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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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The anti-vaxx pro disease idiots don't realise they are pushing and promoting the Kremlin and Putin's Covid misinformation, lies and propaganda. All with Putin's intent of undermining trust in science and Western institutions. He is laughing at them.

Putin’s propaganda channels RT & Sputnik propagate conspiracy theories, forcing them on to an audience across all forms of social media and some.

And the antivaxxers fall for this propaganda because their paranoia is so easily tapped into.




Just listening to the BBC News...
'....died within 28 days of a positive Covid death'
So if I have non-symptomatic Covid and my living room ceiling crashes down on me and kills me through traumatic injuries, but on my admission to hospital, they quickly take a Covid test (you know, to protect vaccinated people) and I test positive- is my death reported as one of those who died within 28 days of a positive Covid test?
I wanna know!


Yes. That’s been known to be the case for months.
And that is part of my problem with the whole she-bang. It makes me question why the figures are have to be manipulated? What is the agenda to creating mass hysteria and this kind of societal paranoia?


I love you, Saphire- you know I do, but on this subject we are adversaries and one of the factors I'll bleat on about with this subject is the reporting of people who have died with Covid. The important word there is 'with'- not 'of'. There are primary and secondary illnesses reported on death certificates and if a person has it as a secondary illness, they are included in the figures. It doesn't mean Covid caused their death.
Furthermore, those figures are reliant on human reporting: the hospital reporting it as a Covid death and the coroner recording it as such- this leaves the actual figure open to margins of misreporting and deception.
So these figures leave me with additional questions, such as how many hospitals have reported a primary death cause as Covid, when in fact the primary cause was something else that could be found to be a responsibility of the hospital, such as neglect, delayed treatment or contracting another illness while in the care of the hospital?
If there's ever been an opportunity to shift blame elsewhere, this is it.

Also there's the coroner. For whatever reasons, there could be misreporting there.
One person I know of unfortunately lost his elderly mother around 8 months into the pandemic. She'd been very ill for some time with COPD and he'd gone to great lengths to protect her; however, working for an essential service and with no chance of furlough, he had to rely on home carers to support him and a few days before her death, she contracted Covid. The hospital reported that the COPD had finally killed her, yet when he went to get her death certificate, he was told by the coroner that they could put Covid as her primary cause of death and get her buried quicker. He disagreed- stated that he wanted her real cause of death on the death certificate.
This is one example, but I wonder how many more are out there.

Us humans, in times of crisis especially, will believe what we're told in order to protect ourselves. But in this case- especially in the case of the reporting of deaths- we can't believe it, because it's not true and is being manipulated.
I'm sure there has been confusion with the numbers who have died, either because some have died of Covid and been listed as dying of unrelated illness, and also, like you say, people who died 'with' not 'of' Covid.
I think, especially at the beginning, more deaths in care homes were put down to Covid, when maybe Covid just hurried the inevitable end along just a bit quicker.
I personally know 4 people who have died 'with' Covid, but unless something drastic had happened in the 28 days before they died, all 4 died because they caught Covid, and would no doubt still be alive right now.....this was last year, before the vaccination was available.

Anyone who is over the age of 65 or 70, who has an existing illness or condition, that will be used as the excuse...'they had underlying conditions'. My OH has type 2 diabetes, he is as fit as a fiddle, but if he caught Covid and died, he would be listed as one who had 'underlying health problem'.....nothing to do with Covid.

I don't see why doctors, medics, or ultimately coroners would want to manipulate the figures. It would serve no purpose.


And that is part of my problem with the whole she-bang. It makes me question why the figures are have to be manipulated? What is the agenda to creating mass hysteria and this kind of societal paranoia?
Is it social paranoia or is it just self-protection and the need to prevent spreading a potential deadly virus to others?

My immediate family almost all caught Covid just before, over, and just after Christmas. In short 6 of them were ill, the one unvaccinated one is still not well 3 weeks on, he is young and fit normally. A couple of the others (in their 20's and early 40's) said they had never felt as ill in their lives, thankfully they have recovered quickly...within 7 to 10 days.

Had they been elderly or vulnerable, or spread it to the elderly and vulnerable , the situation could have been far worse.


I was with LadyonaRooftop when she said her new years resolution was to avoid the Covid threads.

I have lapsed :mad:....but I really am going to sit on my hands from now on and avoid them. I prefer to spend my forum time not being trapped in a ground hog thread.

So...taraaa. :cool:


Out of all the nasty crap I’ve seen on this site; the arguments and vitriol aimed at people or about people (including my own comments), this thread makes me the saddest. Not because of the opinions thrown, but because of the separatist ideology permeating through them.
The ‘Them vs Us’; the Nazi belief that if you think differently, believe in something that is not populist, you deserve to be treated as a sub-human, ostracised from society and deprived of basic rights.

Is this what a global pandemic does to the free-thinking human mind? Turn a supposedly intelligent species into self-obsessed paranoiacs repeating a mantra drummed into them by the government-controlled mass media? It’s not just sad, it’s the most devastating human phenomenon since WWII.
All the ‘isms’ in the world haven’t created as much publicly acceptable discrimination and bullying as being an ‘anti-vaxer’. Why should refusing an invasive, potentially life-altering medication make an individual susceptible to being perceived of as akin to a serial killer?

Some have proclaimed that refusing the vaccine and passing on the virus is the same as taking a life, yet taking the vaccine doesn’t make you less likely to pass it on, so that cuss is moot.
This is not an uneducated assumption or a conspiracy- this is a medical fact now, frequently seen in the MSN. The vaccine does not stop you catching it and does not stop you passing it on. The only thing that will stop you passing it on is not spewing or breathing out moist particles of breath and not passing on bodily fluids (in which the virus lives) to others within 2 metres (or is it 1? Apparently the Covid is sh** at working out distances!) within a certain amount of time (time is important- decay of the virus will start almost immediately after leaving the body).

The vaccine only prevents hospitalisation of the individual who has had the full-term of vaccines- in other words, it dilutes the virus should you get it, but only if you’ve had enough of it. So, why take the vaccine? To protect yourself- not others. Yet still that unreasonable, illogical rhetoric is loud and clear- the break up of families and relationships, restrictions on jobs and entertainment, friends and colleagues turning on one another, because of a view of what they should and shouldn’t do with their own body….

In all my time on Earth and in my remaining days, this will be the most shocking aspect of this virus. How generations of humans, abhorrent of the attitudes that led to WWII, acted in the same way as those that caused it; how humans that bleated a rhetoric of ‘Be Yourself’ and ‘Be Kind’ and wear the virtue of acceptance like a medal around their necks can turn when an individual does not share their view.

Whether you believe in Covid or not; believe in the vaccination or not, we still live in a country that upholds human rights. As I am compos mentis, I have a right to say what happens to my body and until I get the answers to my questions about the cause of all this and logical explanations to the hypocrisy of (a) our government and (b) the medical professionals, I will refuse the vaccine (that isn't really a vaccine!).
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