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UKChat Expert
Jun 24, 2019
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Out of all the nasty crap I’ve seen on this site; the arguments and vitriol aimed at people or about people (including my own comments), this thread makes me the saddest. Not because of the opinions thrown, but because of the separatist ideology permeating through them.
The ‘Them vs Us’; the Nazi belief that if you think differently, believe in something that is not populist, you deserve to be treated as a sub-human, ostracised from society and deprived of basic rights.

Is this what a global pandemic does to the free-thinking human mind? Turn a supposedly intelligent species into self-obsessed paranoiacs repeating a mantra drummed into them by the government-controlled mass media? It’s not just sad, it’s the most devastating human phenomenon since WWII.
All the ‘isms’ in the world haven’t created as much publicly acceptable discrimination and bullying as being an ‘anti-vaxer’. Why should refusing an invasive, potentially life-altering medication make an individual susceptible to being perceived of as akin to a serial killer?

Some have proclaimed that refusing the vaccine and passing on the virus is the same as taking a life, yet taking the vaccine doesn’t make you less likely to pass it on, so that cuss is moot.
This is not an uneducated assumption or a conspiracy- this is a medical fact now, frequently seen in the MSN. The vaccine does not stop you catching it and does not stop you passing it on. The only thing that will stop you passing it on is not spewing or breathing out moist particles of breath and not passing on bodily fluids (in which the virus lives) to others within 2 metres (or is it 1? Apparently the Covid is sh** at working out distances!) within a certain amount of time (time is important- decay of the virus will start almost immediately after leaving the body).

The vaccine only prevents hospitalisation of the individual who has had the full-term of vaccines- in other words, it dilutes the virus should you get it, but only if you’ve had enough of it. So, why take the vaccine? To protect yourself- not others. Yet still that unreasonable, illogical rhetoric is loud and clear- the break up of families and relationships, restrictions on jobs and entertainment, friends and colleagues turning on one another, because of a view of what they should and shouldn’t do with their own body….

In all my time on Earth and in my remaining days, this will be the most shocking aspect of this virus. How generations of humans, abhorrent of the attitudes that led to WWII, acted in the same way as those that caused it; how humans that bleated a rhetoric of ‘Be Yourself’ and ‘Be Kind’ and wear the virtue of acceptance like a medal around their necks can turn when an individual does not share their view.

Whether you believe in Covid or not; believe in the vaccination or not, we still live in a country that upholds human rights. As I am compos mentis, I have a right to say what happens to my body and until I get the answers to my questions about the cause of all this and logical explanations to the hypocrisy of (a) our government and (b) the medical professionals, I will refuse the vaccine (that isn't really a vaccine!).
its like what i said earlier in the thread, as opposed to discussing varying opinions and leaving it at that, it becomes divisive and as frustrations mount, what people generally do is become more militant in their views in hopes that either being nasty or name calling reinforces their own viewpoints. What it unfortunately does is drive people who were willing to have a discussion completely away from the thread and possibly away from the forum. And it doesnt stop them believing what they believe, all it does is actually push them into other communities who share the same viewpoint where their opinions are allowed to go unchecked and end up drifiting away from any type of balance or critical thinking and away from the centrist balance that most people have. This naturally is exactly what the establishment want, they want society to silence itself so no one discusses anything anymore in fear of personal attack, they want division and its working. This business of wheeling out "be kind" while showing appreciation for others being unkind is the worst type of hypocrisy, maybe those who do that should try being themselves as opposed to just pretending to be someone who they arent. Ive genrally found those who claim they are kind, are normally far from it when you scratch beneath the surface. Am i a kind person, not always but i know i should be and i dont need anyone to tell me that! Do i believe in the vaccination, absolutely not, but i what i do believe in people having that choice in having it, just like they do the flu shot or any other shot as i still believe in "my body my choice" which seems to have disappeared these days along with common courtesy and the liberal values that many of us have had instilled into us from previous generations who faced far more hardship than we do now.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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The anti-vaxx pro disease idiots don't realise they are pushing and promoting the Kremlin and Putin's Covid misinformation, lies and propaganda. All with Putin's intent of undermining trust in science and Western institutions. He is laughing at them.

Putin’s propaganda channels RT & Sputnik propagate conspiracy theories, forcing them on to an audience across all forms of social media and some.

And the antivaxxers fall for this propaganda because their paranoia is so easily tapped into.

Just leave the resident anti-vaxx Putin drones to keep revitalizing a thread that has long been dead. All "outraged" and "angry" that the society that carries their lazy self entitled arses is now publicly exposing them. Exposing how far to the right they really and exposing their anti-science "let the market decide" hard-right cult.

It's the same person anyway with exactly the same political views and irrespective of Covid. "I am outraged my imaginary rights that don't exist anyway are being interfered with by the entire global community of scientists and doctors and so I'll spam UKCHAT with 300 threads on the topic SHOUTING about how angry I am."

In an NHS that employs 140,000 doctors, one brave soul, only because his job is at risk, finally pipes up, blames fat people, and basks in the glory of having nothing at all to say until his own job was put at risk.

I recall reading "fat people" are to blame for the collapse of the NHS on multiple occasions previously and it's not a new phenomenon at all and direction the hard-right often take when their poisonous ideology is challenged.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Is it social paranoia or is it just self-protection and the need to prevent spreading a potential deadly virus to others?

It is a recurring theme in relation to social science which attempts to explain "mass hysteria". The problem is that this generation of YouTube experts do not even understand the basics and often misquote social science in an attempt to give an impression that they know what the f*ck they are talking about in relation to Covid 19.

That everyone else can be "brainwashed" but not them, no Sir, and while they pepper their grand speeches with sociological terminology that they don't even fully understand but which will baffle someone not versed in social science.

In other words, self-important bullshit that does not actually mean anything.

The irony is "mass hysteria" is much more likely to be driven by an unscientific anti-vaxx source "fat people are to blame for everything" than from a reputable "fact-checked" source based on science.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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And of course, all this will still be a thing long after Covid 19 was a thing. Changes in societal attitudes are long-term trends and not felt immediately. The legislation will be introduced, whether it is because of Covid 19 now or a later pandemic.

The genie is out of the bottle. No more can the hard-right anti-vaxx drones, a very small minority, lurk in the shadows of the online world constantly disrupting and undermining social cohesion and a society that they contribute nothing of real value towards.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Let me repeat what I said earlier in reference to antivaxxers. The worst type of cretinous scum infesting the internet with their lies and deadly misinformation. What about the rights of those who have died because of their deliberate lies.

The death dealing liars that are the anti-vax pro disease pushers need to be jailed for spreading unfounded fear and lies that has ended up hurting, maiming and killing people.

Hopefully in the next year governments across the globe will tackle the tsunami of misinformation these cretins push. Charge them with murder.


Let me repeat what I said earlier in reference to antivaxxers. The worst type of cretinous scum infesting the internet with their lies and deadly misinformation. What about the rights of those who have died because of their deliberate lies.

The death dealing liars that are the anti-vax pro disease pushers need to be jailed for spreading unfounded fear and lies that has ended up hurting, maiming and killing people.

Hopefully in the next year governments across the globe will tackle the tsunami of misinformation these cretins push. Charge them with murder.
Do you take this stance with those that push misinformation in regard to religion? After all, if we count up how many people fundamentalist religion has killed it will outnumber any virus.
What about those that promote drugs and push the decriminalise/legalise drugs agenda? Are they also promoting death?
What about those that promote getting pissed on a Saturday night or using alcohol as a coping strategy? After all alcoholism and diseases and accidents related to alcohol are still- and will remain after Covid- one of biggest killers.

You can write any words you like- say murderers a million times, but it doesn't mean your words carry logic or reason or that they are accurate in anyway.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Do you take this stance with those that push misinformation in regard to religion? After all, if we count up how many people fundamentalist religion has killed it will outnumber any virus.
What about those that promote drugs and push the decriminalise/legalise drugs agenda? Are they also promoting death?
What about those that promote getting pissed on a Saturday night or using alcohol as a coping strategy? After all alcoholism and diseases and accidents related to alcohol are still- and will remain after Covid- one of biggest killers.

You can write any words you like- say murderers a million times, but it doesn't mean your words carry logic or reason or that they are accurate in anyway.
side eye.jpg


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Your rights to be an antivax pro disease death dealer, do not displace the rights of others to stay alive, stay healthy and to not be infected by you and your slimy pro death and disease pushing ilk.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Let me repeat what I said earlier in reference to antivaxxers. The worst type of cretinous scum infesting the internet with their lies and deadly misinformation. What about the rights of those who have died because of their deliberate lies.

Absolutely. There is a mammoth gulf exposing the lack of morality among hard-right anti-vaxx Putin drones compared to just about everyone else in a well-ordered society. They so lack any morality at all that they would make a sociopath blush.

They do not comprehend (using their own infantile logic) that they are in fact Putin drones because "mass hysteria" and "mind control" only apply to those they describe as "sheep" of course. They are not "sheep" no Sir and although it has been demonstrably proven Putin is using the internet as a tool to spread lies, misinformation, and exactly the same anti-vaxx propaganda that they constantly spew in a torrent of ignorance.
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