People who are struggling should work longer hours or seek a better paid job.

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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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This is ludicrous.

I'm in a job where I get paid a decent amount, the same with my partner. Our issue is the inflation - gas/electricity, food, childcare costs. It doesn't help we have some debt.

Even without paying our debt, we would still struggle because of the rising costs. Before this, I'd say we were comfortable, not living pay check to pay check but now we are!

Some of these Conservatives live in cloud coo-coo land and have had their butt's wiped by their servants for too long. I don't think they understand or even feel the affect of the cost of living crisis.

Had a conversation with a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago.
He re-mortgaged his house a few years ago, while BOE interest rates were basically zero, used it to finance his business.
Then Covid hit.
He had about 15 members of staff in his company.
Due to lockdowns, most of his business went online so he panicked, cost him a fortune to set up a proper internet portal and try to save his business with online sales.

Now he is losing his house, looking to downgrade from the property he bought when the going was good.

Those members of staff he had, jobs gone.
His savings, gone.
His standard of living, gone.

Because he :-
1. Risked everything on the bet that interest rates wouldn't rise.
2. Was stuck with government decree's his company had to follow, which killed of any savings he had.
3. Over extended his credit to the point where, due to inflation, he had no hope of actually balancing his budget.

Now, how much of it is his fault?

I argued it was all his fault for not having a fall back plan and taking to many risks with his financing.
He argued that it was due to the shocks placed on the market due to Covid, the loss of workers due to lockdown, the systemic lies he was told by the BOE that the economy was safe and inflation would be "Transitory".
I said that when government borrows to the massive extent it did, then inflation was inevitable.
He didnt get it at all.

So who is right, to an extent, both of us?

It's sickening to know, this guy who has been my friend for decades.
Worked damned hard to make his business a success and cared for the people who worked for him, is now facing this chit.
To be fair, he has a point.
He was lied to.
However, that does not detract from the fact that he took the risks and lost.

So, who is really to blame?

We are still friends, but he is more cycnical now.

Answers on a postcard to :-
10 Downing Street,


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Moan, moan MOANNNNNNNNNNN :rolleyes:

The truth is bad company's base there wages on UK benefit rates. If you're a single parent with two kids, you can afford to take a job a single person cant due to benefit rates.

All the government is trying to do is end that.

And you missed the point entirely.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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Such a simple answer...why didn't the disabled, mothers of young children, handicapped, pensioners, unemployed, etc etc...think of that?

"CONSERVATIVE MINISTER Rachel Maclean suggested struggling families need to take on more hours and seek better paid work opportunities in order to cope with the soaring prices of the cost of living crisis."

Alternatively the moaners should learn to handle their money better, after all this is prosperous Britain, not some bankrupt third world sh*thole..:)
PS- As a kid my parents were always pleading poverty but they always had enough cash to splash out on fags and booze..;)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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No I'm not.

There thousands of people in the UK who took low paying jobs with short hours due to our welfare system. They wont invest in themselves and are happy working in food processing plants or waiting on tables. I'm sick of suberizing supermarket while they make record profits.

The over all effect is lower wages and higher taxes for all of us.

If you want more money work more. Use that extra money to train and earn more.

Train more?
You do realise there are a limited number of jobs available for people whatever thier educational level.

When the government raised the base age for education to 18, all they did was delay unemploment numbers.

Sure, send everyone to university, for what, to get a degree so they can work at McDonalds.

University should be a place to excel, not to b**** and moan because the system isnt fair.

Of course its not fair, it's a meritocracy, or it should be.

Whats the point of getting someone into 20k debt for a degree they arent going to pass?
Or do we lower the pass rate and make degree's meaningless?

Do you really think everyone is able to "Pull themselves up by thier boot straps".
Be real.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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You don't need a degree to be a dental nurse
You don't need a degree to be credit analyst
You don't need a degree to be digger driver

The list is endless

There tons of well paid jobs that just need a bit of trainings.

You need a degree to be a nurse.
Wonder why the NHS is fecked?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Not a dental nurse

A dental nurse apprenticship.
Your own link.

Then from the UK governments web site on level 3 dental nurse requirements.

What will the apprentice be doing?​

You may also help with reception work - making appointments, taking payments, dealing with paperwork and meeting and reassuring patients.

Your tasks will include:

  • Providing chair side assistance to the dentist
  • Ensure the care and welfare of patients
  • Preparing and maintaining the clinical environment
  • Sterilisation of instruments
  • Mixing materials
  • Charting on the computer
  • Complying with strict cross infection procedures
  • Developing digital x-rays
  • Ensure adequate stocks of materials are within the surgery
  • Carrying out some reception and administrative tasks
Duty 3 Prepare and maintain the clinical environment

K15: Know and understand the equipment, instruments and materials used to provide chairside support to dental professionals, and operate in the clinical environment
K16: Know and understand how to assess, reduce and manage risks as outlined in current best practice guidelines
K17: Know and understand how to raise concerns that affect the running of the clinical environment in line with local policy and procedures
S12: Work in the clinical environment in a safe and efficient manner
S13: Select and prepare the correct equipment, instruments and materials
S14: Carry out and record maintenance and testing of equipment in line with local policy, procedures and the scope of your own role.
B1: Act in a manner consistent with the GDC standards for the dental team which include communication, professionalism, teamwork and clinical skills

So yeah, hardy what a nurse does.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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That's the first level :rolleyes:

You train up to become a dental hygienist.

Really, from your own link..


You could do a foundation degree, higher national diploma or degree in:
  • oral health science
  • dental hygiene
  • dental therapy

When you apply for a university course, it might help to have some experience as a dental nurse.

Entry requirements​

You'll usually need:

  • 1 or 2 A levels, or equivalent, for a foundation degree or higher national diploma
  • 2 to 3 A levels, or equivalent, for a degree
You could just do a HND, yes, but really..
Do you want to be treated by someone who knows how to type?

Much better to have real apprenticships, forget degrees.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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So you earn feck all for 4 years.
Sounds a lot like university to me.


UKChat Initiate
Feb 22, 2023
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Call me picky but I don't think i'd like to work in dentistry and have to look in people's gobs..:)


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Again you missed the point :rolleyes:

You go from low skill wages to high skill wages just by investing in yourself.
If you have the ability to do so.
Thats the problems most folks dont get thier head round.
Getting a real degree is hard work.
Most people arent able to do so.