Believe this or don’t. I merely give you the opportunity to read it.

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Ok Sam, let’s see if you can do better than TwoWhales; he bottled it.
Sam, Are you saying the vaccine aren’t killing people, yes or no. Are you saying the vaccines don’t cause debilitating side effects, yes or no?

I’ve made it easy for you, just two simple yes/no questions.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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The gov’ts own figures today said 60% of hospitalisations are fully vaccinated. 60%!!!!
What exactly to the vaccine do, because it sure doesn’t protect you from Covid.

I won't hold my breath waiting for an explanation to this statement. Where he read it and the complete breakdown.

Doesn't understand statistics.

Makes false statements in a silly attempt to deceive.

Changes the subject.



Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Still no explanation to a statement he made and no one else.

Same M.O throughout this particular thread.

It's rather pathetic really...

Enjoy your night.


Still no explanation to a statement he made and no one else.

Same M.O throughout this particular thread.

It's rather pathetic really...

Enjoy your night.
Still no answer to a simple question?
It’s quite pathetic really.

Same MO on every thread.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Sir Patrick Vallance @uksciencechief Twitter

8:26 pm - Jul 19, 2021 - Twitter Web App

quote : ''Correcting a statistic I gave at the press conference today, 19 July. About 60% of hospitalisations from covid are not from double vaccinated people, rather 60% of hospitalisations from covid are currently from unvaccinated people.''



This must be killing Sam and TwoWhales. Wanting to call the gov’t yet supporting then in their tyrannical measures. Maybe that’s why neither of them can answer a simple question.
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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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You voted for these useless, lying cvnts, so don't come whining and bitching at me because it's all gone tits up. smfh (I told you so)



covid rules 1.jpg


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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UKChat Expert
Jan 4, 2018
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I just wanted to tell you that i`ve recovered from my short break but i won`t be posting anything on this thread unless or until i have caught up with affairs :). It`s possible i may not make any more comments on the thread at all ,you`ll be pleased to know :).


Staff member
Sep 17, 2018
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The majority of those who get fully vaccinated with the Covid-19 jab will die within a few short years from heart failure, warns Dr Charles Hoffe, M.D, a medical practitioner from British Columbia, Canada.

In his latest update from July 6, Hoffe reported on the disturbing findings in his patients who took the vaccine. He said that the experimental mRNA vaccines are blocking thousands of tiny capillaries in the blood of those who are fully vaccinated.

As a result, he warned that those who have received the vaccine are at risk of dying from heart failure within just a few years.

Hoffe explained that the spike proteins injected – which are designed to be mass-produced in the bodies of the vaccinated – are responsible for the clotting, which is causing adverse reactions in no fewer than 60 percent of people who received the jab.

Dr Hoffe said: “We now know that only 25 percent of the ‘vaccine injected into a person’s arm actually stays in your arm. The other 75 percent is collected by your lymphatic system and literally fed into your circulation.”

He said that the “little packages of messenger RNA” are designed to be absorbed by your cells, but that the only place they can be absorbed is around your blood vessels, where they are then absorbed by the capillary networks.

The body then begins reading and manufacturing trillions of spike proteins, which are then recognised as foreign bodies, teaching your body to create antibodies in response.

However, this is where the problems start. With the coronavirus, the spike proteins become part of the viral capsule: It becomes part of the cell wall around the virus. But it is not in a virus, it’s actually in your cells, therefore becoming part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium.

This means that the cells lining your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth to allow your blood to flow smoothly, now have little spikey bits sticking out.

Dr Hoffe said that it is inevitable that the vaccinated will develop blood clots because as the spike proteins embed themselves within capillary networks, blood platelets circulate around attempting to fix the problem by creating more clots.

“So, when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel.

“Therefore, these spike proteins can predictably cause blood clots. They are in your blood vessels (if mRNA ‘vaccinated’) so it is guaranteed.”

Dr Hoffe said that the cases of blood clots that the media report and claim are very rare are the “big” blood clots – the ones that cause strokes and are visible on CT and MRI scans.

“The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.”

A D-dimer test is a type of blood test that can rule out the presence of a serious blood clot. D-dimer is a part of a protein that is leftover in the blood after your body works to clot the blood when healing a cut. Doctors can use a D-dimer test to see if you have a blood clot as high levels of this protein part can indicate you have a major clot like deep vein thrombosis.

Dr Hoffe said that he has been performing D-dimer tests on his vaccinated patients and has disturbingly identified that 62 percent of them had microscopic blood clots.

“These people have no idea they are even having these microscopic blood clots. The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart, and lungs that cannot regenerate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots, they are permanently damaged.”

As a result, these patients have ‘Reduced Effort Tolerance’ (RET), which means that they have shortness of breath. In his video, Dr Hoffe explained that this is because the blood vessels in their lungs are now clogged up. This forces the heart to work harder to keep up against a greater resistance to get blood through to the lun
This is known as pulmonary artery hypertension – high blood pressure in the lungs because blood cannot effectively get through. Those who have this condition often die of heart failure within a few short years.

Dr Hoffe concluded with: “The shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.”
Damn! Like reading a book! Lots of typing too


1st post Newbie and had to delve straight into the most controversial thread of all! Reading this was akin to a good ITV drama. Love it- thanks all involved. You have me hooked. I just might come back.

I know, I know, my tuppence won’t be worth much, but I’ll spend it anyway…
Both sides- you are both slaves to what you are being told. None of us are privy to the real agenda of all of this. We are all proletariat- destined to do nothing more than what we are allowed and no matter what side you’re on here, you will be controlled eventually.


UKChat Celebrity
Jan 5, 2018
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1st post Newbie and had to delve straight into the most controversial thread of all! Reading this was akin to a good ITV drama. Love it- thanks all involved. You have me hooked. I just might come back.

I know, I know, my tuppence won’t be worth much, but I’ll spend it anyway…
Both sides- you are both slaves to what you are being told. None of us are privy to the real agenda of all of this. We are all proletariat- destined to do nothing more than what we are allowed and no matter what side you’re on here, you will be controlled eventually.

Like we have been for the last 200 hundred years.

Have to laugh at the modern narratives governments use to divide us.

Slavery, there's more slavery in the western world right now than there was ever during the USA/European Slave Trade Era.
Racial, not going there, to much to talk about, did that in another post.
Patriarchy, really.. this one makes me laugh.
If I hit a women I am an outcast and she gets the house or at least a shelter for now.
What do I get as a man if she hits me.

It's laughable how the law, governance and social norms dictate how we are treated.

For a people who are supposed to be "Free" I think we need to examine what that word means before we use it ideologically.

Actual Freedom has little to do with what you can and cannot do when you are now careful of what you can and cannot say.


UKChat Newbie
Aug 17, 2021
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So according to this thread and the OP, the majority of you who took the Covid vaccine will be dead in two years' time from a heart attack.

Please make sure your financial affairs are all in order and if there is anyone left to leave your estates to you have an up to date will.

Stay safe out there.
I think you'll find some insurances won't cover your death after taking an experimental "vaccine" with long term side effects unknown and where all the animals used in trials died....

I'd also like to thank anyone who has been jabbed for their contribution to science...
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