Our world is about to change dramatically!


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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It surprises me and even disappoints me when people who claim to be on the left of the political spectrum argue Covid is no worse than winter flu (or excess winter deaths and despite the flu jab), statistically, the fatalities may well emerge as similar but both do actually affect the poor and working-class disproportionally and in the case of Covid also the BAME community. In Leicester and now Blackburn etc poorer communities, particularly multi-generation households, are worse hit by Covid, nationally Covid has ravaged low paid workers in the service sector and of course vulnerable residents in care homes.

It is quite clearly a class issue and exasperated by a right-wing tory government which fundamentally believes in the concept of "herd immunity". It doesn't do left-wing causes any favours when the actual left-wing champions that same ideology.

Maybe if the Labour party actually supported their usual voting base, the working class, instead of Momentum and it's radical ideals we would not have a Tory government.
The last election taught us one simple lesson, the majority of people, of all classes, voted against those radical ideologies that have overtaken the Labour party.
Until Labour realises that representing a shrinking, champagne socialist, middle class, mainly white, voter base is doomed to failure and they return to their roots, they will not regain power.

The flu jab, for its vaunted place is actually only 30-50% effective at combatting flu and actually does make some people more susceptible to infection.

As for Herd Immunity, it has been the norm for combatting viral outbreaks for centuries, all vaccines do is artificially accelerate herd immunity.
However, we should not accept an unknown vaccine to easily, we will have no knowledge of long term RNA sequence damage that could be done.
So far most vaccines in development have failed testing because of contamination, inaccurate data logging and side effect inconsistencies.
that's fine if I'm taking it, in my 50's, I haven't got that long left, but to give it to kids.. Not without further testing.


UKChat Expert
Dec 22, 2019
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The future? It's living life on the mobile.
You are going to spend a lot of it listening to Vivaldi.
I prefer banks shops, things I can see and touch.
Course...with so much unemployment about maybe you can spend your free time listening to the seasons!!!
Heard the story of the pub that wanted two bar staff? They got 421 applications.
There's your future.


UKChat Newbie
Jul 25, 2020
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Can I firstly say that it shouldn't be the responsibility of an individual citizen to be aware or informed, in fact the administration of any society should have a responsibility to those more vulnerable citizens to protect them. I've know lots of people in my life, some of them family, who might be referred to as 'stupid' and they're mostly respectful, caring, friendly people. It isn't a crime to be stupid, but it is a crime to use that stupidity against the rest of society. When the oppressive regimes in Germany and the Soviet Union imposed themselves on their masses those masses at least had anti-propaganda from opposing nations, but this situation is different. We are in the tightening grip of a plan that's been in the making for decades, openly available for anyone to research, and if anyone genuinely wants to engage in a conversation giving a challenge to government narratives rather than abuse then PLEASE do it now! ** Before making any comments could you please review this clip **


UKChat Newbie
Jul 25, 2020
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Well I set the thread up for debate not abuse so kindly don't bother if you've nothing constructive otherwise it's just abuse.
I agree. Just watch dr Vernon Coleman. He tells it straight without profiteering from ads or fake theories. He is a man of integrity of which there seem to to few left. ..Christopher Hitchens R.I.P.


View attachment 2008 As everybody is entitled to THEIR OWN opinion, I personally, think this is very very apt for this thread :)
Nah, that's terrible, man! You didn't even explain that true tin-foil hats have to be made out of tin - Sn, element No.50 on the periodic table, and not the "tin-foil" the dummies are still using, made out of Aluminium (Ok, Aluminum for you Americans), No.13 on the periodic table.

The lizard people can still read their thoughts. They've used the media to trick people into thinking Aluminium is Tin, so they can still get their thoughts read.


Can I firstly say that it shouldn't be the responsibility of an individual citizen to be aware or informed, in fact the administration of any society should have a responsibility to those more vulnerable citizens to protect them. I've know lots of people in my life, some of them family, who might be referred to as 'stupid' and they're mostly respectful, caring, friendly people. It isn't a crime to be stupid, but it is a crime to use that stupidity against the rest of society. When the oppressive regimes in Germany and the Soviet Union imposed themselves on their masses those masses at least had anti-propaganda from opposing nations, but this situation is different. We are in the tightening grip of a plan that's been in the making for decades, openly available for anyone to research, and if anyone genuinely wants to engage in a conversation giving a challenge to government narratives rather than abuse then PLEASE do it now! ** Before making any comments could you please review this clip **
After watching the video, thank God for revealing the simple truths in the Bible. Did you know, Geordiefella, that even propaganda was prophecied for these last days we're living in?
Thanks to someone showing me the things from the Bible, guiding me at first, showing me how to learn, I decided to focus on the study of it. Now I have a hope - a genuine hope for the future. I'm able to watch television, and go through these hard times. I can't say I'm totally free of misteachings and media drivel, as we're all educated in some way prior to what society drills us with as young ones, but it is an eye opener, and also has the solution.

The solution is God's kingdom. The one who made the universe with its trillions of times more greater explosions than all the bombs that have ever been created on the earth, also makes the butterfly and the flowers it lands on. He's in perfect control. He's just allowing humans to roll around in their own mire until they realise their pitiful state.