Our world is about to change dramatically!



I'm off to see if there's a 'Padded Room' forum topic, because this certainly doesn't belong under the heading of a 'Debate'. There are at least two sides to a debate yet this Geordie fella is so closed-minded that any rational discussion is impossible at best.


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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Have you noticed that there isn't a single shred of information in ANY response? It's simply a rant using the tools your brainwashers have issued you with. They don't want critical thinkers so they give you soundbites to bleat like sheep. If they want to do something immoral and they want you to support them then they coax out the prehistoric tribalist in you and you blindly bleat "snowflake". If they haven't any moral policies then they issue you with "Get Brexit done" and if anyone dares to challenge their loving guardianship of you, then the more extreme it is the louder you bleat "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" It's their go-to weapon and they know they can rely on you every single time. I refuse to believe that even you haven't had at least the tiniest twinge of suspicion that all this just doesn't feel right, but you suppress it, and the more you suppress it the more it festers into an angry time bomb. Ok I'll start the ball rolling with some FACTS. This 'virus' hasn't even been isolated! They've taken selective strands of genetic material (a genome has around 40,000 base pairs and they've selectively sampled strings of around 200) and haven't even carried out normal processes to prove out their hypothesis. See Dr Andrew Kauffman, This 'virus' was downgraded as an HCID (high consequence infectious disease) even by the UK in March!!! See govt announcements. In a normal flu/TB year the excess deaths are in the vulnerable groups - elderly and those with underlying health issues at a rate of around .001% to as much as .005% EACH YEAR. The deaths caused by this 'virus' are among the same vulnerable groups and account for a rate of .001% to .002% all of this without any reporting by mainstream media, in fact the panic has been deliberately ramped up. The only figures that show excess deaths are from elderly care homes where the policy was to send infected residents back to their care homes among other vulnerable elderly people, or 'official' figures based on extrapolation by govt sponsored statisticians. I'll wait for the bleats before I say any more.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Proof 2nd post above that there are so many troubled people and so few good therapists, a little bit of information is a dangerous thing, Dunning Kreuger effect in action and that common sense: isn't.

Stay away from the “natural healing consultant's” proof positive.

Why do these conspiracy theorists never find anything good? It's always death, doom and fucking disaster inside their brain cases. Laying blame for their life woes onto the lizard people/Illuminati/BigPharma/Medicine/Business has to be a skin picking stressor relief thing. I'm sure masturbation is a far better way to spend time than searching the internet for confirmation bias blackholes of doomsday and world ending situations.


Have you noticed that there isn't a single shred of information in ANY response? It's simply a rant using the tools your brainwashers have issued you with. They don't want critical thinkers so they give you soundbites to bleat like sheep. If they want to do something immoral and they want you to support them then they coax out the prehistoric tribalist in you and you blindly bleat "snowflake". If they haven't any moral policies then they issue you with "Get Brexit done" and if anyone dares to challenge their loving guardianship of you, then the more extreme it is the louder you bleat "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" It's their go-to weapon and they know they can rely on you every single time. I refuse to believe that even you haven't had at least the tiniest twinge of suspicion that all this just doesn't feel right, but you suppress it, and the more you suppress it the more it festers into an angry time bomb. Ok I'll start the ball rolling with some FACTS. This 'virus' hasn't even been isolated! They've taken selective strands of genetic material (a genome has around 40,000 base pairs and they've selectively sampled strings of around 200) and haven't even carried out normal processes to prove out their hypothesis. See Dr Andrew Kauffman, This 'virus' was downgraded as an HCID (high consequence infectious disease) even by the UK in March!!! See govt announcements. In a normal flu/TB year the excess deaths are in the vulnerable groups - elderly and those with underlying health issues at a rate of around .001% to as much as .005% EACH YEAR. The deaths caused by this 'virus' are among the same vulnerable groups and account for a rate of .001% to .002% all of this without any reporting by mainstream media, in fact the panic has been deliberately ramped up. The only figures that show excess deaths are from elderly care homes where the policy was to send infected residents back to their care homes among other vulnerable elderly people, or 'official' figures based on extrapolation by govt sponsored statisticians. I'll wait for the bleats before I say any more.

There are lies, damned lies, and statistics. Do not believe all you read fella.... You're indoctrinated.


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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And yet again bleat bleat bleat ..not one single credible challenge. You know you'd be the staunch Soviet citizen hanging on every word of Pravda or reading the Volkischer Beobachter for Dr Goebbels next announcement (who incidentally praised the BBC for their successful brainwashing and propaganda techniques even back then). It's so easy for them with so many of you to do their dirty work for them. Think tanks are essentially sponsored committees who powerful people create to mastermind ways of increasing their control over their flock. They have experts in every field for years relentlessly covering psychological tactics and contingencies to cover contingencies. I'd imagine they refer to you as something like 'sheep' and somewhere among their many reports they'll have predicated your uncompromising compliance, with your children lining up to be injected with Dr Gates magic potion. You really have no idea what you've allowed to happen!


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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This is how your world is about to be


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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HAHAHAHA @ using Paul Joseph Watson as a 'source'.


May as well use a bunch of bananas as a source.

Ha ha + ha, again.


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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HAHAHAHA @ using Paul Joseph Watson as a 'source'.


May as well use a bunch of bananas as a source.

Ha ha-ha.
Never heard of him before someone just sent me that link ..your point being?


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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I'll summarise. The tiny cabal of powerful men who create and nurture our societies are about to make you totally compliant. No cash means no independence, you become a monitored obedience unit, and the tactics of fear have reduced you to cowering slaves waiting for your next instruction. No 'democracy' no free voice AT ALL ...TOTAL compliance to the state. It's happening to you and it's happening NOW! WAKE UP!


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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I've just realised I've got Jojo blocked, but can she see my threads?


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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So ..this thread has had SEVERAL responses and NOT ONE piece of 'evidence' or information offered by any one of them ...get the picture now?


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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David Icke is someone who came up with a brilliant strategy. He often says he doesn't care what people think about him as long as they listen. A few years ago he very publicly took part in a discourse and wrote a book about a theory of high level figures being reptiles!!!!! Whenever you Google him that's all you'll find, but what you'll also find is that he's just about the only voice of challenge to the deep state. They've essentially left him alone for so long because everyone who doesn't realise it will only ever associate him with that and it allows him to get his message through to people who know about his real crusade. He rarely even mentions it these days although when YouTube and Facebook censored his channels he tried to resurrect it again but they're wise to him now.


Staff member
Feb 7, 2018
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David Icke is someone who came up with a brilliant strategy. He often says he doesn't care what people think about him as long as they listen. A few years ago he very publicly took part in a discourse and wrote a book about a theory of high level figures being reptiles!!!!! Whenever you Google him that's all you'll find, but what you'll also find is that he's just about the only voice of challenge to the deep state. They've essentially left him alone for so long because everyone who doesn't realise it will only ever associate him with that and it allows him to get his message through to people who know about his real crusade. He rarely even mentions it these days although when YouTube and Facebook censored his channels he tried to resurrect it again but they're wise to him now.
But if it was a LABOUR government - which you blatantly wanted/want - should we not trust them either ??