Sexist deeply offended after being called a misogynist.


A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
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A TRADITIONAL sexist was left feeling hurt after being branded a woman-hating misogynist.

Martin Bishop of Leeds enjoys leering, wolf-whistling and breast-and-arse-related ‘banter’, so was mortified when someone suggested he had a problem with the opposite sex.

Bishop said: “I see myself very much as a ‘Jack the lad’ figure. I love talking about women’s bodies and cracking jokes about how they belong in the kitchen. You know – traditional, wholesome sexism.

“But the other day I was hitting on some tart in a club and she had the nerve to call me a ‘misogynistic pig’ – just because I said she had a lovely arse and asked if she fancied a shag. Some women just can’t take a compliment.

“I said, ‘Listen darling, I love birds, I don’t hate them. My mum’s one for Christ’s sake.’ Then she chucked her drink in my face and walked off, but I’m pretty sure she was just playing hard to get.”

Bishop’s best friend, Nathan Muir, defended his mate’s friendly antagonism towards the opposite sex.

He said: “Martin may say the odd horrendous thing from time to time, but he doesn’t hate women. He loves them. That’s why he spends his time trying to have sex with as many as possible, often without telling the other ones.

“He might come across as sexist, patronising, unfunny, boring and obnoxious, but once you get to know him you realise deep down he’s just a twat.”


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Yeah like I never heard my best mates daughters say "ew no I wouldn't go with him, he's fat".

Funny how that works. :D


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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A TRADITIONAL sexist was left feeling hurt after being branded a woman-hating misogynist.

Martin Bishop of Leeds enjoys leering, wolf-whistling and breast-and-arse-related ‘banter’, so was mortified when someone suggested he had a problem with the opposite sex.

Bishop said: “I see myself very much as a ‘Jack the lad’ figure. I love talking about women’s bodies and cracking jokes about how they belong in the kitchen. You know – traditional, wholesome sexism.

“But the other day I was hitting on some tart in a club and she had the nerve to call me a ‘misogynistic pig’ – just because I said she had a lovely arse and asked if she fancied a shag. Some women just can’t take a compliment.

“I said, ‘Listen darling, I love birds, I don’t hate them. My mum’s one for Christ’s sake.’ Then she chucked her drink in my face and walked off, but I’m pretty sure she was just playing hard to get.”

Bishop’s best friend, Nathan Muir, defended his mate’s friendly antagonism towards the opposite sex.

He said: “Martin may say the odd horrendous thing from time to time, but he doesn’t hate women. He loves them. That’s why he spends his time trying to have sex with as many as possible, often without telling the other ones.

“He might come across as sexist, patronising, unfunny, boring and obnoxious, but once you get to know him you realise deep down he’s just a twat.”

Since when did being complimentary and the gaining the attention of a woman become viewed as misogyny?
Quite the contrary, as Nathan stated, 'he doesn't hate women. He loves them'.
If anything, the woman concerned was a blatant misandrist, judging by her violent action of throwing a drink in poor Martin's face.

Seriously, you're a traditional snowflake like so many multiphobic people who try to find wrong in others, especially men.
Isn't Joey Barton due a reprisal soon? I'm sure you're itching to mention your idol in the very near future.

Words don't mean what you want them to mean, regardless of your Humpty Dumpty syndrome.




A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
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Misogynists ‘must get consent’ before speaking,​

MISOGYNISTS will be required to get consent before boring people with their predictable anti-women opinions, the government has announced.

Anyone wishing to discuss topics such as ‘feminazis’ and men being turned into second-class citizens will have to first make sure other people have agreed to it.

A government spokesman said: From now on misogynists must obtain consent to launch into tired rants about biased family courts, women committing domestic violence too, or entirely imaginary situations such as feminists demanding 50% of the SAS is female.

“If consent is not given they must immediately shut the **** up. ‘No’ means ‘no’.”

Office worker Tom Logan said: “It’s a good idea because last night my weird colleague Tony somehow turned an enjoyable pub conversation about Captain Pugwash into a really grim argument about false rape accusations.

“Also I’m sure my son isn’t being ‘feminised’ by female primary school teachers, because mainly he seems to be learning to draw bloodthirsty pictures of stick men killing each other.”

However misogynist Roy Hobbs said: “Fortunately there’s a place where I can still discuss how dreadful women are, which is called ‘the entire internet’.” ;)


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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Misogynists ‘must get consent’ before speaking,​

MISOGYNISTS will be required to get consent before boring people with their predictable anti-women opinions, the government has announced.

Anyone wishing to discuss topics such as ‘feminazis’ and men being turned into second-class citizens will have to first make sure other people have agreed to it.

A government spokesman said: From now on misogynists must obtain consent to launch into tired rants about biased family courts, women committing domestic violence too, or entirely imaginary situations such as feminists demanding 50% of the SAS is female.

“If consent is not given they must immediately shut the **** up. ‘No’ means ‘no’.”

Office worker Tom Logan said: “It’s a good idea because last night my weird colleague Tony somehow turned an enjoyable pub conversation about Captain Pugwash into a really grim argument about false rape accusations.

“Also I’m sure my son isn’t being ‘feminised’ by female primary school teachers, because mainly he seems to be learning to draw bloodthirsty pictures of stick men killing each other.”

However misogynist Roy Hobbs said: “Fortunately there’s a place where I can still discuss how dreadful women are, which is called ‘the entire internet’.” ;)


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UKChat Familiar
May 13, 2023
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Yeah like I never heard my best mates daughters say "ew no I wouldn't go with him, he's fat".

Funny how that works. :D
Here we go again :rolleyes: "I once heard a woman say a naughty word, so they're just as bad as men!" At 60-odd,isn't it getting boring repeating the same old crap?


A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
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Here we go again :rolleyes: "I once heard a woman say a naughty word, so they're just as bad as men!" At 60-odd,isn't it getting boring repeating the same old crap?

LOL! I was just going to type that on the other thread! Thanks for reminding me about his so-called "multi-grad" status, I had indeed forgotten.


A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
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A GROUP of online trolls have been introduced to an actual woman for the first time.

Wo-Meet is a new initiative where sexually-vindictive internet obsessives can experience meeting a woman who is not in a browser window.

A spokesman said: “Wo-Meet is a place where the socially-petrified men who use the net as a repository for their unpleasantness can spend 20 closely-monitored minutes talking to a woman who won’t make fun of them.”

Waynes Hayes, 59, said: At first I was scared because she was fully clothed and much bigger than monitor-size. But she was very nice.

When I asked, she said that Nikki was her proper name, not a made-up name for being in porn films. Apparently, most women aren’t even in porn films.

“We had lots of similarities. I asked her what food women eat, and she said it was the same as men.”

He added: At the end, I said she could come to my mum’s house, and we could have fish fingers and watch my favourite programme, which is Primeval.

“She said thanks, but probably not.”


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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A GROUP of online trolls have been introduced to an actual woman for the first time.

Wo-Meet is a new initiative where sexually-vindictive internet obsessives can experience meeting a woman who is not in a browser window.

A spokesman said: “Wo-Meet is a place where the socially-petrified men who use the net as a repository for their unpleasantness can spend 20 closely-monitored minutes talking to a woman who won’t make fun of them.”

Waynes Hayes, 59, said: At first I was scared because she was fully clothed and much bigger than monitor-size. But she was very nice.

When I asked, she said that Nikki was her proper name, not a made-up name for being in porn films. Apparently, most women aren’t even in porn films.

“We had lots of similarities. I asked her what food women eat, and she said it was the same as men.”

He added: At the end, I said she could come to my mum’s house, and we could have fish fingers and watch my favourite programme, which is Primeval.

“She said thanks, but probably not.”



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Here we go again :rolleyes: "I once heard a woman say a naughty word, so they're just as bad as men!" At 60-odd,isn't it getting boring repeating the same old crap?
No I was serious.
She simply said.
"He's to fat".
I chuckled and said, "You cant say that any more" she said "Why, he is".

Then she got herself a slim fella who has his own business and they are happy together.

Whats wrong with that


Its called personal preference lol


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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❤ “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” — Albert Einstein

At least you realised that your previous signature was totally laughable.
I think you're a shapeshifting entity that is constantly attempting to reinvent himself/herself/itself but the resultant entity being remains very much the sadly predictable same.
Mind you, Kev45 wasn't really that inventive, was it? I expect it was based on your birth year or perhaps your shoe size.

Oh, and by the way, wasn't Albert Einstein a 'misogynist', according to YOUR definition of the word?



A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
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Fourth plinth to display misogynist tweets.​

THE next installation on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square is to be a series of horribly misogynistic tweets.

Nasty, stupid Twitter comments will be projected onto the side of the plinth and will cover a wide series of topics, from equal pay to fat shaming and DC Comics’ decision to make Wonder Woman a bisexual.

Artist Janet Hayes said: “It’s a reflection on the transitory nature of debate, the globalisation of discourse and why many white guys who still live with their parents in their 60s seem to hate females.”

Hayes revealed her original idea was to install a misogynist tweeter on the plinth, but abandoned it after realising, ‘that it would just give the little fucker the attention he craves’.

She added: “The installation will remain in place until the internet becomes less hateful or the sun explodes, whichever happens first.”


A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
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Mind you, Kev45 wasn't really that inventive, was it? I expect it was based on your birth year or perhaps your shoe size.

Unfortunately for you, I have just recalled why you despise me (lol), I had absolutely no intention of bringing it to the forum, you paranoid sausage, but now I will.

What's up, sweetie pie, tell aunty Kev? Did yet another one of your e girlfriends give you the e boot once she immediately recognized, after only a few seconds in private chat, that you really are as thick as mince and that it is not just an e act after all.

It's not the first time, is it, sweetie (and it certainly won't be the last).

So please, don't be bringing your e relationship problems to the forum and get a bloody grip of your e emotions, you are a grown man (allegedly) after all. :rolleyes:


A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
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PUBS in England have announced they will be using a pre-recorded playlist of classic pub noises when they reopen.

Concerned about reduced numbers and strict social distancing measures, pubs across the nation have put together a soundtrack of nonsensical rants and flatulence to make patrons feel more comfortable.

Pub landlord Nathan Muir said: There are limits on the number of people we can have in and obviously folks are still worried about the virus, so they won’t be producing quite as much top-quality banter as they normally do.

We’ve asked some of the regulars to send in homemade recordings of their tiresome opinions, focusing on everything from women to real ale.

As well as fart noises, we’ll be adding the smell too. It’s been the classic pub fragrance since the smoking ban was introduced.

“Just like footballers need to feel like there’s a crowd of cheering fans, our patrons need to feel like there’s a crowd of men who will punch you for no reason. It’s what makes pubs great.”


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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PUBS in England have announced they will be using a pre-recorded playlist of classic pub noises when they reopen.

Concerned about reduced numbers and strict social distancing measures, pubs across the nation have put together a soundtrack of nonsensical rants and flatulence to make patrons feel more comfortable.

Pub landlord Nathan Muir said: There are limits on the number of people we can have in and obviously folks are still worried about the virus, so they won’t be producing quite as much top-quality banter as they normally do.

We’ve asked some of the regulars to send in homemade recordings of their tiresome opinions, focusing on everything from women to real ale.

As well as fart noises, we’ll be adding the smell too. It’s been the classic pub fragrance since the smoking ban was introduced.

“Just like footballers need to feel like there’s a crowd of cheering fans, our patrons need to feel like there’s a crowd of men who will punch you for no reason. It’s what makes pubs great.”
I'm beginning to think that you have a fixation with men, (sorry to scare you mentioning that gender), called Nathan.
I'm sure another one will get a mention, even if it is one of your exes.



A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
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I’M all for feminism, except when it goes too far, which it does all the time. Here’s how being turned down by a date makes me, and all men, victims of sexism. By James Bates, internet Lothario, aged 59.

We’re judged on looks

Women constantly complain about being judged solely on their appearance. If that’s the case, why did my date Carolyn keep banging on about how I looked nothing like my photo on Tinder? Sure, in my profile picture I’ve slightly more hair, weigh a few stone less, and am about a decade younger, but what about judging me on my personality, eh feminazis?

Negative gender stereotyping

Political correctness means we’re not supposed to assume that women are pathologically obsessed with shoes, or can’t fly planes. So why did Carolyn assume that because I’m a man, when I invited her to my flat after dinner for coffee I just wanted sex? Whether that was true or not is completely irrelevant.


I went all out for this date – shiniest shirt, Lynx Africa, fresh underwear. Yet throughout the evening I was disgusted that Carolyn completely failed to sexually objectify me. At no point during dinner did she seem close to being overcome with carnal desire, not even when I was eating that rack of ribs with my hands. It just felt unfair after all the hours I’ve spent objectifying women.

Provocative clothing

Despite having an amount of chest hair on display that would’ve made Tom Jones blush, my attempts to dress sexily for our dinner were labelled by Carolyn as ‘embarrassing’ and I was ‘putting her off her carbonara’. If my dashing, open shirt was such an issue, why was judging me on how I dressed? She’s the real sexist here.

Where’s the equality?

I thought fighting sexism was about creating equality between men and women, yet at no point do I remember Carolyn consulting me on my feelings about whether we had sex. It was assumed she was speaking for both us when she said it wasn’t going to happen. And she completely shut down my constructive discussion about at least wanking me off. I don’t call that respecting my views.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Its really easy, dont ask a women on a date if she would like you to.
Just talk, learn, listen and respect.
Then within 24 hours they will call you bacause you wanted to learn more about them rather than blow your own trumpet.
Thats not a lothario, thats just common sense, if they can trust you to respect them and listen, then your viable.

Although, thats not always the case, some women want to learn more about you first, thats always a sign of insecurity, so let them learn but make it a 2 way street, find out why they are scared.

Then you get the feminist, usually the dirtiest of the bunch who just want to be dominated and controlled because they have daddy issues.. Ok, ffs, I'm joking, kinda.. lol


A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
Nov 2, 2022
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These traditions of yours; I'm intrigued. I noticed you led in with emphasis on TRADITIONAL. Ĥow many other traditions do you have?

Why don't you share your views on equality and women in general. Because you do not consider them to be equal to you, courtesy of your own faith, do you?

Please, do stop digging that hole. :D


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I do chuckle at anyone who calls the Muslim faith sexist, they value their women more that we do.

That value is very debatable.

Yet what do we do.

Make them work, make them choose between a career or children.
Why can't we simply go back to what works, men work and bring in the wages and women stay home and take care of the house.

That way they aren't in danger and can create the next generation which pays their pensions.

Call me old fashioned, but the only way you can pay for your parents is by producing offspring who are tax payers.
Or should we just kill them off, or do an Esther Rantzen and ask that we should be able to kill ourselves for the sake of our kids.

It is a very subjective argument.
It is however fun to play with