sock stories


UKChat Newbie
Sep 3, 2019
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come on everyone i want to hear your sock stories just like this one for nothing more than a little bit of fun and a laugh:

So this happened back when i was in 3rd at school.

So this one day it was raining and i mean it was raining super heavy all morning. The playground at my school was square and was aptly named the quad, but it certainly wasnt flat it was like the top end of the was slightly more elevated than the bottom end and of course this made a slight hill and sort of dip in the playground, of course whenever it rained this slight dip would cause the water to gather in the dip and create a large puddle in the middle of the playground.

Well it was morning break and as i say it had been raining really heavily all morning and what has gathered in the middle of the playground but an absolute monster of puddle spanning the length of the whole playground.

So its break time and i walk out the double doors to go into the quad and just a couple of steps in front of me i see my friend Louise (wearing her black school jacket, a school skirt and on her feet were black pumps and white ankle socks). So i go over to her and she tells me her next class is in the building on the other side of this monster puddle but of course the only way to get to the other side was to take a leap of faith and hope you make it. Louise of course didnt want to do this jump on her own so she very nicely asked if i would mind getting her to her next class so i kindly accepted."You go first!" she exclaimed, "you go first and i'll go next a couple of minutes after you." So i take a couple of steps back, run up and jump, but unfortunately left foot landed right in the puddle just a couple of inches from the edge but it was still kinda deep and my left sock had now gotten wet. I am close enough to the edge so i can just take a step out and turn around to see if louise is coming yet. I turn and shes still standing there at the other side of the puddle so i try to give her a bit of encourage "come on, youll make it" i yelled, so i count her down 3...2...1 and with even taking a step back or a run of or anything she had what i would call taken the worst leap of faith ive ever seen and she landed just couple of inches from where she had began right in the middle of the puddle and ohhh poor Louise remember she was only wearing pumps well one had come off on impact so she is now standing in the puddle in one shoe and one white ankle sock. "OH NO MY SHOE, LOOK AT MY SOCK!!" lifting her one white socked foot out of the puddle to show me she had lost her shoe, although i could see it floating in the middle of the puddle. She picked up her shoe and just walked through the rest of the puddle with it in hand and in her bare white sock and pump on the other foot until she reached the edge of the puddle where i was standing and her socks were absolutely soaking and she lifted it up to look at the bottom of her foot and the sole of her lovely white sock was now coated a thick brown from the mud she walked through in the middle of the puddle.

THEN, she put her shoe back on but because i wouldnt stop laughing she tried to kick the water on me a couple of times, well something like the 3rd she did it her shoe come flying right off her foot and landed on the school roof and there was no way to get it back. So louise though she would take off her other shoe and put it in the bin and go to the office and see if the school would let her go home, but they didnt so she had to stay at school for the rest of the day in just her socks which were just getting absolutely soaked and filthy. So i met up and walked home with Louise at home time and she had to walk all the home in the pouring rain in her already soaking wet white ankle socks. Poor Louise!


come on everyone i want to hear your sock stories just like this one for nothing more than a little bit of fun and a laugh:

So this happened back when i was in 3rd at school.

So this one day it was raining and i mean it was raining super heavy all morning. The playground at my school was square and was aptly named the quad, but it certainly wasnt flat it was like the top end of the was slightly more elevated than the bottom end and of course this made a slight hill and sort of dip in the playground, of course whenever it rained this slight dip would cause the water to gather in the dip and create a large puddle in the middle of the playground.

Well it was morning break and as i say it had been raining really heavily all morning and what has gathered in the middle of the playground but an absolute monster of puddle spanning the length of the whole playground.

So its break time and i walk out the double doors to go into the quad and just a couple of steps in front of me i see my friend Louise (wearing her black school jacket, a school skirt and on her feet were black pumps and white ankle socks). So i go over to her and she tells me her next class is in the building on the other side of this monster puddle but of course the only way to get to the other side was to take a leap of faith and hope you make it. Louise of course didnt want to do this jump on her own so she very nicely asked if i would mind getting her to her next class so i kindly accepted."You go first!" she exclaimed, "you go first and i'll go next a couple of minutes after you." So i take a couple of steps back, run up and jump, but unfortunately left foot landed right in the puddle just a couple of inches from the edge but it was still kinda deep and my left sock had now gotten wet. I am close enough to the edge so i can just take a step out and turn around to see if louise is coming yet. I turn and shes still standing there at the other side of the puddle so i try to give her a bit of encourage "come on, youll make it" i yelled, so i count her down 3...2...1 and with even taking a step back or a run of or anything she had what i would call taken the worst leap of faith ive ever seen and she landed just couple of inches from where she had began right in the middle of the puddle and ohhh poor Louise remember she was only wearing pumps well one had come off on impact so she is now standing in the puddle in one shoe and one white ankle sock. "OH NO MY SHOE, LOOK AT MY SOCK!!" lifting her one white socked foot out of the puddle to show me she had lost her shoe, although i could see it floating in the middle of the puddle. She picked up her shoe and just walked through the rest of the puddle with it in hand and in her bare white sock and pump on the other foot until she reached the edge of the puddle where i was standing and her socks were absolutely soaking and she lifted it up to look at the bottom of her foot and the sole of her lovely white sock was now coated a thick brown from the mud she walked through in the middle of the puddle.

THEN, she put her shoe back on but because i wouldnt stop laughing she tried to kick the water on me a couple of times, well something like the 3rd she did it her shoe come flying right off her foot and landed on the school roof and there was no way to get it back. So louise though she would take off her other shoe and put it in the bin and go to the office and see if the school would let her go home, but they didnt so she had to stay at school for the rest of the day in just her socks which were just getting absolutely soaked and filthy. So i met up and walked home with Louise at home time and she had to walk all the home in the pouring rain in her already soaking wet white ankle socks. Poor Louise!

You have way too much time on your hands.


Inconsistently Consistent
Aug 13, 2018
Reaction score
come on everyone i want to hear your sock stories just like this one for nothing more than a little bit of fun and a laugh:

So this happened back when i was in 3rd at school.

So this one day it was raining and i mean it was raining super heavy all morning. The playground at my school was square and was aptly named the quad, but it certainly wasnt flat it was like the top end of the was slightly more elevated than the bottom end and of course this made a slight hill and sort of dip in the playground, of course whenever it rained this slight dip would cause the water to gather in the dip and create a large puddle in the middle of the playground.

Well it was morning break and as i say it had been raining really heavily all morning and what has gathered in the middle of the playground but an absolute monster of puddle spanning the length of the whole playground.

So its break time and i walk out the double doors to go into the quad and just a couple of steps in front of me i see my friend Louise (wearing her black school jacket, a school skirt and on her feet were black pumps and white ankle socks). So i go over to her and she tells me her next class is in the building on the other side of this monster puddle but of course the only way to get to the other side was to take a leap of faith and hope you make it. Louise of course didnt want to do this jump on her own so she very nicely asked if i would mind getting her to her next class so i kindly accepted."You go first!" she exclaimed, "you go first and i'll go next a couple of minutes after you." So i take a couple of steps back, run up and jump, but unfortunately left foot landed right in the puddle just a couple of inches from the edge but it was still kinda deep and my left sock had now gotten wet. I am close enough to the edge so i can just take a step out and turn around to see if louise is coming yet. I turn and shes still standing there at the other side of the puddle so i try to give her a bit of encourage "come on, youll make it" i yelled, so i count her down 3...2...1 and with even taking a step back or a run of or anything she had what i would call taken the worst leap of faith ive ever seen and she landed just couple of inches from where she had began right in the middle of the puddle and ohhh poor Louise remember she was only wearing pumps well one had come off on impact so she is now standing in the puddle in one shoe and one white ankle sock. "OH NO MY SHOE, LOOK AT MY SOCK!!" lifting her one white socked foot out of the puddle to show me she had lost her shoe, although i could see it floating in the middle of the puddle. She picked up her shoe and just walked through the rest of the puddle with it in hand and in her bare white sock and pump on the other foot until she reached the edge of the puddle where i was standing and her socks were absolutely soaking and she lifted it up to look at the bottom of her foot and the sole of her lovely white sock was now coated a thick brown from the mud she walked through in the middle of the puddle.

THEN, she put her shoe back on but because i wouldnt stop laughing she tried to kick the water on me a couple of times, well something like the 3rd she did it her shoe come flying right off her foot and landed on the school roof and there was no way to get it back. So louise though she would take off her other shoe and put it in the bin and go to the office and see if the school would let her go home, but they didnt so she had to stay at school for the rest of the day in just her socks which were just getting absolutely soaked and filthy. So i met up and walked home with Louise at home time and she had to walk all the home in the pouring rain in her already soaking wet white ankle socks. Poor Louise!

Afterwards, Louise contracted TB, spent months in an iron lung then died. FIN


UKChat Newbie
Aug 31, 2019
Reaction score

come on everyone i want to hear your sock stories just like this one for nothing more than a little bit of fun and a laugh:

So this happened back when i was in 3rd at school.

So this one day it was raining and i mean it was raining super heavy all morning. The playground at my school was square and was aptly named the quad, but it certainly wasnt flat it was like the top end of the was slightly more elevated than the bottom end and of course this made a slight hill and sort of dip in the playground, of course whenever it rained this slight dip would cause the water to gather in the dip and create a large puddle in the middle of the playground.

Well it was morning break and as i say it had been raining really heavily all morning and what has gathered in the middle of the playground but an absolute monster of puddle spanning the length of the whole playground.

So its break time and i walk out the double doors to go into the quad and just a couple of steps in front of me i see my friend Louise (wearing her black school jacket, a school skirt and on her feet were black pumps and white ankle socks). So i go over to her and she tells me her next class is in the building on the other side of this monster puddle but of course the only way to get to the other side was to take a leap of faith and hope you make it. Louise of course didnt want to do this jump on her own so she very nicely asked if i would mind getting her to her next class so i kindly accepted."You go first!" she exclaimed, "you go first and i'll go next a couple of minutes after you." So i take a couple of steps back, run up and jump, but unfortunately left foot landed right in the puddle just a couple of inches from the edge but it was still kinda deep and my left sock had now gotten wet. I am close enough to the edge so i can just take a step out and turn around to see if louise is coming yet. I turn and shes still standing there at the other side of the puddle so i try to give her a bit of encourage "come on, youll make it" i yelled, so i count her down 3...2...1 and with even taking a step back or a run of or anything she had what i would call taken the worst leap of faith ive ever seen and she landed just couple of inches from where she had began right in the middle of the puddle and ohhh poor Louise remember she was only wearing pumps well one had come off on impact so she is now standing in the puddle in one shoe and one white ankle sock. "OH NO MY SHOE, LOOK AT MY SOCK!!" lifting her one white socked foot out of the puddle to show me she had lost her shoe, although i could see it floating in the middle of the puddle. She picked up her shoe and just walked through the rest of the puddle with it in hand and in her bare white sock and pump on the other foot until she reached the edge of the puddle where i was standing and her socks were absolutely soaking and she lifted it up to look at the bottom of her foot and the sole of her lovely white sock was now coated a thick brown from the mud she walked through in the middle of the puddle.

THEN, she put her shoe back on but because i wouldnt stop laughing she tried to kick the water on me a couple of times, well something like the 3rd she did it her shoe come flying right off her foot and landed on the school roof and there was no way to get it back. So louise though she would take off her other shoe and put it in the bin and go to the office and see if the school would let her go home, but they didnt so she had to stay at school for the rest of the day in just her socks which were just getting absolutely soaked and filthy. So i met up and walked home with Louise at home time and she had to walk all the home in the pouring rain in her already soaking wet white ankle socks. Poor Louise!


ok every time I wash socks , somehow they never pair up at the end of the process


UKChat Expert
Jul 29, 2019
Reaction score
come on everyone i want to hear your sock stories just like this one for nothing more than a little bit of fun and a laugh:

So this happened back when i was in 3rd at school.

So this one day it was raining and i mean it was raining super heavy all morning. The playground at my school was square and was aptly named the quad, but it certainly wasnt flat it was like the top end of the was slightly more elevated than the bottom end and of course this made a slight hill and sort of dip in the playground, of course whenever it rained this slight dip would cause the water to gather in the dip and create a large puddle in the middle of the playground.

Well it was morning break and as i say it had been raining really heavily all morning and what has gathered in the middle of the playground but an absolute monster of puddle spanning the length of the whole playground.

So its break time and i walk out the double doors to go into the quad and just a couple of steps in front of me i see my friend Louise (wearing her black school jacket, a school skirt and on her feet were black pumps and white ankle socks). So i go over to her and she tells me her next class is in the building on the other side of this monster puddle but of course the only way to get to the other side was to take a leap of faith and hope you make it. Louise of course didnt want to do this jump on her own so she very nicely asked if i would mind getting her to her next class so i kindly accepted."You go first!" she exclaimed, "you go first and i'll go next a couple of minutes after you." So i take a couple of steps back, run up and jump, but unfortunately left foot landed right in the puddle just a couple of inches from the edge but it was still kinda deep and my left sock had now gotten wet. I am close enough to the edge so i can just take a step out and turn around to see if louise is coming yet. I turn and shes still standing there at the other side of the puddle so i try to give her a bit of encourage "come on, youll make it" i yelled, so i count her down 3...2...1 and with even taking a step back or a run of or anything she had what i would call taken the worst leap of faith ive ever seen and she landed just couple of inches from where she had began right in the middle of the puddle and ohhh poor Louise remember she was only wearing pumps well one had come off on impact so she is now standing in the puddle in one shoe and one white ankle sock. "OH NO MY SHOE, LOOK AT MY SOCK!!" lifting her one white socked foot out of the puddle to show me she had lost her shoe, although i could see it floating in the middle of the puddle. She picked up her shoe and just walked through the rest of the puddle with it in hand and in her bare white sock and pump on the other foot until she reached the edge of the puddle where i was standing and her socks were absolutely soaking and she lifted it up to look at the bottom of her foot and the sole of her lovely white sock was now coated a thick brown from the mud she walked through in the middle of the puddle.

THEN, she put her shoe back on but because i wouldnt stop laughing she tried to kick the water on me a couple of times, well something like the 3rd she did it her shoe come flying right off her foot and landed on the school roof and there was no way to get it back. So louise though she would take off her other shoe and put it in the bin and go to the office and see if the school would let her go home, but they didnt so she had to stay at school for the rest of the day in just her socks which were just getting absolutely soaked and filthy. So i met up and walked home with Louise at home time and she had to walk all the home in the pouring rain in her already soaking wet white ankle socks. Poor Louise!

Am I the only one who lost the will to live after the first sentence ???

# NeedsMoreToleranceo_Oo_O