Racism in the YAH room

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The word 'Chinks' is often bandied about in that room..in itself a harmless word but when used in connection with 'China' - not so. It takes on a far darker meaning.. It is casual racism make no bones about it and the worst thing is some of the Mods think it's ok to use that word by either saying nothing or in fact censuring anyone who objects to it.
Today in the room with 50 chatters the word 'Chinks' was used in connection with something to do with China but just myself and one other person objected to it.. should we go with the majority and just let it slide? or stand up be counted and say it's wrong?
I accept it's hard to educate people who know no better because that's the way they were brought up so don't know any different but it's a different world these days and certain words can no longer be used. . there's no place for them.


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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I must admit I never heardof the word chink as a swear word reckon Justin making it up as hes not teachers pet


Thanks for that contribution to the debate...much appreciated! but it was an epiphany for me..to get censured by a Mod for objecting to the use of the word 'chink' that was used in connection with China then to watch the usual suspects jump on the bandwagon to have a go at me over it . . .and all for objecting to the use of a racial slur!


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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We need to define racism to make sense of all this. So here in the UK, some people(i don't personally), use the term "Chinky" as for Chinese takeaway. They'll say let's order something from the "Chinky" tonight. Now, i don't think they mean any offence by that, but the fact It's a shorter word than saying Chinese takeaway. That's the only time I've ever heard of the term.

The theory that defines racism:

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.


In this country as late as the 1960's the 'N' word was used with the word 'brown' to describe a colour.. you could go into a DIY shop and ask for some 'N*****' Brown paint. Not any more and rightly so and over the years it's been a long slow process in removing these racial slurs.. some call it being 'PC' politically correct. . mainly the ignorant or bigoted.

No Chinese person is happy hearing the words chink or chinky.. they may put up with it but believe me they don't like it.


UKChat Familiar
Jan 3, 2018
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Depends on whos calling me whitey and how its said words, it can be a racial slur if said in that way


UKChat Expert
Feb 28, 2018
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im thick skinned super nova and who would call you names :)


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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In this country as late as the 1960's the 'N' word was used with the word 'brown' to describe a colour.. you could go into a DIY shop and ask for some 'N*****' Brown paint. Not any more and rightly so and over the years it's been a long slow process in removing these racial slurs.. some call it being 'PC' politically correct. . mainly the ignorant or bigoted.

No Chinese person is happy hearing the words chink or chinky.. they may put up with it but believe me they don't like it.

Here's a thought to think about on the whole PC thing. I have a friend who is black right? And he's always said that he would rather have people have the freedom to be racist, rather than people's free speech being shut down. People can condone such acts or act accordingly, but if you start shutting people down, then eventually your speech will be next.
I watched a video about transgender and someone being punished for not calling them by their chosen gender they choose to live by. They actually want that person arrested. The counter argument is that if you rely on authoritarian presence to act on your behalf, then they'll come for you eventually.


Yes I take your point which is why I try to explain/educate people rather than shut them down as you say...but with some people is there any point? I'm not sure someone in the BNP or EDL or whatever they call themselves these days has an open mind to be persuaded. Have you seen the 1950's Dam Busters movie? the 'N' word is used about 20 times..would I like to see that film have all the 'N' words edited out? no way..that's just the way it was in those days they didn't know any different. I have no qualms about the word being used there. It's just in the 21st century I expect it to be different.
Incidentally there's an edited version of The Dam Busters movie where they've changed the offending word to 'digger'.


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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I dont agree with any form of racism or dd ( defamation and discimination ) but I am sure the vast majority of people or all colour, nationalities or race really dont care what words some people use in general conversation. I have met in real life people from every part of the world, lived and worked with them and never had any problems.


Shel that '??' you do is a dead give away you know... and please don't hijack this valuable thread!


UKChat Familiar
Jan 30, 2018
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Shel that '??' you do is a dead give away you know... and please don't hijack this valuable thread!
I have no idea what you are on about, lots type like that or some try to imitate others way of typing to hide the fact its them !!


enough of that nonsense ^^^^^^^^^

Racism is deemed a hate crime in this country so i don't really want to see it in a UK chat room. We're told to ignore or block chatters that offend you..but should we? isn't that really just looking the other way?
I understand that chat room moderators are probably working under restrictions that I am unaware of and I certainly don't want this turned into
yet another Mod bashing thread.. there's enough of them on the forum already.. in fact one Mod (xxlavenderxx) was very helpful over this unpleasantness, but the Mods do have to keep on top of this before it gets out of hand..if you ignore racism the bigots feel empowered and the last thing we want is the YAH room ending up like the free-for-all The Lobby is.


Oh and CPS defines a racist incident as "any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person." now not all racist incidents are criminal offences so as someone else said I don't want them sent to Sheffield crown court! so let's keep it light . . but I DO expect the Mods to censure anyone spouting racist bile.


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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They dont say hi ........ they say


On another matter but along the same lines. ..
The other day a chatter in YAH was coming out with the most homophobic rant saying gay people disgust him, he'd shoot men if he saw them
kissing. etc ..it went on and on. . . if you said that on a UK street you'd be arrested with it being a hate crime and rightly so.. but you can say it in a UK chat room? while this rant was going on the Mods did nothing..nothing at all.. probably because there was nothing they could do... I'm not sure exactly what powers the Mods have or what their remit is ..not being one of them (yet)
I think perhaps as the rules stand at the moment you can basically say whatever you like in chat as long as it's not directed at anyone in particular
it's only when it's aimed at another chatter it becomes a rule break then the Mods can take action..
if so this has to change.