Sexist deeply offended after being called a misogynist.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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No, not angry with you. You're a dead man walking in your current state. I feel sorry for you that your pride is so large that it will be the death of you, but thanks for your future contribution in making the earth a paradise by fertilising the gardens for us.

The real you, the man behind the veil.

It's a pleasure to read you publicly acknowledge that you are NOT among the chosen ones after all.

"Jehovah's Witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 faithful Christians from Pentecost of 33 AD until the present day will be resurrected to heaven as immortal spirit beings to spend eternity with God and Christ. They believe that these people are "anointed" by God to become part of the spiritual "Israel of God".


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
I genuinely don't read most of what you type, it would make my eyes bleed reading all that self-absorbed drivel, and so I just skim through most of it. The trick with you and all angry men just like you, is this, never react to angry outbursts driven by emotion and just stick to "facts" instead.

It really is that simple.

You have no evidence to prove any of your juvenile allegations, and to disguise the fact that you have no evidence, you have no alternative but to angrily shout and stamp your feet.

It's OK, I totally understand. :)

So you're just not going to answer the original question, are you. Do you believe that men and women are equal? It's a simple, straight forward question, and even a 10-year-old child, without any hesitation at all, would simply answer yes or no.

The reason why you are not going to answer the question is because you already know that I will post evidence regarding Watchtower sexual abuse and domestic violence cover-ups. The two witness rule, headship, views on rape and abortion, misogyny and sexism, and a host of other examples.

I don't blame you for hiding behind the sofa now that I am knocking on your door handing out a pamphlet named "facts".

You're a middle-aged man who describes yourself as "a son of god, nemesis of the trolls" (oxymoron). Can you even comprehend just how ridiculous you are? Do you truly believe that your 'all seeing' so-called all-knowing god and the creator of all things, is personally observing you, and nodding "his" head in approval right now? "That's my boy, the nemesis of trolls, I am so proud of you".

Oh, dearie me.

What a blast you must be on building sites, while you entertain all the grown-ups in the canteen, with a son of god tales of courageous adventures battling evil "trolls" online.

It is YOU using "scripted" websites, instead of actually talking out things you disagree with, or don't understand. jwfacts, when you can go to the actual website

And exactly why do you believe that I should glean my information from a single source and from what I now consider, after due deliberation, to be a conspiracy theory website ? You mean gerrymandered information from a single source that dictates to you what your stance is, with threats of disfellowship if you do not obey, but not "facts" in general, right?

As for "cross", I thought you said you were an apostate. Therefore, you should know more facts about "cross". Why not raise those, and teach the masses what you know, but reject because of your self-shame.

Actually, as it happens, you're right, I don't know "more facts" about the "cross", how could I? But I do know why on earth would I be personally "self-shamed" for believing Jesus died on the cross for 50 years or so leading up to 1913, but immediately after 1913, and until the present day, I randomly decided no, actually he didn't die on the cross after all, he died by the stake instead.

But wait hold on a second, that is not my personal view of the "cross" is it, it is your personal view, isn't it? The Watchtower told you this. You have no choice but to obey. Because you know about these things don't you, and although your "facts" conveniently keep changing daily to suit your argument, right?

Whenever the Watchtower decides to change "facts" you nod your head in agreement like a performing animal in a circus and because you have no choice in the matter, do you?

Much like your belief that Jesus got promoted to the top job in 1914. Or how about the predicted Armageddon's in 1878, 1881, 1914, 1918, 1925 and 1975 that never got round to Armageddoning.

How about those "facts"?

The shame really is all on you, sweetheart.

Edited. A middle-aged man who admits to watching and then posts "Beavis and Butthead" videos, assuming it is amusing or something or other.

You really are a wrong un. :rolleyes:
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
Damn you guys are really going for it.

Perhaps a little time out would be good for the soul.

So lets play for fun.

Are men and women equal?
How does one measure that exactly?

Men tend to be stronger due to higher muscle mass, yet women tend to be quicker.
Men tend to be more logical in their thinking whereas women tend to be more creative.
Men tend to drift toward the mechanical wheras women tend to drift toward the social.

Now I admit, the first point is taken just from my experience doing martial arts, I used to be quick when I was younger, quicker than most of the people I fought, ok not to good taking a punch but such is life.
Yet the girls I spared with, usually quicker than me, didn't hit as hard, but they made you feel it.
I was lucky enough to spar with someone who went on to win medals at Judo, she was about 5'4, swift as feck and would beat me if I fecked up my ground game.
She was so good at submission moves, bent you all outta shape and get you to tap out.
Ok in a stand up fight I could have floored her with one punch, but on a mat, she was a terror.
Just to save some male pride, bear in mind, she was a black belt, I was working on my blue at the time.
Didn't matter to me, no other guy would fight her, but she needed experience being a lightweight against heavier and taller opponents, she taught me a lot lol

As for the second point, I have an ex who used to whoop my ass at Chess, a most logical game which I like to think I am good at.
Perhaps thats my failing, yet I was in chess club at school and beat most of the early chess programs on computers.
Mind you, she went on to become a lawyer, so no quarter given, she was ruthless.

The third point, another ex, she used to love tearing down engines and getting up to her elbows in grease.
She didn't have the knowledge I got from my old man when I was young, but she learned quickly because, well we had a mini, it broke down a lot.
She was the biker girl who got me to ride those infernal machines, then I got to appreciate 2 wheels, much better than 4 for touring, but for rally, prefer 4 wheels and a cage.

So all those taken with the caviat "Not all men/women" it's a trend, nothing more.

As for the 144000, arent they the chosen rulers, not a measure of acceptance of the masses.
As in those chosen, be them from the 12 tribes of Isreal or not, which would make the religion pointless outside of the Jewish community, so, not much to go on there.

Sorry, history lesson, the point is.

Life isn't really as simple as we like to think it is.
People are different, they have opinions, they have ideas.

I would like to think we are all open to rational thought, to simply looking at reality and saying, ok, I know something about something, doesn't mean I know anything about everything.

It's an old cliche, we know what we know, we suspect we can know what we don't know, we cannot however suspect we know about what we don't know we don't know.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
Chat forum apostates must be shunned and Witnesses are warned that those who greet one become "a sharer in his wicked works".

This apostate welcomes ASOG into the 'sharing wicked works' fold!

Hey bro, have a heavenly high ^5. *winky wink*

EXPOSED: Jehovah's Witnesses' Irony Meter Hits Maximum Overdrive as Watchtower Declares: "We Don't Listen to Chat Forum Apostates!"

In a move that has left both chat forum insiders, outsiders, shake-it-all-aboutsiders scratching their apostate heads, the Jehovah's Witnesses, through their publication, the Watchtower, have proclaimed a staunch policy of ignoring anything and everything from chat forum apostates. This declaration, while intended to bolster their ranks against dissent, has instead ignited a firestorm of chat forum criticism, with many chat forum users pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of the stance a certain JW follower has taken.

The Watchtower, known for its steadfast adherence to doctrine and unwavering loyalty to the organisation's leadership, recently published an article reaffirming the Witnesses' position on chat forum apostates. "We do not listen to or read anything from chat forum apostates," the article declared. "Their words are poison, designed to lead us astray from the one true path."

The irony of this proclamation was not lost on chat forum observers, who were quick to point out the hypocrisy of an organisation and it's followers, that claims to preach truth and honesty while simultaneously shutting out dissenting voices. "It's like a doctor refusing to listen to a patient's symptoms because they don't like the diagnosis," remarked chat forum critic Tuwaylz Inapuul.

Indeed, the Jehovah's Witnesses have long prided themselves on their strict adherence to moral principles and righteous conduct. Yet, this declaration has raised questions about the sincerity of a certain followers commitment to truth and transparency.

"It's the height of hypocrisy," declared chat forum activist, Dr. Khev Fortee-Fyve. "For an organisation that claims to have 'the truth,' it's alarming to see them resort to such tactics to silence dissent. It's a clear sign that they're more interested in protecting their image than in addressing legitimate concerns."

Adding to the irony is the fact that the Jehovah's Witnesses have historically criticised other religions for their perceived closed-mindedness and refusal to engage with opposing viewpoints. "They've always prided themselves on their intellectual honesty and willingness to engage in dialogue," remarked chat forum scholar Prof. Toowail Zhinapull. "But now, it seems they're closing ranks and circling the wagons in an attempt to shut out any voices of dissent."

As the fallout from this declaration continues to unfold, one thing is clear: the Jehovah's Witnesses are facing a crisis of credibility. Whether they will heed the calls for transparency and accountability remains to be seen. But one thing is for certain: the chat forum world is watching, and the irony meter has hit maximum overdrive.

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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
Whats an ASOG?

Apart from the military meaning, I am curious.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Chat forum apostates must be shunned and Witnesses are warned that those who greet one become "a sharer in his wicked works".

This apostate welcomes ASOG into the 'sharing wicked works' fold!

Hey bro, have a heavenly high ^5. *winky wink*

Brilliant! You truly help to keep me sane (ish) on this forum, lol :)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
Reaction score
First of all, how are you describing me as "shouty" or "angry"? These are your insinuations, because you want them to be true.
Also, not in my forties.
I don't describe other chatters - other than bullies and trolls - as mentally diseased.
I'm here specifically to address online bullies. Like you.

I've made no threats.

Right. As a Christian, I do remove things I realise I could have worded better. But let's be clear. I also fix typos and incorrect comments.

Not to you, no. You're too stupid to reason with. You've demonstrated your stupidity repetitively, especially that all I do is respond to you. So, you've continued attacking my posts over and over, even when I had you blocked. That's the type of sleazy little grot you are. You just can't stop. But I notice you don't like it very much when it's done to you, do you. The difference between me and you is - I'm happy to discuss things with people who are genuine and ask questions. You though are a slanderer, a liar, and you use deception to get your point across - like all your half-lies or outright lies that you're too cowardly to address as a person.

All who talk to me are aware that I'm ready to discuss my beliefs. It's only people like you - trolls and bullies - who I don't answer any more with facts. Because I've seen your methods.
I don't push anything down people's throats. You do though. Besides in a physical way, you do it in the way of accusing people of things, but then running away before they can make a counter claim. Cowardly little grub you are. Forcing your abuse on the chatters because your own way of life is self-condemned, so you have this hatred for what is right. LOL Good for you Kev. You're a funny guy.

As for "scripted", it is YOU who has scripted. Here are some examples:
1) In your points, instead of asking or discussing beliefs - which, let me clarify for the sake of others that I will no longer do for your comments due to your habit of accusing and running away which is a tried and tested method you use. Tried and tested to see if you do it by me...not by you. I noticed this is all you do.
The question you pose to me in this post isn't worthy of my consideration, because you're incapable of reasoning on it. You're as mentioned previously, too stupid.

But back to your scripted stuff...

It is YOU using "scripted" websites, instead of actually talking out things you disagree with, or don't understand. jwfacts, when you can go to the actual website LOL

No, not angry with you. You're a dead man walking in your current state. I feel sorry for you that your pride is so large that it will be the death of you, but thanks for your future contribution in making the earth a paradise by fertilising the gardens for us.'re now admitting that your attacks on me are because you hate Jehovah. I understand. I knew actually, because your excuses for your lack of self-control come out like that. It is a diseased mental state, as highlighted. People who have this view of themselves hand themselves over from one of two choices. One of self-condemnation to one of Judas, where the idea is to blame the other person, or to lash out at them out of their actual self-loathing. It is pride that does it. It's a funny mix of how pride and shame can cause a person to do something that if they instead had a think about, they'd be ashamed to act the way that they do. Because they use belittlement and insults on the other person who has done nothing, because they feel guilty about themselves, they are in a really sad situation. Mercy can't be extended, because they're biting the hands that feed them, and they can't see any other way out, as their self-loathing is now deflected by lies onto the other people.

Thank you for your honesty. I know you know this already, and that is why you go about your way of "beating your brothers". May Jehovah deal mercifully with you and still see something good in you.

This is your problem, see. You know that my information is through my own studies of things, and that I made a decision to serve based on my own knowledge. You though, you lie and accuse, and mudsling. Making out like I don't know things - when it is you who again can't even hold up an argument. You don't have one. Every single time one point is raised by you and is addressed, you instead run away and try to raise another one instead of dealing with the first one. Cowardly act. Also, you lie. Thanks for acknowledging it.
Yes. Apostates KNOW what is true, but lie and twist so that they can convince others to stay away from the source because they feel condemned and are envious of it. That's your choice. We're all temporary residents in this life, and have our days numbered. Feel free to do as you please with yours. You and I will both be rewarded for our choices.

You forget...of course.
I'm not yet one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
It is indeed the wise course for people to avoid liars, slanderers, and others that are out to harm people.
But see, I'm on here and you attack me but have no argument back. So I'm here to antagonise the trolls, the liars and the ridiculers. I enjoy chat, but I especially enjoy when liars are exposed as liars. I am grateful that you finally admitted to all that it is YOU yourself that acknowledges knowing Jehovah's ways, but admit you are an apostate. An apostate isn't someone disfellowshipped. Oh, no. See, I'm disfellowshipped. I have been for almost two decades. It is a lying grub who accuses the innocent of things they know aren't true, because they themselves have been disciplined, and they're envious.

I like that you highlighted the specific words in bold. It's like you're pleading with me to stop reacting to your abuse. "PLEASE!!!! Let me be the abusive little maggot I am! DON'T take away my entertainment from picking on people!"

Well, Kev.

Here I am!

If only you would just admit to being a 'middle-aged, shouty bloke', e-Kev45 would be confessed.
Please, spare him the angst of him having to constantly explain himself.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
If only you would just admit to being a 'middle-aged, shouty bloke', e-Kev45 would be confessed.
Please, spare him the angst of him having to constantly explain himself.

I want this thread in prime place, so thanks sweetie.

I think you two make a lovely couple btw, you are very similar, but please, no bickering about who messed up the Sun crossword.

Enjoy your night guzzling that cheap wine and stomping around main chat calling women "fat" and "lazy".

And don't forget to have a nice glass of water before bed darling and remember to change the rubber sheets.



I genuinely don't read most of what you type, it would make my eyes bleed reading all that self-absorbed drivel, and so I just skim through most of it. The trick with you and all angry men just like you, is this, never react to angry outbursts driven by emotion and just stick to "facts" instead.

It really is that simple.

LOL! "Facts", you say? Yet, you claim stuff, then bugger off, as always. You haven't stated any yet.

It's like this, Kev...

You've continually responded with drivel to any articles or comments I've made in a debate section, yet never once actually debated. Sure, you've made claims, but you've not stuck with them to discuss them so as to test the credibility in anything. Everything you do is superficial. I know you do it on purpose too. It is all you can do. You can only be superficial, as depth is just beyond you. You know nothing, and you make a lot of noise.

Well mate. You have my blessing to be a noisy empty vessel. Good for you, and I wish you allllll the best.

You win Kev. I have nothing left to say to you. You're simply too stupid to talk to. Best wishes, you poor, poor, stupid, cowardly bastard. Nothing more to say to you.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
In the realm of this chat forum, where screen names reign supreme,
there dwells a forum egoist, a most peculiar meme.
He struts upon this digital stage with haughty gait and stride,
a self-proclaimed messiah, with arrogance as his guide.

His handle, "A Son of God," he flaunts with pompous flair,
yet his words reveal a charlatan, a snake disguised as a follower.
He feigns the pious robe, a cloak of false humility,
while casting stones at others with his virtual artillery.

A chat forum's where he thrives, his kingdom hall of control,
and he wields his self-proclaimed divine right to troll.
With keystrokes drivel, he aims to bully, maim and wound,
leaving trails of cyber nonsense, his ego thus marooned.

His weapon? Spite and hate, words slicing through the air,
desperate to leave victims in his wake, a religious conman liar.
He feigns compassion, feigns concern, an e-wolf in sheepish guise,
but his true intent reveals itself through his virtual lies.

"Oh, but I'm a messenger," he proclaims with pious zeal,
yet his messages are tainted, his motives far from real.
He cloaks himself in righteousness, a guise that's paper thin,
and his actions scream hypocrisy, a malice filled noisy din.

Pretending piety, he prowls the forum wide,
Attacking those who question him, with arrogance his guide.
He claims to follow doctrine, a Jehovah's Witness guise,
But his deeds betray his falsehoods, his venomous lies.

Then he hides behind his screen name, a coward in the dark,
Trying to make his words leave devastation, like a venomous shark.
Beware the forum egoist, "A Son of God" by name,
For his toxicity and hatred bring nothing but his shame.

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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
This one is funny. Yes, that is indeed what Jehovah's Witnesses believe. Because that's what the Bible teaches. When you argue Jehovah's Witnesses' teachings, you're arguing the Bible's teachings. You're a funny guy. Not very bright, but yeah, quite funny."

The same "Bible teachings" that your "faith" published in the 1960s, The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, right?

In 1961 to be precise, only 63 years ago, yes?

An alleged translation of the original Holy Scriptures, right?

That's what you are referring to here, and NOT in fact the "Bible", right?

Just a few examples in the following, but there are many, many more.

A translation which systematically (deliberately) omitted more than 30 full verses and or part verses because that information clashed with existing Jehovah Witness doctrine, right?

That claims Christ died on a stake because Jehovah Witness leaders no longer believed that he was crucified on a cross.

A doctrine which denies hell exists, and so the translators did not include any biblical references to nor even translations of hell in general.

The translating committee, five men, who were completely anonymous and therefore not open to any public scrutiny by biblical scholars (not you, real ones) to check their academic background/qualifications and or their suitability to translate original Holy Scripture.

Did any of the five men even understand Aramaic, Biblical Hebrew or Koine Greek, do you know?

EDITED: This is another important point. The "committee" only checked the work of the actual translators who did the bulk of the work and who translated Holy Scriptures into English (also anonymous). We still don't even know if the "committee" spoke/understood original Holy Scriptures languages.

In a passage in Colossians 1:16, their translation inserted the word “other” although "other" isn't in the original Greek text. This is important to point out because Jehovah Witnesses don't believe in the Trinity. This translation (edit) gives the false impression that Christ is a creation, mirroring Jehovah Witness doctrine, and, when the original text said no such thing. Jehovah Witnesses believe there is only one "God" (with a capital g) and that Christ was NOT physically resurrected.

Etc. ;)

Slyly removing or adding a word here and there to deceitfully manipulate the context/meaning of a passage or even an entire verse, right?

Because Jehovah Witnesses believe that doctrine dictates Holy Scripture, it is therefore acceptable for them to revise and edit Holy Scripture to suit their stance. Rather than the opposite, that in fact Holy Scripture dictates doctrine, or should, right?

The well regarded English academic H.H. Rowley, an Old Testament scholar, described the translation as "an insult to the word of God" and "a shining example of how the Bible should not be translated".

Professor Charles Feinberg, a dean at Talbot School of Theology, and a world renowned biblical expert specializing in Jewish history and the Old Testament said "I can assure you that the rendering which the Jehovah’s Witnesses give John 1:1 is not held by any reputable Greek scholar."

The respected Professor James A. Beverley, a Research Professor at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, specializing in American religion and who advices his government about religious groups, accuses Jehovah Witnesses of "false prophesy" and described the faith as "fitting the model of a cult".

Professor Bruce Metzger, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, another biblical scholar, a Bible translator and textual critic, alongside serving on various religious boards, described the translation as "frightful".

Far too many views from 'experts' to list here.

Other well respected biblical scholars argue the Jehovah Witness faith is not even a religion, because it denies "essential doctrines".

100s of published and well regarded academic papers and theological/biblical works between them.

It's a tough decision, but who to trust here, the actual experts or a bunch of anonymous cowboys?

"Bible teachings".

Oh, dearie me. :)

You're a funny guy. Not very bright, but yeah, quite funny."

Psst btw, I am guessing that it is not "quite" so "funny" today, is it, laughing boy? ;)
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
I think he's very sick. Very ill. Mentally and emotionally. Sorry for deleting the comments, but there was just no point in giving him anything. I'll talk about him, not to him.

I think someone has upset him. Plus, he has removed a good chunk of his posts. Which is unfortunate given the accusations I make in my previous post, right? :rolleyes:


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
LOL! "Facts", you say? Yet, you claim stuff, then bugger off, as always. You haven't stated any yet.

It's like this, Kev...

You've continually responded with drivel to any articles or comments I've made in a debate section, yet never once actually debated. Sure, you've made claims, but you've not stuck with them to discuss them so as to test the credibility in anything. Everything you do is superficial. I know you do it on purpose too. It is all you can do. You can only be superficial, as depth is just beyond you. You know nothing, and you make a lot of noise.

Well mate. You have my blessing to be a noisy empty vessel. Good for you, and I wish you allllll the best.

You win Kev. I have nothing left to say to you. You're simply too stupid to talk to. Best wishes, you poor, poor, stupid, cowardly bastard. Nothing more to say to you.

Yes, Clearly I am "superficial" and an "empty vessel" and very "stupid".

Stupid stupid stupid.

Is it not "debate" because I refuse to play your verse bingo, right?

Because that's how you "debate".

All your "debates" revolve around spam posting verses or passages you claim (with no evidence) are biblical. If anyone responds, you respond with more verses or passages.

That isn't "debate".

It simply is not true that I "continually" respond with drivel to any "articles" you make. I originally commented on one single "article" you posted, simply asking why you would deny a dying child a blood transfusion while you are scoffing a bloody medium rare juicy sirloin steak.

Which upset you, right?

Thanks for wishing me all the best, I can assure you, the feeling isn't mutual. :rolleyes:


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
THE Metropolitan Police are ignoring the report calling them racist, misogynistic and homophobic because it was written by some daft f**king bird.

A year-long review by Baroness Casey which condemns systemic failures and institutional prejudice has been dismissed as ‘her whining because she’s a minger’.

Detective inspector Martin Bishop, aged 57, said: "Women. They just don’t get banter."

One little joke in their cup of tea, and they act like it’s the end of the world.

What, we’re supposed to treat this report, which basically collects every moan from every tw%t on the force who can’t take a joke, as if it’s a big deal? Piss off. Who gave her the authority?

No, like the gaffer said, all this institutional bollocks is ‘ambiguous and politicised’. Which means we’ll deal with it the Met way, by losing the evidence and closing the investigation.

We can’t go listening to women all the time, or half the stuff the lads get up to would be a serious crime. And what kind of police would we have if they were all locked up? Exactly!