The global Cult that should be banned

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UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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I detect AI Chat Bot in the first post, so let's not dwell on 'slyness'.

You contradict your own argument.

You yourself stated technology etc plays an important role in how culture changes over time. All cultures changes over time and for often complex reasons.

You have somehow narrowed it down to only tie in with your hatred of Muslims.

You mentioned “fish and chips”, introduced by an immigrant, etc. The favourite dish in the UK is Chicken Tikka Masala, introduced by immigrants.

Then you keep coming up with negative, random anecdotal tales to support your argument.

On the subject of anecdotal, I can assure you, I wear a poppy with pride, in a predominantly South Asian Muslim neighbourhood and as do some of my Muslim neighbours. :)
Not really a contradiction when those who introduced fish and chips or chicken tikka assimilated into UK culture and did not make demands towards the population to change. The things I mentioned were not tales and all from news reports however there are plenty tales in the Quran. I don't recall the migrant who introduced fish and chips shout shariah for UK. There are migrants that come and respect the law and the culture of the UK however there are many within Islam who show contempt of western lifestyle. You accuse me of being hateful to muslims. It is muslims who have openly shown hate towards others. Burning apostates, burning and vandalising churches, acid attacks, attacks on jews. Remember in 2023 when 295 Nigerian christians were slaughtered by Islamists on Christmas Eve, now that is hatred. Weapons are also concealed in many mosques. I recall a Kenyan police officer on the news who said there is more than just prayers going on inside. The reason some of your muslim neighbours wear a poppy is probably down to the numbers that have served the forces who were muslims. The Muslims who shouted British soldiers burn in hell on Armistice did not exactly show much respect when burning a poppy.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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We could all cherry-pick negative and extreme “examples” online in relation to all religion. Or reel off numerous anecdotal tales. Confirmation bias in action, which goes some way to explaining a toxic, irrational hatred of a complex, multifaceted faith and two billion members of that faith from all nationalities and from all ethnic groups.

I mean, if you solely rely on the right-wing media, or right wing commentators for all your information, what other outcome is possible. Let's just take one single example to examine in slightly more detail, or I would be here for hours and hours and even more hours.

The London Mayor banned taxi drivers from flying England flags during Euros.

What has this got to do with Muslims and so-called British culture?

The flags were already banned for safety reasons, prior to, during and after the Euros, and this is exactly what anti-Muslim far-right propaganda looks like.

This is the same anti-Muslim shite the right-wing MSM constantly churn out to their willing audience on an almost daily basis.

It somehow involved Muslims, and it somehow involved Muslims eroding so-called “British culture” because the London Mayor is also a Muslim.

When, in fact, the actual reality is, bumbling Boris Johnson banned ALL flags on black cabs in 2012 when he was the London Mayor. :)


The flags were already banned for safety reasons, prior to, during and after the Euros, and this is exactly what anti-Muslim far-right propaganda looks like.
@Septembersun see?
are you a right wing extremist? may be a terrorist?
if he had his way you'd be locked in prison he's a lost cause.
anyway im out of this 1 (again thanks Kev for wrecking another conversation).


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Trying hard, isn't he, desperately trying.

Even his "1,000 strong biker gang" can't help him here.

Still hasn't produced any evidence to support his claim of “mass” illegal immigration.

I am still waiting. :)


UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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We could all cherry-pick negative and extreme “examples” online in relation to all religion. Or reel off numerous anecdotal tales. Confirmation bias in action, which goes some way to explaining a toxic, irrational hatred of a complex, multifaceted faith and two billion members of that faith from all nationalities and from all ethnic groups.

I mean, if you solely rely on the right-wing media, or right wing commentators for all your information, what other outcome is possible. Let's just take one single example to examine in slightly more detail, or I would be here for hours and hours and even more hours.

What has this got to do with Muslims and so-called British culture?

The flags were already banned for safety reasons, prior to, during and after the Euros, and this is exactly what anti-Muslim far-right propaganda looks like.

This is the same anti-Muslim shite the right-wing MSM constantly churn out to their willing audience on an almost daily basis.

It somehow involved Muslims, and it somehow involved Muslims eroding so-called “British culture” because the London Mayor is also a Muslim.

When, in fact, the actual reality is, bumbling Boris Johnson banned ALL flags on black cabs in 2012 when he was the London Mayor. :)
I don't think any media is strictly right wing and you can't suggest anyone is right wing just for broadcasting an attack by Islamists. If we just airbrush that news totally that would be a bit too authoritarian. It sounds like you would prefer our news like IRIB calling Islamist extremists as just political activists and the public around them martyred instead of killed. Again its all to do with twisting words to suit the current regime or agenda. Wether it be Johnson Or Khan who banned the flags it is still silencing British culture or spirit. These same news channels who spoke of the flags during the Euros also reported on Pro Palestinian supporters allowed to fly flags so these news reporters cannot be that far right. I don't need to cherry pick when Islam constantly shows how bad it is in the media especially after radical muslim clerics spewed out hate sermons in Mosques after October 7th 2023. The Kenyan Police officer was telling the truth that there is more than just prayers going on.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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I think, because you just keep repeating the same misinformation (lies) and right-wing propaganda over and over again. Irrespective of the right-wing sites where you found that information. No matter how many times you keep rearranging that misinformation into something else. That I won't be engaging with you further on this thread or any other thread you type that involves similar misinformation. I simply can not and will not waste my extremely valuable time correcting you any further.

Enjoy your bank holiday weekend, as I, and my friendly, generous, law-abiding, hard-working Muslim neighbours will. :)




Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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you're the biggest troll on the forums hows that feel?
you shouldn't be pulling quotes from other topics, and tagging random people like Liam above just to provoke them into an argument, I'm sure there are mod rules about it.
you don't know how to use a forum



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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you're the biggest troll on the forums hows that feel?
you shouldn't be pulling quotes from other topics, and tagging random people like Liam above just to provoke them into an argument, I'm sure there are mod rules about it.
you don't know how to use a forum


Yes, clearly I am responsible for your abuse and threats.

You dimwit. :)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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you don't know how to use a forum

But I do know if I make a claim, that if there is "mass" illegal immigration in the UK, as you claimed, I need to back it up with facts and not simply threaten people for asking for those facts.

That's how to use a forum, right?

Still waiting for your evidence.

I told you to stop typing to me over a week ago, yet you persist.

Dimwit. :)


UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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But I do know if I make a claim, that if there is "mass" illegal immigration in the UK, as you claimed, I need to back it up with facts and not simply threaten people for asking for those facts.

That's how to use a forum, right?

Still waiting for your evidence.

I told you to stop typing to me over a week ago, yet you persist.

Dimwit. :)
There is such thing as illegal migration into the UK. Check out the illegal migration act 2023.
If anyone lives here illegally or if they come here without permission or the permission expired then that will be classed as illegal or breaking UK law. Some facts here.
As of 18th August 2024, the Home Office has detected 132,896 migrants who have crossed the English Channel in small boats since 2018. This would qualify as a mass or multitude of people.


UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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Enjoy your bank holiday weekend, as I, and my friendly, generous, law-abiding, hard-working Muslim neighbours will. :)
lol the way you are trying very hard to convince me makes it sound like false virtue or taqiyya. Anyway ,enjoy the bank holiday
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UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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Lets hope Germany will be a trend setter in banning Islam in Europe. The recent stabbings in Solingen can only confirm what a barbaric ideology Islam is. At a similar timeframe you have Iran's new president inciting hatred calling for muslims to unite to counter Israel and West so will that mean we will have more attacks on innocent people? Some history here. After the battle of Khaibar Mohammed ordered the beheading of all muslim men and boys who showed hair below. Mohammed killed Safiyaa's Jewish father and married her on the same night. In a Hadith there is reference to the messenger of Allah saying I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will mot leave any but muslim.
I don't understand why western leaders don't condemn this. We don't need Islam as it does not benefit society. Why would anyone want to go to a Masjid to honour such a nasty man and a false God? Aisha played with dolls in the presence of the messenger aka Mohammed who married her at 6 and went to bed with her when 9 and guess what he was in his 50s. Mohammed was not very hygienic only taking one bath after going to bed with all 9 wives in one night. Mohammed captured, kept and sold slaves. Mohammed was also racist where he likened an Ethiopians head to a raisin. People still follow this idiot.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Age difference - British Monarchs by marriage

Æthelwulf was 50+ when he wed Judith of Flanders when she was 12.

King John was 34 when he married Isabella of Angouleme who was 12.

Henry III was 29 when he married 13-year-old Eleanor of Provence.

Edward II was 24 when he married 13-year-old Isabella of France.

Richard II was 29 when he married 7-year-old Isabella of Valois.

Henry VI was 24 when he married 15-year-old Margaret of Anjou.

James I was 23 and he married Anne of Denmark who was 15.

James II was 40 when he married 15-year-old Mary of Modena

William III was 27 when he married 15-year-old Mary II.

None of the men ever bathed. They all kept slaves and servants.

Burning women at the stake. Beheading women. Drowing women.

They expelled many from the isles.
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