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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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No I'm not a father, nor am I an MRA, but I have 2 mates who have had their access restricted to their kids simply because it's not convenient for the mother.

What you have is one side to a story. Luckily, the courts have more than that and that’s why they can be entrusted to make a decision. So, if the father’s- your friends, albeit- get the arrangement that suits them and it’s inconvenient for the mother, that would be fair in your eyes?
In nearly all cases, it is a battle of wills and egos of the parents and the last people they are thinking of is the children. But of course, the ego of a friend will not be in your summation of the ‘facts’- I wonder, is it even an extraneous variable in your theory of injustice?

And wait, hang on- didn’t you accuse me of having an emotional reaction in a post? Yet everything you have said has been an emotional reaction, because I dared to impart responsibility for the Incel on himself and you being a man cannot see that.
And please- accuse me of being bias, as I’m a woman; however, while I have imparted some understanding of how the female can be responsible, you have imparted none on how the male is in some way responsible for himself.

Are you actually saying that men started committing suicide because women got the freedoms they deserved, as a protest?
But also they also started killing their own children due to it?

No, I didn’t say they started committing suicide because of it- men have been committing suicide since before feminism- I’m not that thick!! But I am saying the increase in male suicide could be related to that. Obviously not a conscious ‘protest’, but in relation to the incel, it cannot be ruled out as a factor.
You stated mental health website reasons and figures for suicide, etc, but have you ever been there? Sat with the ultimate decision in your hands, knowing how it will affect those you leave behind. All the worthlessness that you feel goes away, because you have control. For once, in however long you have been living in that hell- you have control. Shed your social psychology hat and look at the psychodynamics of suicide and look at the method an individual chooses. It can be a protest; it can be a punishment and it can be a relief. If you are of the belief that individuals do not use it in that way, you do not know every side that suicide has to offer.

There is no evidence that men commit suicide due to anger, that belief is a trope to make men appear as unapproachable and angry.

I didn’t say there was, but I was directing you to analyse the ways in which men commit suicide. You stated that they were more likely to commit suicide by a violent method- violence requires a large degree of anger. See my comments above about the psychodynamics of the method of the suicide, rather than a catch all ‘There’s no evidence, so it can’t be true’. Perhaps make a judgement yourself from reading individual stories of people being in that position- what kind of person chooses a violent method over a more peaceful method; what their stream of thoughts were there prior to the act, especially if they’ve attempted several times via different methods. Read- visit suicide sites and forums, and see the anger and protest yourself.

That belief that men appear unapproachable and angry is perpetuated by unapproachable, angry men. Stereotypes don’t appear from nowhere. Rightfully, they shouldn’t be trusted to make a decision, but they are often not a million miles away from the truth. If there is that stereotype, I wonder who perpetuated it…mmmmm

Mainly any suicide attempt is due to a call for help, depression, ideology, impulsiveness or simply a desire to die.

Depression and a desire to die are pretty much the same thing. If you have a desire to die, you have lost the will to live and that’s a form of depression. The word says it all. However, yes, I know before I get more stats, depression can encompass so much more, but one thing is agreed by whatever research you want to throw up, it CAN (not is) be caused by maladaptive thought schemas and lack of coping skills. Cry for help- again, mental health issues and lack of coping skills.
Impulsiveness is not a valid reason- there is a trigger to impulsiveness; a disorganised personality disorder, mental health issues, drug/alcohol use, an emotional event. It’s not a cause on it’s own.
But the other one- ideology. Now we go back to the incel.

Now, haven’t you been saying the rise of the Incel and the increase of male suicide is due to their loss of masculinity? Their loss of power and rights? But that loss of power and rights is due to women empowering themselves? And I beg the question, why should a woman getting equal rights; saying no to be a victim of the male and empowering herself be a cause for a man to turn towards the incel ideology?
There has to be something fundamentally wrong with his model of a women’s worth, prior to seeking out that ideology. Now is when we get every hard done by male jumping out of the woodwork to slag off his ex and how she broke his heart- because there’s always a woman involved. It won’t be that he couldn’t move on; couldn’t compromise or couldn’t take no for an answer. It will be because of ‘Her’- whoever ‘she’ is.

Men do not seem to take responsibility for themselves and your post did an excellent job of proving that and that is my point. Maybe it’s time the male population did.

Stop blaming women for rape; stop blaming us for the court process being unfair and stop blaming us for everything else and take some damn responsibility for causing the mess yourselves.

Wow.. Both your first and this post are great.

Some real stuff to dig into there.

Not gonna do it now, but hell, thats a lot to think about.
Need to read it another 3 or 4 times.

Oh, as for the Social Psych stuff, yeah I am, thats what my schooling taught me.
I have practiced psychology as a job, done social science research, but I must warn you.
I have also been an engineer, draughtsman and mechanical designer for much of my working life.
Plus a Computer geek for decades.
So I am more a "Things" person not a "People" person, which is why psychology appeals to me.

As you know probably the largest differences between the sex's is the interest in "Things" or "People".
So even though we do actually agree on a great deal, mostly the points backed up by evidence, I fear there are some points on which you as a women cannot understand the lived experience of a man, just as I cannot understand your lived experience as a women.
For me to attempt to force that issue would simply make the argument desolve into "You have no idea".

So i will continue to rely on evidence, papers, theories.
However I will attempt to find those written by women to ensure equity.



UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Wow.. Both your first and this post are great.

Some real stuff to dig into there.

Not gonna do it now, but hell, thats a lot to think about.
Need to read it another 3 or 4 times.

Oh, as for the Social Psych stuff, yeah I am, thats what my schooling taught me.
I have practiced psychology as a job, done social science research, but I must warn you.
I have also been an engineer, draughtsman and mechanical designer for much of my working life.
Plus a Computer geek for decades.
So I am more a "Things" person not a "People" person, which is why psychology appeals to me.

As you know probably the largest differences between the sex's is the interest in "Things" or "People".
So even though we do actually agree on a great deal, mostly the points backed up by evidence, I fear there are some points on which you as a women cannot understand the lived experience of a man, just as I cannot understand your lived experience as a women.
For me to attempt to force that issue would simply make the argument desolve into "You have no idea".

So i will continue to rely on evidence, papers, theories.
However I will attempt to find those written by women to ensure equity.


You must also remember that men invented most of the things which have given women the time to become "male " .Washing machines ,Hoovers ,Cookers,Dishwashers, Central heating etc etc . Without these inventions women would never have found the time to protest about their "imagined " unequality.
Wearing provocative clothes and attracting face makeup is all part of a woman`s domain.They are so good at it .Why to try to fix something if it isn`t broken?
Anyway ,what was the question again ?:)


Sorry to disagree with you but any man like me does not regard women as a sub-species ( only in jocular form !) I went on strike years ago to get women equal pay in the factory we worked at. The women never went on strike though ! they stayed in work and carried on earning while the blokes lost pay in support of equality for women.
I believe that women ,in the main ,ARE different to men and should not be bullied by extremists into thinking that in order to be "equals" they need to act /talk/etc like men do.Also most men are influenced by their Mums and if they end up disrespectful of women then ...who`s to blame ?.
Now ,go back to your kennel like a good little lady :D
Sorry to disagree with you but any man like me does not regard women as a sub-species ( only in jocular form !) I went on strike years ago to get women equal pay in the factory we worked at. The women never went on strike though ! they stayed in work and carried on earning while the blokes lost pay in support of equality for women.
I believe that women ,in the main ,ARE different to men and should not be bullied by extremists into thinking that in order to be "equals" they need to act /talk/etc like men do.Also most men are influenced by their Mums and if they end up disrespectful of women then ...who`s to blame ?.
Now ,go back to your kennel like a good little lady :D
Kennel?? Just to clarify- you can read- yes? I’m a CAT Lady- we have class. We sleep in fluffy beds and on window sills. DOG Ladies sleep in kennels! Pft!

Good for you for fighting for equal pay for women! Give yourself a big pat on the back for that one. I wonder though, did you go home and demand your wife get dinner on the table afterwards? You seem the hypocritical type.
Perhaps the women who didn’t stop working to protest would have received a slap from their hubbys if they had. Did you ever consider that? Also, you are forgetting that women were still obliged by the pressure of their families at that time- mother’s that feared the consequences of women being equal, fathers and husbands that didn’t support it because they felt threatened by it. Whether it was the right thing to do or not, women were still scared back then to rebel, because they faced discrimination for believing in equality and feared being ostracised by their families. Think of the situation you have with Muslim girls now, if they dare to try to Westernise themselves in a Western country.

Well, hell- you’ve outed yourself as a sleaze to people that don’t even chat to you, so I’m sure everyone on the board knows your mind when it comes to women!
No one denies that men and women are different, but just because people are biologically different, it doesn’t mean they should have different rules and levels of acceptance in society. If a woman want to act/talk/etc like a man- it’s none of your business. It’s not your life and you have no right to determine how she talks and acts.
Having a penis is not a qualification of intelligence (you prove that more than adequately), so what exactly puts YOU in a position to dictate how the opposite gender should speak and act?

Children are also influenced by fathers (or a lack of one) or don’t they matter in your eyes? How a father acts towards the women in his life and how he shows his son how to behave around women is also a large factor.

I wonder, as the chips fall and more incels come out of the woodwork, will we see a correlation between absent fathers or domestically abusive fathers.

Only time will tell.


Wow.. Both your first and this post are great.

Some real stuff to dig into there.

Not gonna do it now, but hell, thats a lot to think about.
Need to read it another 3 or 4 times.

Oh, as for the Social Psych stuff, yeah I am, thats what my schooling taught me.
I have practiced psychology as a job, done social science research, but I must warn you.
I have also been an engineer, draughtsman and mechanical designer for much of my working life.
Plus a Computer geek for decades.
So I am more a "Things" person not a "People" person, which is why psychology appeals to me.

As you know probably the largest differences between the sex's is the interest in "Things" or "People".
So even though we do actually agree on a great deal, mostly the points backed up by evidence, I fear there are some points on which you as a women cannot understand the lived experience of a man, just as I cannot understand your lived experience as a women.
For me to attempt to force that issue would simply make the argument desolve into "You have no idea".

So i will continue to rely on evidence, papers, theories.
However I will attempt to find those written by women to ensure equity.

Ahh, but you are debating with a woman, who doesn’t completely think like a woman.
In your psychology days, did you hit on autism and personality disorders, per chance? So, you will know that the theory of the ‘male/female’ brain is not necessarily dependent on biological gender.

I also have a background in psychology and social psych research, and when I began seeing your posts, an old professor of mine came to mind. I was a research assistant on some of his research and you write like him.
I spent a lot of my life perplexed by humans in general, so psychology appealed to me for that reason and I’ve learned a lot. But the most important thing I learned was to not to put all my trust in research, because there are always flaws and will always be another theory and research to put a spanner in the works. Never generalise and never let the results of research be your answer, but let them be the catalyst for more questions.

Of course, we will never agree, but what a boring world it would be, with nothing to question, if we all agreed?
Out of debating and talking about certain subjects, we can all learn how others feel and learn to compromise. That’s how I see it anyway.

I’m going to do a separate post- entitle it something like ‘The Female Experience’ and give an idea of what a woman has to go through every day that shows she is still controlled by men in a world that men claim is now controlled by women. And I invite to reply with a counter post about a man’s experience of being in a world they perceive as being controlled by women.
Instead of going with the ‘You have no idea!’, let’s give each other the idea.

I’ll probably get a load of sh!t from the misogynists and prick-appeasers, but meh!


You must also remember that men invented most of the things which have given women the time to become "male " .Washing machines ,Hoovers ,Cookers,Dishwashers, Central heating etc etc . Without these inventions women would never have found the time to protest about their "imagined " unequality.
Wearing provocative clothes and attracting face makeup is all part of a woman`s domain.They are so good at it .Why to try to fix something if it isn`t broken?
Anyway ,what was the question again ?:)

And men made a lot of money out of those inventions, so who did they benefit again? Plus, I'm pretty sure women were protesting for their rights, well before the hoover, washing machine, etc were invented. Emmeline Pankhurst, anyone?
There's a lot of things that are imagined in this world (you thinking you're popular with women is definitely imagined!), but women's equality was/is definitely not one of them.

Gather you didn't embrace the hippy or Punk era, if you think make-up is just for men and as for provocative clothes- any woman around you would be best to cover up. You're a predator and exactly the kind of bloke any woman with any respect would not want to attract.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Kennel?? Just to clarify- you can read- yes? I’m a CAT Lady- we have class. We sleep in fluffy beds and on window sills. DOG Ladies sleep in kennels! Pft!

Good for you for fighting for equal pay for women! Give yourself a big pat on the back for that one. I wonder though, did you go home and demand your wife get dinner on the table afterwards? You seem the hypocritical type.
Perhaps the women who didn’t stop working to protest would have received a slap from their hubbys if they had. Did you ever consider that? Also, you are forgetting that women were still obliged by the pressure of their families at that time- mother’s that feared the consequences of women being equal, fathers and husbands that didn’t support it because they felt threatened by it. Whether it was the right thing to do or not, women were still scared back then to rebel, because they faced discrimination for believing in equality and feared being ostracised by their families. Think of the situation you have with Muslim girls now, if they dare to try to Westernise themselves in a Western country.

Well, hell- you’ve outed yourself as a sleaze to people that don’t even chat to you, so I’m sure everyone on the board knows your mind when it comes to women!
No one denies that men and women are different, but just because people are biologically different, it doesn’t mean they should have different rules and levels of acceptance in society. If a woman want to act/talk/etc like a man- it’s none of your business. It’s not your life and you have no right to determine how she talks and acts.
Having a penis is not a qualification of intelligence (you prove that more than adequately), so what exactly puts YOU in a position to dictate how the opposite gender should speak and act?

Children are also influenced by fathers (or a lack of one) or don’t they matter in your eyes? How a father acts towards the women in his life and how he shows his son how to behave around women is also a large factor.

I wonder, as the chips fall and more incels come out of the woodwork, will we see a correlation between absent fathers or domestically abusive fathers.

Only time will tell.
One thing to say to you about your post .It`s totally personal ( aimed at me ! not all men) and you are very very wrong in your opinion of me ,i can assure you .


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
Ahh, but you are debating with a woman, who doesn’t completely think like a woman.
In your psychology days, did you hit on autism and personality disorders, per chance? So, you will know that the theory of the ‘male/female’ brain is not necessarily dependent on biological gender.

I also have a background in psychology and social psych research, and when I began seeing your posts, an old professor of mine came to mind. I was a research assistant on some of his research and you write like him.
I spent a lot of my life perplexed by humans in general, so psychology appealed to me for that reason and I’ve learned a lot. But the most important thing I learned was to not to put all my trust in research, because there are always flaws and will always be another theory and research to put a spanner in the works. Never generalise and never let the results of research be your answer, but let them be the catalyst for more questions.

Of course, we will never agree, but what a boring world it would be, with nothing to question, if we all agreed?
Out of debating and talking about certain subjects, we can all learn how others feel and learn to compromise. That’s how I see it anyway.

I’m going to do a separate post- entitle it something like ‘The Female Experience’ and give an idea of what a woman has to go through every day that shows she is still controlled by men in a world that men claim is now controlled by women. And I invite to reply with a counter post about a man’s experience of being in a world they perceive as being controlled by women.
Instead of going with the ‘You have no idea!’, let’s give each other the idea.

I’ll probably get a load of sh!t from the misogynists and prick-appeasers, but meh!

My latest opinion is that you are wrong and that Physcologists are a load of tosh anyway !.They just try to brain wash people.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
And men made a lot of money out of those inventions, so who did they benefit again? Plus, I'm pretty sure women were protesting for their rights, well before the hoover, washing machine, etc were invented. Emmeline Pankhurst, anyone?
There's a lot of things that are imagined in this world (you thinking you're popular with women is definitely imagined!), but women's equality was/is definitely not one of them.

Gather you didn't embrace the hippy or Punk era, if you think make-up is just for men and as for provocative clothes- any woman around you would be best to cover up. You're a predator and exactly the kind of bloke any woman with any respect would not want to attract.

You stupid stupid woman (?) who benefitted from the money made by these inventors ? WOMEN of course ! i bet their women were well paid in whatever form they took.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
And men made a lot of money out of those inventions, so who did they benefit again? Plus, I'm pretty sure women were protesting for their rights, well before the hoover, washing machine, etc were invented. Emmeline Pankhurst, anyone?
There's a lot of things that are imagined in this world (you thinking you're popular with women is definitely imagined!), but women's equality was/is definitely not one of them.

Gather you didn't embrace the hippy or Punk era, if you think make-up is just for men and as for provocative clothes- any woman around you would be best to cover up. You're a predator and exactly the kind of bloke any woman with any respect would not want to attract.

I don`t wish to attract stupid women like you ! FGS !. I share my life with one woman and she is perfectly adequet for my needs thank you and i`m sure she would tell you the same about me.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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You stupid stupid woman (?) who benefitted from the money made by these inventors ? WOMEN of course ! i bet their women were well paid in whatever form they took.

Are you a bit daft?

Why are you arguing with a MAN, (who is 100% male) who is fishing for a predictable bite from you and already knowing full well you will react just like you did and which then gives the illusion that you are an unreasonable male chauvinist pig and that they are reasonable?

While it types meaningless bonkers white noise to itself in its another alias/s further demonstrating how "reasonable" it is and while it reveals truly shocking levels of REAL misogyny disguised within that "reasonable debate".

It's just online gaslighting.

Nothing special and nothing new and certainly not unique.

Let's have a closer examination of one of their accusations. "You're a predator and exactly the kind of bloke any woman with any respect would not want to attract."

You have been married for donkey's years. You have adult children. This is also an adult site. It's also disrespectful to your wife.

Ask yourself what you are being accused of there. The serious nature of such an accusation. How on earth then would they know anything at all about you or your private life based on what you have typed on this site in the very short time they have been on it since July 23?

It's just gaslighting.

Edited to say: I am also laughing LOUDLY at how it has attempted to explain away the male mannerisms and insults it displays in its typing style. The way it repeatedly keeps typing its cover story over and over and over again. Some people try just that little bit too hard...

Last edited:


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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I don`t wish to attract stupid women like you ! FGS !. I share my life with one woman and she is perfectly adequet for my needs thank you and i`m sure she would tell you the same about me.
If that were True...Then SHE would be the reason for YOU not to be pissing about on an Online Chat Site..!

Lies. You live alone and can't take the stick.

Poor show old boy.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
If that were True...Then SHE would be the reason for YOU not to be pissing about on an Online Chat Site..!

Lies. You live alone and can't take the stick.

Poor show old boy.

You`d be surprised just how many "married " people enjoy chatting online or maybe you would now !.
It`s you who live alone and don`t understand others who don`t live alone but enjoy pleasantries with others who may or may not agree with them.
I`ll help you out by relating my Experience don`t suddenly become glued to another person just by marrying them. It means that the other person is the one you choose to have a family with ,to build a home with and to live with in that home . Not to be Siamised with !.
If you ain`t experienced that then you certainly ain`t been married .(and probably never will be ).


One thing to say to you about your post .It`s totally personal ( aimed at me ! not all men) and you are very very wrong in your opinion of me ,i can assure you .
Lol. It was written to you, so wow- would you like a medal or a chest to pin it on?
And? If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I don't care either way tbf.


You`d be surprised just how many "married " people enjoy chatting online or maybe you would now !.
It`s you who live alone and don`t understand others who don`t live alone but enjoy pleasantries with others who may or may not agree with them.
I`ll help you out by relating my Experience don`t suddenly become glued to another person just by marrying them. It means that the other person is the one you choose to have a family with ,to build a home with and to live with in that home . Not to be Siamised with !.
If you ain`t experienced that then you certainly ain`t been married .(and probably never will be ).
More assumptions? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


You stupid stupid woman (?) who benefitted from the money made by these inventors ? WOMEN of course ! i bet their women were well paid in whatever form they took.
I have never worked for a washing machine or vacuum company, so I have not directly profited from one.
If you mean by tax into the system by those inventions- sure, so has everyone at some point and their employees have benefited from my contribution. That's the tax system.


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
Reaction score
I have never worked for a washing machine or vacuum company, so I have not directly profited from one.
If you mean by tax into the system by those inventions- sure, so has everyone at some point and their employees have benefited from my contribution. That's the tax system.

What i actually mean is that it`s more than likely that the inventers "woman" has benefited from his earnings along with the inventor of course.


I don`t wish to attract stupid women like you ! FGS !. I share my life with one woman and she is perfectly adequet for my needs thank you and i`m sure she would tell you the same about me.
Good, good- phew, I can breathe now!
Hey- relationships are complicated. You do you're ogling online and somewhere, there might be a nice tight set of 30 year old buns, she has her eye on ;)
Don't worry, hells- we get it ;)


What i actually mean is that it`s more than likely that the inventers "woman" has benefited from his earnings along with the inventor of course.
What? So his wife profited then? Yeah, probably, but you never know- he might taken credit for her invention.
Please go and watch boobs, hells and leave the stuff that requires grey matter to those that have it.
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