The word 'Chinks' is often bandied about in that room..in itself a harmless word but when used in connection with 'China' - not so. It takes on a far darker meaning.. It is casual racism make no bones about it and the worst thing is some of the Mods think it's ok to use that word by either saying nothing or in fact censuring anyone who objects to it.
Today in the room with 50 chatters the word 'Chinks' was used in connection with something to do with China but just myself and one other person objected to it.. should we go with the majority and just let it slide? or stand up be counted and say it's wrong?
I accept it's hard to educate people who know no better because that's the way they were brought up so don't know any different but it's a different world these days and certain words can no longer be used. . there's no place for them.
Today in the room with 50 chatters the word 'Chinks' was used in connection with something to do with China but just myself and one other person objected to it.. should we go with the majority and just let it slide? or stand up be counted and say it's wrong?
I accept it's hard to educate people who know no better because that's the way they were brought up so don't know any different but it's a different world these days and certain words can no longer be used. . there's no place for them.