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UKChat Celebrity
Apr 21, 2018
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Nice to see Sky News reporting about an unvaccinated ICU Dr and consultant challenge Sajid Javid on vaccine mandates. About time too.
Yeah, I saw that report on Sky News. What struck me was the silence from the nurses being questioned by the health secretary about compulsory vaccination for NHS staff. I think that was what caused the consultant to step in. He went on to say the booster protection only lasted for two months, so staff would have to get boosted every month. :rolleyes: Sajid looked dumb-founded.


UKChat Expert
Jun 24, 2019
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NHS GP Dr Renee Hoenderkamp says vaccine passports are "absolutely meaningless."

"Every single person I spoke to today who has Covid is triple jabbed."
I was watching something on Israeli TV and the experts on there were talking about something called "immuno-erosion", when i typed that into duckduckgo browser it came back with quite a horrifying list of results, something called VAIDS. Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Not good reading when many members of my family have been double and triple armspeared.


Staff member
Feb 7, 2018
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January 6, 2022
COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing serious illness and death, experts say
Health experts say the COVID-19 vaccine is highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death, although those who are fully vaccinated may still get infected. Experts advise that people who have already had COVID-19 and recovered still receive full vaccination and boosters, which have now been approved in most countries. Further studies must be completed to ascertain the effectiveness of the vaccine against new variants as they emerge.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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The death dealing liars that are the anti-vax pro disease pushers need to be jailed for spreading unfounded fear and lies that
has ended up hurting, maiming and killing people.

Hopefully in the next year governments across the globe will tackle the tsunami of misinformation these cretins
push. Charge them with murder.

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Sad news today, another 313 people have died with Covid, which brings the total figure of people who have died in the UK with the virus to over 150 thousand.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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The death dealing liars that are the anti-vax pro disease pushers need to be jailed for spreading unfounded fear and lies that has ended up hurting, maiming and killing people.

Hopefully in the next year governments across the globe will tackle the tsunami of misinformation these cretins push.
Charge them with murder.

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I assume you missed this Saphire since you failed to comment on it. I’ll offer you another opportunity.
They actually said between 600 and 6000 a day if new measures were not brought in. Why do you constantly misquote?
The daily death rate in the last 24 hours is 313, steadily rising.
In the height of the pandemic it was over 1000 a day, so the overestimate could come to fruition, though hopefully not.

I don't respond to most of what you quote because are a rabid anti-vaxer giving out lots of false info. refuse to believe any other scientist, expert, research, if it doesn't tally with what you believe in.
In short, you are so closed-minded it's like talking to the wall.

Hope that's answered your question.


Sad news today, another 313 people have died with Covid, which brings the total figure of people who have died in the UK with the virus to over 150 thousand.
I love you, Saphire- you know I do, but on this subject we are adversaries and one of the factors I'll bleat on about with this subject is the reporting of people who have died with Covid. The important word there is 'with'- not 'of'. There are primary and secondary illnesses reported on death certificates and if a person has it as a secondary illness, they are included in the figures. It doesn't mean Covid caused their death.
Furthermore, those figures are reliant on human reporting: the hospital reporting it as a Covid death and the coroner recording it as such- this leaves the actual figure open to margins of misreporting and deception.
So these figures leave me with additional questions, such as how many hospitals have reported a primary death cause as Covid, when in fact the primary cause was something else that could be found to be a responsibility of the hospital, such as neglect, delayed treatment or contracting another illness while in the care of the hospital?
If there's ever been an opportunity to shift blame elsewhere, this is it.

Also there's the coroner. For whatever reasons, there could be misreporting there.
One person I know of unfortunately lost his elderly mother around 8 months into the pandemic. She'd been very ill for some time with COPD and he'd gone to great lengths to protect her; however, working for an essential service and with no chance of furlough, he had to rely on home carers to support him and a few days before her death, she contracted Covid. The hospital reported that the COPD had finally killed her, yet when he went to get her death certificate, he was told by the coroner that they could put Covid as her primary cause of death and get her buried quicker. He disagreed- stated that he wanted her real cause of death on the death certificate.
This is one example, but I wonder how many more are out there.

Us humans, in times of crisis especially, will believe what we're told in order to protect ourselves. But in this case- especially in the case of the reporting of deaths- we can't believe it, because it's not true and is being manipulated.
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