Solution to covid?


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I am still hysterically laughing that John Lydon, the establishment bad boy because he was a teenage "punk" and the crappest member of a punk band 200 years ago, alongside his sh** hair, who is paid to go on daytime TV to have a rant or two but who has contributed fcuk all of note to the left movement, a Trump supporter, is piping up about Covid.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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I am still hysterically laughing that John Lydon, the establishment bad boy because he was a teenage "punk" and the crappest member of a punk band 200 years ago, alongside his sh** hair, who is paid to go on daytime TV to have a rant or two but who has contributed fcuk all of note to the left movement, a Trump supporter, is piping up about Covid.

I'm still laughing too. Imagine thinking it is okay to quote JL. An idiot of the highest order.

Ha hahaha + ha


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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What is truly stunning is the constant failing of people such as yourself who can only spew vitriol, or come up with empty statements.
You claim you need ‘real’ scientists but ignore people such Dr Robert Malone, Dr Rajarshi Bhattacharya, Dr Martin kulldorf, Dr Sucharot Bahkdi, and MANY hundreds of others, simply because they say what you don’t want to hear.
I hope that wasn`t targeted at me ?. I`ve not yet used any expert opinions on this topic .
Btw ,what did happen to that very pretty blonde lady who adorned these pages a couple of days ago ? ;)


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Lovely democratic people

Lock the whole lot up, 10 years at least and lock up those who spread antivax fears and misinformation too.

Then while they are locked up get them deprogrammed from the Cult of the Covidiot.

Because it is a cult, one of the most insidious cults around at the moment. It has trapped so many of a certain type.

These antivax cretins have been given the go ahead to push their 'feels' and 'freedumbs' to the limit.

Lock them up!!

PS: I would pay double!


I think, there are valid arguments on both sides.

None of you are 100% correct, because not even the government can get their own facts right!

Also i think many people should ask themselves WHY covid conspiracy theorists exist - which is because nothing has ever been clear and correct, everything has been a contradiction from the government since the whole thing started. A little bit of thinking outside the box is all you need.


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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I’m in the nhs and I don’t know anyone who has had a adverse reaction to the vaccinations. All the people I know in healthcare don’t know of any adverse reaction to the vaccination. All the people I know who have children who have been vaccinated do not know anyone who has had an adverse reaction.


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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Are you suggesting the adverse reaction are not happening Lucy? The VAERS and EUDRA reports say they are.
And what is your option on Maddie de Garay? Adverse reactions being hidden during trials? I’m honestly curious, with you having some medical knowledge.
No I know adverse reactions can and will happen, with any form of medication or vaccination. I’m saying it’s not in the numbers some people are trying to state . And when you look at the amount of vaccinations given all over the world the numbers are tiny.

As for you not knowing anyone who has been very unwell with covid or been in hospital or have died…you should think yourself actually lucky because the people who has lost loved ones with it( including myself) are still feeling lost and pain.

I have also nursed many with covid and it is very real . I have many colleagues working in ICU and most are traumatised from the last 2 years.