My great grandad, fort in the war - a first date with Joey Barton.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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that last post

The narcissistic delusion of it. F.ucking hell!

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+ View attachment 14502 + View attachment 14504

I have to chuckle thats all you got.

Accuse without evidence, simply because you have no argument.

I actually like some of the stuff you post.

You have some great instincts when it comes to politics, you are right a lot of the time.
But you never follow through with what to do about it.

Do yourself a favour and stop being so sure about everything.
Most things in life are grey, so play with it, see how it fits and change.
Thats what science is all about, as is history.
We have primary and secondary sources, then we have opinions.
They are all the same.
History is basically opinions voiced in the past.
Theory, either historical or scientific is based on what we think we know.

Basically, we know feck all.
Apart from what we think we do.

So chuckle, smile and laugh, but your no smarter or wiser than me or anyone else.

We are simply living life as we see fit.

Intelligence and wisdom mean nothing if your unhappy in life.
In fact they can make it worse as one thinks to much.

So just be you, do what you want, but never at the expense of others, because you dont know their stories.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Let's test the "punishing" reality for the good doctor, and the RED FLAG reasons why I have explicitly told him on multiple occasions NOT to type directly to me, and which he has totally ignored.

I even changed ID, such is his stalkyness.

I am a practiced psychologist with many years experience in clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Eurgh, and after reading his last two posts I can't even bring myself to type to him directly now, his creepy delusions of grandeur, the creepy lack of remorse, the creepy attention seeking, the creepy pseudo-intellectual bollocks he constantly spews, are combined, just really, really, really bizarre and really rather odd. :eek:

If any of Dr Moriarty's latest online e girlfriends are reading, which I am certain they are, and hi ladies, this is a man in his 60s who has convinced himself that he is an internet sensation and chosen to name himself after a fictional criminal in an Arthur Conan Doyle novel. I really can't decide between what is the most disturbing, the subtext of the actual name Moriarty after reading his last two posts (devious criminal mastermind), or the fact that a (fake) "master's educated scientist" in his 60s has only just progressed to Sherlock Holmes.

If a scrawny dishevelled shifty looking man, with unnaturally white teeth and an obvious toupee, randomly turns up at your door, please don't open it under any circumstances. Totally ignore the three smelly terriers yapping by his side, the cardboard box stuffed to the brim with well thumbed Sherlock Holmes novels and one or two pristine year 11 sycology books, alongside 39 old battered suitcases, and please, I beg you, just ring 999 immediately.

In the meantime, lock yourself in the safe room and do NOT leave the room until you see a pair of snarling police dogs pinning him down, multiple police taser lights aimed directly at his torso and a pair of handcuffs (not fluffy ones) fully tightened around his wrists and securely locked.

Have a GREAT Sunday xXxXx

Edited: Did I say I found it creepy?
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Ok, point 1.
I am a practiced psychologist with many years experience in clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Point 2.
I am also a scientist who has studied virology, immunology and medications for a lot more than a year, it kind of comes with the territory when you are prescibing clinical treatments.

Point 3.
The Covid injection was new, it was an new technology which, if successful could open up the pharma business to billions in revenue.
It has since been shown that while MRNA technology is viable if it stays at the injection site, if it spreads before bonding, then damage may occur to surounding cell tissue, this is now known (in the full court press, it was known before by its inventors), the only debate is how to administer it properly.

Point 4.
There are some people whom one cannot employ due to lower IQ.
That is contentious I agree, low IQ people tend to favour and excel at repetitive and menial work.
This is not a slight, they can and do perform much better than those with higher IQ's who get bored.
However, those menial jobs are dissappearing in western civilisations, having been exported overseas.
Hence we have a society who values overseas trade and cheap work forces at the expence of those who would find gainful employment at home if given the chance.

Point 5.
Children with learning disabilities are like all children a burden on society at large, they take people out of the work force to care for them.
I would love you to quote where I said disabled kids where more of a burden.
They actually create more jobs in specialised care.

Point 6.
I do mapping work as a volenteer for a charity, I dont get paid, I am now a teacher for the organisation.
They follow natural disasters and migration due to both natural and man made problems.
For example we have been following the plight of the Yemeni people since Suadi Arabia started bomding them in 2015, with some 20k casualties and hundreds of thousands displaced into migrant camps which we follow to allow aid to get through, and guess what, now our own government, who has been supplying weapons to Saudia Arabia is bombing them to.

Point 7.
I have no problem at all with migrants who are fleeing persecution or war.
I do however have a problem with those who come from countries without any reason to flee and attempt to enter illegally because "The grass is greener"
If people want to migrate when they have real reason to, sure, they are in fear for thier or their families life, so we grant them asylum.
If however people turn up at our doorstep wanting in simply because they want in, then I would refuse them until they go through the proper channels for immigration.

Point 8.
By nature, being a Psychologist I am by the qualification itself a social scientist, yet I did my formative years as an engineer, so I tend to look at things both ways.

So play with that however you wish.

As for being a shape shifter, thats rather simple, as I learn more and get rid of my bias and simple low resolution thoughts, my opinion changes.

You should try it.

As for spelling thier, or their, I dont really care, I am both sure people know what I mean and not that anal that is matters.

This deserves, without question, the place of honour and the highlight of this thread and any other thread currently on the internet! (ps notice all the grammatical mistakes and totally shi/t spelling). LOL!

Edited: Did he post his "year long" pandemic study, a few quotes from it, anything at all, because for some reason I just can't see it? :)
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I'm laughing so hard, coffee just splurted out of my nose! I used to like a good old drag show- Lily Savage was (undeniably) one of the best. Got a bit boring once every man and his dog decided to wear woman-face, but I have to say- the above 2 posts just brought me back a few years.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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I'm laughing so hard, coffee just splurted out of my nose! I used to like a good old drag show- Lily Savage was (undeniably) one of the best. Got a bit boring once every man and his dog decided to wear woman-face, but I have to say- the above 2 posts just brought me back a few years.
Do have to chuckle.

Deshevelled yes, I dont have many real teeth left, toupee why bother, I'm bald mostly which is fine with me saves money on haircuts.
I did have a Jack Russell, which is a terrier, until a few years ago when he died.

What I dont have are, to qoute, "one or two pristine year 11 sycology books"
All my new books are e-books now apart from the ones I got as presents.

All my old books are well thumbed, well apart from the Harry Potter ones which a friend bought be, got most of Rowlings works, never read, don't like her authoring style much lol.

I do love how, given all the possible ways one can discuss a subject, the "Creepy old stalker" is the only one that is used.

Thanks Roses for just having a laugh with this.
Tis what the world needs, more laughter rather than BS opinions which are driven by need to be right, or validate ones life.
Which we are all guilty of, however petty it seems.

Surely our only purpose in life is to attempt to enjoy what we have and find humour in it.
Otherwise we will simply become hate filled souls who see life as a burden, which it is, but why cant we make the best of it through simple fun.

Although there is always a caviat.
I suppose it becomes a need in some cases.
To try and find truth.

Those two ideas can be reconciled however, by learning truth, then laughing about it after the fact.
Considering all truth is subjective, as in written by man with his opinions and beliefs in moment, then why should we not laugh, people make up stupid sh**.

However, reality is objective, so thats out of mans purview unless they can see the same argument multiple ways at the same time, all of which could be true.

Anyway, I have fecked about long enough, fun posting thoughts, argue if you want, I'd love to hear them so I can learn, thanks folks, always fun :)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Football journeyman Joey Barton is to part company with himself at the end of the month, by mutual consent.​

Police were called to a West London restaurant when matters between the two personalities of the ex-footballer came to a violent head.

According to fellow diners, Barton had been goading himself repeatedly, before he finally snapped and let fly with fists, punching his own face and body.

An argument had broken out within Barton regarding Barton’s haircut. Joey Barton’s softer personality ‘Barton’ – a complex, troubled 41-year-old – insisted it was a homage to George Orwell, while volatile ‘Joey’ insisted it was a proper hard man’s haircut.

Taking to Twitter, Barton said: First Manchester City, Newcastle, then QPR, and Bristol Rovers, now who knows? I’ve given Joey chance after chance to better himself, but every time he recoils into barbarism and base savagery.

As Nietzsche said, ‘Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster.’ So true and so, like Morrissey, I must fly, fly.

Joey, meanwhile, shouted his response to Barton while standing outside his own/the latter’s house, beside the remains of his Mercedes which he’d just torched.

Joey said: Yer friggin’ soft get! Wi yer fookin’ book sh**. Come ‘ed! Come on, eh? ‘Ave a fookin’ fight, Barton, you’re a footballer for fook’s sake!

Sports psychoanalyst Julian Cook said: What we have here is a classic personality clash Barton, thoughtful, socially concerned, a cut above the average footballer, the sort of fellow who would have enjoyed a conversation with the late Robert Hughes and Joey, blood for brains, who’s basically Yosser Hughes.

“Post career, Barton has expressed a wish to write a thesis on the Persecution of the Modern Soul with relation to Baudelaire, while Joey has expressed a wish that everyone else just **** off.”
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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I'm going to stay on this thread as the c.unts have taken over the asylum in a few of the others.

Word salad wars!

Do you think they are ok?

*throws meds into the forum*

beagle side eye.jpg


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Word salad wars!

Do you think they are ok?


Wickedw@nkpot has publicly rejected me in favour of Paul, who I think doesn't like Einstein, so I had to cross off Einstein on my own signature, just to keep the peace. :eek:


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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The real world.

"Eni Aluko says the abuse she suffered as a result of Joey Barton’s social media posts left her fearing for her safety and frightened to leave home.

The former England striker revealed she is taking legal action after Barton compared her and her fellow ITV pundit Lucy Ward to the serial killers Fred and Rose West. Aluko, who Barton also likened to the dictators Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot, warned against the dangers of online abuse and worries the issue could lead to a female broadcaster taking their own life ...

“Now, I’m open and honest and I’m human and I’m more than happy to admit that I’ve been scared this week,” she said in a 15-minute video posted on Instagram. “I’ve genuinely been scared this week. I didn’t leave my house until Friday and I’m now abroad. It’s really important to say that online abuse has a direct impact on your safety and how you feel and how safe you feel in real life.

I’ve felt under threat this week. I’ve felt like something is going to happen to me. And I don’t say that for anyone to feel sorry for me – I say that for people to understand the reality and the impact that hate speech has, the impact that racism has, the impact that sexism has, the impact that misogyny has on all of us females in the game, in sports broadcasting.

... Caroline Flack, God rest her soul, killed herself, largely because of the online abuse that she was getting."

Then there is the woman beating Joey Barton's world.

"Cry me a f****** river… I was waiting for the victim card to be played. Eni, sorry luv, you're dreadful as a pundit. Tone deaf, can’t count and most importantly you know next to nothing about men’s football.

"You should have run off to a desert island after your 'Arteta phoning Pep to put a bid' in nonsense. Everyone is laughing at you. Not just me."



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Yeah? Then why have you felt the need to have to appear as so many different troll names,

Your problem is this, you consistently accuse other chatters of being trolls whenever your beliefs are challenged. You then threaten to angrily e sue them for e slander.

Talk is cheap, my friend.

If you believe that I am a name changing troll, then report me to admin.

To me, it seems you battle with people skills in the real world and use online to burn off unhealthy mental calories.

Try not to think too much, darling.

If you want a form of peace from me on here, you'll not attack any more.

If you post plagiarized excerpts from New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and attempt to deceive people that it is your own thoughts and ideas, then I will continue to point it out.

Or, you can keep on goading like you do...

You have just peppered your lines with yet more childish insults, and you continue to react like a small child when the favour is returned.

Do you want peace?


It IS a waste of time talking to you

Then stop typing to me.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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It could have just manned up and apologized for being an arrogant, rude little man and when he could finally move on with his e life.

Let's be clear about this.

In my opinion, his spammed religious threads are NOT debate. He presented arguments based on quotes (plagiarized) taken from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, in which he is clearly well versed, and he subsequently supported those arguments with yet more quotes (plagiarized) taken from exactly the same source. It's a pre-written script, and this is NOT open debate in any shape or form. In effect, he is simply reaffirming his own beliefs and simply (irritatingly) preaching to everyone else.

He is a Jehovah Witness, this is his job after all, his job is to spread the word of Jehovah, and he is strictly FORBIDDEN to use information from alternative biblical sources (unless first approved) while he spreads that word.

It is NOT my personal opinion. It is based on information on the SAME site he gets all his information from. It is fully accessible, and already in the public domain, on the official site for the controlling body for the Jehovah Witness sect.

I am NOT mocking Jehovah Witnesses in general, I am simply mocking this fool.

And of course, If he spoke to people on their own doorstep, the way he types to people on here, he would instantly be flat on his arse scrabbling around searching for his own teeth.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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If I wanted to report you to admin, I would.

I suspect, after your multiple threats of legal action in the Lobby, that admin wouldn't take a blind bit of notice of your further threats on the forum. :rolleyes:


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
It could have just manned up and apologized for being an arrogant, rude little man and when he could finally move on with his e life.

Let's be clear about this.

In my opinion, his spammed religious threads are NOT debate. He presented arguments based on quotes (plagiarized) taken from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, in which he is clearly well versed, and he subsequently supported those arguments with yet more quotes (plagiarized) taken from exactly the same source. It's a pre-written script, and this is NOT open debate in any shape or form. In effect, he is simply reaffirming his own beliefs and simply (irritatingly) preaching to everyone else.

He is a Jehovah Witness, this is his job after all, his job is to spread the word of Jehovah, and he is strictly FORBIDDEN to use information from alternative biblical sources (unless first approved) while he spreads that word.

It is NOT my personal opinion. It is based on information on the SAME site he gets all his information from. It is fully accessible, and already in the public domain, on the official site for the controlling body for the Jehovah Witness sect.

I am NOT mocking Jehovah Witnesses in general, I am simply mocking this fool.

And of course, If he spoke to people on their own doorstep, the way he types to people on here, he would instantly be flat on his arse scrabbling around searching for his own teeth.


Every single time Guru_of_Ignorance replies to you I hear the DK bells ring out across the forbidden land!



UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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Are the texts within the Bible covered by a copyright clause?
Suppose it depends on which one.

Are the texts within the English Dictionary also covered by copyright?

If so we are all screwed for breach of copyright or plagiarism.



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Every single time Guru_of_Ignorance replies to you I hear the DK bells ring out across the forbidden land!

ha ha ha! I suspect that all is not well with that one, when his comfort blanket is taken away, he just sits there, petrified, stiff as a board, eyes wide open in the darkness, imagining any creak on the stairs is the bogie man coming to get him. :D
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Dear A-Son- of- Clod,

Unfortunately and following your repeated e threats to e sue me for e slander, an e threat I take extremely e seriously indeed, I have now instructed my e legal team. They have informed me that they will be contacting on my behalf to request information regarding member code of conduct and when we will then decide an appropriate course of action.

I will keep you fully informed and promptly post that response, on this thread, once I personally receive a copy.

Yours very sincerely indeed,
