do you believe in God

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do you believe in God

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Life sucks. Society is hell bent on self-destruction, the gap between rich and poor grows ever wider, crime and hate is so out of control we are no longer shocked, we fool ourselves into pretending we matter to whoever wields power only to ignore the fact that those same people can treat us with disdain.
We have asset-stripped our own planet to the point Mother Nature MUST be wondering where she went wrong.
Hate is the new normal and we are told we must be tolerant of it.
Self-denial and blatant refusal to see what is right in front of us has led humanity down a path that cannot be reversed.
Bring on the next ELE and send humanity to the same fate as the dinosaurs.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 3, 2018
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Life sucks. Society is hell bent on self-destruction, the gap between rich and poor grows ever wider, crime and hate is so out of control we are no longer shocked, we fool ourselves into pretending we matter to whoever wields power only to ignore the fact that those same people can treat us with disdain.
We have asset-stripped our own planet to the point Mother Nature MUST be wondering where she went wrong.
Hate is the new normal and we are told we must be tolerant of it.
Self-denial and blatant refusal to see what is right in front of us has led humanity down a path that cannot be reversed.
Bring on the next ELE and send humanity to the same fate as the dinosaurs.

Cheer the fcuk up Clown Face :D:D:eek:


Nothing to do with God but do you ever post things that you regret ?


People keep demanding proof,yet everywhere i look i see the proof.
Quantum physics simulation theory,imagine there is a programmer behind all of us and all of everything,what a mind blowing concept,wouldnt that be proof of God?
The Fermi paradox..We're led to believe that life appeared on earth as soon as the conditions were right for life to appear..In such a big universe with trillions of galaxies surely some race by now given the billions of years they've had has mastered space travel between galaxies and even colonisation...So where are they all?..I've yet to hear one single sensible solution to the Fermi paradox and thats just proof to me that we are somewhat unique and we're special.More proof of God.


People keep demanding proof,yet everywhere i look i see the proof.
Quantum physics simulation theory,imagine there is a programmer behind all of us and all of everything,what a mind blowing concept,wouldnt that be proof of God?
The Fermi paradox..We're led to believe that life appeared on earth as soon as the conditions were right for life to appear..In such a big universe with trillions of galaxies surely some race by now given the billions of years they've had has mastered space travel between galaxies and even colonisation...So where are they all?..I've yet to hear one single sensible solution to the Fermi paradox and thats just proof to me that we are somewhat unique and we're special.More proof of God.

Nothing in your comment is proof, just opinion. Proof is tested and confirmed.
Intergalactic travel could well have been mastered by an alien species, but the chances of them coming to our planet, just one of billions in a galaxy that is one of billions, during the last thousand years, is spectacularly small. And that is supposing that they can break one of the basic laws of physics... Nothing can travel faster than light. If they haven't mastered that, then travelling a few million light years is going to take a few million years, so unless they live a very long time they're not going to get here alive.

You say that the fact you're yet to see a solution to the Fermi Paradox is PROOF that we are unique and special... that is not proof of anything, just your opinion, of which you are entitled.
There's a saying in science.... I'd rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question. Religion never questions itself, it just goes along blindly denying any proof (as proved by experiment after experiment) that debunk many religious beliefs.
All that being said, if your faith in a god brings something good into your life, and you don't force your views onto others, then there's no harm done. :)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 3, 2018
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I have said it before and i will again.

Why can't the great miracles of the Bible happen in modern times ?

Just part the Atlantic for 5 mins that's all i ask ,

It's up to the believers of the Myth to bring proof or some facts

But of course faith is deep inside yap yap yap ....

Spag Bol is my God.


UKChat Expert
Jul 3, 2019
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God exists because humans need to feel that there is a higher intelligence which is responsible for everything that happens.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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ALL the 'God's' that religions speak of, is actually taken directly from the ancient Egyptians.

The Egyptian Pharoa's believed the SUN was a 'God'.

The 'birth' sequence of Jesus is completely ASTROLOGICAl.

The star in the East is Sirius..The Brightest star in the night's sky. Which on December 24th aligns with the three brightest stars in Orion's belt.

These three stars are STILL called today what they WERE called in ancient times...'The Three kings'.

The 'three kings' and Sirius all align up on December 25th, this is why the 'Three kings' "follow" the 'Star in the East' order to locate the |SUN RISE|

The 'Birth' of the SUN .
From the Summer solstice to the winter Solstice the days become shorter and colder.

From the perspective of the northern hemisphere the SUN appears to move South and get's smaller and more scarce.

Crops fail and the day light turns darker. This symbolised 'Death' to the Ancients.

|It was the Death of the SUN|...!

By December 22nd the Sun, having moved south continually for 6 Months, makes it's lowest point in the sky. Here the SUN stops moving South, at least perceivably, for THREE DAYS.

During this three day pause the SUN resides in the vicinity of the 'Southern Crux' Constelation.

After this time on December 25th, the SUN moves one degree, this time NORTH.

Foreshadowing longer days, warmth and spring.

Thus it was said...The 'SUN' Died on the 'cross', was dead for three days, only to be resurrected or 'Born again'.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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God exists because humans need to feel that there is a higher intelligence which is responsible for everything that happens.

*Snowflakes*....Not ALL humans..;)


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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People keep demanding proof,yet everywhere i look i see the proof.
Quantum physics simulation theory,imagine there is a programmer behind all of us and all of everything,what a mind blowing concept,wouldnt that be proof of God?
The Fermi paradox..We're led to believe that life appeared on earth as soon as the conditions were right for life to appear..In such a big universe with trillions of galaxies surely some race by now given the billions of years they've had has mastered space travel between galaxies and even colonisation...So where are they all?..I've yet to hear one single sensible solution to the Fermi paradox and thats just proof to me that we are somewhat unique and we're special.More proof of God.

That's no proof of a God.(Creator).

Given the ingredients of the Universe, there is NO NEED for a GOD.


We might class the Human Race as 'Special'...But we are most Definitely not 'Special.'..!

Plently more like US out there...For sure.....But the ever growing size of the Universe and the distance between us is Incomprehendable.

It's like trying to find a needle in a Cosmos.

The Time / distances are so great...I doubt it will ever happen in OUR Life Time.

Who knows what the Future holds?


UKChat Newbie
Sep 18, 2019
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That's no proof of a God.(Creator).

Given the ingredients of the Universe, there is NO NEED for a GOD.


We might class the Human Race as 'Special'...But we are most Definitely not 'Special.'..!

Plently more like US out there...For sure.....But the ever growing size of the Universe and the distance between us is Incomprehendable.

It's like trying to find a needle in a Cosmos.

The Time / distances are so great...I doubt it will ever happen in OUR Life Time.

Who knows what the Future holds?

Is something from nothing a miracle?

If so, then you must believe in miracles.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Is something from nothing a miracle?

If so, then you must believe in miracles.

NO...Something from NOTHING proves that there is no need for a God or Creator.

There was Nothing ...Then there was something.... Quantum Theory states that Noththing is Actually something.

It's not a God or Creator..

It's an inevitability.;)


UKChat Newbie
Sep 18, 2019
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NO...Something from NOTHING proves that there is no need for a God or Creator.

There was Nothing ...Then there was something.... Quantum Theory states that Noththing is Actually something.

It's not a God or Creator..

It's an inevitability.;)
So it was a natural process?


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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So it was a natural process?

Natural ?

Not quite.

The arrow of Time doesn't allow for 'Nature' to take hold.

I suspect you mean was it or is it something that YOU believe to be Natural..?


UKChat Newbie
Sep 18, 2019
Reaction score
Natural ?

Not quite.

The arrow of Time doesn't allow for 'Nature' to take hold.

I suspect you mean was it or is it something that YOU believe to be Natural..?

I don't think you can explain the phenomenon without attributing Divinity to 'some thing', be it Time or Nothingness.


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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I don't think you can explain the phenomenon without attributing Divinity to 'some thing', be it Time or Nothingness.

WHAT 'Phenomenom'...>>>?

I NEVER mentioned a 'Phenomenom'..

What I was talking about is Science...;)