Solution to covid?


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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View attachment 7024View attachment 7025Dr Polyakova, the Medical Director of a hospital in Kent, claimed in the BMJ that mass-vaccination is leading to sickness. This letter was removed from the BMJ for “misinformation”.The second picture is one of many complaints sent to the BMJ.
Misinformation??? We now know it was nothing of the sort, but this is what is happening now, hidden truths, anyone not agreeing with the narrative is not reported, ignored by the media. People scream ‘tinfoil hat wearer’ at anyone challenging the media. But what do you think people will do when they are ignored by the mass media? They will use other ways to get their voices heard. Now some like TwoWhales and Sam try to discredit everything by screaming their socialist bullshit, others will just close their eyes. But that does not mean the information is not out there, or less true.
Who is this Dr because they are not on the medical register ? Oh not more fake news


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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The article does not even exist in the BMJ , the fake twisted and misinformation is actually very scary and rather dangerous.

I am drained from the last 2 years working in the NHS and this bullshit online is not helping, it’s not helping the patients, it’s not helping the NHS, it’s not helping the public and it’s sure not helping the people you love .


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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From my contacts in the NHS in Kent there is also no dr k polyakova and there is no Dr registered in England. However this name is appearing all over the internet, repeatedly against the vaccination. Anyone can create any so called evidence , however with a little research is doesn’t take long to find how false and untrue most of it. It’s just a shame so many are believing in this dangerous bullshit .



False info grows like a Russian doll online. It gets repeated over and over again, gathering more gullible into the wake, I got heartily sick of pointing out the lies months ago on a different forum.
The sad thing is, it prevents people thinking clearly, they refuse to be vaccination through fear and mistrust, preferring to scare themselves silly by listening to the fools who propagate the lies.


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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False info grows like a Russian doll online. It gets repeated over and over again, gathering more gullible into the wake, I got heartily sick of pointing out the lies months ago on a different forum.
The sad thing is, it prevents people thinking clearly, they refuse to be vaccination through fear and mistrust, preferring to scare themselves silly by listening to the fools who propagate the lies.
Yeah I mostly say nothing because it’s like head butting a brick wall . Just to show how easy it is to put bullshit online , this is me on my phone, took me 5 minutes to produce a so-called medical journal …



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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False info grows like a Russian doll online. It gets repeated over and over again, gathering more gullible into the wake, I got heartily sick of pointing out the lies months ago on a different forum.
The sad thing is, it prevents people thinking clearly, they refuse to be vaccination through fear and mistrust, preferring to scare themselves silly by listening to the fools who propagate the lies.

As does truth.
How you differentiate between the two is usualy based on your own biases.
You believe what you want to belive.

When 2 people have contradicting opinions, we usually side with what we think against what could be true.
Perceptive and subjective reality is very different from objective reality.

We like to think we are right because we see the world a certain way.
Most people think they are smarter than they actually are.
The world is a lot more complex than people think, they see it in low resolution.

You cant blame them, they have lives, jobs, most of thier time is taken up by surviving and getting along.

It's simply that life is more complex than people who are busy doing it have no time to think about it.


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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And if that dr was “ real” anyone can find him on the medical register, but he’s not there because he’s not a dr . Why would someone lie about being a dr ?


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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From the Pro Diseaser post and its waybackmachine link. I suggest you check the FALSE link.


The Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.

This page is not available on the web
because page does not exist

Click here to search for all archived pages under

If it looks like a fake link, and smells like a fake link and doesn't exist because it is a fake link then... etc., etc., etc.


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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Do you know what 'silencing' means? The are many of Dr Robert Malone's, and Dr Peter McCulloch's writing that cannot be found using Google... that's now it works.

The BMJ guilty of blatant censorship​

On Monday, The British Medical Journal (The BMJ) reminded us that ‘cancel culture’ was still alive and prospering in medical journals. Ironically, one that has lauded its focus on transparency. A Rapid Response by a London-based consultant, Dr Katya Polyakova, in response to the article “Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine?”, was censored for ostensibly “… being used to spread misinformation and was attributed in a misleading way on certain websites and social media”. Well, we’ve been able to find Dr Polyakova's deleted response (thanks to the Wayback Machine), and read one of the leading articles that broke the story and we definitely do not concur.

The BMJ guilty of blatant censorship​

On Monday, The British Medical Journal (The BMJ) reminded us that ‘cancel culture’ was still alive and prospering in medical journals. Ironically, one that has lauded its focus on transparency. A Rapid Response by a London-based consultant, Dr Katya Polyakova, in response to the article “Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine?”, was censored for ostensibly “… being used to spread misinformation and was attributed in a misleading way on certain websites and social media”. Well, we’ve been able to find Dr Polyakova's deleted response (thanks to the Wayback Machine), and read one of the leading articles that broke the story and we definitely do not concur.

This was Dr Polyakova's original response:
Re: Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine? | The BMJ 14/04/2021, 11(17 Re: Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine? - Free Chat Rooms Page 1 of 2 The Wayback Machine -… Intended for healthcare professionals !Rapid response to: Careers Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine? BMJ 2021; 372 doi: Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine? - Free Chat Rooms (Published 29 March 2021) Cite this as: BMJ 2021;372:n810 Read our latest coverage of the coronavirus outbreak Article Related content Article metrics Rapid responses Response Rapid Response: Re: Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine? Dear Editor I have had more vaccines in my life than most people and come from a place of significant personal and professional experience in relation to this pandemic, having managed a service during the first 2 waves and all the contingencies that go with that. Nevertheless, what I am currently struggling with is the failure to report the reality of the morbidity caused by our current vaccination program within the health service and staff population. The levels of sickness after vaccination is unprecedented and staff are getting very sick and some with neurological symptoms which is having a huge impact on the health service function. Even the young and healthy are off for days, some for weeks, and some requiring medical treatment. Whole teams are being taken out as they went to get vaccinated together. Mandatory vaccination in this instance is stupid, unethical and irresponsible when it comes to protecting our staff and public health. We are in the voluntary phase of vaccination, and encouraging staff to take an unlicensed product that is impacting on their immediate health, and I have direct experience of staff contracting Covid AFTER vaccination and probably transmitting it. In fact, it is clearly stated that these vaccine products do not offer immunity or stop transmission. In which case why are we doing it? There is no longitudinal safety data (a couple of months of trial data at best) available and these products are only under emergency licensing. What is to say that there are no longitudinal adverse effects that we may face that may put the entire health sector at risk? Flu is a massive annual killer, it inundates the health system, it kills young people, the old the comorbid, and yet people can chose whether or not they have that vaccine (which had been around for a long time). And you can list a whole number of other examples of vaccines that are not mandatory and yet they protect against diseases of higher consequence. Coercion and mandating medical treatments on our staff, of members of the public especially when treatments are still in the experimental phase, are firmly in the realms of a totalitarian Nazi dystopia and fall far outside of our ethical values as the guardians of health. I and my entire family have had COVID. This as well as most of my friends, relatives and colleagues. I have recently lost a relatively young family member with comorbidities to heart failure, resulting from the pneumonia caused by Covid. Despite this, I would never debase myself and agree, that we should abandon our liberal principles and the international stance on bodily sovereignty, free informed choice and human rights and support unprecedented coercion of professionals, patients and people to have experimental treatments with limited safety data. This and the policies that go with this are more of a danger to our society than anything else we have faced over the last year. What has happened to “my body my choice?” What has happened to scientific and open debate? If I don’t prescribe an antibiotic to a patient who doesn’t need it as they are healthy, am I anti-antibiotics? Or an antibiotic-denier? Is it not time that people truly thought about what is happening to us and where all of this is taking us? Competing interests: No competing interests 02 April 2021 K Polyakova Consultant London
So you believe the BMJ censor everything BUT you are posting the BMJ all over as evidence…. Okay, makes sense .

It might be just the case they removed the none evidence based bullshit


UKChat Expert
Aug 1, 2020
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I'm checking to see what i can find, but I'm sure there was a LinkedIn account attached to her before, strangely (not so much) it seems that has disappeared too. I'll let you know what I come up with.

Look Lucy, I am aware that misinformation is easy on here, as Moriarty say, on BOTH sides, but simply trusting what you can find is no longer an option.

I can see what is happening because I’m working in it, I don’t need to Google bullshit off the internet or listen to YouTube drivel, or like the wonders from the Facebook expert’s. I wish some people would come and see the truth…. And see what is happening and not just read and believe internet bollocks .


part time human
Mar 7, 2020
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just a reminder of what this article was actually about....

Ever wondered why we haven’t got a hold of covid yet? This article is quite long so either grab a coffee and get comfortable or go read a different post…

From the outbreak, covid, like other flu-type diseases depend on their ability to mutate; they are uniquely skilled at this – as we can see with the new variant.

Imagine an amateur darts player, blindfold them, you could even spin them round a few times and then hand them 3 darts. Now, they have to hit the bullseye and that bullseye is the ability to create a new variant, perhaps a more dangerous one. This new variant is easy to catch – terribly so, which is the equivalent of handing this dart player a hundred more darts to play with. The more people that walk around without masks and social distancing…. The more darts. Every infected person (especially the ones jabbed as they are more likely to spread it) is another dart, another chance of a new mutation, a deadlier one; It’s a potential trojan horse.

So why is this happening? We didn’t inoculate everyone. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. In life, we are only as happy as our worst problem, and in this case, we are only as free from this virus as the last person vaccinated. The weakest link so to speak.

We didn’t inoculate everyone because there wasn’t enough to go around – and there never will be at this rate (do the maths). The reason why we don’t have enough vaccines to go around, is for the same reason why every civilisation in the past has fallen – perhaps even this civilisation we comfortably live in if we’re not careful: Greed. Greed for land, greed for oil, greed for technology, greed to collect money, greed for power. In the case of covid, its greed for money.

The three major pharmaceutical companies (legalised drug dealers) Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca have point blank refused to hand over the formula for the vaccine so that other companies could help build enough vaccines for everyone. Why not? Easy… Money. Let’s face it, they’re behaving like a morally corrupt kidnapper – who saw an opportunity – and are now holding a diabetic child hostage and refusing to give them insulin until they are paid a criminal amount of money, and then release them. Morally repugnant, and despite many governments around the world pleading with them, these three companies are refusing to comply, and people are dying. That’s the real ‘Why’ your friends and families are dying. But what about a solution?

You can’t sue multi-billion-dollar industries like Pfizer, astrozeneca, and Moderna, that would be like flinging marshmallows at charging rhinos heading for a creche. The key lays within the sharing of information worldwide and acting and cooperating as a species to stop this assault, a kind of world war II for an allied vs virus axis of evil.

The only way to do this is by using what these industrial dictators hold most dear, the law. And not only use the law but personalise it. Most of these giants hide behind a corporate wall, full of scape goats and hidden departments and plausible deniability. However, there are two laws that can force them to stop waving their expensive immoral lawyers at the taxpayer, they are: ‘Eminent Domain’, and ‘Duty of Care’.

For those that haven’t heard of these two terms before, here’s a brief quick definition: ‘Eminent Domain’ is a lawful act which means a government can take goods, services, land, etc., – and in this case, a formula, by force in the nations best interest. And, ‘Duty of Care’ is a legal obligation on individuals, requiring reasonable care without harming others. As medicine manufacturers and developers, pharmaceutical companies are held to this guideline, and at present there are blatantly flaunting this/these obligations. They are refusing to hand over the formulas without massive payments, and thereby putting the entire species at risk from a potentially fatal disease… for money?

Duty of Care requires individuals in order to sue, so, the three main ‘doctor Evils’ in this global medical opera/disaster movie are the CEOs of Astrazeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer:

Albert Bourla- Pfizer

Stéphane Bancel – Moderna

Pascal Soriot – Astrazeneca

These three people are the spearhead to stop the formulae being released, it’s these three people that refuse to turn up to global governmental meetings (and I’m not kidding, they refused to turn up because of covid restrictions).

If you want to walk around the world without a mask again, realise the real disease are these three people and the medicine they are refusing to share, and the true vaccine is the law we have in order to take away their assets, publicly humiliate them for what they are, and ensure that our species is never again held to ransom by these degenerate people and the horrific companies they represent.

This is just an article, it’s over to you.
