, almost tears my eyes.

I hear his footsteps approaching my door.
My body starts responding, I'll know I'll want more.

The sound of the bell, almost drives me insane.
A Pavlovian reaction, I think that's his game.

I try to contain the evocative feelings in me.
It's not something I'm ready for him to see.

I open the door, my heart racing so much,
Soft leather waiting for my gentle touch.

So Thank you Mr Delivery man.
I love my new handbag, you brought in your van!
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part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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He brings me such desires, way deep inside.
The excitement is just too palpable to hide.

The thought of him sends my head into a spin,
Knowing the pleasure, that he is about to bring.

My throat tightens up, my mouth it goes dry.
Trembling anticipation, almost tears my eyes.

I hear his footsteps approaching my door.
My body starts responding, I'll know I'll want more.

The sound of the bell, almost drives me insane.
A Pavlovian reaction, I think that's his game.

I try to contain the evocative feelings in me.
It's not something I'm ready for him to see.

I open the door, my heart racing so much,
Soft leather waiting for my gentle touch.

So Thank you Mr Delivery man.
I love my new handbag, you brought in your van!
nice get out - very pam ayres ending, loved it


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Old stubborn men sit on damp park benches

Feeding Time and shouting at ducks

Remember, they are only children

Trying to stem the bleed and leak

Of decaying memories of when they were men

Yet still young drivers

Driving dusty and rusting cars

No more motorways for this vehicle

Just a damp park bench on an autumn morning

then a shuffle to the foodbank on Hy-Brasyl street​


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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There was a young woman from Ealing,
Who had a peculiar feeling,
She lay on her back,
And opened her crack,
And pissed all over the ceiling.

I am not the young woman from Ealing.
OMG! Are you from Limerick too?
If so, try composing a poem with that as your starting point.


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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I know this forum is about personal poetry but I thought i'd post this one - for inspiration, it's a favourite of mine...

Someone clever once said
Women were not allowed pockets
In case they carried leaflets
To spread sedition
Which means unrest
To you & me
A grandiose word
For commonsense
So ladies, start sewing
Dangerous coats
Made of pockets & sedition


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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I see people are too shy to posts their poetry - cool - means more space for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Here's a poem from my latest album (as if)... wrote it at 4am this morning (not going to use my real name obviously)... hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it....

The Custard Years by Heuristic Monkey

When I was seven I tasted tinned, creamed custard for the first time

It was the besterest thing I’ve ever hadded in my mouth!

That’s when I planned my adulthood…

Custard for breakfast – every morning

Then trampolining, then playing soldiers on the back field till lunch

With burgers and chips with so much ketchup you couldn’t see the food

Then a nap - because I’d be tired obviously

Then kiss chase with Mary from over the road with my friends and hers

This would take all day

They hide well – mostly – not Kate – we’d find her easy

No time for stupid school!!

Then back home for tea

Full of biscuits and ice cream, black jacks and sherbet dabs

Then play, tag, cricket, football, until dad drags me home

When it starts getting dark

I wont want to go but I know I Have to- Mammy told me

But no bath! I’ll just pretend and wet my hair

Then drink dandelion and burdock till I fall asleep

In front of the telly

Till dad carries me to bed

I’m now fifty-six (I think)

I don’t have custard for breakfast

Even though I know I can – I have porridge instead

But each year, for one weekend

We gather from the four corners

As an homage

I, with my friends, those that are left

We replay our custard years… In its full glory

With a starter of custard for breakfast​
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part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Aww, that captures the nostalgia for childhood so well. x
slante saphire - it was soooooooooooooo much fun writing it, it was hard to keep it to such a short form. I wanted to go on and talk about easter eggs and xmas pressies and so on but knew I wanted to make it short - just like a childhood x


slante saphire - it was soooooooooooooo much fun writing it, it was hard to keep it to such a short form. I wanted to go on and talk about easter eggs and xmas pressies and so on but knew I wanted to make it short - just like a childhood x
Nothing to stop you writing part 2 ... 3...and so on. :)


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Of Cakes and Having… by Heuristic Monkey

It’s a weight

Heavier than a planet

To bear on such simple shoulders

When you realise

Your leaders are as clueless

And reckless

As those that voted them in

You are a now child amongst children

Playing with grown up toys

The difference being

You are aware of it all

And as the wrinkles gather tighter

Seek solace in knowing

You are not alone

I see it too



part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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Total Equality By HeuristicMonkey

I love strong, independent women

Especially the ones that see their kids

On alternative weekends

The ones that get called the ‘absent mother’

From children that blame them for everything

You know, those women

The ones that adjust the heating when they get home

With a frown and complain about the bills she must pay

And then their children grew up like strangers

they knew only between dinner and bedtime

They say ‘I never really knew my mother’

She was working every day, and my dad looked after us

After all, being a father is the hardest job in the world

But she was too busy I suppose, wrapped up in her career

She didn’t care about us, just herself

I don’t wear a dangerous coat

But I do wear enlightened shoes

I’ve walked in them for generations

From nine ‘til… whenever pays the bills

So, before waking me up at midnight

to load the washing machine that you forgot to do

and demanding we should be equal

remember, I agree

What about you?​


Merry Christmas
Nov 23, 2018
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write a poem, he said
it won't take up too much time,
easy for him to say
when straight away
the chat room calls

At school was the last time,
I was given this task
Then I found the rhymes rolled out
Now seems such a big ask

best ya gettin haha, but some great poems here, wish I was that talented :)


UKChat Expert
Jan 3, 2018
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write a poem, he said
it won't take up too much time,
easy for him to say
when straight away
the chat room calls

At school was the last time,
I was given this task
Then I found the rhymes rolled out
Now seems such a big ask

best ya gettin haha, but some great poems here, wish I was that talented :)
Dur! Just realised I was signed in on a Xmas name too :rolls_eyes:


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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write a poem, he said
it won't take up too much time,
easy for him to say
when straight away
the chat room calls

At school was the last time,
I was given this task
Then I found the rhymes rolled out
Now seems such a big ask

best ya gettin haha, but some great poems here, wish I was that talented :)
off the cuff? happy to be the one you blame ;)