The global Cult that should be banned

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UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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Just why is this ideology not banned? We don't need this backward nasty stuff.



just a lurker like all others
Feb 1, 2022
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well as were just humans been so since we evolved sadly cults and religions man made tro give power and brainwash


UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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Again why is cult this being protected and not banned after what has happened with children in the UK being stabbed yet a police officer is suggesting those present to hide weapons in the mosque. This is very disturbing in the UK. In October 23 there was Imams reciting scripture about rocks crying out for Jews to be killed. Why is this allowed in the UK ?



UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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More reason to ban this cult in the UK recently threatening public in Stoke.



Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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None of these protests were 'Organised'....Not by ANYONE.

It's just people fed up of what is happening in OUR country.

Granny's were there, not causing any violence...Now they are classed as Far right Thugs?

2 Tier Starmer...What a treasonous Cun.t.

I'm not sorry about swearing. He is a Cun.t. And is reading from a script.

He is controlled ...

By the WEF.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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None of these protests were 'Organised'....Not by ANYONE.

Yes, I often wake up on a Friday and think to myself you know what Kev45 I am going to drive 230 miles to Liverpool later on today. When I arrive I will don a stylish balaclava I bought in French Connection, and when I will subsequently set fire to a library and a foodbank, and all spontaneously of course.

To protest at what the “man” is doing.

Before I go on to smash a brick in a policewomen's face. Someone's else's mother, or their daughter, or their aunty. Lob a few bricks at a fire engine putting out a fire I started, and assault paramedics trying to save the life of an innocent passer-by I assaulted.

Then set fire to a host of more small businesses, owned by working class people, and burn them to the ground as well.

This will show the “man” that I mean business.

Then I will blame a politician who has been in power a few weeks.

Before I celebrate our great victory back in London, flashing my swastika tattoos and pissing on Winston Churchill's statue.

Rule Britiania! :rolleyes:


UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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No matter if it was from the right or left, people are angry and this has been incited by violence from those who are involved in a backward cult that have been causing trouble not only here but globally. This video shows what group is provoking the riots as people have had enough.

Before this uprising I was appalled at how someone was burned in Pakistan for blasphemy whilst they chanted Allah Akbar and in 2023 at Christmas time Nigerians were killed by Islamists. I guess I will be called far right for just being horrified at something naturally barbaric.
Unfortunately we are now forced to live life in the UK now alongside this nasty ideology for years to come unless it is banned and mosques closed so everyone can live in peace in the UK. We also need a government that will listen to the people and not career globalist ones.


UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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Another recent video where a group of Islamists attack someone with knives in Stoke on Trent. Sadly this is going to continue.

anti-Semitic hate speech in mosques after October 7th 2023.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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There are 2 billion Muslims in the world, 2,000,000,000. A quarter of the worlds' population are Muslims. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world, and Muslims are the majority in 50+ countries.

Good luck banning an entire religion, and closing down their places of worship and erasing all evidence of it from the face of the earth.

Which is kinda ironic, dontcha think, the far-right and their 'we don't like it so let's completely ban it' extremist ideology. :)

Meanwhile, in the real world in the UK here and now, Tommy Many Names Robinson is snorting coke and sunning himself in a 5* hotel in Cyprus. The same sausage btw who now has ALL his expensive legal fees covered by his extremely wealthy (secretive) backers. The young men, cannon fodder, now involved in the riots, groomed by much older men online, of course, will not have that same privilege. Before they are banged up in prison, serving lengthy prison sentences and alongside some extremely dangerous individuals indeed.

It will be legal aid for them, overworked duty solicitors who have more work than they can handle and a 2nd class service due to 14 years of ideological austerity. When convicted, those young men will soon learn in prison, just as Tommy Many Names Robinson learned, they will be at the very bottom of the food chain.

While the real movers and shakers, the far-right grifters and the hustlers lurking in the shadows, won't lose a single night's sleep over it. :)


UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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There are 2 billion Muslims in the world, 2,000,000,000. A quarter of the worlds' population are Muslims. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world, and Muslims are the majority in 50+ countries.

Good luck banning an entire religion, and closing down their places of worship and erasing all evidence of it from the face of the earth.

Which is kinda ironic, dontcha think, the far-right and their 'we don't like it so let's completely ban it' extremist ideology. :)

Meanwhile, in the real world in the UK here and now, Tommy Many Names Robinson is snorting coke and sunning himself in a 5* hotel in Cyprus. The same sausage btw who now has ALL his expensive legal fees covered by his extremely wealthy (secretive) backers. The young men, cannon fodder, now involved in the riots, groomed by much older men online, of course, will not have that same privilege. Before they are banged up in prison, serving lengthy prison sentences and alongside some extremely dangerous individuals indeed.

It will be legal aid for them, overworked duty solicitors who have more work than they can handle and a 2nd class service due to 14 years of ideological austerity. When convicted, those young men will soon learn in prison, just as Tommy Many Names Robinson learned, they will be at the very bottom of the food chain.

While the real movers and shakers, the far-right grifters and the hustlers lurking in the shadows, won't lose a single night's sleep over it. :)
No matter what you think of Tommy Robinson he has not stabbed girls, groomed girls, raped women or burned anyone recently. We should at least ban Islam in the UK although yes we may not be able to totally ban it globally. Islam is extremist and that is the reason why it should be banned. We have enough issues in the UK already surely without adding to the problems with having more Islam. Surely if you don't like the far right why would you be accepting of Islamic ideology. Now in the 21st century we should want to promote a civilised healthy minded society and we will not achieve that with Islam which is regressive and barbaric from a bygone era.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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No matter what you think of Tommy Robinson he has not stabbed girls, groomed girls, raped women or burned anyone recently.

The vast majority of grooming of children, rape, violence against women and including murder, in the UK, is carried out by white British males.

That is a fact.

The violent, wife beating, coke snorting Tommy, Many Names Robinson, has spent his entire adult life grooming impressionable young men, in the 1,000s.

Grooming them with his far-right Islamophobic ideology.

The young men, some of whom who will soon receive lengthy custodial sentences, which they will no doubt wear like a badge of honour, once released.

In prison, these tough guys will themselves.

Convictions which will blight their entire adult lives, and all while the arsonist Robinson lives the life of Riley in Cyprus (for now).

While the rioters brutalised female policewomen, female fire officers and female paramedics. Destroyed working class businesses and attacked defenceless refugees or people with a skin colour that was different to theirs. Attempting to lynch people of colour in Manchester.

Let's call it what it is, race riots fuelled by predominantly far-right white racists. :)


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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This groin grinding rioter, in his 40s or 50s, has to be from Wigan.

Imagine being his wife, daughter, grandchild, friend, neighbour, or work colleague and seeing this video.

Right in the bollards! Now that has to hurt!

Look at the state of it. :D



UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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The vast majority of grooming of children, rape, violence against women and including murder, in the UK, is carried out by white British males.

That is a fact.

The violent, wife beating, coke snorting Tommy, Many Names Robinson, has spent his entire adult life grooming impressionable young men, in the 1,000s.

Grooming them with his far-right Islamophobic ideology.

The young men, some of whom who will soon receive lengthy custodial sentences, which they will no doubt wear like a badge of honour, once released.

In prison, these tough guys will themselves.

Convictions which will blight their entire adult lives, and all while the arsonist Robinson lives the life of Riley in Cyprus (for now).

While the rioters brutalised female policewomen, female fire officers and female paramedics. Destroyed working class businesses and attacked defenceless refugees or people with a skin colour that was different to theirs. Attempting to lynch people of colour in Manchester.

Let's call it what it is, race riots fuelled by predominantly far-right white racists. :)
You still didn't answer the question. This elephant is bigger than Tommy Robinson's words or actions. I can see we will just go around in circles here coming back to the 40 something white right wing phobic male from Leeds story.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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I have absolutely no idea what question you are asking, other than blaming Muslims for the barbaric savagery of far-right white rioters we have all witnessed over the past few days.

You appear to want to ban the Islamic faith and shut down Muslims places of worship based on the actions of a tiny minority in the UK. While making various accusations about Muslims in general that frankly don't hold water in direct comparison to their white peers.

You do not even understand what a cult is yet started a thread to argue that the Islamic faith, and it's 2,000,000,000 followers is a cult.

“Britannica Dictionary definition of CULT. [count] 1. : a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous. "a satanic cult.”


Master Assassin
Feb 25, 2018
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Your last 4 posts actually tell a lot about who you are and what you stand for.

I get it that you like to mess around... getting people riled with your posts on here.

You don't actually believe in much of what you state.

In reality, i reckon you actually agree with a lot of what is said here above by other members.

It's all 'Irony' and just a laugh to you.

On one hand you talk sense... but in the other you hold a huge wooden spoon.


Devils advocate? Contrarian ego strokers.
Nov 2, 2022
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I get it that you like to mess around... getting people riled with your posts on here.

I am not messing around, and I don't suffer fools lightly.

Your last 4 posts actually tell a lot about who you are and what you stand for.

I hope so.

You don't actually believe in much of what you state.

I believe in everything I state, or I wouldn't type it.

t's all 'Irony' and just a laugh to you.

I am being deadly serious when it comes to Islamophobia.

On one hand you talk sense... but in the other you hold a huge wooden spoon.

Oxymoron, right?

Now.... going back to your original post, that the riots were spontaneous and not “organised”, proven by you by posting an "organized" video that appeals to people just like you, right?

But of course it was NOT your £60,000 recovery vehicle being burned.

It wasn't the expensive machinery in your yard being destroyed.

It wasn't your shack in the woods being burnt to the ground.

And it wasn't your daughter or partner being spat on and having half bricks smashed on their heads by far-right rioters.

Was it.


UKChat Initiate
Feb 12, 2024
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I have absolutely no idea what question you are asking, other than blaming Muslims for the barbaric savagery of far-right white rioters we have all witnessed over the past few days.

You appear to want to ban the Islamic faith and shut down Muslims places of worship based on the actions of a tiny minority in the UK. While making various accusations about Muslims in general that frankly don't hold water in direct comparison to their white peers.

You do not even understand what a cult is yet started a thread to argue that the Islamic faith, and it's 2,000,000,000 followers is a cult.

“Britannica Dictionary definition of CULT. [count] 1. : a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous. "a satanic cult.”
My question earlier was surely if you don't like the far right why would you be accepting of Islamic ideology?
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