Conspiracy Theory Addiction Is Real


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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He genuinely, and it isn't even an act, in his booze fuelled existence, petulantly demands that other people watch the entirety of the THOUSANDS of random videos that he spams, from the creepy sites he spends all his time on, and to then "prove" him wrong.

Doesn't understand academia, doesn't understand science.

HaHaHa. :D
Does the experimental injection prevent infection or transmission?

It's almost as if you don't want to answer that. Did I say "almost"?

What are you afraid of besides losing your misconceptions?


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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And as I said before science evolves, sadly apparently you do not.

I totally agree, science does evolve, and as myself and TwoWhales and others have said since the first lockdown. "Follow the science" and which you have not. Not in your world of black and white certainties and 10,000+ posts of "evidence" where you constantly discredit what science said, until now, and only now because you believe it has finally said what you want it to say.

I'll repeat, you do not understand science.

‘Science’ once believed that masks protected the wearer from Covid, now we know without question that they don’t, and they can’t. You really need to keep up.

Again, this is why you do not understand science. It is all black and white in your world, it either is or it isn't in your world of Infowars conspiracy theory YouTube videos.

now we know without question that they don’t, and they can’t.

Who is this "we" you refer to?

You don't know anything at all or whether the masks protect you or not. Of course, you could post "scientific evidence" to prove your statement. Alas, unfortunately you can't post any evidence because no to date no such evidence exists, and btw I have taken the time to check big shot. Money where your big mouth is, time.

You do not understand the science you have spent 10,000 + posts, three years, discrediting. ;)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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nothing you were told about masks was true.

I didn't say anything about masks other than in the context of follow scientific advice. Whereas you gibbered on like a deranged baboon, "follow the money".

let’s put this to bed.
Or are you scared?

School yard stuff, man child. So you haven't got, as usual, in over three years, a single shred of evidence to support a single word that you type.

I said follow the science from the start,

The "science" (quackery) that you quoted on your "Pandemicoffear" ID unequivocally stated "50% of the population who had were vaccinated will die within two years".

How is that prediction coming along, btw?

Then yet again you incoherently ramble on about Bill Gates because as usual you have to stuff your hollow lines with something that only you think is credible and which no one else who can think for themselves does.

‘Science’ once believed that masks protected the wearer from Covid, now we know without question that they don’t, and they can’t.

You have constantly claimed this in over 10,000 posts, 1,000s of YouTube videos, and to date have provided not a single shred of "scientific" evidence to support it.

"Follow the science".

Will you watch this video

I don't need to watch anything you spam post from YouTube, Christopher, to know that you do not understand science.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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No evidence, doesn't understand how science works.

Posts links to hard right white supremacist sites that are platforms for Islamophobia, racism, misogyny, Incel hate groups, and hate speech and bigotry in general.

The man is coming for you in the UK, coming for people like you, and when he does no, longer will you be able to signpost extremism openly among law-abiding decent folk.

Your days are numbered.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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More transparent delusions, nowhere is who they appear to be in Christopher's world, it's all do with Bill Gates of course.

Your time here is numbered. You will run away in tears again very soon. I’ve no doubt.

No, yet again that just isn't accurate. You suck the energy off the boards, and you have been revitalised for a few days because your transparent trolling has had a response. No doubt it won't last long, and you can go back to killing the boards and killing all traffic on them. ;)


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Run away little boy, it’s all you ever do.

You also typed that to chatters no longer with us, for years you typed it, you're a troll Christopher. A reaction is EXACTLY what drives you, and what gives your miserable existence, validity. :D


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Distraction again Tiddles.

I have no idea why you are so paranoid about everyone else, Christopher, they can read the threads themselves and make up their own minds.

I also have no intention of clicking on the links of any YouTube video you spam post btw, 1,000s of times and only very rarely, 2 or 3 times, have I.

100% science supported mask wearing during lockdown, and that there is still no firm evidence that argues otherwise, and which is exactly why you have not got a f****** scooby do about it now.

If you had it as you claim, you would post it quicker than you spam post gibberish.

Now, have fun typing to yourself. :D


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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I have no idea why you are so paranoid about everyone else, Christopher, they can read the threads themselves and make up their own minds.

I also have no intention of clicking on the links of any YouTube video you spam post btw, 1,000s of times and only very rarely, 2 or 3 times, have I.

100% science supported mask wearing during lockdown, and that there is still no firm evidence that argues otherwise, and which is exactly why you have not got a f****** scooby do about it now.

If you had it as you claim, you would post it quicker than you spam post gibberish.

Now, have fun typing to yourself. :D



I believe it thinks you and I are the same person.

What a mess its head is in.

No wonder it cannot tell fact from fiction.

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