Solution to covid?


UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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just a reminder of what this article was actually about....

Ever wondered why we haven’t got a hold of covid yet? This article is quite long so either grab a coffee and get comfortable or go read a different post…

From the outbreak, covid, like other flu-type diseases depend on their ability to mutate; they are uniquely skilled at this – as we can see with the new variant.

Imagine an amateur darts player, blindfold them, you could even spin them round a few times and then hand them 3 darts. Now, they have to hit the bullseye and that bullseye is the ability to create a new variant, perhaps a more dangerous one. This new variant is easy to catch – terribly so, which is the equivalent of handing this dart player a hundred more darts to play with. The more people that walk around without masks and social distancing…. The more darts. Every infected person (especially the ones jabbed as they are more likely to spread it) is another dart, another chance of a new mutation, a deadlier one; It’s a potential trojan horse.

So why is this happening? We didn’t inoculate everyone. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. In life, we are only as happy as our worst problem, and in this case, we are only as free from this virus as the last person vaccinated. The weakest link so to speak.

We didn’t inoculate everyone because there wasn’t enough to go around – and there never will be at this rate (do the maths). The reason why we don’t have enough vaccines to go around, is for the same reason why every civilisation in the past has fallen – perhaps even this civilisation we comfortably live in if we’re not careful: Greed. Greed for land, greed for oil, greed for technology, greed to collect money, greed for power. In the case of covid, its greed for money.

The three major pharmaceutical companies (legalised drug dealers) Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca have point blank refused to hand over the formula for the vaccine so that other companies could help build enough vaccines for everyone. Why not? Easy… Money. Let’s face it, they’re behaving like a morally corrupt kidnapper – who saw an opportunity – and are now holding a diabetic child hostage and refusing to give them insulin until they are paid a criminal amount of money, and then release them. Morally repugnant, and despite many governments around the world pleading with them, these three companies are refusing to comply, and people are dying. That’s the real ‘Why’ your friends and families are dying. But what about a solution?

You can’t sue multi-billion-dollar industries like Pfizer, astrozeneca, and Moderna, that would be like flinging marshmallows at charging rhinos heading for a creche. The key lays within the sharing of information worldwide and acting and cooperating as a species to stop this assault, a kind of world war II for an allied vs virus axis of evil.

The only way to do this is by using what these industrial dictators hold most dear, the law. And not only use the law but personalise it. Most of these giants hide behind a corporate wall, full of scape goats and hidden departments and plausible deniability. However, there are two laws that can force them to stop waving their expensive immoral lawyers at the taxpayer, they are: ‘Eminent Domain’, and ‘Duty of Care’.

For those that haven’t heard of these two terms before, here’s a brief quick definition: ‘Eminent Domain’ is a lawful act which means a government can take goods, services, land, etc., – and in this case, a formula, by force in the nations best interest. And, ‘Duty of Care’ is a legal obligation on individuals, requiring reasonable care without harming others. As medicine manufacturers and developers, pharmaceutical companies are held to this guideline, and at present there are blatantly flaunting this/these obligations. They are refusing to hand over the formulas without massive payments, and thereby putting the entire species at risk from a potentially fatal disease… for money?

Duty of Care requires individuals in order to sue, so, the three main ‘doctor Evils’ in this global medical opera/disaster movie are the CEOs of Astrazeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer:

Albert Bourla- Pfizer

Stéphane Bancel – Moderna

Pascal Soriot – Astrazeneca

These three people are the spearhead to stop the formulae being released, it’s these three people that refuse to turn up to global governmental meetings (and I’m not kidding, they refused to turn up because of covid restrictions).

If you want to walk around the world without a mask again, realise the real disease are these three people and the medicine they are refusing to share, and the true vaccine is the law we have in order to take away their assets, publicly humiliate them for what they are, and ensure that our species is never again held to ransom by these degenerate people and the horrific companies they represent.

This is just an article, it’s over to you.

Hahaa you`re fkin mad !


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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They won't stop spamming the boards with misinformation and they only disappeared last time because their warning that 50% of vaccine users would die of a heart attack became a reality check as November, their date for vaccine armageddon, rapidly drew closer.

Did 50% die btw?

In the UK all practicing doctors must be registered.

The whistleblower they identify does not exist, just like the whistleblower they previously identified does not exist.

The 'letter' was removed from the BM J website because the site fact-checked the bio of the person who made the claims, the site itself makes it clear why the letter was removed. The actual letter is anecdotal and was NOT written by a medical expert. Contained no evidence and a 7-year-old could have written it for all we know.

On this site, if you left-click on someone's name, left-click on the name a second time and then click on postings, it reveals all their previous posts on these boards. It is a simple way to "fact check" individuals in relation to their extremist views regarding Covid.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Then I’m sure you can find where I made a claim saying people will die by November. I won’t be holding my breath though.

Except I can't, can I Christopher, you closed the account, and killed accounts can not be accessed.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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I asked for it to be closed, yes. But the appropriate forums still exist. So off you pop and do your homework.
If the imaginary "appropriate forum exists" please provide me with details on how to access it Christopher and I will gladly spend an hour copying and pasting your previous claims.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Which can be translated as "I shut my previous ID because I do not want people reminding me what I wrote earlier in the year".


As does truth.
How you differentiate between the two is usualy based on your own biases.
You believe what you want to belive.

When 2 people have contradicting opinions, we usually side with what we think against what could be true.
Perceptive and subjective reality is very different from objective reality.

We like to think we are right because we see the world a certain way.
Most people think they are smarter than they actually are.
The world is a lot more complex than people think, they see it in low resolution.

You cant blame them, they have lives, jobs, most of thier time is taken up by surviving and getting along.

It's simply that life is more complex than people who are busy doing it have no time to think about it.
When the pandemic first started none of us knew what was the truth or who was lying ....there was even confusion of where and how it started, and maybe some of those truths won't ever be confirmed to the public 100%.

As the virus took hold, and then the vaccines were tested then made available, who we choose to believe re their safety has to be researched, who do we trust, where is the information coming from, which statistics and graphs add up, who are the fictional online 'experts' and who are not...etc.

I prefer to be safe rather than right,.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Awkward? You stupid ignorant pro disease c*unt.

This proves that the vaccines are working.

No decent human being would gloat about good news, that less people are in hospital.