My great grandad, fort in the war - a first date with Joey Barton.


Chat Celebrity of the Decade*.
Dec 22, 2019
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Dear A-Son- of- Clod,

Unfortunately and following your repeated e threats to e sue me for e slander, an e threat I take extremely e seriously indeed, I have now instructed my e legal team. They have informed me that they will be contacting on my behalf to request information regarding member code of conduct and when we will then decide an appropriate course of action.

I will keep you fully informed and promptly post that response, on this thread, once I personally receive a copy.

Yours very sincerely indeed,


What utter brainless nonsense! You have the audacity to mock other people's posts. Oh, the irony.
If anything, your own e-legal team will probably take you to court on the grounds of insanity.
The sad thing is, (if we should be clement under the circumstances): that they will win and you will be constrained to an appropriate e-asylum.

Have you been measured up for your straitjacket yet, e-Kev45?



Foxy love ❤️
Apr 29, 2023
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Apologise for what? Arrogance? It goes like this...
1) I put a thread up in the Debate section.
2) You make a claim. Not only that, but you pretend the other point is stupid, and belittle the other person.
3) I ask for you to explain the claim.
4) You can't, so you instead make another claim, and again treat the other person like theyre stupid, even though it is you who again demonstrates you have nothing.
5) I ask you to explain again, and point out that you're not debating.
6) You make another claim, just as before.
7) I realise you are stupid, and just an opinionated know-nothing troll.
8) You get upset and cry, and pretend I'm angry, because you want to play little Andy Pandy games.
9) You make another claim, and bla bla bla.
10) I ignore you.
11) You still do the same.
12) I realise I could have some fun with a dumbarse like you and unblock you in forums.

Thank you. Nothing for me to apologise to you for.

Yes. Yet your "opinion" is based on a troll disposition, with no ability, nor desire to understand. A real numbnuts.

If you can't understand the debate process, put your comments in the opinion section. Why are you claiming a debate, but not debating? This is my main issue with your comments.

It is good that you can at least RECOGNISE an argument. Now all you need to present your side, so we can discuss points.

That's generally how arguments go. Other people's statements are often presented.

This shows that you haven't even looked at the arguments presented, as you claim the source is the same. This reminds me of when in chat, and you claim, then rant, and then when an opposing article is presented, you do the Gallant, brave Sir Robin, and "bugger off". If you wish to understand an argument, you have to pay attention to what is stated, even if you disagree. It is OKAY to disagree.

Already addressed this.

My job is in construction. Serving Jehovah is a life choice, like yours is.

It is not a job. It is a command of Christ for all Christians. If you actually read the Bible, you'd know this.

What a load of crap.
I use many websites. Of course you're entitled to believe this, just as you're entitled to identify as a unicorn. It doesn't make it true though. Most people who use this debate section would produce an argument to prove their claims, but on this, I know you will again slander, then run away again. Quick to accuse, and quick to run away like a coward.

Oh, okay. Show me where on this site it does what you just claimed.
Where on this site does it say I can't quote from another religious article or site without it being approved? Oh, Kev! PLEASE SAVE ME FROM THIS DAMNED SITUATION!!! I ONLY WANT TO BE A GOOD BOY!!!

That is good.

I'm no fool. You're the one on a debate site yet presenting no argument. I'm here to debate - to discover, discuss and learn truth. To argue, so as to clarify and understand. TO PRESENT AN ARGUMENT.

If people were as brainless and rude as you, I'd have walked away long ago.
But - again, you are on a debate section with no side to present. And you started this by claims that you refuse to discuss.


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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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What utter brainless nonsense! You have the audacity to mock other people's posts. Oh, the irony.
If anything, your own e-legal team will probably take you to court on the grounds of insanity.
The sad thing is, (if we should be clement under the circumstances): that they will win and you will be constrained to an appropriate e-asylum.

Have you been measured up for your straitjacket yet, e-Kev45?

You are raging, and rage you will until I decide otherwise. ;)


Foxy love ❤️
Apr 29, 2023
Reaction score
;) honestly though, do you actually call people 'it'


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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Is wobbly face typing to me, I can never tell?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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It's so funny, few years ago I threatened legal action against this web site, feck, can't remember why, probably freedom of speach.
Was a BS bluff which we laughed about afterwards cause I was drunk and arrogant.

People need to take a step back and think about wtf they are thinking when they spout on here.
I know, I can be difficult sometimes, but isn't that what debate is?

A search for the oh, so, elusive, truth?

There is no truth, just what happened, thats simple reality.
Why it happened however, is context, which is the point of debate.
It also cannot be known as we have no knowledge of the people making those choices first hand.

All history is hearsay apart from the corpses it left behind.