Thoughts on the latest news about the Vaccine?


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Question I like ask is when saw numbers creeping up ,are theses ppl who have not been vaccinated?.

Depressingly yes.

be careful out there. the plague carriers are going about, unmasked, not washing hands, or using sanitiser, as if nothing is happening. As if we haven't spent nearly two years trying to keep this hellish disease at bay, or not kill our family, friends, others, by spreading it to them.


It's worrying that the deaths are rising again.
I am not losing faith in the vaccine, because the data available shows that the largest % of people who are in hospital with Covid are the unvaccinated.

I also think it's time the government acted quickly in reintroducing mandatory mask wearing in public places.

From the BBC news 14th Sept.
"Fully vaccinated people are much less likely to die with Covid-19 than those who aren't, or have had only one dose, figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.

Out of more than 51,000 Covid deaths in England between January and July 2021, only 256 occurred after two doses.
They were mostly people at very high risk from illness from Covid-19.
The figures show the high degree of protection from the vaccines against illness and death, the ONS said."
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UKChat Initiate
Mar 13, 2021
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Good news!!

If you've tested positive for covid in the past, you have natural immunity, which is superior to the experimental injection they're pushing.

That means that 45,000,000 people are immune to covid.
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Anyone can take data and shuffle it around to suit their own agenda.
The ONS and the BMA have released updated figures regularly, if you ever watch the regular Downing street updates, the figures and charts are shown monthly, sometimes weekly, certainly not from January, where obviously the unvaccinated would be high in the death rates.

The vaccine isn't infallible, no vaccine is, but I think I prefer to get my info from trained medical experts, scientists and NHS workers, rather than some drony voiced man on a video who is citing data from the ONS figures dating back from January.


Edit...this was in reply to a post who quoted my own post, the other post seems to have been deleted since.
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Web Master
Feb 25, 2018
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Anyone can take data and shuffle it around to suit their own agenda.
The ONS and the BMA have released updated figures regularly, if you ever watch the regular Downing street updates, the figures and charts are shown monthly, sometimes weekly, certainly not from January, where obviously the unvaccinated would be high in the death rates.

The vaccine isn't infallible, no vaccine is, but I think I prefer to get my info from trained medical experts, scientists and NHS workers, rather than some drony voiced man on a video who is citing data from the ONS figures dating back from January.


Edit...this was in reply to a post who quoted my own post, the other post seems to have been deleted since.
How about there was NO Virus to start with?....Common Cold Virus could have been used in Data. Hmm.!


UKChat Newbie
Oct 30, 2021
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Never had a test, jab, or soaked up the media's fed perception of reality. All good :D