Conspiracy Theory Addiction Is Real


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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I have no idea where you cut and pasted this from, plagiarized, randomly threw it into the mix, and again no source.
Yeah, we know the extent of your ideas.

Taking all of these factors into account, it is not surprising that none of the predominantly mucosal respiratory viruses have ever been effectively controlled by vaccines. This observation raises a question of fundamental importance: if natural mucosal respiratory virus infections do not elicit complete and long-term protective immunity against reinfection, how can we expect vaccines, especially systemically administered non-replicating vaccines, to do so? This is a major challenge for future vaccine development, and overcoming it is critical as we work to develop “next-generation” vaccines.

Gee, did you happen to notice the names of the authors on that paper? Of course you did. That's not the problem though. The problem is getting you to even look at anything that proves the deficiency in your non argument.

Do you like backing yourself into a corner until there's no more corners left for you to hide?


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Yeah, we know the extent of your ideas.

Compared to your shitty far right Covid conspiracy theory sites?

Gee, did you happen to notice the names of the authors on that paper?

You didn't post a link to a "paper" or any authors, stupid.

The problem is getting you to even look at anything that proves the deficiency in your non argument.

What is my argument, Barry??
Do you like backing yourself into a corner until there's no more corners left for you to hide?

Four corners in a room, or 20,000 in an office block? :)


Staff member
Jan 6, 2018
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The conspiracy theorist sees skullduggery everywhere; their default position is that everyone must be a liar and that simply everything is a cover up.

Their fear of being taken for a dupe, a fool, is so great, there can be no glimmer of trust.

Conspiracy theory is an emotional wound that overpowers the higher faculties of the mind – and is therefore best treated with reassurance, kindness, understanding and the one emotion they miss the most, that being love, for it’s here that the problem invariably began.

By understanding the fragility of the conspiracy theorist psyche, we have the option of navigating them away from the perilous falsehoods of conspiracy conmen, scammers, and fake news.

If it works, the support, offerings of help and intelligent council, will allow them to come out of the other side with a judicious mixture of trust, intelligent scepticism and a bright future filled with truths.
It's only a "conspiracy theory" until it's proven correct. What about then? Such as all the provable lies and misdeeds of politicians, corporations, banks and more. Over my considerable decades of living, I have personally witnessed much of what we were assured was "real" wasn't fully divulged to be accurate as we were led to believe, as time has proven over and over and over. I'm skeptical about much, but would never consider myself a conspiracy theorist. I have no power, so it is a "wait and see how things play out" for me most of the time. And, boy - does it often play out.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Really?? And you call him stupid? Pmsl
It's like he thinks he's conducting an experiment to find out how long he can go without answering a question or making a point.

I hope he understands that he's a godsend because frankly, I couldn't do this without him. :D


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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We all know and understand the political system is corrupt. We all know and understand rampant capitalism is corrupt. We all know corporatism is and has replaced capitalism.

But the argument put forward here is that the entire global scientific community are corrupt, all politicians in those communities are corrupt, and all doctors are corrupt, and I am quoting the resident conspiracy theorist word for word.

And the entire world is covering up MILLIONS of deaths specifically due to the Covid vaccination.

Good luck "proving" that one.

Any of you.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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What do you call this:

I call that a link you didn't post. You posted two links to two far-right conspiracy theory sites. It's on the page before this, stupid. I also have absolutely no intention of clicking on any of your virus riddled conspiracy theory sites. :)


Staff member
Jan 6, 2018
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These two guys are blinking hero's I tell you, blinking hero's.

Self-taught, experts in their field, modest, and whatever those fields may be. In only a few brief years they have mastered complex subjects such as virology, and far beyond PhD level. This is the beauty of the internet, the information age, we can all become experts, we can all understand the complexities of science, politics, economics, sociology and "data" just by clicking on a few YouTube videos. These guys though took the time to do it, to sacrifice themselves on our behalf, to educate us, to eradicate the "sheep" as they put it within us.

I mean, it's all about the "data", isn't it? Like the prediction by Pandemicoffear at the start of lockdown that 50% of vaccinated people will die from a cardiac arrest within two years. Data is very important, you see, especially when it is collated from hard right white supremacist sites such as "Infowars". These guys are serious players, well respected, a university professor would take a single look at their link to Infowars and immediately give them top scores without even reading their 256-word thesis.

I salute these guys who have bravely trodden where the average person fears.
No thesis would ever be 256 pages lol.
Nice try. But you're the one being challenged. You have yet to explain why you remain blind to the lies of people you've trusted. The answer, of course, is that you're afraid to face it.

So, why did fauci not speak up when he knew that the FDA's recommended cycle-threshold of 40 was way too high? And why did the FDA do such a stupid thing? I've already posted the quote from him that confirms what I'm saying. Do you have any explanation for that bullshyt, or are you going to pretend you haven't been asked to explain it? I'm guessing you're a pretender . . .
Here's an easily verifiable fact I found out and was absolutely horrified - Look how much "outside" money from Pharma companies actually goes to the FDA here in the USA! Talk about a massive conflict of interest..."Industry user fees" are paid for by pharmaceutical companies to get their brand new expensive drug approved.

Image result for big pharma funding the FDA

Human Drugs regulatory activities account for 33 percent of FDA's budget; 65 percent of these activities are paid for by industry user fees.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Oh, and one last thing, big shot. What is "my argument" that you keep referring to, over and over and over and over again? :rolleyes:

You appear to have psychic abilities, and so why don't you share them with everyone else?;)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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I call that a link you didn't post. You posted two links to two far-right conspiracy theory sites. It's on the page before this, stupid. I also have absolutely no intention of clicking on any of your virus riddled conspiracy theory sites. :)
Ah, now you're calling a site where fauci was a co-author a far-right conspiracy theory site.

Where will you run next?

But just state for the record that you believe fauci didn't coauthor that paper. That should be enough to convince anyone that you're not playing with a full deck.


Staff member
Jan 6, 2018
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I was taking the piss. My own thesis was 40,000 words

We already know, and we have already discussed it. What has that got to do with a global conspiracy involving all nations on earth?
I see I wrote pages, glad you understood I meant words lol. Now I've laughed at something stupid TWICE. *more coffee needed*