Brexit - Second Referendum



The new Brexit terminology amuses me..they now talk about 'crashing out' instead of 'leaving' and a 'peoples vote' instead of a 2nd referendum They go on about it will hurt the economy but people voted leave mainly because of uncontrolled immigration..our lords and masters just don't get that.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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The new Brexit terminology amuses me..they now talk about 'crashing out' instead of 'leaving' and a 'peoples vote' instead of a 2nd referendum They go on about it will hurt the economy but people voted leave mainly because of uncontrolled immigration..our lords and masters just don't get that.

It just seems the rules and stance on Brexit are constantly changing. I find it all very confusing at the moment. I think at this point, anything can happen, even a People's Vote on May's deal or Remaining is an option.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 4, 2018
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They be giving us a 2nd vote at all not enough time left .


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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They be giving us a 2nd vote at all not enough time left .

Unless they extend Article 50. Labour could refuse whatever deal she comes back with to extend time, and then settle it in a People's Vote. If that does happen, then i see Remain winning.


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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We will be OK Reece Mogg has said it will probably only take 50 years for it to correct it self !! Wonder if thats why he moved his funds to Ireland !!
Jan 3, 2018
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I remember when we voted to leave the EU, Cornwall voted in large numbers to leave. What gets me is that when Cornwall Council asks Government if Cornwall will still get special funding equivilant to the EU funding it now receives, funding which outways the amount of funding from London. Media jumps on it like ravenous wolves with the response that since we voted to leave then we shouldn't get any future funding. After that response, with media and some of the public saying the Cornish people should continue to be neglected and ignored even more, I'm quite unconcerning about what hardships Brexit will have on the UK. Anyone that wishes hardship on anyone just for confirmation of something can forget any chance of me having sympathy for them. I know this example was just the media stirring but the amount of arrogance shown by a majority of people means I'm unconcerned about what happens to those people, I'll wish the same on them as they wished on my people.

So to put it straight and put the same conditions onto the rest of the UK as were put on Cornwall by media, I think the UK should live with the decision it made, anyone should get abused for asking anything, and noone should not receive any future treatment from the UK Government which is currently provided by the EU. Sound alright?


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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I just wanna get out or no deal.


UKChat Newbie
Aug 13, 2018
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well birtain stood alone once against europe and we help to free it they have short memmories best wiithout it i say if it was just for free trade yes otherwise no


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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I remember when we voted to leave the EU, Cornwall voted in large numbers to leave. What gets me is that when Cornwall Council asks Government if Cornwall will still get special funding equivilant to the EU funding it now receives, funding which outways the amount of funding from London. Media jumps on it like ravenous wolves with the response that since we voted to leave then we shouldn't get any future funding. After that response, with media and some of the public saying the Cornish people should continue to be neglected and ignored even more, I'm quite unconcerning about what hardships Brexit will have on the UK. Anyone that wishes hardship on anyone just for confirmation of something can forget any chance of me having sympathy for them. I know this example was just the media stirring but the amount of arrogance shown by a majority of people means I'm unconcerned about what happens to those people, I'll wish the same on them as they wished on my people.

So to put it straight and put the same conditions onto the rest of the UK as were put on Cornwall by media, I think the UK should live with the decision it made, anyone should get abused for asking anything, and noone should not receive any future treatment from the UK Government which is currently provided by the EU. Sound alright?

I agree with the fact that people shouldn't be wishing hardship on anyone who voted differently, or has the opposite political view. I've seen a lot of that from Remainers who are scorned and predict death for those older voters who dared to vote the way they felt.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 4, 2018
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I remember when we voted to leave the EU, Cornwall voted in large numbers to leave. What gets me is that when Cornwall Council asks Government if Cornwall will still get special funding equivilant to the EU funding it now receives, funding which outways the amount of funding from London. Media jumps on it like ravenous wolves with the response that since we voted to leave then we shouldn't get any future funding. After that response, with media and some of the public saying the Cornish people should continue to be neglected and ignored even more, I'm quite unconcerning about what hardships Brexit will have on the UK. Anyone that wishes hardship on anyone just for confirmation of something can forget any chance of me having sympathy for them. I know this example was just the media stirring but the amount of arrogance shown by a majority of people means I'm unconcerned about what happens to those people, I'll wish the same on them as they wished on my people.

So to put it straight and put the same conditions onto the rest of the UK as were put on Cornwall by media, I think the UK should live with the decision it made, anyone should get abused for asking anything, and noone should not receive any future treatment from the UK Government which is currently provided by the EU. Sound alright?

1] Cornwall not only ones to benefit form EU funding most of the country do. so Cornwall wont be only one being ignore and neglected.there lots of thinks that will be stopped free health services when you go on holiday you will have to pay for. heaven help the duty free you all been getting.
2] We as a country are broke!!! , so no one will get funding of any kind. The NHS needs funding....... Children services are being cut all over the shop. Lastest thing is the guides on buses for disabled children. the Government cut funds to local councils and they cutting the cloth to all
3] The knock on effect will last for years. so i suggest. batten don your hatches and keep smiling [ me i voted to stay shock horror]


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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well birtain stood alone once against europe and we help to free it they have short memmories best wiithout it i say if it was just for free trade yes otherwise no

People voted for the European Economy Community back then(EEC) and were led to believe it was only about trade. Of course our political elite never fully tell the people the truth. We'll never know what we've been signed up to until it finally hits us.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 4, 2018
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May i add i dont think its the older generation that will pay for this it be be our grandchildren .


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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May i add i dont think its the older generation that will pay for this it be be our grandchildren .

I'm rather impressed with our younger generation i must say. They do seem to be more open to travelling and gaining skills. My only worry is about the lack of skilled workers in this country. I fear as though we will have a shortage if we train them up and they decide to move to live and work in mainland Europe. A positive of Brexit is that we can offer skilled workers from the Commonwealth from poorer countries and people with backgrounds. Your scientists, medical professions, safer opportunities for farmers(white South African farmers i have in mind here specifically, who are being driven out from their own land violently).


UKChat Initiate
Jan 3, 2018
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Look here .... the majority of the British public voted OUT and we are supposed be a democratic country.
So forget all the arguing and lets go by the majority vote.. the sooner the better.


Look here .... the majority of the British public voted OUT and we are supposed be a democratic country.
So forget all the arguing and lets go by the majority vote.. the sooner the better.
That is way too simplistic my dear - it's not kids play where you just walk away ! You may well have voted to leave, andby all means leave if you want to ... but how do you leave ? That's what the adults are trying to sort out.


UKChat Celebrity
Feb 9, 2018
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That is way too simplistic my dear - it's not kids play where you just walk away ! You may well have voted to leave, andby all means leave if you want to ... but how do you leave ? That's what the adults are trying to sort out.

1. We have Chequers, which is think is going to be eventually accepted, but further concessions will be made to the EU for them to accept it.

2. We have the popular Canada ++ model, which would answer the Irish border question(also includes free trade).

3. We have the less popular Norwegian model.

4. And we have the least popular WTO rules no deal outcome.

You're spot on Ben. We've had the vote, and Leave won so we are leaving. But how do we Leave is the question.