Believe this or don’t. I merely give you the opportunity to read it.

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No Ge, where has your DanNorfolk profiles gone btw .. oh yes it was banned wasn't it you sad old fart. Highly amusing you have reinvented yourself again... no aspirations to become a mod again?

I have never said there is a conspiracy to " murder anyone" , I just call out the disingenuous bilge that comes from your keyboard as ever.
Please don’t bite Percy. I don’t want this shut down because of your personal spat with Sam.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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You can call me what you like Percy666 unlike you I am not banned from chat. I can log off the boards and chat.

I didn't say you did say that. I commented on your ludicrous lecture regarding your idol, David Icke.

Pot Kettle Black.


"Sam" I have never seen you in the chatrooms once so clearly you go there as a guest hiding away to know who is banned and who isn't.

Your david Icke rubbish just takes away any credibility from your argument- why not argue your case if you have one without ludicrous assertions about Icke who is denounced by everyone on here. No chatter on this site believes Icke is sane or any of the so called anti vaxxers believe he is so why refer to him ?


"Sam" I have never seen you in the chatrooms once so clearly you go there as a guest hiding away to know who is banned and who isn't.

Your david Icke rubbish just takes away any credibility from your argument- why not argue your case if you have one without ludicrous assertions about Icke who is denounced by everyone on here. No chatter on this site believes Icke is sane or any of the so called anti vaxxers believe he is so why refer to him ?
Stop please or he will get what he wants… this thread shut down.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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You can't provide a single example of a personal insult. Like most conspiracy theory anti-vaxxers you play the victim when your ignorance is exposed.

You change your stance every two minutes. You post random graphs and facts and figures that you think are impressive and when in fact they are complete garbage and totally irrelevant to the claims you make.

You discuss psychology as if you are a professional and it is ludicrous how you randoms think you are more intelligent and learned than both scientists and academics.

Thank you for making my point.
Everything I have shown is certifiable as sourced, yet you discount it as irrelevant and say I am simply an anti vaxxer and a denialist.
Both of which, in this climate are offensive, to be fair though, I dont really care. :D

Actually, I am a trained psychologist, so I do have a little knowledge of what I talk about.
Both as a Social scientist and a general theorist when discussing medical matters.

Whilst I'm not an epidemiologist or a virologist, neither are most of the people on the SAGE panel.
They are psychologists, especially behavioural psychologists.

What I do object to, perhaps its simply me being to curious.

Why are SAGE meetings redacted with who is present or advising?


Have you ever heard of the phrase
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."

Only by questioning do we learn answers, to blindly trust any single source of truth is false worship, not of an opinion, but an ideology.

I'm not going to convince you, nor would I try, I'm having to much fun.

Besides, I don't actually think you believe half the BS you have typed, but anyway.


As I have said before, vaccines takes a decade to be fully tested with all kinds of adverse side effects investigated before being unleashed upon the public. The pfizer vaccine is new technology which is in it's infancy so why would people not question it


BTW I don't think millions will drop dead of blood clots either, I believe it's essentially guesswork with them shifting the goalposts as they go along hoping for the best.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
Reaction score
Thank you for making my point.
Everything I have shown is certifiable as sourced, yet you discount it as irrelevant and say I am simply an anti vaxxer and a denialist.
Both of which, in this climate are offensive, to be fair though, I dont really care. :D

Actually, I am a trained psychologist, so I do have a little knowledge of what I talk about.
Both as a Social scientist and a general theorist when discussing medical matters.

Whilst I'm not an epidemiologist or a virologist, neither are most of the people on the SAGE panel.
They are psychologists, especially behavioural psychologists.

What I do object to, perhaps its simply me being to curious.

Why are SAGE meetings redacted with who is present or advising?


Have you ever heard of the phrase
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge."

Only by questioning do we learn answers, to blindly trust any single source of truth is false worship, not of an opinion, but an ideology.

I'm not going to convince you, nor would I try, I'm having to much fun.

Besides, I don't actually think you believe half the BS you have typed, but anyway.

What was your original ID?

Not a difficult question is it?

So you claim to be an "engineer", a "psychologist" and a "social scientist". Let's assume to degree level. Why you feel the urge to share your imaginary qualifications, I don't know.

What do you think your personal "social science" tutor would say if you presented that argument to him in an essay?


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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BTW I don't think millions will drop dead of blood clots either, I believe it's essentially guesswork with them shifting the goalposts as they go along hoping for the best.

Neither do I, but we have no idea what an mRNA based treatment will do in the new born with vaccinated mothers, that study isn't finished until 2035.


UKChat Expert
Aug 8, 2019
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The whole covid thing is still a new ish virus along with everything that runs along side it, no one really knows a great deal and like percy said there is a lot of ifs buts and maybes ... time will tell right? Keep yourself safe and hope for the best


The whole covid thing is still a new ish virus along with everything that runs along side it, no one really knows a great deal and like percy said there is a lot of ifs buts and maybes ... time will tell right? Keep yourself safe and hope for the best
Well said. All I have ever done here is give ppl the chance to read things they will not see elsewhere. Whether they believe any of the info is purely up to the individual.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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What was your original ID?

Not a difficult question is it?

So you claim to be an "engineer", a "psychologist" and a "social scientist". Let's assume to degree level. Why you feel the urge to share your imaginary qualifications, I don't know.

What do you think your personal "social science" tutor would say if you presented that argument to him in an essay?

"What was your original ID?"

Again with the alluding that I am either someone else, schizophrenic or a DID sufferer.

You really have a burr up your ass about that.

It's been fun, but to be fair, I'm bored, drunk and tired :)

I'll come back to play tomorrow.

Right now, I need a kebab.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
Reaction score
"What was your original ID?"

Again with the alluding that I am either someone else, schizophrenic or a DID sufferer.

You really have a burr up your ass about that.

It's been fun, but to be fair, I'm bored, drunk and tired :)

I'll come back to play tomorrow.

Right now, I need a kebab.

I didn't allude to anything you yourself stated it is not your original ID.

Enjoy your kebab.

Social science you say... I will have fun with you on that one. I have never experienced such a lackadaisical approach to any subject, but particularly this one.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
Reaction score
"Sam" I have never seen you in the chatrooms once so clearly you go there as a guest hiding away to know who is banned and who isn't.

Your david Icke rubbish just takes away any credibility from your argument- why not argue your case if you have one without ludicrous assertions about Icke who is denounced by everyone on here. No chatter on this site believes Icke is sane or any of the so called anti vaxxers believe he is so why refer to him ?

So although Icke has exactly the same argument as you, you are admitting he is a nut job but denying you have anything in common with him.


Secondly, try arguing your case without resorting to personal abuse and dismissing any opinions that differ from yours, and when you do you won't be banned in the future.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Now apparently the entire UKs media are also in on this conspiracy and have combined to hoodwink the entire UK population and you have discovered this singlehandedly and after a year of research. Everyone else in this country, 70 million people, have been subjected to "personal fear" and brainwashed into compliance.

But it didn't fool you did it, no Sir.


A stereotypical anti vaxx stance and exactly the same sort of statement the likes of the barking mad David Icke make all day long and twice on a Sunday.

A much more eloquent version of the other one but with exactly the same message.

Just one last question if I may... Why have you two whistleblowers not reported your findings to the relevant independent media outlets and your local MP etc?

Let me guess... They are in on it as well.

hands clap.png

Well said @SamBally. This is the crux of the matter. That Covidiots, antivaxxers, antimaskers firmly believe that they have 'greater knowledge' about a worldwide plague, that is killing millions of people and leaving 10's of millions seriously ill with long Covid and other side effects, than 10,000s of scientists and health professionals.

As you say, for some extraordinary reason they believe that they have sussed out some conspiracy theory or evidence, that is holding the UK/world to ransom, and they know it all because they are 'woke'. This is the ego and Dunning Kruger affect of the Covidiot, antivaxxer, antimasker, and conspiracy theorist.

Their ability to 'research' is so poor, I wouldn't trust them to 'find out' a recipe for a cup of tea. They cherry pick facts to suit their agenda, from sources that no one with any skill in research would ever use (those sources are total unscientific bollocks) because it is too hard for them to accept they are wrong, or they are too bloody stupid to realise.

Debating with them makes me feel dirty, sick and sad in the knowledge that they are wandering around, pushing their deadly ideas onto others who, like them, will fall for this fearmongering, because some fucked up, unqualified tv, film, music star, or pseudo/fake doctor, Covidiot has said it is right/correct/true.

And from there, they will spread this disease, keeping it going, allowing it to mutate, until finally we will have a virus that we cannot control, cannot temper, cannot keep at bay, a virus that will go on to cause more devastation than we can ever imagine. (God, I so hope I am wrong about this last sentence.)

They say ''open your eyes'', while keeping every part of their own beings closed to scientific evidence and facts. Closed minds filled with crazy.



"Icke has the same views as me " so by that logic then if a guy that believed in a floating cow said the sun rose in the east and I agreed with the sun coming up in the east , it'd mean I agreed with everything else he said would it?


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
Reaction score
@SamBally you can tell when you are winning, when the Covidiots, male Karen's, and gammons start to attack your screen name, room time, age, gender, etc.

They are beyond triggered at that stage. Their lies hold no sway, they have been shown for what they are and their egos go anger ballistic.


2whales doesnt offer anything to any topic, just whines about karens with silly pictures.. no ones triggered, its just like watching a kid in a sandpit throwing his toys about without the intelligence to offer anything constructive to any topic spamming the board with rubbish thread after thread.


View attachment 3908

Well said @SamBally. This is the crux of the matter. That Covidiots, antivaxxers, antimaskers firmly believe that they have 'greater knowledge' about a worldwide plague, that is killing millions of people and leaving 10's of millions seriously ill with long Covid and other side effects, than 10,000s of scientists and health professionals.

As you say, for some extraordinary reason they believe that they have sussed out some conspiracy theory or evidence, that is holding the UK/world to ransom, and they know it all because they are 'woke'. This is the ego and Dunning Kruger affect of the Covidiot, antivaxxer, antimasker, and conspiracy theorist.

Their ability to 'research' is so poor, I wouldn't trust them to 'find out' a recipe for a cup of tea. They cherry pick facts to suit their agenda, from sources that no one with any skill in research would ever use (those sources are total unscientific bollocks) because it is too hard for them to accept they are wrong, or they are too bloody stupid to realise.

Debating with them makes me feel dirty, sick and sad in the knowledge that they are wandering around, pushing their deadly ideas onto others who, like them, will fall for this fearmongering, because some fucked up, unqualified tv, film, music star, or pseudo/fake doctor, Covidiot has said it is right/correct/true.

And from there, they will spread this disease, keeping it going, allowing it to mutate, until finally we will have a virus that we cannot control, cannot temper, cannot keep at bay, a virus that will go on to cause more devastation than we can ever imagine. (God, I so hope I am wrong about this last sentence.)

They say ''open your eyes'', while keeping every part of their own beings closed to scientific evidence and facts. Closed minds filled with crazy.

What evidence? Oh the evidence from people in Sage? Or the media? Both groups which have been proven to mislead and lie. Again, the vaccines MAY prevent death from Covid but it does not prevent infection or transmission. Ask yourself this, knowing that the unvaxxed are unlikely to be being tested, where are all these new cases coming from? Masks in general do nothing but increase the fear factor, they certainly don’t prevent you catching or spreading the virus, that has been proven and admitted by Sage themselves.
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