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Ok part 2.
1. I didn't link the fall of marriage to directly to feminism, but to the rise in media provocation that it was old fashioned and women should have the same "apparent" freedoms as men do but without the actual equalisers (there's a point for you to play with).
Added to that
"These liberalisations of divorce law, combined with changing attitudes and expectations of marriage, and the greater economic independence of women, all contributed to a rise in the number of divorces from 50,000 per year in 1971 to 150,000 a decade later. More recently the number of divorces has fallen steadily, although this may be more to do with the fact that fewer people are getting married in the first place, rather than a trend toward matrimonial bliss. Today, there are just two marriages for every divorce each year."
Quote from www.parliament.uk report "Divorce since 1900"
Note the "greater economic independence of women" is directly linked to feminisms drive for equality.
2. I agree with a lot of what you say, however, this trend hasn't appeared overnight, it has been in plain view for well over a decade.
‘The attainment of White British pupils is polarised by social class to a greater extent than any other ethnic groups. White British pupils from managerial and professional homes are one of the highest attaining groups, while White British pupils from working class homes are the lowest attaining groups’
‘White British students on average – boys and girls – are more likely than other ethnic groups to persist in low achievement [although] boys outnumber girls as low achievers by three to two. Nearly half of all low achievers are White British males.’
Quoted from Strand 2008.
Labours male members fault ?
Labours education ministers, 2001-2007
Estelle Morris.
Charles Clark
Ruth Kelly
Alan Johnson.
Then Labour had Ed Balls until 2010.. point there for that asshat lmao
Hardly "The Men's" fault when nearly half of the education ministers were women.
3. I never stated these were problems caused by women, they were caused by the changing nature of relationships between men, women, the community and the state.
I'll move on and say more about it in 4.
4. Okay, going to quote you on this and have some fun with it.
"Hang on, if we baked the cake, we should be able to eat it. This is a misogynistic comment if ever I read one. So, to be treated as an equal- to have equal pay, have rights over our own bodies and land, rights to vote and have a say in who runs our country/town, etc, rights to walk the street without fear of being attacked, be able to chose who we sleep with and how many people we sleep with- these rights, should they only be available to men then?
That’s the problem. Men viewing woman as a completely different species and not as humans. You think rights to a free life is a cake. That can only come from a gender that didn’t have to fight for his right be viewed as a human being.
That’s outright male privilege."
Your just throwing all the babies out with the bath water.
You want equal pay, take equal risk.
I don't have to dig up stats on workplace deaths do I?
Rights over your own bodies and land, you have them already, under law.
Right to vote, yep, got that to, in fact as the majority, you have more power to sway both politics and the market than men do.
Right to walk without fear, we all have that right, the fact we aren't comfortable doing it is societal not legal.
I don't know anyone who isn't cautious when alone in the dark, even us men who have to investigate all the bumps in the night
Choose who and how many people you can sleep with, again, you have that right.
To be judged on it however, is a very different question.
Now the real crux of the point, your last sentence in that statement.
So do you not think there are societal pressures on men to behave a certain way?
There are limits to what men can and cannot do.
Women have one major advantage that can never be taken away from them, it is socially unacceptable to be violent to them.
Which basically means men have no argument to however much of an asshole a women wants to be.
We have to grin and bear it.
The playing field is not equal, if my mate gets on my nerves I can slap him up the side of the head, he learns.
Which is playing into your 4th point and conclusion
What do women actually want from men?
Is it a partner, a provider, a lover, a casual lay, a friend, a good man, a bad boy, someone to love them, someone to change or is it subjective?
When women actually make up their mind what they want from men apart from "Not That" then perhaps we can have a real discussion on what is or is not equality
That question is what makes an Incel, it's a question that baffles academics and politicians.
I know I didn't examine in detail a lot of what you said for part 3 and 4, but the whole "Viewing women as a lesser species" kinda put me off.
For thousands of years men and women have co-operated against the harshest environments to form civilisations and societies which we in the west have equalised to the best of our abilities given the differences between our genders.
If you have any doubts about that, go visit Afghanistan right now.
I must admit that was good reading ,i had to read it all