My great grandad, fort in the war - a first date with Joey Barton.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Blimey, all that angry font, I am presuming you made threats of "prosecution for slander" again in the room last night until your sorry arse logged off angrily after everyone else simply laughed and mocked you.

Just three final points, if I may. Well four, actually, and thanks for giving me permission to respond. :D

You originally had a hissy fit with me personally simply because I pointed out your ludicrous stance (hypocrisy) on your original "bloody bloody bloody" thread (plagiarized heavily edited claptrap).

You see my opinion is, and which you reacted to angrily is while you are wolfing down, like a starving hyena, a medium rare bloody sirloin steak, that has been allowed to sit for 10 minutes after cooking to become even juicier, you personally will still prevent a dying child from receiving a blood transfusion that will possibly save their life.

Such is the way of the Jehovah.

As mentioned, you will keep on changing names

How exactly would you know if I change name or not, you didn't join this site until Feb 2023 and my ID was made in Nov 2022.

Everyone I chat to know I changed ID (because of stalky Moriarty) because I said so PUBLICLY in main chat. You are clearly a reinvented hidey (regular), who also made the schoolboy error of posting a photo of two completely different men on his own profile, such is the reptilian nature of shapeshifters like you.

The controlling body of the Jehovah sect (Watchtower) strictly FORBIDS members from associating with people such as my good self under ANY circumstances (no ifs or buts). You being a bit special like, of course the rules of your own so-called governing body don't apply to the likes of you.

Lastly but not least, NO ONE, not a single person in the room, buys your victim act because far too many have personally witnessed you RAGING ANGRILY at other chatters.

Have a great day, ya all. :)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
You just simply can't shut up can you, you have no stop button, and no impulse control.

You truly believe that you are the actual manipulator, and yet you have no comprehension at all that you are in fact being manipulated.

I have a stricter than strict Irish Catholic background, and so I fully understand your religious indoctrination and the stark reality is, YOUR course (and your course only) is predetermined by Jehovah. You are strictly FORBIDDEN to veer from that course, and therefore you ANGRILY demand that everyone else you engage with on matters of religion don't veer off course either.

No one is allowed to veer off on a tangent with you because you are INCAPABLE of independent thought outside the echo chamber of what you have been taught by Jehovah.

On a liberal website where free speech is the cornerstone, unlike your religion where free speech isn't, and yet you STILL try to dominate with your pithy pious sermons where YOU shout at ANYONE else who doesn't meet your exacting standards and who don't play your game the way you want your game played.

Old dogs know their own tricks best.

That is the actual reality here, darling, and nothing more and nothing less.

Now please just go away and pester somebody else, there's a good little boy. :rolleyes:


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Here he is again, no self-control, no emotional intelligence at all, he MUST and WILL punish ALL those that he perceives have done him wrong, and such is the Jehovah way.

A hateful spiteful translation of religion and not the face of a true religion, nor a true believer. :rolleyes:

An unmasked troll, who cowardly hides behind that religion, is always a sight to behold.

Actually, you shift shaping demon, it doesn't bother me in the slightest what you type or don't type, and I am deliberately censoring myself to try and avoid a ban and not because of anything you type, because to be frank, you are totally sh/it at this.

You're an ego without a cause who hysterically demands "evidence" while making ludicrous accusations where you don't have any evidence at all.

If you did have the evidence, you would of course post it, right?

All while you spam post plagiarized (with a z) sermons of other people's work and which you heavily edit to deceitfully pass off as your own thoughts and ideas.

You're a plagiarizing crook, darling, a common thief, and that is all you are. :)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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So what? What does "a strict Irish Catholic" background have to do with knowing the Bible? They're happy to blow up the Protestants, and punch on too. So it's got nowt to do with the Bible,

You really shouldn't be throwing stones in glass houses, dear, because the Watchtower has a really murky history of coverups and pay-outs to victims, doesn't it?

Oh, and btw, since you whined about my American spell check, when did "nowt" become a word used in the Australian vocabulary?


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score

It came onto your thread, harassed and attacked you with its homophobic slavering's ['quoting his 1st post'] - ''Oh. You had a date with him, did you? That's nice. No wonder you know him so well. But I don't think Joey would appreciate you sharing your and his pillow talk. Best to leave these things in private, or you'll find he'll most likely dump you.''

then, it goes on and plays a f.ucking victim, whining and bitching about you, (quote him) '
How does it feel? This is you to me all the time. You constantly harass me. Insult me and lie about me. .

SMFH at the hypocrisy, absolute irony and deeply pathetic snowflakiness of its pestering bile.

What a load of total and utter cuntery!

doggy side eye.jpg


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
Of course when it came to producing 'evidence', to support his monstrous accusation, 'evidence' he himself constantly demands of others, really really really angrily, it soon shapeshifted and slivered off back under the rock from which it emerged. I mean, just how difficult is it to copy and paste evidence that I "constantly harass and insult and lie" about him and particularly when he has a 5th dan black belt in copy and pasting (heavily edited) excerpts from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

Even so... I have now instructed my legal team to be on their guard over this issue, I take online threats of legal action EXTREMELY seriously. When an adult male makes REPEATED infantile jibes about another person's mental health, various threats with "rods" and other metal implements, then they are clearly a serious player to be reckoned with.

This is a 'man' who even bizarrely attempted to argue science has got it all wrong because a metal ornament (of unknown origin) was apparently discovered inside a lump of "coal", millions of years old. The evidence, ludicrously, the word of a 10-year-old boy (then in his 50s) and a subsequent (so-called) university 'study' that provided no evidence at all that the ornament itself was millions of years old (lol). How could any 'study' find any evidence at all, when no fkcer was around, until millions of years later, and according to his own damn religion, to mine and work the metal and then produce an ornament from it.

Everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs, just as I am entitled to challenge them and point out millions of different species could NOT possibly (physically, logistics etc) be crammed in a wooden ship half the size of the Titanic, etc. And which is exactly why he gets so damn angry and impatient, petulantly demanding that EVERYONE he engages with strictly adheres to the direction of travel and the script that he has carefully chosen (and heavily edited) from the New World Translation of the Holy Scripture.

I say carefully chosen simply because he has clearly already preplanned his response, being the smart arse that he believes he is...

It was obviously always going to end in tears, I mean, why would anyone be so damn ignorant that they chose to zealously and aggressively attempt to spread god's word on a predominantly secular liberal chat site, rather than getting off their lazy arse and doing it in the real world to real people. The real world, where his aggressive attitude, would immediately get short shrift with a polite warning to piss off. Where it wouldn't end well for him if he continued to angrily bang on the door, repeating what he had just said a few minutes ago, like some kind of demented robot with constipation. :oops::rolleyes::cool:
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
Oh, and if I may be so bold, the silly hunt publicly admitted yesterday that he has erased his abuse and insults (apparently it is unchristian, right?).

Evidence tampering and, like all naff James Bond villains, cheap crooks, he has crudely attempted to erase evidence of his wrongdoing. :rolleyes:
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UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
Here he is again, no self-control, no emotional intelligence at all, he MUST and WILL punish ALL those that he perceives have done him wrong

Such a wonderful self reflection.

I salute you.
Never before have I seen someone shoot themselves so soundly in the foot than you did in that sentence.

I thank you for this humorous moment with all my heart.
You truly are a legend of self debasement.

I am so happy you have finally shown who you really are and are willing to move on.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
I am so happy you have finally shown who you really are and are willing to move on.

Let's test the "punishing" reality for the good doctor, and the RED FLAG reasons why I have explicitly told him on multiple occasions NOT to type directly to me, and which he has totally ignored.

I even changed ID, such is his stalkyness.

This is a man who claimed that he is a "psychologist" during a forum conversation with a woman about childhood abuse.
(red flag)

Alongside another online career where he stated that he is a "scientist" and claimed to have studied the pandemic, for an entire year, during a Covid-19 debate.
(red flag)

Where he reached the conclusion that the entire global medical profession was involved in a conspiracy to injure and possibly murder innocent people, with a vaccine he claimed is "untested" but who was then strangely reluctant to post the completed study nor even the methodology etc he used to reach that conclusion.

Did the good doctor ever get round to posting his completed "study"? :rolleyes:

The online boasty "I am a master's educated scientist" who posted during another debate that 10% of the worlds' population are a "burden" on society because 10% fail an IQ test for the American military, an IQ test that doesn't even exist btw. Based on an IQ figure of 100, and a figure which he subsequently later changed three times until it reached 83.
(red flag)

This man believes children with learning disabilities are a "burden on society".
(big red flag)

Who concluded "something should be done about it" (children with a low IQ) but has since refused to explain what he meant by that, and what exactly should be done about it?
(huge red flag)

Blah Blah etc, :D

Now I could go on punishing him but to conclude, apparently, and which also emerged during a forum debate, his most recent online occupation is a high-flying executive "volunteering" in the charity sector in the Middle East.
(red flag)

This a "masters educated scientist" who constantly confuses economic migrants with refugees and who constantly makes negative, and disparaging remarks about both sets of people.
(red flag)

A man who also claims that he is a "social scientist" (economics, politics, psychology or sociology).
(red flag)

While he spams "it's not rocket science guyz" or "it's economics 101 guyz" and "we all have to get on guyz, we need to start listening to reach other guyz" and when he completely ignores what is said to him and goes off on a googled word salad tangent where he can also demonstrate just how brilliant that he also believes that he is.
(red flag)

An online Chameleon (shiftshaper) who will switch his moral stance/political views etc, at the flick of a switch (Hi there WickedPerdition), and depending on what e woman he is trying to impress.
(red flag)

Online bullshitters, ten a penny, and please, heed online red flags when they present themselves plain as day.

Have a GREAT Saturday XxXx :D


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
And just for him, he gets the special Ostrich.



Let's test the "punishing" reality for the good doctor, and the RED FLAG reasons why I have explicitly told him on multiple occasions NOT to type directly to me, and which he has totally ignored.

I even changed ID, such is his stalkyness.

This is a man who claimed that he is a "psychologist" during a forum conversation with a woman about childhood abuse.
(red flag)

Alongside another online career where he stated that he is a "scientist" and claimed to have studied the pandemic, for an entire year, during a Covid-19 debate.
(red flag)

Where he reached the conclusion that the entire global medical profession was involved in a conspiracy to injure and possibly murder innocent people, with a vaccine he claimed is "untested" but who was then strangely reluctant to post the completed study nor even the methodology etc he used to reach that conclusion.

Did the good doctor ever get round to posting his completed "study"? :rolleyes:

The online boasty "I am a master's educated scientist" who posted during another debate that 10% of the worlds' population are a "burden" on society because 10% fail an IQ test for the American military, an IQ test that doesn't even exist btw. Based on an IQ figure of 100, and a figure which he subsequently later changed three times until it reached 83.
(red flag)

This man believes children with learning disabilities are a "burden on society".
(big red flag)

Who concluded "something should be done about it" (children with a low IQ) but has since refused to explain what he meant by that, and what exactly should be done about it?
(huge red flag)

Blah Blah etc, :D

Now I could go on punishing him but to conclude, apparently, and which also emerged during a forum debate, his most recent online occupation is a high-flying executive "volunteering" in the charity sector in the Middle East.
(red flag)

This a "masters educated scientist" who constantly confuses economic migrants with refugees and who constantly makes negative, and disparaging remarks about both sets of people.
(red flag)

A man who also claims that he is a "social scientist" (economics, politics, psychology or sociology).
(red flag)

While he spams "it's not rocket science guyz" or "it's economics 101 guyz" and "we all have to get on guyz, we need to start listening to reach other guyz" and when he completely ignores what is said to him and goes off on a googled word salad tangent where he can also demonstrate just how brilliant that he also believes that he is.
(red flag)

An online Chameleon (shiftshaper) who will switch his moral stance/political views etc, at the flick of a switch (Hi there WickedPerdition), and depending on what e woman he is trying to impress.
(red flag)

Online bullshitters, ten a penny, and please, heed online red flags when they present themselves plain as day.

Have a GREAT Saturday XxXx :D
You forgot:
This is the multiple graduate, who apparently had a career in Education, yet cannot spell 'their' to save his life! For all his pieces of paper, he can't navigate a spell check.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
The conversation with you is plainly over. You can crudely attempt (I actually do understand e 'psychology' btw) to save e face and e bullshit your way out of a corner by further provoking a response, but there is simply NOTHING more I need to add to the conversation, nor want to.

I control the course of my own ship, sunshine, and not you. :)


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
Let's test the "punishing" reality for the good doctor, and the RED FLAG reasons why I have explicitly told him on multiple occasions NOT to type directly to me, and which he has totally ignored.

I even changed ID, such is his stalkyness.

This is a man who claimed that he is a "psychologist" during a forum conversation with a woman about childhood abuse.
(red flag)

Alongside another online career where he stated that he is a "scientist" and claimed to have studied the pandemic, for an entire year, during a Covid-19 debate.
(red flag)

Where he reached the conclusion that the entire global medical profession was involved in a conspiracy to injure and possibly murder innocent people, with a vaccine he claimed is "untested" but who was then strangely reluctant to post the completed study nor even the methodology etc he used to reach that conclusion.

Did the good doctor ever get round to posting his completed "study"? :rolleyes:

The online boasty "I am a master's educated scientist" who posted during another debate that 10% of the worlds' population are a "burden" on society because 10% fail an IQ test for the American military, an IQ test that doesn't even exist btw. Based on an IQ figure of 100, and a figure which he subsequently later changed three times until it reached 83.
(red flag)

This man believes children with learning disabilities are a "burden on society".
(big red flag)

Who concluded "something should be done about it" (children with a low IQ) but has since refused to explain what he meant by that, and what exactly should be done about it?
(huge red flag)

Blah Blah etc, :D

Now I could go on punishing him but to conclude, apparently, and which also emerged during a forum debate, his most recent online occupation is a high-flying executive "volunteering" in the charity sector in the Middle East.
(red flag)

This a "masters educated scientist" who constantly confuses economic migrants with refugees and who constantly makes negative, and disparaging remarks about both sets of people.
(red flag)

A man who also claims that he is a "social scientist" (economics, politics, psychology or sociology).
(red flag)

While he spams "it's not rocket science guyz" or "it's economics 101 guyz" and "we all have to get on guyz, we need to start listening to reach other guyz" and when he completely ignores what is said to him and goes off on a googled word salad tangent where he can also demonstrate just how brilliant that he also believes that he is.
(red flag)

An online Chameleon (shiftshaper) who will switch his moral stance/political views etc, at the flick of a switch (Hi there WickedPerdition), and depending on what e woman he is trying to impress.
(red flag)

Online bullshitters, ten a penny, and please, heed online red flags when they present themselves plain as day.

Have a GREAT Saturday XxXx :D

hand clap.gif


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
Let's test the "punishing" reality for the good doctor, and the RED FLAG reasons why I have explicitly told him on multiple occasions NOT to type directly to me, and which he has totally ignored.

I even changed ID, such is his stalkyness.

This is a man who claimed that he is a "psychologist" during a forum conversation with a woman about childhood abuse.
(red flag)

Alongside another online career where he stated that he is a "scientist" and claimed to have studied the pandemic, for an entire year, during a Covid-19 debate.
(red flag)

Where he reached the conclusion that the entire global medical profession was involved in a conspiracy to injure and possibly murder innocent people, with a vaccine he claimed is "untested" but who was then strangely reluctant to post the completed study nor even the methodology etc he used to reach that conclusion.

Did the good doctor ever get round to posting his completed "study"? :rolleyes:

The online boasty "I am a master's educated scientist" who posted during another debate that 10% of the worlds' population are a "burden" on society because 10% fail an IQ test for the American military, an IQ test that doesn't even exist btw. Based on an IQ figure of 100, and a figure which he subsequently later changed three times until it reached 83.
(red flag)

This man believes children with learning disabilities are a "burden on society".
(big red flag)

Who concluded "something should be done about it" (children with a low IQ) but has since refused to explain what he meant by that, and what exactly should be done about it?
(huge red flag)

Blah Blah etc, :D

Now I could go on punishing him but to conclude, apparently, and which also emerged during a forum debate, his most recent online occupation is a high-flying executive "volunteering" in the charity sector in the Middle East.
(red flag)

This a "masters educated scientist" who constantly confuses economic migrants with refugees and who constantly makes negative, and disparaging remarks about both sets of people.
(red flag)

A man who also claims that he is a "social scientist" (economics, politics, psychology or sociology).
(red flag)

While he spams "it's not rocket science guyz" or "it's economics 101 guyz" and "we all have to get on guyz, we need to start listening to reach other guyz" and when he completely ignores what is said to him and goes off on a googled word salad tangent where he can also demonstrate just how brilliant that he also believes that he is.
(red flag)

An online Chameleon (shiftshaper) who will switch his moral stance/political views etc, at the flick of a switch (Hi there WickedPerdition), and depending on what e woman he is trying to impress.
(red flag)

Online bullshitters, ten a penny, and please, heed online red flags when they present themselves plain as day.

Have a GREAT Saturday XxXx :D
Ok, point 1.
I am a practiced psychologist with many years experience in clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Point 2.
I am also a scientist who has studied virology, immunology and medications for a lot more than a year, it kind of comes with the territory when you are prescibing clinical treatments.

Point 3.
The Covid injection was new, it was an new technology which, if successful could open up the pharma business to billions in revenue.
It has since been shown that while MRNA technology is viable if it stays at the injection site, if it spreads before bonding, then damage may occur to surounding cell tissue, this is now known (in the full court press, it was known before by its inventors), the only debate is how to administer it properly.

Point 4.
There are some people whom one cannot employ due to lower IQ.
That is contentious I agree, low IQ people tend to favour and excel at repetitive and menial work.
This is not a slight, they can and do perform much better than those with higher IQ's who get bored.
However, those menial jobs are dissappearing in western civilisations, having been exported overseas.
Hence we have a society who values overseas trade and cheap work forces at the expence of those who would find gainful employment at home if given the chance.

Point 5.
Children with learning disabilities are like all children a burden on society at large, they take people out of the work force to care for them.
I would love you to quote where I said disabled kids where more of a burden.
They actually create more jobs in specialised care.

Point 6.
I do mapping work as a volenteer for a charity, I dont get paid, I am now a teacher for the organisation.
They follow natural disasters and migration due to both natural and man made problems.
For example we have been following the plight of the Yemeni people since Suadi Arabia started bomding them in 2015, with some 20k casualties and hundreds of thousands displaced into migrant camps which we follow to allow aid to get through, and guess what, now our own government, who has been supplying weapons to Saudia Arabia is bombing them to.

Point 7.
I have no problem at all with migrants who are fleeing persecution or war.
I do however have a problem with those who come from countries without any reason to flee and attempt to enter illegally because "The grass is greener"
If people want to migrate when they have real reason to, sure, they are in fear for thier or their families life, so we grant them asylum.
If however people turn up at our doorstep wanting in simply because they want in, then I would refuse them until they go through the proper channels for immigration.

Point 8.
By nature, being a Psychologist I am by the qualification itself a social scientist, yet I did my formative years as an engineer, so I tend to look at things both ways.

So play with that however you wish.

As for being a shape shifter, thats rather simple, as I learn more and get rid of my bias and simple low resolution thoughts, my opinion changes.

You should try it.

As for spelling thier, or their, I dont really care, I am both sure people know what I mean and not that anal that is matters.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
that last post

The narcissistic delusion of it. F.ucking hell!

+ laughing mask.jpg + laughing-smiley-emoji.gif