Sexist deeply offended after being called a misogynist.


Foxy love ❤️
Apr 29, 2023
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I do chuckle at anyone who calls the Muslim faith sexist, they value their women more that we do.

That value is very debatable.

Yet what do we do.

Make them work, make them choose between a career or children.
Why can't we simply go back to what works, men work and bring in the wages and women stay home and take care of the house.

That way they aren't in danger and can create the next generation which pays their pensions.

Call me old fashioned, but the only way you can pay for your parents is by producing offspring who are tax payers.
Or should we just kill them off, or do an Esther Rantzen and ask that we should be able to kill ourselves for the sake of our kids.

It is a very subjective argument.
It is however fun to play with
Look at the stats for men who refuse to support their offspring and you will find your answer.
Some of us don't have a choice of being mum, dad, alarm clock, cook, builder, plumber, painter weightlifter, nurturer, teacher, provider, coach, Councillor, role model...need I go on ..the roles we play are endless..
So no we can't go back to being chained to the kitchen sink coz a high proportion of men are bloody lazy twats ..the end


I do chuckle at anyone who calls the Muslim faith sexist, they value their women more that we do.

That value is very debatable.

Yet what do we do.

Make them work, make them choose between a career or children.
Why can't we simply go back to what works, men work and bring in the wages and women stay home and take care of the house.

That way they aren't in danger and can create the next generation which pays their pensions.

Call me old fashioned, but the only way you can pay for your parents is by producing offspring who are tax payers.
Or should we just kill them off, or do an Esther Rantzen and ask that we should be able to kill ourselves for the sake of our kids.

It is a very subjective argument.
It is however fun to play with
I do cringe with embarrassment for the naïve fool that believes in the trope you have written here. You write as if humans are simply born to reproduce, which is very much an Islamic attitude. Everything else comes in the afterlife. Perhaps you have missed a calling there, Nutty.

I’ve heard the argument many times that Islam was the first to give women the right to inherit. It’s a shame that they can’t catch up with the last few centuries and start treating women as humans and equals. I’m sure many women in Islamic countries would settle for them giving women the right to drive, the right to show their hair, the right to choose their husband and not be sold to an old man, the right to walk the streets without a chaperone, the right not to have their genitals mutilated (in some sects), the right to keep their children after a divorce, the right to work, the right to choose their friends, the right to choose autonomy over their body, the right to choose their religion rather than stay in the one they’ve indoctrinated with since birth, the right to be homosexual… I need to go on? I can drag up some pictures of how 'respectful' Islam is to women- especially those that break the 'rules'- but many would be have to be censored on a site such as this. I don't think even here would show allow the pictures of routine stonings and burning of their beloved women. Nevertheless, every media outlet has stories of how 'respectful' they are to little girls in the care system.

Your idealism also conveniently forgets the amount of inter-familial marriages in the Islamic tradition and the about of genetic conditions of children through these marriages. Furthermore, that it is widely accepted that men have more than one wife and often can’t support multiple families. Without birth control, you breed poverty, which can be seen in many Islamic countries (not everything is the British Empire’s fault!).

Treating women as breeders is not the answer to the state of the world, but unfortunately, men like yourself, as well as a growing population of men seem to be reverting back to this dangerously primal ideology.

Call me logical, but not everyone needs to ‘produce’ taxpaying offspring to support aging parents. As a family tree goes on, it gets bigger and most out of a family are going to pay tax either for their whole working lives or for most of it, thus, many will produce more taxpaying offspring than needed to equate our care. Also, many will die before they need full-time care from the state and will only get back some of what they paid for pension and NI. We’re not China- we don’t have an aging population crisis, just because there are more women working and staying single. And on examination, the point of women breeding less having a knock on the population to care and pay for the elderly doesn’t strictly make sense. If the birth rate lowers, so does the elderly population eventually.

The issues are within the care system itself- the job of a carer is shockingly underpaid and overworked and they have some of the highest levels of stress in the workplace, due to the expectations and conditions, so it’s not exactly an attractive career option in a country that pummels internet/TV/Pop/Porn star as the aspiration for most teens.

Also, we have to consider the responsibilities of the family. Many elderly don’t have family close by or the family has other commitments, such as work or children, so perhaps instead of putting money into flying flags and painting pavements, perhaps our councils could give more to community centres and into volunteer organisations to increase the amount of elderly they can reach out to.
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Treating women as breeders is not the answer to the state of the world... a growing population of men seem to be reverting back to this dangerously primal ideology.

100% agree, but it is just basic common sense anyway. In the "real" world, called 'reality', exactly how are the lowest paid sectors currently going to support a family with children, where only the male is in waged employment.

Even further up the economic ladder, both men and women also work, also with children, simply because they have no choice in the matter.

Either solution always involves government intervention (free childcare etc), or at least should in an ideal world.

It took me all of two minutes to google "how many OAPs are currently in care homes" and "how many unpaid carers are there". I then took another two minutes googling "what gender are unpaid care workers" and "what gender work in the care sector".

Unsurprisingly, unpaid carers come first by a considerable margin, and both paid and unpaid care work is carried out predominantly by women.

I mean come on, is swearing at a rusty old wheel nut for three days solid, more valuable to society than unpaid work caring for a elderly, sick or disabled family member, really?

Chained to the kitchen sink is going to change nothing, and it certainly didn't change anything when it was still universally accepted (by men).

Angrily barking on about what a patriarchal god thinks or not, or the opinion of some random who spoke about "natural law" 300 years ago, is totally irrelevant to here and now.

Edited. The angry barkers are male. ;)
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I do seem to have a lot of push back against that post.
Why I wonder?

Ok, let me ask a different question.

Should you have kids, who can then get a job and pay taxes to make up for your pension?

Or do you simply want to magic tax money out of the aether?

Kicking the can down the road to your grandkids to pay for the fact you got old and cost the state, as in the taxpayer a lot of money.

Perhaps the Esther Rantzen story about finishing yourself off before you become a burden strikes home.
Just curious.

I do always find this funny..

"Unsurprisingly, unpaid carers come first by a considerable margin, and both paid and unpaid care work is carried out predominantly by women."

It's called a welfare state for a reason, so they can get voters.
I applied for a grant so I could move to be near my mam who is in her 70's, they turned me down because she was "Mobile and Active"
She was getting over cancer, then broke her ankle.
Yet they said she was fine.

I had the money to rent a place on the list, yet they wouldn't allow it because I was coming from out of their council area.

As for Kevs post, how many OAP's are in care homes, to fecking many because they have family who should care for them, not the state.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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I THINK I speak for all men when I say ladies should be fragrant, delicate creatures with a hint of the startled fawn about them. Here are my rules for the fairer sex. By Martin Bishop, unemployed online fantasist, aged 57.

Get drunk

There’s literally nothing worse than seeing a woman drunk. It’s unladylike, common and deeply intimidating. What sort of man wants to spend time with an inebriated woman who’s laughing all the time and being flirtatious? Not me, I can tell you.

Wear trousers

There’s only one outfit a lady should be seen in – a pretty floral dress. Trousers are so ugly, and hide their lovely slender legs. Some would say it’s the only practical attire in certain jobs, like policewoman. But is it really a good idea to have lady policemen in the first place, struggling to park their police cars properly and arresting innocent people because they’re on their period?

Say you are going to the toilet

In a restaurant, a true lady will simply say ‘Excuse me’ or disappear without saying anything. No man likes to imagine them performing vile bodily functions, so act at all times as though you lack a bladder, urethra and genitals. It’s the best way to maintain your feminine mystique.

Breaking wind

Even if a lady breaks wind by accident, they should immediately leave the social gathering and remain at home until the shameful incident has – hopefully – been forgotten, probably between four and six months. Obviously, this does not apply to men, for whom breaking wind confidently asserts their masculinity and is hilariously funny.

Chew gum

A disgusting habit, for women. You look like a big filthy cow, vacantly chewing the cud while shitting constantly. Scarlett Johansson could come round to my flat right now wanting sex, and if she was chewing gum, I’d say no. Admittedly, the chances of having sex with Ms Johansson are fairly low, which is a shame because I haven’t had a shag for eight years. I can’t think why.

Disagree with a man

A man will know what to watch on TV or the best sort of takeaway to get due to his larger brain. That’s simply evolution. And if he’s wrong about something, it is a lady’s duty to back him up. If he says ‘Did you know the earth is actually a cube?’, say ‘Gosh, I hope we don’t slide off.’ Your relationship will be so much better if you force yourself to act like an imbecile 24/7.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Unsurprisingly, unpaid carers come first by a considerable margin

It's called a welfare state for a reason, so they can get voters.


I applied for a grant so I could move to be near my mam who is in her 70's, they turned me down because she was "Mobile and Active"
I had the money to rent a place on the list, yet they wouldn't allow it because I was coming from out of their council area.

The average practitioner psychologist salary in the United Kingdom is £50,173 per year.

The average engineer salary in the United Kingdom is £41,961 per year.

The average scientist salary in the United Kingdom is £44,012 per year.

The average charity sector salary in the United Kingdom for experienced workers is £48,956 per year.



UKChat Newbie
Jul 18, 2023
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A TRADITIONAL sexist was left feeling hurt after being branded a woman-hating misogynist.

Martin Bishop of Leeds enjoys leering, wolf-whistling and breast-and-arse-related ‘banter’, so was mortified when someone suggested he had a problem with the opposite sex.

Bishop said: “I see myself very much as a ‘Jack the lad’ figure. I love talking about women’s bodies and cracking jokes about how they belong in the kitchen. You know – traditional, wholesome sexism.

“But the other day I was hitting on some tart in a club and she had the nerve to call me a ‘misogynistic pig’ – just because I said she had a lovely arse and asked if she fancied a shag. Some women just can’t take a compliment.

“I said, ‘Listen darling, I love birds, I don’t hate them. My mum’s one for Christ’s sake.’ Then she chucked her drink in my face and walked off, but I’m pretty sure she was just playing hard to get.”

Bishop’s best friend, Nathan Muir, defended his mate’s friendly antagonism towards the opposite sex.

He said: “Martin may say the odd horrendous thing from time to time, but he doesn’t hate women. He loves them. That’s why he spends his time trying to have sex with as many as possible, often without telling the other ones.

“He might come across as sexist, patronising, unfunny, boring and obnoxious, but once you get to know him you realise deep down he’s just a twat.”
Yeah because women go to bars to drink and only to drink.....


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Anecdotal evidence ≠ substantial evidence
Reality is subjective as far as opinion is concerned.

Hence that point makes no sense.

Or does it?


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Yeah because women go to bars to drink and only to drink.....

I have no idea if women go to bars to drink and only to drink because I was only talking about the sexist views of a man called Martin Bishop. :rolleyes:


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I do cringe with embarrassment for the naïve fool that believes in the trope you have written here. You write as if humans are simply born to reproduce, which is very much an Islamic attitude. Everything else comes in the afterlife. Perhaps you have missed a calling there, Nutty.

I’ve heard the argument many times that Islam was the first to give women the right to inherit. It’s a shame that they can’t catch up with the last few centuries and start treating women as humans and equals. I’m sure many women in Islamic countries would settle for them giving women the right to drive, the right to show their hair, the right to choose their husband and not be sold to an old man, the right to walk the streets without a chaperone, the right not to have their genitals mutilated (in some sects), the right to keep their children after a divorce, the right to work, the right to choose their friends, the right to choose autonomy over their body, the right to choose their religion rather than stay in the one they’ve indoctrinated with since birth, the right to be homosexual… I need to go on? I can drag up some pictures of how 'respectful' Islam is to women- especially those that break the 'rules'- but many would be have to be censored on a site such as this. I don't think even here would show allow the pictures of routine stonings and burning of their beloved women. Nevertheless, every media outlet has stories of how 'respectful' they are to little girls in the care system.

Your idealism also conveniently forgets the amount of inter-familial marriages in the Islamic tradition and the about of genetic conditions of children through these marriages. Furthermore, that it is widely accepted that men have more than one wife and often can’t support multiple families. Without birth control, you breed poverty, which can be seen in many Islamic countries (not everything is the British Empire’s fault!).

Treating women as breeders is not the answer to the state of the world, but unfortunately, men like yourself, as well as a growing population of men seem to be reverting back to this dangerously primal ideology.

Call me logical, but not everyone needs to ‘produce’ taxpaying offspring to support aging parents. As a family tree goes on, it gets bigger and most out of a family are going to pay tax either for their whole working lives or for most of it, thus, many will produce more taxpaying offspring than needed to equate our care. Also, many will die before they need full-time care from the state and will only get back some of what they paid for pension and NI. We’re not China- we don’t have an aging population crisis, just because there are more women working and staying single. And on examination, the point of women breeding less having a knock on the population to care and pay for the elderly doesn’t strictly make sense. If the birth rate lowers, so does the elderly population eventually.

The issues are within the care system itself- the job of a carer is shockingly underpaid and overworked and they have some of the highest levels of stress in the workplace, due to the expectations and conditions, so it’s not exactly an attractive career option in a country that pummels internet/TV/Pop/Porn star as the aspiration for most teens.

Also, we have to consider the responsibilities of the family. Many elderly don’t have family close by or the family has other commitments, such as work or children, so perhaps instead of putting money into flying flags and painting pavements, perhaps our councils could give more to community centres and into volunteer organisations to increase the amount of elderly they can reach out to.

Can I selectivly quote one simple point you wrote in that diatribe.

Call me logical, but not everyone needs to ‘produce’ taxpaying offspring to support aging parents. As a family tree goes on, it gets bigger and most out of a family are going to pay tax either for their whole working lives or for most of it, thus, many will produce more taxpaying offspring than needed to equate our care.

The problem lies in the fact that the so called "Smart" women aren't the ones who are "breeding" as you so elequontly put it.

And on examination, the point of women breeding less having a knock on the population to care and pay for the elderly doesn’t strictly make sense. If the birth rate lowers, so does the elderly population eventually.

Ok, so dont have kids in your 30's.
So a declining number of families are having kids now in their twenties, they are making careers, which government loves, more tax and NI payers.

In their 30's they are more involved with careers, maybe now fulfill the itch, have a kid.

Then someone has to take time off, sets their career back, or they quit entirely.

What has that done?

Taken someone experienced and hard to replace out of the work force, wasted a univercity place which could have been used by someone who could have worked another 30 years and paid tax?

These are very complex questions people aren't asking, which have serious knock on effects over decades.

It's easy to say "Well this is such and such" but lets be honest, we have no idea how to cope with the massive debt our government has put on us.
You know it's about 51 thousand pounds per person in the UK that is our current government debt.

How do we pay for that, import more people because we arent having enough of our own grown into the taxpayer chain.
It's not only about falling birth rates, its about spending.

I remember saying back in 2020 to my brother who was loving working from home because of COVID you will regret this in a few years when your mortgage goes up.
He said I was full of shite.
Now he is paying over 800 per month compared to the 500 he was paying back then.

Anyway, feck knows what this has to do with misogny, just having a chat ;)


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
Reaction score
I do chuckle at anyone who calls the Muslim faith sexist, they value their women more that we do.

That value is very debatable.

Yet what do we do.

Make them work, make them choose between a career or children.
Why can't we simply go back to what works, men work and bring in the wages and women stay home and take care of the house.

That way they aren't in danger and can create the next generation which pays their pensions.

Call me old fashioned, but the only way you can pay for your parents is by producing offspring who are tax payers.
Or should we just kill them off, or do an Esther Rantzen and ask that we should be able to kill ourselves for the sake of our kids.

It is a very subjective argument.
It is however fun to play with

After reading your posts on this thread, I have noticed that you proffer sensible argument then balance it out with complete drivel.
I suppose that way you appeal to both sides of the debate.
If humankind is heading for exctinction, who are we to stop it happening?
All previous generations have proved to have been selfish. Do you think the next one will be less so?
I'm afraid my increasing cynicism leads me to believe that it won't.



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Have to chuckle at complete drivel.

Its basic economics, but I am somewhat drunk, so drivel could be accurate.

Either way, unless people start to think on a macro rather than a micro level, we are gonna be broke soon.
The world has changed, the West isn't the biggest fish in the pond any more.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Oh. I think we could talk about it. What do you know of faith?

Try not to think for me.

Can you manage that?

You believe that because you selectively edited your abusive insults that it didn't actually happen, right?

Ground hog day.

You genuinely believe that you have that god given right, don't you?

Explain if you believe that women are inferior or equal to men according to your own "faith"?

Because it is totally irrelevant what I "know" of faith in regard to what your god Jehovah teaches.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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A shouty angry bloke in his 40s, a middle-aged man, who frequently describes other chatters as "mentally diseased" and "go see a doctor" now complaining about "online bullying".

When he isn't making repeated e threats to sue for slander.

And editing his abusive comments, after he remembered that he is supposed to be a "Christian" after all.


But even so, you're not going to answer the original question, right?

A really simple question.

Do you believe that women are inferior to men?

Because you enjoy thrusting your scripted religious views down other people's throats, don't you, but you are extremely reluctant to reveal what those religious views actually entail in the real world and which you prefer to remain out of sight.

Which is of course why you are so angry with me. :)

Btw, I am an apostate, I really don't care, really, really.

Do you understand what apostasy is?

Do you know what the Watchtower, your faith leaders, instruct with regard to apostasy?

They describe apostates as "mentally diseased", don't they, the leaders of your own faith?

Let me educate you what your own faith leaders instruct.

"... The Bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them. (1 Timothy 6:3, 4) Jehovah is like that good doctor. He clearly tells us to stay away from false teachers... "Watchtower 2100 Jul 15 Study Ed.

" "How can we safeguard ourselves from following the course of ridiculers? One way is to avoid associating with those who show a critical attitude. (Read Psalm 1:1.) This means that we do not listen to or read anything from apostates." Watchtower Study Edition October 2022 p.20

Because faith is really complex isn't it and I wouldn't understand it, whatever it is, would I?

In the meantime, take your so-called 'faith', and run along.

I am not responsible for your cognitive dissonance, you 'claim' to be the son of god, and that's your 'cross' to bear and yours only.

Oh, and btw, original Hebrew scripture did not capitalize god, so why do you capitalize, I presume because you believe that your god is more important than any other god, right?

Your god is bigger than my god, right?

Then again, in the real world, the Watchtower has a piss poor reputation for theological revisionism, and viewed as a rather unsavoury organization by many moderate Christians, isn't it?

A sly edit here and there, a word inserted or removed here and there, and pretty much like all of your lines.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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It took me an hour to skim through that self-indulgent egotistical drivel.

It must have taken you hours to type, right?

And you still avoided the question.

Do you believe that men and women are equal?

When you finally get round to answering, I will provide evidence demonstrating that you are a member of a male dominated religious sect with a long history of misogyny and hatred of women. :)

I will of course also confront you about religious driven sexism and misogyny, on a thread that I posted about sexism and misogyny, if you choose to comment on it.

You understand this, right?

You simply can't stop me.

The reality is, however, you are driven by ego.


Full to the brim and overflowing with smug self-importance.

It's a serious character flaw, and especially for a middle-aged man.

“More the knowledge, lesser the ego. Lesser the knowledge, more the ego.” – Albert Einstein

Edited. You also avoided the question about the capitalization of god, you are NOT even aware, because you are a fraud, that the ORIGINAL scripture is written in Hebrew who simply did not use capital letters, and it was indeed the Greeks who capitalized in later translations.

Google away so that upon your return you are an instant expert.

Because outside your preprepared scripts, chosen for you by the Watchtower, you are just not very good at this. ;)
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