Conspiracy Theory Addiction Is Real


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Why don't you dumb it down further so that you finally grasp, Barry, that it has already been repeatedly discussed on this forum. So I suggest Barry that you stick to typing in riddles and repeating the same question over and over again. It has already been covered, multiple times on this forum and far more in depth than your witless repetitive word salad.

Is that dumb enough for you, kid?
If it's been discussed to conclusion, then that's great! Does my heart good to know that you and the beagle are the only ones who came out of those past discussions believing that the only way to protect yourself and others is to get injected with something that doesn't prevent transmission.

However, you seem sane enough to not answer the question on the grounds that it will make you look gullible.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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If it's been discussed to conclusion, then that's great! Does my heart good to know that you and the beagle are the only ones who came out of those past discussions believing the only way to protect yourself and others is to get injected with something that doesn't prevent transmission.

However, you seem sane enough to not answer the question on the grounds that it will make you look gullible.

Are you always this late to the party? I suggest that you read the previous threads that are readily available from over two years ago. Over 10,000 comments courtesy of your new sidekick, who will happily egg you on to do his bidding, and I warned you about this weeks ago. If you want to have a genuine grown up debate, Barry, then I suggest you lose the bad attitude, the insults, the riddles and the word salad. :oops:


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Many conspiracy theory followers report having mental health condition

Conspiracy theorists believe a baseless and debunked conspiracy theory claiming that coronavirus is a biological weapon used to gain control over the world’s population, and that Bill Gates is somehow trying to use coronavirus vaccinations to implant microchips into people and more.

And that a satanic cabal of pedophiles and cannibals controls world governments and the media.

They also subscribe to many other outlandish and improbable ideas, such as that the Earth is flat.

In court records of conspiracy theorists, arrested after harassing medical personnel, or while creating a disturbance at hospitals, GP surgeries, pharmacies etc., 78% reported they had received mental health diagnoses.

The conditions they revealed included post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, paranoid schizophrenia, depressive illness, drug addiction, alcoholism and Munchausen's by proxy.

Research has long revealed connections between psychological problems and beliefs in conspiracy theories.

For example, anxiety increases conspiratorial thinking, as does social isolation and loneliness.

Depressed, narcissistic and emotionally detached people are also prone to have a conspiratorial mindset.

Likewise, people who exhibit suspicious and paranoid behavior – and who are manipulative, irresponsible and low on empathy – are more likely to believe conspiracy theories.

The isolation of lockdowns, compounded by the anxiety related to COVID and the economic uncertainty, made a bad situation worse.

The results being that conspiracy theorists were sent spiralling out of control in full paranoid panic fear mode.


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Someone needs to chat in the rooms more often. The consensus is, that in fact, it is he who is barking. :D


Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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A whole group of people think he has killed the boards with his paranoid drivel, I agree. :D


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Are you always this late to the party? I suggest that you read the previous threads that are readily available from over two years ago. Over 10,000 comments courtesy of your new sidekick, who will happily egg you on to do his bidding, and I warned you about this weeks ago. If you want to have a genuine grown up debate, Barry, then I suggest you lose the bad attitude, the insults, the riddles and the word salad. :oops:
So if I understand you correctly, you interpret my yes-or-no question as harassment? Or is it word-salad? Or is it both? I'll bet you're the only one here with that kind of perception.

Now let's get serious. Explain your rationale for taking an experimental injection that doesn't prevent infection or transmission. You know by now everyone is wondering about your refusal to answer that. And so am I.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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A whole group of people think he has killed the boards with his paranoid drivel, I agree. :D
Tell me more about this . . . group you think is standing behind you.


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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You made the silly mistake of expecting an answer… you know that is a futile endeavour. Lol
I also didn't know that his anger would increase exponentially with each time he's forced to publicly refuse to answer a simple question because the answer would make his vaccine philosophy look mindless. How honest is that . . . or is even that question too . . . mean?
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Fluffy elephants dance on candyfloss pink clouds.
Nov 2, 2022
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Yes 100% I agree, countless billions of people, the entire scientific community, doctors, the global medical profession, all politicians in all countries, academics worldwide, are all now flocking to a chat site because the unique Chuckle Brothers have solved the riddle.

They have revealed the real truth. They have unlocked the door. They have solved the conundrum. They have outwitted science. They have mastered the man. They have bravely held their YouTube scientific research up for scrutiny by their peers. Not only that, but they can also see things that only "the chosen ones" can see, and all while they type the same lines over and over and over again, for years, while praying for a different outcome. :D


UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Yes 100% I agree, countless billions of people, the entire scientific community, doctors, the global medical profession, all politicians in all countries, academics worldwide, are all now flocking to a chat site because the unique Chuckle Brothers have solved the riddle.

They have revealed the real truth. They have unlocked the door. They have solved the conundrum. They have outwitted science. They have mastered the man. They have bravely held their YouTube scientific research up for scrutiny by their peers. Not only that, but they can also see things that only "the chosen ones" can see, and all while they type the same lines over and over and over again, for years, while praying for a different outcome. :D
Wow. That has to be the best attempt at getting out of answering a simple question that I've seen in a long time. Can you see the extent to which you are going just to avoid saying yes or no to the simple question of whether or not you're aware that the experimental injection does not prevent infection or transmission?

So, are you aware of that?