Conspiracy Theory Addiction Is Real


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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The conspiracy theorist sees skullduggery everywhere; their default position is that everyone must be a liar and that simply everything is a cover up.

Their fear of being taken for a dupe, a fool, is so great, there can be no glimmer of trust.

Conspiracy theory is an emotional wound that overpowers the higher faculties of the mind – and is therefore best treated with reassurance, kindness, understanding and the one emotion they miss the most, that being love, for it’s here that the problem invariably began.

By understanding the fragility of the conspiracy theorist psyche, we have the option of navigating them away from the perilous falsehoods of conspiracy conmen, scammers, and fake news.

If it works, the support, offerings of help and intelligent council, will allow them to come out of the other side with a judicious mixture of trust, intelligent scepticism and a bright future filled with truths.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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In May 2021, fauci said that vaccinated individuals were “dead ends” for the virus. That was a lie.

Prove it was a lie. You can't just stamp your feet like a toddler having a hissy fit and not expect to be challenged.

Later, he said: Notably, Fauci et. al. appear to argue that, if natural immunity alone is insufficient to prevent reinfection with respiratory viruses, then there is little hope for existing vaccines to prevent it:

You slipped up there, kid. That link that you inadvertently posted, while you plagiarized the site, discusses a totally different subject (another conspiracy theory), you bozo. An American far-right conspiracy theory site called "Patriot Journal" (lol). Owned by a former campaigner for Donald Trump. Which doesn't produce any "original content", and which just editorially spins other people's work to put a right-wing slant on it...

"Editorially, all stories favor the right and denigrate the left. Further, they have promoted false and misleading information regarding election fraud during the 2020 presidential election... Overall, we rate the Patriot Journal Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the use of poor sources, lack of transparency, and a few failed fact checks. (D. Van Zandt 2/21/2019) Updated (10/9/2021)".

“This observation raises a question of fundamental importance: if natural mucosal respiratory virus infections do not elicit complete and long-term protective immunity against reinfection, how can we expect vaccines, especially systemically administered non-replicating vaccines, to do so?”

Who said this, and what is your source, what site did you plagiarize (steal) it from?

Fauci and his co-authors go on to note that different vaccines have different objectives. Unlike others that may be aimed at preventing infection entirely or at preventing transmission, the COVID-19 vaccines were meant for “only preventing severe disease,” they wrote.

I have no idea where you cut and pasted this from, plagiarized, randomly threw it into the mix, and again no source.

Now, what part of doesn't prevent infection or transmission don't you understand? Fauci lied at the beginning and then decides to get honest way later.

I genuinely have absolutely no idea whatsoever what your point is. You have provided NO evidence anyone lied, not a dicky bird. All you have provided is two links to far right websites, and one of them because you forgot to remove the link after you plagiarized the site.

You poor soul. You don't know what to believe anymore.

You don't know what I do believe or what I don't believe, I haven't discussed it with you. Your tiny bubble of a world is defined by black and white, and there can only be right or wrong.

Your last link is to a site called The Daily Caller, another American far-right Trump supporting conspiracy theory site.

"In review, The Daily Caller is a strongly conservative news and opinion website involved in publishing controversial and false stories.... Failed numerous fact checks".

And just like your Chuckle Brother sidekick, Paul Chuckle, the site spam post articles, and so it is nigh on impossible, due to time constraints, to fact-check them all.

You don't understand what science is, you don't even understand, as basic as it gets, that far-right American conspiracy theory sites are not science. After 54 attempts, you STILL won't beat a one legged man in an arse kicking contest.

Marked 1 out of 10, abysmal failure.
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Cor blimey ragey man is angrier than normal this morning, getting all angry the moment he slunk out his pit and on behalf of someone else to boot.

Believes he is a scientist, rather than a p/t bookkeeper, because he has spent three years spamming this site with link to white supremacist sites.



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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You are an incredibly ignorant man, Christopher. Another hole you have dug yourself. In your own words, you have just confirmed every single thing myself and others have been saying to you for the past few years. You have just confirmed, in your own words, that the 10,000 + posts are non-scientific bullsh*t and that the 1,000s of YouTube videos you have posted from American white supremacist sites are garbage.

You are a p/t bookkeeper, you have no background in science, and you crudely attempt to discuss concepts that you do not understand.

You do not understand science. :D


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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"Dave studied Communications in college and over the years has focused on personal research in media bias and the role of media in politics."[3]

After your initial angry outburst regarding "‘scientifically proven methodology.’" a concept that you clearly don't understand, thanks for confirming what have we been telling you, and low and behold, even then you still go ahead and foolishly spam a link to one of your sources of information "Wikispooks".

Yet another conspiracy theorist, hard right white supremacist site, that describes itself as "an encyclopaedia of deep politics".

Exactly the same garbage you have immersed yourself in for the past three years.

Lame attempts to insult me will do you no favours and making false accusations won’t help either.

Playing the victim role again, you gaslighting abusive creature.

You have abused and insulted people for years on this site, Christopher, including on this very thread among others. You spam the site with links to, for example, Infowars, a hard right white supremacist site, that is a fact. There is nothing false about the fact that you post them.

You believe because you have spent three years immersed in "dark state" sh*ttery that you are qualified to comment, because you believe that you are a scientist. While you spam 1,000s of YouTube videos from non-scientific sources.



Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Medical opinion changes over time fella, unless you are in fear of your licence to practice apparently.

But not in your world, Christopher, only the "science" you assume that you understand. All these imaginary maverick "doctors" coming out of the woodwork "fighting da man" and "dey has been cancelled" and that you keep repeatedly pulling out the hat hoping for a different response.

You still don't understand, three years later and counting, what science is in relation to Covid, unless you assume it supports your argument. Which is why you troll spam post non-scientific YouYube videos from white supremacist sites, 1,000s of times. Three years later and counting, and you still have not produced a holy grail.

I’ve also cited .gov, the ONS, among others.

You haven't "cited" (thinks he is scientist now) f*ck all Christopher. You glean all your information from non-scientific sources, which distort quotes from the ONS, falsely, etc, that they claim is "science" and you believe every word they type because you too don't understand science.

But hey, you carry on believing your ‘fact checkers’ eh? Pmsl.

I just want to "educate" people (your words) that men like you are a menace, nothing you type is scientific, and you are gatewaying links (not the word I would use) that attempt to lead innocent people into your shadowy world of "patriotic" white supremacy.;)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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You're right, I don't click on any of the links you spam post now, Christopher, been there done that and got the T-shirt. Exactly the same links, from exactly the same sources, you have been spam posting since the first lockdown. The reason I don't click on any of your spam posted shittery Christopher is because you keep repeating exactly the same misinformation over and over again, and it is just obsessively odd behaviour in my opinion and particularly when you type self-important nonsense "if I only educate one single person it will have been worthwhile".

Exactly the same lines as previously, only now you believe that you have become a scientific "expert" and use slightly different language and terminology to demonstrate how expert that you think you are because you have spent the last three years immersed in a world of pandemic conspiracy theories and "patriotic white supremacy". ;)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Your deliberate ignorance is astounding, you claim “Exactly the same links, from exactly the same sources,”

This is a perfect example of you, Christopher one second you are passive and a victim and the very next second you are aggressive and argumentative.

WE HAVE ALREADY HAD MULTIPLE CONVERSATIONS ABOUT THIS (lol). You are just a self-important "online scientist" who believes if he slightly moves the goalposts, it will lead to a totally different outcome.
More than that though, your refusal to acknowledge the dangers, and harms, is highly insulting to those who have had their lives changed forever.

This bullsh*t, followed by more random bullsh*t totally unconnected. Because you don't understand how to present a coherent "scientific" argument, Christopher, everyone else is "gullible" except for you. In your world of Covid conspiracy theories, everyone is at it, and you have been repeating it for three years and counting.
On aside note, did you know (of course you didn’t) that a recent BMJ investigation revealed that 86% of MRHA funding came from the pharmaceutical industry.

You claimed similar to this on multiple occasions two years ago, this imaginary smoking gun that you never quite manage to produce, Christopher. We discussed it at the time, you really have lost the plot, although I suspect, the manner in which you keep repeating yourself, that you probably never had it in the first place. :rolleyes:


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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More than that though, your refusal to acknowledge the dangers, and harms, is highly insulting to those who have had their lives changed forever.

This false emotive hogwash makes my skin crawl, the same man who publicly mocked the deaths of Covid victims on multiple occasions, now "cares" about other people, now it is important. :mad:


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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No shame or emotional intelligence at all Christopher, tone deaf. It's an online battle you must win at all cost, including sacrificing your own mental health. Unfortunately, the powers to be tolerate your trolling and tolerate you spam posting links to white supremacist sites and so trolling you will be and spam posting links to white supremacist you will continue. :) Have fun.