Right-wing driven myth that the BBC is "left" wing.


UKChat Celebrity
Aug 12, 2018
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Be very careful out there guys, they set cunning traps, lots of them, look where you are walking and tread carefully.

If it looks suspicious walk the long way around it.

If it makes a loud grunty noise like a bear then it is probably a bear so don't bother running because bears can outrun a human, bears also climb trees so that won't work either.

Love the feet, great choice of nail colour too. Bet they get attention from Paranoia Princess.

One of mine, in solidarity!



Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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Thanks for the much-needed support, comrade. I was bubbling away here like Andrew Neil when he realiZed his autocue on GB News was f*cked.

Princess Paranoia did leave a post on this thread but removed it. Feet obviously bother her and which is why she made a whole new thread about my particular feet on my own avatar.

I also know Princess Paranoia so well that I know she has saved both sets of feet I posted on this rainy Saturday morning and is now dilligently studying them to ascertain if, in fact, they are the same set of feet or two different sets of teeth, I mean feet.

I hope she reports her findings soon.


Thanks for the much-needed support, comrade. I was bubbling away here like Andrew Neil when he realiZed his autocue on GB News was f*cked.

Princess Paranoia did leave a post on this thread but removed it. Feet obviously bother her and which is why she made a whole new thread about my particular feet on my own avatar.

I also know Princess Paranoia so well that I know she has saved both sets of feet I posted on this rainy Saturday morning and is now dilligently studying them to ascertain if, in fact, they are the same set of feet or two different sets of teeth, I mean feet.

I hope she reports her findings soon.
Lol - I must have been busy as all I saw were the feet you now have as your avatar.

And no, I am not keeping any pics of your feet on my pc - I don't want my PC to reek of dirty feet :rolleyes:

I removed the post because I didn't want you to say that I was disrupting your thread, , hence I started a thread of my own on feet lol .

It's sunny here btw - PC says it's 22°c but God only knows where that is (Ip address rarely correspond to my location)

I think it's even warmer here :)

Just checked my phone - it says 26° c and sunny :)


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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What an interesting Labour Conference it has been.

The gerrymandering that saved ‘acting’ general secretary David Evans bacon displaying publicly the Labour rights disdain for party democracy. Educating sections of society who might have been unaware of what these rodents have been up to for the past 18 months.

Sir Keir QC brazenly renegading on yet another leadership pledge. This time public ownership of public utilities and yet another own goal and schoolboy error by the awfully nice but dim Starmer as the winter rapidly approaches and gas and electricity prices continue to rocket and more utility companies go bust.

A front runner to be the next Labour leader Angela Raynor describing the tories as "scum". Deliberately timed to remind Sir Keir it isn't all about him and his perfectly manicured hair. The establishment gasping in rage and in horror and all while it tolerates the racist and sexist drivel that spews from Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.


Dance with me until the sun rises!
Apr 13, 2021
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The irony of these people constantly whining now,

Do it all you like but you caused it. You caused it voting tory. You and those just like you are responsible and no one else. Own it!

You got the society YOU voted for when you voted tory and as a direct consequence, actions always have consequences, the society YOU deserve and what else did you expect anyway.

Fluffy bunnies and pink unicorns.

Austerity and cuts were always only ever going to lead in one direction as they always do under a tory regime.

Did it not even enter your mind that savage cuts to services and grants to the charity sector were ALWAYS going to have a detrimental effect throughout society as a whole and that those same services have been slashed to the bone and thousands of charities have also closed.

So do us all a big favour, do f*ck off with your incessant whining now.