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UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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I am enjoying, two individuals who at face value have completely opposing views on the spread and transmission of Covid 19, agreeing with each other and attempting desperately to involve a politician who has been out of power for over two years.

Some people have no shame at all.

If I shake my head much more it's gonna fall off!

Great typing practice though.


If I want to find conspiracy theories and supposed misinformation on the internet about Covid, I have to actively seek it out. I have to have a theory or feeling and look to validate or refute it. Alternatively, I may have heard something and I want to look it up and come across an alternative rhetoric. That's how an individual can come across the alternative information to what's in the mainstream news.
However, the mainstream media- every radio channel with talk segments, every media outlet, our news, our soaps, our sport is full of pro-vaccination messages. How is this not pushing an agenda?
A constant persuasion; a thirst to make jabs and masks normal and no effort to challenge anything we're being fed. In fact, we are punished if we do. There is a fully active discriminatory message being fed out to society, one that crushes individual thought and questions. We are blindly moving into societal dysphoria, because we are being encouraged to hate each other over what? A medical procedure that does not protect anyone apart from the person it's administered to.

Now lets look at a few of the messages we have been fed and the evidence (from MSN) (only a few due to word count)....
Early in the Scamdemic:
Big Bo- 'Close the pubs at 10pm to prevent Covid!'
Reality- not conspiracy: Of course- Covid is so smart that it knows when the last orders bell goes an hour early, it's time to stop being contagious. If this was due to the prevention of anything (crowds, A&E numbers), why on earth would an hour earlier off the closing time make a blind bit of difference?
Big Bo- 'You cannot meet anyone outside your bubble; stay indoors, except for essential exercise, food, etc, work from home, absolutely under no circumstances should you travel...'
Reality- not conspiracy: 10 Downing Street was having a party! Partners invited, no masks, no social distancing and party favours paid by our taxes. And let us not forget that primary members of parliament were making non-essential trips and STILL banging their mistresses! Kind of makes you think why they weren't panicking like the rest of the country! Got to ask- what do they know that we don't?
Big Bo- 'The elderly are the highest risk, but children can't catch it'
Reality- not conspiracy: There is a contrast- the weakest of immune systems are protected but at risk at the same time? How does that work with a virus? A respiratory one at that?

Early Mid-Scamdemic:
Big Bo- 'It's nearly all gone! Go out and have a free meal on me!'
Reality- not conspiracy: So, this virus is ultra-contagious and killing everyone that breathes the air of another; we have to wash our shopping and avoid crowded areas, but it's absolutely fine to eat out again- Covid can't climb the bits of plastic that are now mandatory everywhere.
Big Bo- 'The NHS is fine now. We're nearly at the end. Masks aren't obligatory'
Reality- not conspiracy- it hadn't gone away. People were still dying from it and we didn't have vaccines, but miraculously it was disappearing off it's own accord from a few months of isolation.

Second Incarnation of Scandemic:
Big Bo- 'It's nearly Christmas, so here- have a new variant that, after the Chinese one, we've decided to name after another kind of takeaway...oh wait, there's another one. But don't worry- there's a vaccine on the way!'
Reality- not conspiracy- no one has explained how Covid came to be in the first place and now there was a new variant and quickly after that, another one! By this time, scepticism in the first lockdowns was rising and deflection was very much needed. Notice the vaccine was announced not long before the new variants decided to pop up. It was first marketed to the general public as a choice, but the take-up didn't look great, so a new variant or two was needed to persuade a wider audience.
Big Bo- 'Don't worry, once you've been jabbed a couple of times, you'll be free to return to normality. Go and see loved ones, go to a concert'
Reality- not conspiracy- but that never happened. You got your jabs, but nothing changed and then you were told you needed another one....and another one.

You think you're not an experiment? That the government and it's paid 'advisors' have your best interests at heart? That they are trying to save you with what they're doing?
The women who were prescribed the thalidomide drug in 46 countries in the 50's and 60's thought their doctors were doing the right and best thing too. In fact, even the doctors believed they were doing the right thing.


UKChat Initiate
Jan 14, 2018
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Australian states are now rolling out the vaccine to 5 year old children. This is justified on the basis that the odds that a 5 year old will die or become seriously ill from Covid-19 (less than 0.01% for Delta, or 0.005% for Omicron) are unacceptably high. The vaccine is intended to put a decisive stop to 5 year olds transmitting the SARS-CoV-2 virus to others.

Expect failure to vaccinate your 5 year old child to result in some form of punishment, e.g., exclusion from school and playgrounds.

Interesting times...
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Other aspects of this that I want answering before I even consider submitting myself for experimentation.

*If this is such a contagious virus, why are there no medical waste bins for masks?
Instead, they're dumped on the street or in normal, public waste bins. In one 5 minute trip to my local shop, I counted 11 used masks on the pavements through either being dumped there or from falling/being pulled out of the bins. If this virus is ultra-contagious, why are there no strict rules in how to get rid of the masks? The purpose of the mask is a barrier- so that you don't pass the virus on if you are non-symptomatic positive (your droplets stay in the mask) and any virus breathed into the air by positive others is caught by the mask and not breathed in by you- thus, the mask itself will be riddled with the virus (on the inside from you/outside from others). So how come they're allowed to just be dumped in the street? Do we hate our Binmen (or women, let's be inclusive here!) so much, we expect them to deal with our germy, life-threatening masks?
What about the other contagious diseases that may be caught by the mask (T.B, influenza, the common cold)? Even if the powers that be don't care about the transmission of Covid via the masks, what about the chances of catching another disease from them?

*Why are there no facilities to discard of home lateral flow tests? I have a load of used ones (negative, of course!) with no instructions on how to or where to discard them- nothing came with them (i.e. a special bag(s) with location of where to get rid). Are they just meant to go to landfill?

*Apart from PPE in hospitals, what other measures are they taking to prevent the spread of Covid?
After unfortunately spending some time in the hands of our great NHS, I saw very, very little prevention of virus'. The same tips to the ear temperature guns were not changed between patients; discarded masks in medical & public areas; no adequate working toilets in A&E and two of the wards (overflowing, no running water to wash hands) for days; staff not wearing masks or washing/sanitising hands between patients- among a few.

The government is gaslighting the general public and like an abused partner, the majority are going with it and defending them.
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Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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What disturbs and annoys me is that STILL the definition of a Covid death is someone who tested positive in the last 28 days and NOT someone who died FROM Covid. This still includes all those people who were hospitalised for some OTHER serious condition - a fatal RTA for example - where Covid had NO bearing on that death.

Given that we already know that anything up to 40% of admissions classed as Covid admissions were for some condition totally unrelated to Covid, it would therefore follow that there will be a similar proportion of Covid deaths that are nothing of the sort. These figures are therefore misleading and we really need to know the truth about them and not some statistical quirk manipulated for sensationalistic reasons.

Why are those who've had COVID, expected to have jabs risking dangerous side effects? When the jabs have significantly less, or no impact whatsoever to improving the immunity? B and T cell responses and 2 antibody types are only responding in those that have ACTUALLY HAD COVID. The vaccines only improve ONE antibody response and that is only temporary, fading after 10 weeks. Our BEST defence has, and always will be, our own immune system. You start messing with Drugs that alter that, then we are in for big problems later down the line.

Looking at some of the posters here, who post silly Dog pictures instead of replying with a valid argument, what we desperately need now is a NEW that 'Stops people going brain dead'...with a Booster of 'Wake the fcuk up'.
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