Our world is about to change dramatically!


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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I WILL be out on the streets ...will you??? On my own the state police would simply drag me away and I'd keep getting fined, for what? Whatever epiphany you've had Bad that's your personal journey and again you're not presenting any reason why. Accepting ANY position distributed from the people representing the 'official' view and ignoring independent, none associated professionals would be absurd whatever it was. If these snakes told me the sky was blue I'd go out and check. I'd much rather collate evidence and opinion from people I trust and who aren't connected to the official line and EVERYTHING points to the grimmer reality. The one and only source creating the 'official' view are those who we KNOW to be working for this exact agenda and have been for decades, and on top of that NOTHING adds up the way they claim. I seriously and genuinely would love your version to be true ...IT ISN'T and what's more you KNOW it isn't!


I WILL be out on the streets ...will you??? On my own the state police would simply drag me away and I'd keep getting fined, for what? Whatever epiphany you've had Bad that's your personal journey and again you're not presenting any reason why. Accepting ANY position distributed from the people representing the 'official' view and ignoring independent, none associated professionals would be absurd whatever it was. If these snakes told me the sky was blue I'd go out and check. I'd much rather collate evidence and opinion from people I trust and who aren't connected to the official line and EVERYTHING points to the grimmer reality. The one and only source creating the 'official' view are those who we KNOW to be working for this exact agenda and have been for decades, and on top of that NOTHING adds up the way they claim. I seriously and genuinely would love your version to be true ...IT ISN'T and what's more you KNOW it isn't!

Pmsl. I have to admit Fella that reading your rants has made me realise that I should be more tolerant of those less fortunate than myself. I fully accept that you have every right to your delusions and I would never deny you that privilege, but sadly I can’t help you, I wish I could, but you are far too myopic to be saved. We can only hope that time is the cure and that eventually you sit back, while smoking your pipe and wearing that both-feet slipper you bought from the advert in the Daily Mail, and realise that your misguided preconceptions regarding life, the universe and everything, were not the reason they locked you up. :D:D


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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The sheep live their lives in fear of the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd


I am not sure I agree it's a global conspiracy but saying that I don't know enough about it to have an informed view. However, Covid is most definitely being used as a cover by some big corporates to further erode working rights and working conditions here in the UK and also emergency legislation was rushed through parliament that could potentially also further erode rights and personal freedom in the future. There is plenty of evidence that abuses of power already occur due to legislation that was introduced because of "terrorism" and "knife crime" etc and that was only meant to be temporary originally.

None of it makes much sense to me actually and so there may well be dark arts at play. Masks are now mandatory from the 24th in shops but why were they not made mandatory immediately? The paramedics who visited my neighbour a few days ago were not wearing masks yet all the staff at the local hospital wear them. Why have pubs and restaurants been allowed to reopen where alcohol obviously plays a part and where wearing a mask would not be practical etc. My point being, what's the point of masks now (outside hospitals) when countless thousands of people flocked to beaches during the recent hot spell etc.


UKChat Expert
Dec 22, 2019
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And back to the OP!
If a poster wants a debate then let him first explain himself!


Why is everyone so concerned about the wearing of masks? It's not the end of the world just because you have to protect others is it? I get that some will say it's the thin end of a wedge but ffs, moan about the important stuff, don't cry over being asked to wear a mask. Let's face it, most of us will look far more attractive behind some sort of face covering. :D


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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I am not sure I agree it's a global conspiracy but saying that I don't know enough about it to have an informed view. However, Covid is most definitely being used as a cover by some big corporates to further erode working rights and working conditions here in the UK and also emergency legislation was rushed through parliament that could potentially also further erode rights and personal freedom in the future. There is plenty of evidence that abuses of power already occur due to legislation that was introduced because of "terrorism" and "knife crime" etc and that was only meant to be temporary originally.

None of it makes much sense to me actually and so there may well be dark arts at play. Masks are now mandatory from the 24th in shops but why were they not made mandatory immediately? The paramedics who visited my neighbour a few days ago were not wearing masks yet all the staff at the local hospital wear them. Why have pubs and restaurants been allowed to reopen where alcohol obviously plays a part and where wearing a mask would not be practical etc. My point being, what's the point of masks now (outside hospitals) when countless thousands of people flocked to beaches during the recent hot spell etc.
Exactly right, these ridiculously ambiguous 'regulations' make no sense when you try to match them with the official narrative, it's only when you take them in context with overall aims that everything starts to make sense. Why did Bill Gates become a world authority on medicine overnight, massively funding every single outlet involved in statistical data, medical protocols and even the BBC! How does George Soros suddenly become gripped with racial equality issues, funding BLM. Why do they allow gambling, drinking and even street drugs to continue but closed small businesses? Why, when face masks are medically proven to either have no efficacious effects or even be actually harmful do they rabidly enforce their use? EVERYTHING points at the clear and concise agenda;s formulated by think tanks over more than a decade with their deeply thought out contingency plans. The sinister agenda is the ONLY one that fits, and anyone supporting the 'official' view is a conspiracy theorist!


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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Why is everyone so concerned about the wearing of masks? It's not the end of the world just because you have to protect others is it? I get that some will say it's the thin end of a wedge but ffs, moan about the important stuff, don't cry over being asked to wear a mask. Let's face it, most of us will look far more attractive behind some sort of face covering. :D
WHY ARE WE CONCERNED ABOUT BEING FORCED TO WEAR MASKS?????? Are you listening to yourself for Christ's sake!!


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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If you dislike or hate the idea of having to wear a mask for a short period of time then you are really not going to enjoy being on a ventilator for a month or so.
AARRGGHHH!! THERE IS NOOOOO VIRUS!!! Jesus Christ almighty!! You really are a nation of gullible, lily-livered slavishly obedient morons! Do some digging around and STOP LISTENING TO THE BBC!! You've got my grand daughters scared of everything and I can't even give them a hug! You've got them confined to barracks with no contact ..this is OUR world! They aren't the hosts and us simply guests. Grow a pair of balls and fight back!


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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I have to give up for the night you've got me exasperated. Each day I try to raise my spirits that people are waking up and we might finally have people prepared to fight back, then I come here and I just think we're absolutely lost!


AARRGGHHH!! THERE IS NOOOOO VIRUS!!! Jesus Christ almighty!! You really are a nation of gullible, lily-livered slavishly obedient morons! Do some digging around and STOP LISTENING TO THE BBC!! You've got my grand daughters scared of everything and I can't even give them a hug! You've got them confined to barracks with no contact ..this is OUR world! They aren't the hosts and us simply guests. Grow a pair of balls and fight back!

Forgive me for being so petulant but.......Awwww fecking diddums. I'm sure you would be happy to let your grandkids (the fact you have kids is worrying enough) catch the virus but I am certain your opinion would change if they did.


I have to give up for the night you've got me exasperated. Each day I try to raise my spirits that people are waking up and we might finally have people prepared to fight back, then I come here and I just think we're absolutely lost!

Humanity is FUBAR. Deal with it!


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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Sorry Fella, was the question too difficult? I deliberately used small words to give you a chance.
Yeah why don't we just walk around with our trousers around our ankles? Why don't we just walk backwards chanting Boris Boris, why don't we just do anything brainless stupid humiliating thing they ask us? You sicken me you masochistic cowards.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Trollspiracy4u is using anything it can to gain a reply. This same situation is happening on forums and message boards across the internet.

Troll ''There is no virus'' 'My mum/child/grandchild/dad/drunk uncle bob can't hug me cos they are scared'

Forum members 'outrage'


Yeah why don't we just walk around with our trousers around our ankles? Why don't we just walk backwards chanting Boris Boris, why don't we just do anything brainless stupid humiliating thing they ask us? You sicken me you masochistic cowards.

Aww 'butthurt' is not an attractive personality trait.