British Birds

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wren
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Are house sparrows on a decline in numbers, because gardens are lacking food supply's ?

  • Yes, there should be more garden feeders.

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • No, its because of other reasons.

    Votes: 11 47.8%

  • Total voters


Birds do not have hair ever. When they are born they have what is called down but this very light hairlike covering are still feathers. Just thought I would let you know. Nice thread by the way.
Thank you
Have a new visitor to my grass today, pecking away and scuttling across from side to side , borders :) a song thrush, lovely!


Hi, thanks for your reply :)

Oh I looked up what dunnocks is, and I think it isn’t my balcony birds. They seem to have only one color-from the quick impression I have, which is brown, like chocolate with a lot of milk. Their feather looks very smooth, like pure, plain brown, but I can’t tell if there are different colors underneath their wings. Or somewhere their chest-they usually only show me their back XD

Oh and large black birds? Should that be crows? I like them, I have seen a lot in Australia, though they make funny sound and not very nice sometimes, but they have very beautiful black color :D

Other than “warbling white-eye”-haha thanks for letting me know their other name :) that’s a nice name :)

So other than white-eye bird and this brownish small bird, I have some bigger birds live on the roof, just above where I sleep. Same as you, I’m only a casual bird watcher.. they look similar to pidgin, but have plainer color. I hear when they move, fight(or play? :)), flying away and landing, haha, they are quite noisy, but I’m glad to have them there :D

And, oh I think I could look that up too, but I guess that’s hair, I mean, like many babies of different kind, we all have some very fine hair when we were very little.. yeah I know.. that’s how I decide what they are haha :D

You have a great day too :D

Hi, was a good day, yeah saw a new bird to my garden today, I think its been down to my cats sleeping all day not keeping a watch. So yeah lovely fat song thrush :)

I really can't think what ur mystery birds are its got me puzzled as milkybrown and small smooth I really don't know

I use this sometimes
Bird Identifier | British Garden Birds and Many More - The RSPB - Free Chat Rooms

Birds on us roof, wonder what pidgins these are, wood, stock,
I'm still seeking a turtle dove, these are lovely too


UKChat Initiate
Mar 27, 2019
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I live a short distance from two wildfowl nature reserves and often see water birds like Moorhens, Coots, Grebes, Ducks of many breeds, Kingfishers, Canada Geese, Lapwings, and even once last summer a Bittern, also there are herons, both grey and white ( Egrets).
The Canada Geese, although disliked by many, are very sociable and will take feed from hand. Living on the edge of the forest as I do one sees many rare species. In one part of the forest are several soft bark fir trees and it is here that Goldcrests dig into the soft bark and build their nests. One of our rarest birds and I have only seen a few in all the years I have been here is the Dartford Warbler.
Yes. I love watching birds And that includes the non feathered type even though I am in my twilight years.


I live a short distance from two wildfowl nature reserves and often see water birds like Moorhens, Coots, Grebes, Ducks of many breeds, Kingfishers, Canada Geese, Lapwings, and even once last summer a Bittern, also there are herons, both grey and white ( Egrets).
The Canada Geese, although disliked by many, are very sociable and will take feed from hand. Living on the edge of the forest as I do one sees many rare species. In one part of the forest are several soft bark fir trees and it is here that Goldcrests dig into the soft bark and build their nests. One of our rarest birds and I have only seen a few in all the years I have been here is the Dartford Warbler.
Yes. I love watching birds And that includes the non feathered type even though I am in my twilight years.
What a lovely post, thank you for sharing ur bird stories and even feeding from hand , cool that not happened to me yet, I am currently trying to tempt a robin onto my hand.
I don't often see the water birds, should make a wider effort to seek new areas of interest
Seems you live in the most perfect place.
I've watched the gold cress a few times in such trees and they really quite a treat.
I really hope I see a bearded tit at some point but have to research where is most likely for a visual.
Thanks again for sharing ur bird encounters



UKChat Newbie
Mar 29, 2019
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I used to think birds stay at home all the time especially when their bibles were born.
But my mum told me today that, she had witnessed it many times, that parents don’t stay with their children over night. The go away in the evening and come back early morning nest day.
Parents would sing a little, and the babies would then have their little singing as to reply. And then there start a busy feeding trips. She say she noticed they sing every time when they come to the nest, and sing a single tone when they leave. It feels like they are telling their babies, ok mum is going out, make no sounds until I call you.
That’s amazing :)
Has anyone got the same experience?


UKChat Initiate
Mar 27, 2019
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I used to think birds stay at home all the time especially when their bibles were born.
But my mum told me today that, she had witnessed it many times, that parents don’t stay with their children over night. The go away in the evening and come back early morning nest day.
Parents would sing a little, and the babies would then have their little singing as to reply. And then there start a busy feeding trips. She say she noticed they sing every time when they come to the nest, and sing a single tone when they leave. It feels like they are telling their babies, ok mum is going out, make no sounds until I call you.
That’s amazing :)
Has anyone got the same experience?

Another question. Have you ever found the body of a bird that has died of natural causes like old age? The only bodies I have come across have been killed by either cats or motor vehicles.


Good evening :)
Uhm bird singing shhh to their young in the nest, I'm sure that happens, :)
Hunting at night, yeah I wish to see a owl, :)

Dead birds, :( nope I've not seen any lately,
The last dead bird I saw was on a fast bypass road, it was a sparrowhawk, sad,
My partner , said hit by a car? I umm, more likely ate poisoned vermin and fell from the sky in death,
I have never seen bird bones.
I've not seen a bird die of old age , usually its only caged birds that would be noticed to be dead.
Hope that cleared up any questions ,

Birds live forever I think :)

Keep feeding birds,
Bring back to our gardens the beautiful sparrows (:


UKChat Newbie
Apr 7, 2019
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What's the best bird you have seen so far this year?
I've looked everywhere for a bird forum and didn't find much,

Have you seen any rare birds?

What birds visit your garden/home?

Yeah I am hoping to spark some conversation about our beautiful birds and what you have seen.

Thanks, in advance for you view.

seen a red kite which is a great bird to see ..bittern and marsh harrier at the reserve ..however in the garden due to cats birds rarely come to the garden..


seen a red kite which is a great bird to see ..bittern and marsh harrier at the reserve ..however in the garden due to cats birds rarely come to the garden..
Thanks for sharing :)
A mash harrier, very good you could identify this, did you use binoculars to see this bird of prey? I've looked into these birds and depending on where you the chances of seeing one is pretty rare.
Red kite, have seen these in Wales at a feeding point, there were loads, so many all together, was pretty amazing to see such huge birds all feeding in one zone.
:) the little bitten birds are like super odd looking with long beaks, very cool tho in flight, I've read they are making a comeback so we have a higher chance if seeing these now, I'll keep a look out for these bittern's next time I'm water side walking.

Thanks again for sharing your encounters of greatness, good luck on seeing more rare birds, .........or even the same again :)


UKChat Initiate
Mar 27, 2019
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Last year I saw a Hoopoe, it was 'walking' along the footpath about twenty feet in front of me. We have Bitterns nesting among the reeds at our local nature reserve but they are so well camouflaged they are very difficult to see as they stand stock still when anyone or anything approaches and their plumage blends in so well with the surrounding foliage


UKChat Initiate
Mar 27, 2019
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Wren. Are you sure it was a bittern that you saw as bitterns do not have long beaks but short dagger like beaks. They are easily alarmed and when alerted will stand erect among the reeds with it,s beak upright. They are about heron size with bright tawny brown plumage with complex bars and streaks It is rarely seen outside of reed beds except when moving from one site to another.


Wren. Are you sure it was a bittern that you saw as bitterns do not have long beaks but short dagger like beaks. They are easily alarmed and when alerted will stand erect among the reeds with it,s beak upright. They are about heron size with bright tawny brown plumage with complex bars and streaks It is rarely seen outside of reed beds except when moving from one site to another.
Hello Fanden, it was a image I looked at after reading Antony's post about birds he had seen.
I did not know what this bird looked like so thought I'd take a look
As its a bird that likes water areas I am unlikely to notice, :(

In fact I've not been on a bird walk for days , well over due a wonder .. :)


UKChat Newbie
Apr 7, 2019
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a female sparrowhawk was hunting in the hedgerow last night and all hell broke lose all the birds were calling etc ..but its only doing what it does best eh ...going to the nature reserve later ..have a good day


UKChat Newbie
Apr 7, 2019
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oh one of the best sites regarding birds the BTO it has various volunteer schemes and are very helpful to one and all..just tap in BTO ..


What's the best bird you have seen so far this year?
I've looked everywhere for a bird forum and didn't find much,

Have you seen any rare birds?

What birds visit your garden/home?

Yeah I am hoping to spark some conversation about our beautiful birds and what you have seen.

Thanks, in advance for you view.

there is a bird on this site called parisconnors her former names were eloisemartin and eloisetypoqueen i doubt this will come as a shock to anyone


oh one of the best sites regarding birds the BTO it has various volunteer schemes and are very helpful to one and all..just tap in BTO ..
Interesting Thank You have not seen this site before , something new to read