Our leader Boris


UKChat Initiate
Nov 21, 2020
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Interesting post! All about something that doesn't exist.
Which is not in the human condition. Even wild animals have their pack leaders.
Our 'benign capitalism' is the least bad, tried and tested means of government.
It has stood the test of time.
Please do not think I am trying to pick a fight as I am not. But capitalism is an economic system. I think a lot of people confuse it as it is tied up with democracy but socialist and communist countries have capitalism. China is considdred a state capitalist country economically whilst still being communist in polical function/structure. Dependent upon your view the nordic countries are socialist and have a form of capitalism for example Norway also has a form of state capitalism but is changing to a more globalist form of capitalism.


UKChat Initiate
Nov 21, 2020
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When I moved here, I actually liked Boris. I thought he was funny but basing off of Have I got News for You appearances. Then I followed his London Mayor stint and realised he is bright but a con artist and pushed agendas that would further himself financially and not based on public best interest. This is the same for most public servants from local all the way to national government in all countries.

And for anyone who says this is a plot to reverse Brexit maybe look up how a country becomes a member state within the European Union. We would have to reapply. And yes Scotland if you leave the UK you will have to apply to become a member and Spain will have a lot to say about that given their historic issues with Catalan separatist.


UKChat Expert
Sep 20, 2021
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I've never been a fan of Boris Johnson, and I certainly didn't vote conservative in the last election. But the way he is being removed, is just wrong.
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UKChat Initiate
Nov 21, 2020
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While you’re right about all ‘public servants’, I have to disagree with you regarding the EU. Do you really believe Michael Barnier and his mates wouldn’t find a way to smooth our path? I think that’s a very naive viewpoint.
That said, it’s not just about Brexit (though that why the media certainly wanted Boris gone), it’s more about the WEF, and having their members n positions of power.
Yes I believe it will be almost imposible as all member states have to agree an application. Do you honestly believe all 27 countries would be willing to have us back? Even with the less than thrilled countries being strong armed to allow us back it would be very problematic. I see them wanting us back for the following reasons:

1. Financial institution. Germany and France have been pushing hard to get the financial clearing houses to move to the EU and most have declined. Staff refuse to move out of London to either Frankfurt or Paris.

2. Financial support. Right now the two main economies are Germany and France and most German citizens are sick of funding all the other EU memeber states. The UK's GDP is now slightly above that of France which would mean the UK could be the second highest yeild country after Germany if in the EU.

3. Military. The EU army, yes there is one, could use the UK military expertise. For a small country the UK is very scrappy and good at what it does.


UKChat Initiate
Nov 21, 2020
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Do I believe all 27 countries would welcome us back? Yes I do, because they too will do as they’re told.
I am glad you believe all EU member states would vote us back into the club. You are probably correct but I do not believe all the member states do as they are told. A prime example is Hungry. The EU are forever saying they are going to expel Hungry but they never do and Hungry still does as it pleases.


UKChat Initiate
Nov 21, 2020
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True enough, but don’t you think Hungary will fall in line eventually too? The EU don’t expel nations because will in the cabal they can be change from within. The WEF freely admit to this course of action.
I am not sure anyone can control Viktor Orban not even his wife. lol I had to look up WEF as i know it as Devos. I am not that concerned about Devos as I am about the Bilderburg Meeting. They have made actual changes to economies. Davos to my mind is more a party and a few back room deals and it is getting increasing press each year. People have started to talk about what goes on at Devos. That is not the case with Bilderburg. If I am wrong please correct me.


UKChat Initiate
Nov 21, 2020
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The WEF and The Bilderberg group are two cheeks of the same arse, many are members of both, even small fish like Tony Blair. Bilderberg has just been formed longer, the Rothschild’s and Klaus Schwab are like conjoined twins, and they have the same goals such as population control, it’s just, as you say, the Bilderbergers are far more secretive.
I would agree with you there RE the two cheeks. If you are interested I would suggest you look at biopolitics. The father is Michel Foucault as it really does give a good indication of how modern governments work. I truly detest Foucault but he creeps into every paper I write as it really does explain the fundamentals very well.


UKChat Initiate
Nov 21, 2020
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I will certainly have a nosey. I assume it’s a very deep rabbit hole though so may take a while. Lol
Most of his work is notes taken from a series of lectures at the College de France in 1984 so a bit disjointed but one can easily understand the context of his work. Whilst two of his greatest work are Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality. If you find Foucault hard going, and who does not at times, I would suggest Giorgio Agamgen. I did some work comparing and contrasting both philosopher's view of biopolitics. Agamben is a bit easier but just.

I wish you well if you do decide to go down that rabbit hole.


UKChat Initiate
Nov 21, 2020
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UKChat Expert
Sep 20, 2021
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A question has occurred to me. If deeply questionable methods have been applied to get rid of Boris, why can't they use the same tactics to get rid of Putin? Sorry if I sound naive.